972 resultados para Small-strain Consolidation
Zinc oxide films with c-axis preferred orientation were deposited on silicon (100) substrates by radio frequency (RF) reactive sputtering. The properties of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and fluorescent-spectrophotometer. The effect of sputtering power and substrate temperature on the structural and photoluminescent (PL) properties of the ZnO films was investigated. The results indicated that when the sputtering power is 100 W and the substrate temperature is 300-400 degrees C, it is suitable for the growth of high c-axis orientation and small strain ZnO films. A violet peak at about 380 nm and a blue band at about 430 nm were observed in the room temperature photoluminescence spectra, and the origin of blue emission was investigated.
Based on field survey, laboratory testing and numerical modeling, engineering characteristics of undisturbed loess and the mechanism of long-runout loess landslides caused by underground water level rise, as well as the formation conditions and spatial distribution of landslides, are systematically studied and analyzed. Loess landslides at south Plateau of Jingyang County are mainly classified as flowslide, slide and fall. Flowslide is the main type characteristic of high velocity, long runout and multi-stages. The steep relief composed of loose structured loess-old aged soil serials and the rise of groundwater table are the predominant conditions for landslides in the study area. To study loess mechanic poperties and loess landslides mechanisims, isotropically and anisotropically consolidated undrained compression(ICU and ACU) tests and constant-deviator-drained compression (CQD) tests were carried out on undisturbed samples. The results of undrained compression tests performed at the in-situ stress level show that the soils are of consistently strain-softening in the stress-strain relations and cause high excess pore pressure. The steady-state line and the potential region of instability are obtained from ICU and ACU test results. A necessary condition for liquefaction is that the soil state initially lies in or is brought into the potential instability region. In addition, a strong strain-softening model is also formed. CQD tests demonstrate that the mobilized friction angle is far less than the steady-state angle and that the soil experiences undrained contractive failure suddenly at very small strains when its stress path during drained loading tries to cross the potential instability region,thus validates the proposed instability region. Based on the location of the region of potential instability and the stress state of slope soil, a method of static liquefaction analysis is proposed for loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table. Compared with other liquefaction analysis methods, this method overcomes the limitations inherent in conventional slope stability method and undrained brittleness index method. Triaxial tests composed of constant water content (CW) and wetting tests at constant deviator stress are performed on undisturbed unsaturated samples. The stress-strain relation of CW tests takes on strain-hardening behavior; The results of wetting tests at constant deviator stress designed to study the mechanics of failure of unsaturated loess caused by an increase in the degree of saturation (wetting) shows that a contractive failure occurs in the undisturbed samples. On the basis of the above triaxial test results, the initiation of static liquefaction is presented for long-runout loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table, that is, the loess slope soil gradually transfer from unsaturated to saturated state under the infiltration of irrigation. A contractive failure occurs in the local region at very small strain by increasing the pore-water pressure at constant deviator stresses under drained conditons. It is the contractive failrue resulting from rise of pore pressure that leads to high excess pore pressure in the neighbour soil which reduces shear resistance of soil. The neighbour soils also fail due to the rapid increase in pore-water pressure. Thus a connected failure surface is developed quickly and a flowslide occurs. Based on the saturated-unsaturated seepage theory, transient seepage is computed using the finite element method on loess slope under groundwater table rise. Pore-water pressure distribution for every time step after irrigation are obtained. The phreatic surface in the slope increases with the groundwater table. Pore-water pressure distribution within 8m above the phreatic surface changes very quickly,but the water content and pore water pressure in the region ranging from 8m above the phreatic surface up to ground surface is almost not affected and the matric suction usually is kept at 100~120 kPa. Based on the results of laboratory tests and seepage flow analysis, the development process of loess landslide is modeled considering groundwater table rise. The shearing plastic zone first occurs at the slope toe where the soil is soaked for long term during rise in groundwater table. As irrigation continues, the shearing plastic zone gradually extends to the interior soils, with the results that the tensile plastic zone occurs at the slope crown. As time goes on, both the shearing plastic zone and tensile plastic zone continue to extend. Then a connected plastic zone is formed and fowslide occurs. In comparision to laboratory test results, the results of numerical simulation quite well verify the presented mechanism of static liquefaction of long-runout loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table.
