988 resultados para Situation familiale


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We investigate whether firms’ economic and financial situation influence the Quality of their Financial Reports (FRQ). FRQ is fundamental for investors and it affects the international capital movements [Bradshaw et al. (2004)] and Gelos and Wei (2005)]. Following Schipper and Vicent (2003) we use two issues to access earnings quality: abnormal accruals and earnings persistence. For seventeen European countries, we find evidence that the economic performance affects FRQ. Big firms and those with high current earnings exhibit better financial information. These results are robust since they don’t depend on FRQ proxy and we have the same evidence when we estimate regression with economical and financial factors separately or together. About financial situation, it seems not to affect FRQ. However, in high leveraged firms, the capital structure becomes determinant.


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Bevor man „Europa― als politisches Konzept in zahlreichen theoretischen Texten erörterte, ist in der deutschen Literatur der Gedanke eines vereinten Europas schon seit dem 16. Jahrhundert thematisiert worden. Im folgenden Aufsatz sollen Texte der Essayisten Ernst Jünger, Frank Thiess, Werner Bergengruen und Klaus Mann (20. Jahrhundert), in denen ihr Standpunkt bezüglich des Europa-Gedanken, d.h. ein vereintes Europa zur Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zum Ausdruck gebracht wird. Dabei sind hauptsächlich Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen zwischen den Autoren unter geistigen und historischen Gesichtspunkten zu ziehen.


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The career of prosthetics and orthotics in Portugal have a recent formative path: need to investigate the employability and employment of the graduates in Prosthetic and Orthotics (P&O) in ESTeSL between the academic years of 2004/05 and 2012/13; approaching to socio-demographic data and also academic and professional path. The questionnaire was applied to the P&O professional population graduated in ESTeSL. The results had been important to observe the future perspectives trends for the profession.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze Government strategies for reducing prices of antiretroviral medicines for HIV in Brazil. METHODS Analysis of Ministry of Health purchases of antiretroviral medicines, from 2005 to 2013. Expenditures and costs of the treatment per year were analyzed and compared to international prices of atazanavir. Price reductions were estimated based on the terms of a voluntary license of patent rights and technology transfer in the Partnership for Productive Development Agreement for atazanavir. RESULTS Atazanavir, a patented medicine, represented a significant share of the expenditures on antiretrovirals purchased from the private sector. Prices in Brazil were higher than international references, and no evidence was found of a relationship between purchase volume and price paid by the Ministry of Health. Concerning the latest strategy to reduce prices, involving local production of the 200 mg capsule, the price reduction was greater than the estimated reduction. As for the 300 mg capsule, the amounts paid in the first two years after the Partnership for Productive Development Agreement were close to the estimated values. Prices in nominal values for both dosage forms remained virtually constant between 2011 (the signature of the Partnership for Productive Development Agreement), 2012 and 2013 (after the establishment of the Partnership). CONCLUSIONS Price reduction of medicines is complex in limited-competition environments. The use of a Partnership for Productive Development Agreement as a strategy to increase the capacity of local production and to reduce prices raises issues regarding its effectiveness in reducing prices and to overcome patent barriers. Investments in research and development that can stimulate technological accumulation should be considered by the Government to strengthen its bargaining power to negotiate medicines prices under a monopoly situation.


