903 resultados para Situation Awareness


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This paper presents a preliminary study of developing a novel distributed adaptive real-time learning framework for wide area monitoring of power systems integrated with distributed generations using synchrophasor technology. The framework comprises distributed agents (synchrophasors) for autonomous local condition monitoring and fault detection, and a central unit for generating global view for situation awareness and decision making. Key technologies that can be integrated into this hierarchical distributed learning scheme are discussed to enable real-time information extraction and knowledge discovery for decision making, without explicitly accumulating and storing all raw data by the central unit. Based on this, the configuration of a wide area monitoring system of power systems using synchrophasor technology, and the functionalities for locally installed open-phasor-measurement-units (OpenPMUs) and a central unit are presented. Initial results on anti-islanding protection using the proposed approach are given to illustrate the effectiveness.


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El liderazgo basa sus estudios en el análisis de la razón y la emoción, las cuales son dos factores fundamentales para el desarrollo de las personas y la forma como éstas, a través de tácticas propias del liderazgo, demuestran un factor diferenciador entre un equipo de trabajo, creando así, un grupo con unos seguidores y un líder que maneja y soporta la presión de todo el equipo. El estrés es considerado como una tensión que afecta psicológicamente al individuo y adicionalmente produce cambios fisiológicos, que pueden alterar el día a día de las personas en todos los ámbitos de la vida, y el laboral no es la excepción. El estrés puede ser producido por diferentes circunstancias, las cuales son diferentes para cada persona y éstas se presentan en diferentes aspectos de la vida del individuo, es decir, se puede presentar a nivel familiar, educativo, profesional, entre otros dependiendo el individuo que se desee analizar. “… Recibir una calificación reprobatoria en un examen de física, llegar considerablemente tarde a una junta importante, o jugar tiempos extra a muerte súbita en un partido de hockey”. (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2007, p. 456) El presente trabajo se enfoca en el estrés laboral, ya que es fundamental para la toma de decisiones, actividad de alta importancia en la gestión directiva, por lo cual se estudiará el efecto que tiene el estrés en la toma de decisiones a niveles empresariales. El estrés laboral ha sido estudiado desde hace más de tres décadas por lo que es posible encontrar definiciones al respecto; McGrath, en 1970 definió el estrés laboral como “el desequilibrio sustancial (percibido) entre la demanda y la capacidad de respuesta del individuo bajo condiciones en las que el fracaso ante esta demanda posee importantes consecuencias (percibidas)”. (Navarro, 2009, p. 86) A partir de esta definición se podría asumir que el estrés laboral tiene un efecto sobre la toma de decisiones sin importar el cargo que el individuo desempeñe. Con el fin de entender y aportar a la administración como disciplina un recurso más para comprender este concepto de la psicología que tiene implicaciones en las organizaciones y en la forma en que los directivos toman decisiones, y así puedan apropiarlas a su diario vivir dentro de las organizaciones, se realizará una monografía que estará basada principalmente en artículos y libros que han introducido este tema anteriormente, pero que no han dado a conocer estos avances a la línea administrativa. Finalmente, con los resultados esperados en esta investigación, aparte de dar a conocer a los administradores los avances de aquellas ciencias sociales existentes anteriormente a la administración y que permiten que el desarrollo administrativo sea mejor, aportando al desarrollo de las capacidades profesionales de los gerentes y empresarios, se espera describir los factores externos que afectan al estrés e identificar cómo éste afecta la toma de decisiones en la dirección.


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A new generation of advanced surveillance systems is being conceived as a collection of multi-sensor components such as video, audio and mobile robots interacting in a cooperating manner to enhance situation awareness capabilities to assist surveillance personnel. The prominent issues that these systems face are: the improvement of existing intelligent video surveillance systems, the inclusion of wireless networks, the use of low power sensors, the design architecture, the communication between different components, the fusion of data emerging from different type of sensors, the location of personnel (providers and consumers) and the scalability of the system. This paper focuses on the aspects pertaining to real-time distributed architecture and scalability. For example, to meet real-time requirements, these systems need to process data streams in concurrent environments, designed by taking into account scheduling and synchronisation. The paper proposes a framework for the design of visual surveillance systems based on components derived from the principles of Real Time Networks/Data Oriented Requirements Implementation Scheme (RTN/DORIS). It also proposes the implementation of these components using the well-known middleware technology Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Results using this architecture for video surveillance are presented through an implemented prototype.


