970 resultados para Slopes.
In Sehoul, Morocco, the use of marginal land for agriculture became a necessity for the local population due to increased poverty and the occupation of the best land by new owners. Desertification poses an additional threat to agricultural production on marginal slopes, which are often stony and degraded. In a participatory process embedded in the EU DESIRE research project, potential sustainable land management measures were selected to address land degradation and desertification. Promising experiences with no-tillage practices elsewhere in Morocco had motivated the Moroccan government to promote conservation agriculture throughout the country. This combination of crop rotation, minimal soil disturbance and soil cover maintenance, however, had not yet been tested on sloping degraded land. Field trials of grazing enclosure combined with no or minimum tillage were conducted on the plots of two farmers, and trial results were analyzed based on stakeholders’ criteria. Results suggest that increased soil cover with barley residues improved rainwater use efficiency and yields only slightly, although soil water was generally enhanced. Soil moisture measurements revealed that no-tillage was favorable mainly at soil depths of 5 cm and in connection with low-rainfall events (<20 mm); under these circumstances, moisture content was generally higher under no-tillage than under conventional tillage. Moreover, stakeholder discussion confirmed that farmers in Sehoul remain primarily interested in animal husbandry and are reluctant to change the current grazing system. Implementation of conservation agriculture is thus challenged both by the degraded, sloping and stony nature of the land, and by the socio-economic circumstances in Sehoul.
Computer model simulation of alveolar phase III slopes: Implications for tidal single-breath washout
Aims. We study the link between gravitational slopes and the surface morphology on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and provide constraints on the mechanical properties of the cometary material (tensile, shear, and compressive strengths). Methods. We computed the gravitational slopes for five regions on the nucleus that are representative of the different morphologies observed on the surface (Imhotep, Ash, Seth, Hathor, and Agilkia), using two shape models computed from OSIRIS images by the stereo-photoclinometry (SPC) and stereo-photogrammetry (SPG) techniques. We estimated the tensile, shear, and compressive strengths using different surface morphologies (overhangs, collapsed structures, boulders, cliffs, and Philae's footprint) and mechanical considerations. Results. The different regions show a similar general pattern in terms of the relation between gravitational slopes and terrain morphology: i) low-slope terrains (0-20 degrees) are covered by a fine material and contain a few large (>10 m) and isolated boulders; ii) intermediate-slope terrains (20-45 degrees) are mainly fallen consolidated materials and debris fields, with numerous intermediate-size boulders from <1m to 10m for the majority of them; and iii) high-slope terrains (45-90 degrees) are cliffs that expose a consolidated material and do not show boulders or fine materials. The best range for the tensile strength of overhangs is 3-15 Pa (upper limit of 150 Pa), 4-30 Pa for the shear strength of fine surface materials and boulders, and 30-150 Pa for the compressive strength of overhangs (upper limit of 1500 Pa). The strength-to-gravity ratio is similar for 67P and weak rocks on Earth. As a result of the low compressive strength, the interior of the nucleus may have been compressed sufficiently to initiate diagenesis, which could have contributed to the formation of layers. Our value for the tensile strength is comparable to that of dust aggregates formed by gravitational instability and tends to favor a formation of comets by the accrection of pebbles at low velocities.
An integrated (petrographical and micropaleontological) study of sedimentary cover samples dredged from the lower slopes of the Kuril deep-sea basin was carried out. Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments are mainly represented by tuffaceous sedimentary rocks (tuffites, tuffaceous muds, tuffaceous diatomites, tuffaceous silts, tuffaceous sandstones, etc.). Significant admixtures of pyroclastic matter, especially of volcanic glasses, indicates that sedimentation process was accompanied by explosive volcanism. The data obtained give evidence about intensification of tectonomagmatic regime within the region under study during Pliocene-Pleistocene time. By the beginning of Pliocene, a deep-sea basin with a well-manifested continental and/or island slope and a narrow shelf already existed. Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits accumulated in a cold well-aerated deep-sea basin under oxic conditions and downslope sediment transport.