While a significant number of geotechnical structures are subjected to static loading, many, such as avement subgrade, also are subjected to cyclic or dynamic loading. While the performance of saturated soils under repeated, cyclic or dynamic loading conditions is still a topic of research, similar interests are growing when the soilcondition is unsaturated. This paper examines the performance of unsaturated soils under repeated loading. As part of the research, a triaxial system was developed which incorporates small strain measurements using Hall-effect transducers, in addition to suction measurements taken using a psychrometer. Tests were conducted on samples of kaolin under constant water mass conditions. The results address the effects of compaction effort and water content at the time of compaction on the overall performance of unsaturated soils, under different amplitudes of loading and different confining pressures. The results show that suction in the sample reduced with increasing number of loading cycles of the same magnitude. The resilient modulus initially increased with increasing water content up to approximately optimum water content, and substantially reduced with further increase in water content. Key Words: suction, resilient modulus, subgrade, repeated loading, small strain measurements, compaction.
This paper examines the performance of unsaturated soils under repeated loading. As part of the research, a triaxial system was developed that incorporates small-strain measurements using Hall effect transducers, in addition to suction measurements taken using a psychrometer. Tests were conducted on samples of kaolin under constant water mass conditions. The results address the effects of compaction effort and water content at the time of compaction on the overall performance of unsaturated soils, under different amplitudes of loading and different confining pressures. The results show that suction in the sample reduced with increasing number of loading cycles of the same magnitude. The resilient modulus initially increased with increasing water content up to approximately optimum water content, and then reduced substantially with further increase in water content.
The three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation method has been used to study the dynamic responses of an electrorheological (ER) fluid in oscillatory shear. The structure and related viscoelastic behaviour of the fluid are found to be sensitive to the amplitude of the strain. With the increase of the strain amplitude, the structure formed by the particles changes from isolated columns to sheet-like structures which may be perpendicular or parallel to the oscillating direction. Along with the structure evolution, the field-induced moduli decrease significantly with an increase in strain amplitude. The viscoelastic behaviour of the structures obtained in the cases of different strain amplitudes was examined in the linear response regime and an evident structure dependence of the moduli was found. The reason for this lies in the anisotropy of the arrangement of the particles in these structures. Short-range interactions between the particles cannot be neglected in determining the viscoelastic behaviour of ER fluids at small strain amplitude, especially for parallel sheets. The simulation results were compared with available experimental data and good agreement was reached for most of them.
The influence of shear fields on water-based systems was investigated within this thesis. The non-linear rheological behaviour of spherical and rod-like particles was examined with Fourier-Transform rheology under LAOS conditions. As a model system for spherical particles two different kinds of polystyrene dispersions, with a solid content higher than 0.3 each, were synthesised within this work. Due to the differences in polydispersity and Debye-length, differences were also found in the rheology. In the FT-rheology both kinds of dispersions showed a similar rise in the intensities of the magnitudes of the odd higher harmonics, which were predicted by a model. The in some cases additionally appearing second harmonics were not predicted. A novel method to analyse the time domain signal was developed, that splits the time domain signal up in four characteristic functions. Those characteristic functions correspond to rheological phenomena. In some cases the intensities of the Fourier components can interfere negatively. FD-virus particles were used as a rod-like model system, which already shows a highly non-linear behaviour at concentrations below 1. % wt. Predictions for the dependence of the higher harmonics from the strain amplitude described the non-linear behaviour well at large, but no so good at small strain amplitudes. Additionally the trends of the rheological behaviour could be described by a theory for rod-like particles. An existing rheo-optical set-up was enhanced by reducing the background birefringence by a factor of 20 and by increasing the time resolution by a factor of 24. Additionally a combination of FT-rheology and rheo-optics was achieved. The influence of a constant shear field on the crystallisation process of zinc oxide in the presence of a polymer was examined. The crystallites showed a reduction in length by a factor of 2. The directed addition of polymers in combination with a defined shear field can be an easy way for a defined change of the form of crystallites.
La presente tesi ha riguardato lo studio numerico con un modello 3D dell' interazione tra lo scavo di una galleria urbana e un edificio esistente in muratura, la Stazione di Ferrara Porta Reno (risalente ai primi del '900). A tale scopo è stato utilizzato il programma di calcolo agli elementi finiti Plaxis 3D. Nello studio numerico, per il terreno è stato adottato un modello costitutivo avanzato elasto-plastico con incrudimento isotropo, l’Hardening soil model with small strain stiffness, mentre per la muratura e stato utilizzato il criterio di Mohr-Coulomb. Inoltre, lo scavo della galleria è stato simulato con una procedura per passi, tenendo in conto i principali aspetti del processo. La subsidenza in superficie è stata controllata applicando una contrazione fittizia lungo lo scudo. E’ stata svolta un'analisi numerica in condizione di campo libero, ossia in assenza di strutture, al fine di valutare i movimenti del terreno indotti dal processo di scavo; successivamente sono state eseguite diverse analisi accoppiate, in condizioni di simmetria e con eccentricità della costruzione rispetto all'asse della galleria, per studiare il complesso fenomeno di interazione galleria-terreno-struttura. I risultati di tali analisi accoppiate sono stati utilizzati per effettuare una stima del livello di danno atteso per l'edificio. Le analisi numeriche condotte hanno messo in luce, confermando quanto già noto in letteratura, che la presenza di un edificio a piano campagna interagente con l’opera di scavo modifica la forma del profilo dei cedimenti relativa alle condizioni di campo libero. Tale modifica, che dipende dalle specifiche caratteristiche di rigidezza e peso della struttura presa in esame, generalmente si traduce in una riduzione del cedimento differenziale che può influenzare in modo significativo la stima del danno sull’edificio. Ciò è tanto più evidente, quanto maggiore è la perdita di volume indotta dallo scavo della galleria.