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RESUMO: A tese de doutoramento visa demonstrar duas proposições: a comorbilidade de 4 situações de doença prevalentes, hipertensão arterial (HTA), diabetes (DM), doença cardíaca isquémica (DCI) e asma é um assunto importante em Medicina Geral e Familiar e o seu estudo tem diversas implicações na forma como os cuidados de saúde são prestados, na sua organização e no ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina. O documento encontra-se dividido em 4 partes: 1) justificação do interesse do tema e finalidades da dissertação; 2) revisão sistemática de literatura publicada entre 1992 e 2002; 3) apresentação de dois trabalhos de investigação, descritivos e exploratórios que se debruçam sobre a mesma população de estudo, o primeiro intitulado “Comorbilidade de quatro doenças crónicas e sua relação com factores sócio demográficos” e o segundo, “Diferenças entre doentes, por médico e por sub-região, na comorbilidade de 4 doenças crónicas”; 4) conclusões e implicações dos resultados dos estudos na gestão da prática clínica, nos serviços, no ensino da disciplina da MGF e no desenvolvimento posterior de uma linha de investigação nesta área. O primeiro estudo tem como objectivos: descrever a prevalência da comorbilidade entre as 4 doenças-índice; verificar se existe relação entre o tempo da primeira doença e o tempo decorrido até ao aparecimento da 2ª e da 3ª doença, nas 4 doenças; determinar a comorbilidade associada às 4 doenças; identificar eventuais agrupamentos de doenças e verificar se existe relação entre comorbilidade e factores sociais e demográficos. O segundo estudo pretende verificar se existem diferenças na comorbilidade a nível local, por médico, e por Sub-Região de Saúde. O trabalho empírico é descritivo e exploratório. A população é constituída pelos doentes, com pelo menos uma das 4 doenças crónicas índice, das listas de utentes de 12 Médicos de Família a trabalharem em Centros de Saúde urbanos, suburbanos e rurais dos distritos de Lisboa e Beja. Os dados foram colhidos durante um ano através dos registos médicos. As variáveis sócio demográficas estudadas são: sexo, idade, etnia/raça, escolaridade, situação profissional, estado civil, tipo de família, funcionalidade familiar, condições de habitação. A comorbilidade é definida pela presença de duas ou mais doenças e estudada pelo número de doenças coexistentes. O tempo de duração da doença é definido como o número de anos decorridos entre o ano de diagnóstico e 2003. Os problemas de saúde crónicos são classificados pela ICPC2. Nas comparações efectuadas aplicaram-se os testes de Mann-Whitney e de Friedman, de homogeneidade e de análise de resíduos. A Análise Classificatória Hierárquica foi utilizada para determinar o agrupamento de doenças e a Análise de Regressão Categórica e Análise de Correspondências na relação entre as características sócio demográficas e a comorbilidade. Identificaram-se 3998 doentes. A idade média é de 64,3 anos (DP=15,70). Há uma correlação positiva significativa (r =0,350 r=0) entre “anos com a primeira doença”e “idade dos doentes” em todos os indivíduos (homens r=0,129 mulheres r=0,231). A comorbilidade entre as quatro doenças crónicas índice está presente em 1/3 da população. As associações mais prevalentes são HTA+DM (14,3%) e HTA+DCI (6,25%). Existe correlação positiva, expressiva, entre a duração da primeira doença, quando esta é a HTA ou a DM, e o intervalo de tempo até ao aparecimento da 2ª e da 3ª doenças. Identificaram-se 18 655 problemas crónicos de saúde que se traduziram em 244 códigos da ICPC2. O número médio de problemas foi de 5,94 (DP=3,04). A idade, a actividade profissional, a funcionalidade familiar e a escolaridade foram as variáveis que mais contribuíram para diferenciar os indivíduos quanto à comorbilidade. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre médicos(c2=1165,368 r=0) e entre os agrupamentos de doentes por Sub-Região de Saúde (c2= 157,108 r=0) no respeitante à comorbilidade. Na partição por Lisboa o número médio de problemas é de 6,45 e em Beja de 5,35. Deste trabalho ressaltam várias consequências para os profissionais, para os serviços, para o ensino e para a procura de mais saber nesta área. Os médicos, numa gestão eficiente de cuidados são chamados a desempenhar um papel de gestores da complexidade e de coordenadores assim como a trabalhar num modelo organizativo apoiado numa colaboração em equipa. Por sua vez os serviços de saúde têm que desenvolver medidas de avaliação de cuidados que integrem a comorbilidade como medida de risco. O contexto social da cronicidade e da comorbilidade deverá ser incluído como área de ensino. A concluir analisa-se o impacto do estudo nos colaboradores e o possível desenvolvimento da investigação nesta área.----------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The PhD Thesis has two propositions, co-morbidity of four chronic conditions (hypertension, asthma, diabetes, cardiac ischaemic disease) is a prevalent and complex issue and its study has several implications in the way care is provided and organised as well as in the learning and teaching of the discipline of General Practice. In the first part of the document arguments of different nature are given in order to sustain the dissertation aims; the second part describes a systematic study of literature review from 1992 to 2002; the third presents two research studies "Comorbidity of four chronic diseases and its relation with socio demographic factors” and “Differences between patients among GPs at local and regional level”; implications of study results for practice management, teaching and research are presented in the last part. The prevalence of the four chronic diseases co-morbidity, the relation of the first disease duration with the time of diagnose of the next index condition, the burden of co-morbidity in the four chronic diseases, the clustering of those diseases, the relation between demographic and social characteristics and co-morbidity, are the objectives of the first study. The second intends to verify differences in comorbidity between patients at local and regional level of practice. Research studies were descriptive and exploratory. The population under study were patients enlisted in 12 GPs working in urban and rural health centres, in Lisbon and Beja districts, with at least one of the four mentioned diseases. Data were collected through medical records during one year (2003) and 3998 patients were identified. The social demographic variables were: sex, age, ethnicity/race, education, profession, marriage status, family status, family functionality, home living conditions. Co-morbidity is defined by the presence of two or more diseases, and studied by the number of co-existing diseases. The time duration of the disease is defined by the number of years between the diagnostic year and 2003. The chronic disease problems are classified in accord with ICPC2. The characterization of population is descriptive. The effected comparisons applied the Mann-Whitney, Friedman, homogeneity and analysis of residuals tests. The Classificatory Hierarchy Analysis was utilized