Species diversity is the most common variable reported in recent ecological research articles. Ecological processes, however, are driven by individuals. High abundances make arthropods, despite their small body sizes, important actors in food webs. We sampled arthropod assemblages in disturbed and undisturbed vegetation types along an elevation gradient of from 800 to 4550 m a.s.l. on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In our analysis, we focused on 13 different lineages of arthropods that represented three major functional groups: predators, herbivores and decomposers. The samples were collected with pitfall traps on 59 (of 60) study sites within the framework of the KiLi-project (https://www.kilimanjaro.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/). In each of twelve vegetation types five sampling sites of 50 m x 50 m were established with a minimum distance of 300 m between the individual sites. On each of the 59 sites, ten pitfall traps were evenly spaced along two 50 m transects, with a distance of 10 m between individual traps and 20 m between the parallel transects. Pitfall traps were filled with 100-200 ml of a mixture of ethylenglycol and water (1:1) with a drop of liquid soap to break surface tension. Traps were exposed at 2 to 5 sampling events for seven days in both the dry and wet seasons between May 2011 and October 2012. The reported abundances per lineage were averaged twice: first over all samples per site for each sampling event (3-10 analyzed samples per site and sampling event), and then averaged over all sampling events for each site.
It was found out that the lower parts of slopes of the Untersee mountain valley (East Antarctica) were locally covered with lithificates (both carbonate-free and carbonate-poor). They occur in three modes: crusts, films, and impregnates. All of them cover Late Pleistocene moraine material and consist of mixture of lacustrine sedimentary material and filling material of moraines. A mechanism of their genesis is offered.
The studied Flysch sequence of Alicante occupies a widely populated area crossed by main communication routes. The slopes existing on this area usually suffer slope instabilities that cause substantial damage and a very high maintenance cost. In order to assess the type of instability mechanisms affecting these heterogeneous carbonatic slopes, in this paper a wide inventory of 194 Flysch rock slopes has been performed, reporting the existing lithologies, their competence and their relative arrangement and the geometrical relationship between bedding and the slope and the associated instability mechanism. All these data have been jointly used for performing an instability mechanisms characterization. For systematically characterizing the wide type of complex rock exposures existing in the study area, they are divided into basic units referred as lithological pattern columns to which the different observed instability mechanisms are associated. Inventoried instability mechanisms are diverse and sometimes are combined with each other. Rockfalls are a very common instability mechanism associated to the differential weathering and sapping of the marly lithologies which are present in a wide number of geometrical combinations. The other instability mechanisms closely depend on the combination of the geometrical and lithological parameters. Therefore, this work provides a new basic tool which can be easily used during preliminary project stages for knowing the instability mechanisms which can affect rock slopes excavated on carbonatic Flysch heterogeneous geological formations.
Various studies indicate that most of the slope instabilities affecting Flysch heterogeneous rock masses are related to differential weathering of the lithologies that make up the slope. Therefore, the weathering characteristics of the intact rock are of great importance for the study of these types of slopes and their associated instability processes. The main aim of this study is to characterise the weathering properties of the different lithologies outcropping in the carbonatic Flysch of Alicante (Spain), in order to understand the effects of environmental weathering on them, following slope excavation. To this end, 151 strata samples obtained from 11 different slopes, 5–40 years old, were studied. The lithologies were identified and their mechanical characteristics obtained using field and laboratory tests. Additionally, the slaking properties of intact rocks were determined, and a classification system proposed based on the first and fifth slake cycles (Id1 and Id5 respectively) and an Index of Weathering (IW5), defined in the study. Information obtained from the laboratory and the field was used to characterise the weathering behaviour of the rocks. Furthermore, the slaking properties determined from laboratory tests were related to the in-situ weathering properties of rocks (i.e., the weathering profile, patterns and length, and weathering rate). The proposed relationship between laboratory test results, field data, and in-situ observations provides a useful tool for predicting the response of slopes to weathering after excavation during the preliminary stages of design.
Rock mass classification systems are widely used tools for assessing the stability of rock slopes. Their calculation requires the prior quantification of several parameters during conventional fieldwork campaigns, such as the orientation of the discontinuity sets, the main properties of the existing discontinuities and the geo-mechanical characterization of the intact rock mass, which can be time-consuming and an often risky task. Conversely, the use of relatively new remote sensing data for modelling the rock mass surface by means of 3D point clouds is changing the current investigation strategies in different rock slope engineering applications. In this paper, the main practical issues affecting the application of Slope Mass Rating (SMR) for the characterization of rock slopes from 3D point clouds are reviewed, using three case studies from an end-user point of view. To this end, the SMR adjustment factors, which were calculated from different sources of information and processes, using the different softwares, are compared with those calculated using conventional fieldwork data. In the presented analysis, special attention is paid to the differences between the SMR indexes derived from the 3D point cloud and conventional field work approaches, the main factors that determine the quality of the data and some recognized practical issues. Finally, the reliability of Slope Mass Rating for the characterization of rocky slopes is highlighted.