La tesi ha natura sperimentale ed è mirata alla valutazione, attraverso l’uso di un programma agli elementi finiti tridimensionale, dell’interazione tra lo scavo del pozzo di introduzione scudi e le Mura Aureliane adiacenti a Porta Asinaria, a Roma. La prima parte della tesi si è concentrata sulla caratterizzazione geotecnica, a partire dai dati ricavati dalle campagne d’indagine eseguite nel tempo. Una volta effettuata la caratterizzazione geotecnica si è passati alla calibrazione del modello costitutivo per il terreno; si è scelto di adottare un legame costitutivo elasto-plastico incrudente, l’Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness. Si è quindi passati alla definizione geometrica e dei materiali, utilizzando i rilievi strutturali e topografici, e alla conseguente definizione dei parametri del modello costitutivo adottato per la muratura e per il nucleo interno. In questo caso è stato adottato il modello di Mohr-Coulomb. La geometria globale è stata infine importata dal programma di calcolo PLAXIS 3D a partire da un modello tridimensionale realizzato con il programma Autocad Civil 3D. L'analisi agli elementi finiti ha valutato la realizzazione di diverse configurazioni possibili riguardanti la modellazione del pozzo e di eventuali opere di mitigazione degli effetti, quali lo sbancamento a tergo delle Mura e il successivo rinterro, a scavo ultimato. Si è inoltre analizzata l’influenza provocata da un possibile degrado della muratura. In ultimo sono stati analizzati e commentati i risultati di ciascun’analisi eseguita, in termini di stati deformativi e tensionali, ponendo l’attenzione sulle differenze di comportamento rilevate nelle diverse configurazioni adottate.
Osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures represent a major health problem in elderly populations. Such fractures can often only be diagnosed after a substantial deformation history of the vertebral body. Therefore, it remains a challenge for clinicians to distinguish between stable and progressive potentially harmful fractures. Accordingly, novel criteria for selection of the appropriate conservative or surgical treatment are urgently needed. Computer tomography-based finite element analysis is an increasingly accepted method to predict the quasi-static vertebral strength and to follow up this small strain property longitudinally in time. A recent development in constitutive modeling allows us to simulate strain localization and densification in trabecular bone under large compressive strains without mesh dependence. The aim of this work was to validate this recently developed constitutive model of trabecular bone for the prediction of strain localization and densification in the human vertebral body subjected to large compressive deformation. A custom-made stepwise loading device mounted in a high resolution peripheral computer tomography system was used to describe the progressive collapse of 13 human vertebrae under axial compression. Continuum finite element analyses of the 13 compression tests were realized and the zones of high volumetric strain were compared with the experiments. A fair qualitative correspondence of the strain localization zone between the experiment and finite element analysis was achieved in 9 out of 13 tests and significant correlations of the volumetric strains were obtained throughout the range of applied axial compression. Interestingly, the stepwise propagating localization zones in trabecular bone converged to the buckling locations in the cortical shell. While the adopted continuum finite element approach still suffers from several limitations, these encouraging preliminary results towardsthe prediction of extended vertebral collapse may help in assessing fracture stability in future work.
The method reported in the literature to calculate the stress–strain curve of nuclear fuel cladding from ring tensile test is revisited in this paper and a new alternative is presented. In the former method, two universal curves are introduced under the assumption of small strain. In this paper it is shown that these curves are not universal, but material-dependent if geometric nonlinearity is taken into account. The new method is valid beyond small strains, takes geometric nonlinearity into consideration and does not need universal curves. The stress–strain curves in the hoop direction are determined by combining numerical calculations with experimental results in a convergent loop. To this end, ring tensile tests were performed in unirradiated hydrogen-charged samples. The agreement among the simulations and the experimental results is excellent for the range of concentrations tested (up to 2000 wppm hydrogen). The calculated stress–strain curves show that the mechanical properties do not depend strongly on the hydrogen concentration, and that no noticeable strain hardening occurs. However, ductility decreases with the hydrogen concentration, especially beyond 500 wppm hydrogen. The fractographic results indicate that as-received samples fail in a ductile fashion, whereas quasicleavage is bserved in the hydrogen-charged samples.