to determine the grouping of diseases and the Regression Categorization and Correspondences Analysis was used to study the relation of socio-demographic and co-morbidity. The median age of the population under study is 64,3 (SD= 15,70). There is a significant positive correlation (r =0,350 r=0)between “years with the first disease” and “patient age” for all individuals (men r=0,129 women r=0,231). Co-morbidity of the four index diseases is present in 1/3 of the studied population. The most prevalent associations for the four diseases are HTA+DM (14,03%) and HTA+IHD (6,25%). Expressive positive correlation between the duration of the first disease and the second and the third index disease interval is found. For the 3988 patients, 18 655 chronic health problems, translated in 244 ICPC2 codes, were identified. The mean number of problems is 5,94 (SD=3,04). Age, professional activity, family functionality and education level are the socio demographic characteristics that most contribute to differentiate individuals concerning the overall co-morbidity. Significant differences in co-morbidity between GP patients at local (c2=1165,368 r=0) and regional level (c2= 157,108 r=0) are found. This study has several consequences for professionals, for services, for the teaching and learning of General Practice and for the pursuit of knowledge in this area. New competences and performances have to be implemented. General Practitioners, assuming a role of co-ordination, have to perform the role of complexity managers in patient's care, working in practices supported by a strong team in collaboration with other specialists. In order to assess provided care, services have to develop tools where co-morbidity is included as a risk measure. The social context of comorbidity and chronicity has to be included in the curricula of General Practice learning and teaching areas. The dissertation ends describing the added value to participant's performance for their participation in the research and an agenda for further research, in this area, based on a community of practice.--------RÉSUMÉ:Cette thèse de doctorat prétend démontrer deux postulats : le premier, que la comorbidité de quatre maladies fréquentes, hypertension artérielle (HTA), diabète (DM), maladie cardiaque ischémique (DCI) et asthme, est un thème important en Médecine Générale et Familiale et que son étude a plusieurs implications au niveau de l'approche pour dispenser les soins, de leur organisation et de l'enseignement/apprentissage de la discipline. Le document comprend quatre parties distinctes : 1) justification de l'intérêt du sujet et objectifs de la dissertation ; 2) étude systématique de publications éditées entre 1992 et 2002 ; 3) présentation de deux travaux de recherche, descriptifs et exploratoires, un premier intitulée « Comorbidité de quatre maladies chroniques et leur relation avec des facteurs sociodémographiques » et un deuxième « Différences entre malades, selon le médecin et la sous région, dans la comorbilité de quatre maladies chroniques» ; 4) conclusions et conséquences des résultats des études dans la gestion de la pratique clinique, dans les services, dans l'enseignement de la discipline de MGF et dans le développement postérieur de la recherche dans ce domaine. Les objectifs de la première étude sont les suivants : décrire la prévalence de la comorbidité entre les quatre maladies chroniques, vérifier s'il existe une relation entre temps de durée de la première maladie et l'espace de temps jusqu'à le diagnostic de la 2ème ou 3ème maladie; déterminer la comorbidité entre les 4 maladies ; identifier d'éventuelles groupements de maladies et vérifier s'il existe une relation entre comorbidité et facteurs sociodémographiques. La deuxième étude prétend vérifier s'il existe des différences de comorbidité entre médecins et par groupement régional. Le travail empirique est descriptif et exploratoire. La population est composée des malades ayant au moins une des quatre maladies chroniques parmi les listes de malades de douze Médecins de Famille qui travaillent dans des Centres de Santé urbains, suburbains et ruraux (Districts de Lisbonne et Beja). Les données ont été extraites pendant l'année 2003 des registres des médecins. Les variables sociodémographiques étudiées sont : le sexe, l'âge, l'ethnie/race, la scolarité, la situation professionnelle, l'état civil, le type de famille, sa fonctionnalité, les conditions de logement. La comorbidité est définie lorsqu'il existe deux ou plusieurs maladies et est étudiée d'après le nombre de maladies coexistantes. La durée de la maladie est établie en comptant le nombre d'années écoulées entre le diagnostique et 2003. Les problèmes de santé chroniques sont classés par l'ICPC 2. Pour les comparaisons les tests de Mann-Whitney et Friedman, de homogénéité et analyse de résidues ont été appliqués. L'Analyse de Classification Hiérarchique a été utilisée pour procéder au regroupement des maladies et l'Analyse de Régression Catégorique et l'Analyse de Correspondances pour étudier la relation entre les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et la comorbilité. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants : les 3998 malades identifiés ont 64,3 ans d'âge moyen (DP=15,70). Il existe une corrélation positive significative (r =0,350 r=0) entre « les années avec la première maladie » et « l'âge des malades », chez tous les individus (hommes r=0,129 femmes r=0,231). La comorbidité entre les quatre maladies chroniques est une réalité chez 1/3 des patients. Les associations les plus fréquentes sont HTA+DM (14%) et HTA+DCI (6,25%). Il existe une corrélation positive significative entre la durée de la première maladie, HTA ou DM, et l'écart jusqu'à l'apparition de la deuxième et de la troisième maladie. Chez les malades, 18.655 problèmes chroniques de santé ont été identifiés et traduits en 244 codes de l'ICPC2. La moyenne des problèmes a été de 5,94 (DP=3,04). L'âge, l'activité professionnelle, la fonctionnalité familiale et la scolarité sont les variables qui ont le plus contribué à différencier les individus face à la comorbilité. Des différences notoires ont été trouvées entre médecins (c2=1165,368 r=0) et entre les groupements régionaux (c2=157,108 r=0) en ce qui concerne la comorbidité. Dans le groupe de patients de Lisbonne, le chiffre moyen de problèmes est de 6,45 et à Beja il est de 5,35. Cette étude met en évidence plusieurs conséquences pour les professionnels, les services, l'enseignement et l'élargissement du savoir dans ce domaine. Les médecins, soucieux de gérer efficacement les soins sont appelés à jouer un rôle de gestionnaires de la complexité et de coordinateurs, de même qu'à travailler dans un modèle d'organisation soutenus par un travail d'équipe. D'autre part, les services de santé doivent eux aussi développer des mesures d'évaluation des soins qui intègrent la comorbidité comme mesure de risque. Le contexte social de la chronicité et de la comorbidité devra être inclus comme domaines à étudier. La fin de cette thèse décrit l'impact de cette étude sur les collaborateurs et le développement futur de la recherche dans ce domaine.


