978 resultados para Slot antenna arrays


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 78A50


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It is shown that the direction-of-arrival (DoA) information carried by an incident electromagnetic (EM) wave can be encoded into the evanescent near field of an electrically small resonance antenna array with a spatial rate higher than that of the incident field oscillation rate in free space. Phase conjugation of the received signal leads to the retrodirection of the near field in the antenna array environment, which in turn generates a retrodirected far-field beam toward the original DoA. This EM phenomenon enables electrically small retrodirective antenna arrays with superdirective, angular super-resolution, auto-pointing properties for an arbitrary DoA. A theoretical explanation of the phenomenon based on first principal observations is given and full-wave simulations demonstrate a realizability route for the proposed retrodirective terminal that is comprised of resonance dipole antenna elements. Specifically, it is shown that a three-element disk-loaded retrodirective dipole array with 0.15\lambda spacings can achieve a 3.4-dBi maximal gain, 3-dBi front-to-back ratio, and 13% return loss fractional bandwidth (at the 10-dB level). Then, it is demonstrated that the radiation gain of a three-element array can be improved to approximately 6 dBi at the expense of the return loss fractional bandwidth reduction (2%).


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The radiation resistance of off-set series slots has been calculated for microstrip lines using the method proposed by Breithaupt for strip lines. A suitable transformation is made to allow for the difference in structure. Curves relating the slot resistance to the microstrip length, width and off-set distance have been obtained. Microstrip slot antenna arrays are becoming important in applications where size and weight are of significance. The radiation resistance is a very significant parameter is the design of such arrays. Oliner first calculated the radiation conductance of centered series slots in strip transmission lines and that analysis was extended by Breithaupt to the off-set series slots in stripline. The radiation resistance of off-set series slots in microstrip lines is calculated in this paper and data are obtained for different slot lengths, slot widths and off-set values. An example of the use of these data in array antenna design in shown.


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For the past sixty years, waveguide slot radiator arrays have played a critical role in microwave radar and communication systems. They feature a well-characterized antenna element capable of direct integration into a low-loss feed structure with highly developed and inexpensive manufacturing processes. Waveguide slot radiators comprise some of the highest performance—in terms of side-lobe-level, efficiency, etc. — antenna arrays ever constructed. A wealth of information is available in the open literature regarding design procedures for linearly polarized waveguide slots. By contrast, despite their presence in some of the earliest published reports, little has been presented to date on array designs for circularly polarized (CP) waveguide slots. Moreover, that which has been presented features a classic traveling wave, efficiency-reducing beam tilt. This work proposes a unique CP waveguide slot architecture which mitigates these problems and a thorough design procedure employing widely available, modern computational tools. The proposed array topology features simultaneous dual-CP operation with grating-lobe-free, broadside radiation, high aperture efficiency, and good return loss. A traditional X-Slot CP element is employed with the inclusion of a slow wave structure passive phase shifter to ensure broadside radiation without the need for performance-limiting dielectric loading. It is anticipated this technology will be advantageous for upcoming polarimetric radar and Ka-band SatCom systems. The presented design methodology represents a philosophical shift away from traditional waveguide slot radiator design practices. Rather than providing design curves and/or analytical expressions for equivalent circuit models, simple first-order design rules – generated via parametric studies — are presented with the understanding that device optimization and design will be carried out computationally. A unit-cell, S-parameter based approach provides a sufficient reduction of complexity to permit efficient, accurate device design with attention to realistic, application-specific mechanical tolerances. A transparent, start-to-finish example of the design procedure for a linear sub-array at X-Band is presented. Both unit cell and array performance is calculated via finite element method simulations. Results are confirmed via good agreement with finite difference, time domain calculations. Array performance exhibiting grating-lobe-free, broadside-scanned, dual-CP radiation with better than 20 dB return loss and over 75% aperture efficiency is presented.


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Small element spacing in compact arrays results in strong mutual coupling between the array elements. A decoupling network consisting of reactive cross-coupling elements can alleviate problems associated with the coupling. Closed-form design equations for the decoupling networks of symmetrical arrays with two or three elements are presented.


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An alternative approach to port decoupling and matching of arrays with tightly coupled elements is proposed. The method is based on the inherent decoupling effect obtained by feeding the orthogonal eigenmodes of the array. For this purpose, a modal feed network is connected to the array. The decoupled external ports of the feed network may then be matched independently by using conventional matching circuits. Such a system may be used in digital beam forming applications with good signal-to-noise performance. The theory is applicable to arrays with an arbitrary number of elements, but implementation is only practical for smaller arrays. The principle is illustrated by means of two examples.