Soy protein isolate is typical vegetable protein with health-enhancing activities. Inulin, a prebiotic no digestible carbohydrate, has functional properties. A mashed potato serving of 200 g with added soy protein isolate and inulin concentrations of 15?60 g kg provides from 3 to 12 g of soy protein isolate and/or inulin, respectively. Currently, no information is available about the possible texture-modifying effect of this non-ionizable polar carbohydrate in different soy-based food systems. In this study, the effect of the addition of soy protein isolate and inulin blends at different soy protein isolate: inulin ratios on the degree of inulin polymerization and the rheological and structural properties of fresh mashed and frozen/thawed mashed potatoes were evaluated. The inulin chemical structure remained intact throughout the various treatments, and soy protein isolate did not affect inulin composition being a protein compatible with this fructan. Small-strain rheology showed that both ingredients behaved like soft fillers. In the frozen/thawed mashed potatoes samples,0 addition of 30 : 30 and 15 : 60 blend ratios significantly increased elasticity (G value) compared with 0 : 0 control, consequently reducing the freeze/thaw stability conferred by the cryoprotectants. Inulin crystallites caused a significant strengthening effect on soy protein isolate gel. Micrographs revealed that soy protein isolate supports the inulin structure by building up a second fine-stranded network. Thereby, possibility of using soy protein isolate and inulin in combination with mashed potatoes to provide a highly nutritious and healthy product is promising.
This paper presents a three dimensional, thermos-mechanical modelling approach to the cooling and solidification phases associated with the shape casting of metals ei. Die, sand and investment casting. Novel vortex-based Finite Volume (FV) methods are described and employed with regard to the small strain, non-linear Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) capabilities required to model shape casting. The CSM capabilities include the non-linear material phenomena of creep and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at high temperatures and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at low temperatures and also multi body deformable contact with which can occur between the metal casting of the mould. The vortex-based FV methods, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes, are included within a comprehensive FV modelling framework, PHYSICA. The additional heat transfer, by conduction and convection, filling, porosity and solidification algorithms existing within PHYSICA for the complete modelling of all shape casting process employ cell-centred FV methods. The termo-mechanical coupling is performed in a staggered incremental fashion, which addresses the possible gap formation between the component and the mould, and is ultimately validated against a variety of shape casting benchmarks.
Soil particle loss can result in strength and volume reductions which are difficult to predict. This paper investigates the influence of the removal of fractions of selected particle sizes under different confining pressures. The mass loss process was reproduced by the dissolution of selected salt particle sizes and fractions from uniform Leighton Buzzard sand. The dissolution tests were performed in a triaxial cell customised to allow circulation of pore-fluid thereby allowing the dissolution/removal of the salt fraction. Test results from previously conducted oedometric dissolution tests and subsequent triaxial dissolution tests all show increases in void ratio. From the triaxial tests, a reduction in shear strength with increasing ductility was observed. Volumetric and strength behaviour were found to be related to the particle size and fraction material removed while shear-wave measurements obtained pre- and post-particle removal indicate significant changes in small-strain stiffness.
Besides the elastic stiffness, the relaxation behavior of single living cells is also of interest of various researchers when studying cell mechanics. It is hypothesized that the relaxation response of the cells is governed by both intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid phase and fluid-solid interactions mechanisms. There are a number of mechanical models have been developed to investigate the relaxation behavior of single cells. However, there is lack of model enable to accurately capture both of the mechanisms. Therefore, in this study, the porohyperelastic (PHE) model, which is an extension of the consolidation theory, combined with inverse Finite Element Analysis (FEA) technique was used at the first time to investigate the relaxation response of living chondrocytes. This model was also utilized to study the dependence of relaxation behavior of the cells on strain-rates. The stress-relaxation experiments under the various strain-rates were conducted with the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The results have demonstrated that the PHE model could effectively capture the stress-relaxation behavior of the living chondrocytes, especially at intermediate to high strain-rates. Although this model gave some errors at lower strain-rates, its performance was acceptable. Therefore, the PHE model is properly a promising model for single cell mechanics studies. Moreover, it has been found that the hydraulic permeability of living chondrocytes reduced with decreasing of strain-rates. It might be due to the intracellular fluid volume fraction and the fluid pore pressure gradients of chondrocytes were higher when higher strain-rates applied.