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The rising usage of distributed energy resources has been creating several problems in power systems operation. Virtual Power Players arise as a solution for the management of such resources. Additionally, approaching the main network as a series of subsystems gives birth to the concepts of smart grid and micro grid. Simulation, particularly based on multi-agent technology is suitable to model all these new and evolving concepts. MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid simulation Platform) is a system that was developed to allow deep studies of the mentioned concepts. This paper focuses on a laboratorial test bed which represents a house managed by a MASGriP player. This player is able to control a real installation, responding to requests sent by the system operators and reacting to observed events depending on the context.


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A cross-sectional population-based survey on the occurrence of lymphatic filariasis was carried out in the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. 7,650 individuals of both sexes were examined (from 1,416 households) of whom six tested positive for microfilaria according to the thick blood diagnostic test. The age of the individuals examined varied from 0 to 98 (averaging 26.6 years), whilst the age of the microfilaria-positive individuals varied from 11 to 29, averaging 22.5 years. Five of the six positive cases were male. These cases were residents of the following areas: Pista Preta (one case); Ponte dos Carvalhos (four cases); and Pontezinha (one case). This last case from Pontezinha was autochthonous. Of the individuals examined, 109 (1.4%) cited complaints relating to filariasis. These results suggest that filariasis is being transmitted in the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, a finding that establishes the need to carry out disease control activities, and to collaborate with the planning of the national programme for the elimination of filariasis.