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Reduced element spacing in antenna arrays gives rise to strong mutual coupling between array elements and may cause significant performance degradation. These effects can be alleviated by introducing a decoupling network consisting of interconnected reactive elements. The existing design approach for the synthesis of a decoupling network for circulant symmetric arrays allows calculation of element values using closed-form expressions, but the resulting circuit configuration requires multilayer technology for implementation. In this paper, a new structure for the decoupling of circulant symmetric arrays of more than four elements is presented. Element values are no longer obtained in closed form, but the resulting circuit is much simpler and can be implemented on a single layer.


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A 2-element elliptical patch antenna array with a bi-directional radiation pattern has been developed for ultra wideband indoor wireless communications. The array is constructed by means of feeding two omni-directional elliptical patch elements with a 3-section hybrid power divider. Experimental results show that the array has a stable radiation pattern and low return loss over a broad bandwidth of 64% (3.1 - 6 GHz).


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Smart antenna receiver and transmitter systems consist of multi-port arrays with an individual receiver channel (including ADC) and an individual transmitter channel (including DAC)at every of the M antenna ports, respectively. By means of digital beamforming, an unlimited number of simultaneous complex-valued vector radiation patterns with M-1 degrees of freedom can be formed. Applications of smart antennas in communication systems include space-division multiple access. If both stations of a communication link are equipped with smart antennas (multiple-input-multiple-output, MIMO). multiple independent channels can be formed in a "multi-path-rich" environment. In this article, it will be shown that under certain circumstances, the correlation between signals from adjacent ports of a dense array (M + ΔM elements) can be kept as low as the correlation between signals from adjacent ports of a conventional array (M elements and half-wavelength pacing). This attractive feature is attained by means of a novel approach which employs a RF decoupling network at the array ports in order to form new ports which are decoupled and associated with mutually orthogonal (de-correlated) radiation patterns.


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In this paper, we verify a new phase conjugating architecture suitable for deployment as (lie core building block in retrodirective antenna arrays, which can be scaled to any number of elements in a modular way without impacting on complexity. Our solution is based on a modified in-phase and quadrature modulator architecture, which completely resolves four major shortcomings of the conventional mixer-based approach currently used for the synthesis of phase conjugated energy derived from a sampled incoming wavefront. 1) The architecture presented removes the need for a local oscillator running at twice the RF signal frequency to be conjugated. 2) It maintains a constant transmit power even if receive power goes as low as -120 dBm. 3) All unwanted re-transmit signal products are suppressed by at least 40 dB. 4) The issue of poor RF-IF leakage prevalent in mixer-based phase-conjugation solutions is completely mitigated. The circuit has also been shown to have high conjugation accuracy (better than +/-1 degrees at -60-dBm input). Near theoretically perfect experimental monostatic and bistatic results are presented for a ten-element retrodirective array constructed using the new phase conjugation architecture.


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At large elevation angles away from boresight the performance of planar phased antenna arrays for circularly polarized, CP, signals suffers from significant gain reduction, worsening of the circular polarization purity, increased pointing error and unwanted dominantly specular lobe radiation. The mechanisms governing this performance deterioration and suggestions for possible rectification are for the first time elaborated in this paper. The points raised in this paper are important when CP retrodirective arrays are to be deployed in self-tracking satellite and terrestrial communication systems mounted on mobile platforms.


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Wireless communications are widely used for various applications, requiring antennas with different features. Often, to achieve the desired radiation pattern, is necessary to employ antenna arrays, using non-uniform excitation on its elements. Power dividers can be used and the best known are the T-junction and the Wilkinson power divider, whose main advantage is the isolation between output ports. In this paper the impact of this isolation on the overall performance of a circularly polarized planar antenna array using non-uniform excitation is investigated. Results show a huge decrease of the array bandwidths either in terms of return loss or in polarization, without resistors. © 2014 IEEE.


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Two three-clement polarisation-agile active microstrip patch arrays have been developed . The radiating elements are square patches each with two transistors mounted on adjacent edges. The patches radiate orthogonal modes , the relative phase of which can be varied. Radiation patterns show good agreement with predictions from theory, in both linear and circular polarization, and no grating lobes were observed