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Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease widely distributed throughout the world, infecting a wide variety of animal species including humans. In Mexico, this parasite has been detected in different parts of the country, particularly in the tropical areas where the parasite can remain infective for long periods of time due to the environmental conditions (i.e. high temperature and humidity over the whole year). Several epidemiological studies have been conducted in both human and animal populations, but despite the wide distribution of the agent in the country, there is a significant lack of knowledge on the parasite transmission, treatment alternatives and control measures. The lack of feral cat populations and control measures in sites of meat production for human consumption are playing a role that has led to the wide spread of the disease in the country, particularly in tropical areas of Southeastern Mexico. For these reasons, this manuscript aims to review the published information on relevant epidemiological aspects of infection with T. gondii in humans and animals from Mexico.


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Schistosomiasis japonica has long been endemic in the People's Republic of China. In the 1950s, the number of the infected persons was estimated at 10 million; infected snail habitats were estimated at more than 14 billion square metres and infected cattle at 1.2 million. After schistosomiasis control measures were carried out, it was a great success. According to the survey of 1989, infected persons were estimated at 0.95 million; infected snails at 3.47 billion and infected cattle at about 0.1 million.These results compared with those of the 1950s show big reductions in prevalence rates 90.5%, 75.2% and 91.6%, respectively. At present, the disease is a threat in the marshland and lake regions and the high mountainous regions. To maintain the success achieved in effective control and to bring the yet endemic marshland and lake regions and mountainous areas under control are hard and long-term tasks confronting the People's Republic of China.


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MARQUES, B.P. (2014) From Strategic Planning to Development Initiatives: a first reflection on the situation of Lisbon and Barcelona, in 20th APDR Congress Proceddings, APDR and UÉvora, Évora, pp. 850-857, ISBN 978-989-8780-01-0.


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Abstract Brazil was formerly considered a country with intermediate hepatitis B endemicity, with large heterogeneity between Brazilian regions and areas of high prevalence, especially in the Amazon basin. Systematic vaccination of children was initiated in 1998. Between 2004 and 2009, a large population-based study reported decreased prevalence in all regions of Brazil. This review analyzed the current hepatitis B epidemiological situation in Brazil through a systematic search of the scientific literature in MEDLINE, LILACS, and CAPES thesis database, as well as disease notifications to the Information System for Notifiable Diseases. The search strategy identified 87 articles and 13 theses, resulting in 100 total publications. The most recent results indicate reduced hepatitis B prevalence nationwide, classifying Brazil as having low endemicity. Most studies showed HBV carrier prevalence less than 1%. However, there are still isolated regions with increased prevalence, particularly the Amazon, as well as specific groups, such as homeless people in large cities and isolated Afro-descendant communities in the center of the country. This review alsao detected successful vaccination coverage reported in a few studies around the country. The prevalence of anti-HBs alone ranged from 50% to 90%. However, isolated and distant localities still have low coverage rates. This review reinforces the downward trend of hepatitis B prevalence in Brazil and the need to intensify vaccination strategies for young people and adults in specific regions with persisting higher HBV infection prevalence.


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This paper analyzes the safety, environmental and occupational health of workers in the small construction industry in Brazil. In this sector there are still many unsafe practices, which are very common in small work sites. We used a qualitative approach to understand these problems by long interviews with people who work directly in small construction sites, including occupational physicians, civil engineers, safety engineers, safety technicians, general foremen, construction workers, labor unionists and auditors. This paper aims to demonstrate that the "invisibility" of the small sites workers makes them less safe and therefore more prone to accidents, also weakening their health. The results show that small constructions workers are less visible to society and supervision because of their short periods of work. Therefore, they are also uncovered to the rigorous applicability of principles of safety and accident prevention. Thus, it has been seen in this field of work a precarious application of NR - 18, which was specifically made for the construction sites and it needs simplification to meet normative characteristics of small construction sites. In the State of Rio de Janeiro, some laws on small sites were recently created and implemented. This study concludes that the rules to work are not being taken as seriously as the legislation determinates, remaining practically unknown by many professionals, from the plot command, supervisors, engineers, architects and technicians who work on construction sites. This ignorance creates space for the lack of safety and consequently to accidents, leading to by weakness in the workers health. Therefore, the work process needs to be modified, the safety regulation must be disseminated through safer practices, promoting employee health and ensure that the work of small sites can be visible, especially ensuring the construction workers health and safety.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)