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The research activity focused on the study, design and evaluation of innovative human-machine interfaces based on virtual three-dimensional environments. It is based on the brain electrical activities recorded in real time through the electrical impulses emitted by the brain waves of the user. The achieved target is to identify and sort in real time the different brain states and adapt the interface and/or stimuli to the corresponding emotional state of the user. The setup of an experimental facility based on an innovative experimental methodology for “man in the loop" simulation was established. It allowed involving during pilot training in virtually simulated flights, both pilot and flight examiner, in order to compare the subjective evaluations of this latter to the objective measurements of the brain activity of the pilot. This was done recording all the relevant information versus a time-line. Different combinations of emotional intensities obtained, led to an evaluation of the current situational awareness of the user. These results have a great implication in the current training methodology of the pilots, and its use could be extended as a tool that can improve the evaluation of a pilot/crew performance in interacting with the aircraft when performing tasks and procedures, especially in critical situations. This research also resulted in the design of an interface that adapts the control of the machine to the situation awareness of the user. The new concept worked on, aimed at improving the efficiency between a user and the interface, and gaining capacity by reducing the user’s workload and hence improving the system overall safety. This innovative research combining emotions measured through electroencephalography resulted in a human-machine interface that would have three aeronautical related applications: • An evaluation tool during the pilot training; • An input for cockpit environment; • An adaptation tool of the cockpit automation.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify and describe unintended adverse consequences related to clinical workflow when implementing or using computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems. METHODS: We analyzed qualitative data from field observations and formal interviews gathered over a three-year period at five hospitals in three organizations. Five multidisciplinary researchers worked together to identify themes related to the impacts of CPOE systems on clinical workflow. RESULTS: CPOE systems can affect clinical work by 1) introducing or exposing human/computer interaction problems, 2) altering the pace, sequencing, and dynamics of clinical activities, 3) providing only partial support for the work activities of all types of clinical personnel, 4) reducing clinical situation awareness, and 5) poorly reflecting organizational policy and procedure. CONCLUSIONS: As CPOE systems evolve, those involved must take care to mitigate the many unintended adverse effects these systems have on clinical workflow. Workflow issues resulting from CPOE can be mitigated by iteratively altering both clinical workflow and the CPOE system until a satisfactory fit is achieved.


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Most of the current evacuation plans are based on static signaling, fixed monitoring infrastructure, and limited user notification and feedback mechanisms. These facts lead to lower situation awareness, in the case event of an emergency, such as blocked emergency exits, while delaying the reaction time of individuals. In this context, we introduce the E-Flow communication system, which improves the user awareness by integrating personal, mobile and fixed devices with the existing monitoring infrastructure. Our system broadens the notification and monitoring alternatives, in real time, among, safety staff, end-users and evacuation related devices, such as sensors and actuators.


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We discuss the phenomenon of system tailoring in the context of data from an observational study of anaesthesia. We found that anaesthetists tailor their monitoring equipment so that the auditory alarms are more informative. However, the occurrence of tailoring by anaesthetists in the operating theatre was infrequent, even though the flexibility to tailor exists on many of the patient monitoring systems used in the study. We present an influence diagram to explain how alarm tailoring can increase situation awareness in the operating theatre but why factors inhibiting tailoring prevent widespread use. Extending the influence diagram, we discuss ways that more informative displays could achieve the results sought by anaesthetists when they tailor their alarm systems. In particular, we argue that we should improve our designs rather than simply provide more flexible tailoring systems. because users often find tailoring a complex task. We conclude that properly designed auditory displays may benefit anaesthetists in achieving greater patient situation awareness and that designers should consider carefully how factors promoting and inhibiting tailoring will affect the end-users' likelihood of conducting tailoring. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 3 experiments, the authors examined the role of memory for prior instances for making relative judgments in conflict detection. Participants saw pairs of aircraft either repeatedly conflict with each other or pass safely before being tested on new aircraft pairs, which varied in similarity to the training pairs. Performance was influenced by the similarity between aircraft pairs. Detection time was faster when a conflict pair resembled a pair that had repeatedly conflicted. Detection time was slower, and participants missed conflicts, when a conflict pair resembled a pair that had repeatedly passed safely. The findings identify aircraft features that are used as inputs into the memory decision process and provide an indication of the processes involved in the use of memory for prior instances to make relative judgments.


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This paper considers the problem of low-dimensional visualisation of very high dimensional information sources for the purpose of situation awareness in the maritime environment. In response to the requirement for human decision support aids to reduce information overload (and specifically, data amenable to inter-point relative similarity measures) appropriate to the below-water maritime domain, we are investigating a preliminary prototype topographic visualisation model. The focus of the current paper is on the mathematical problem of exploiting a relative dissimilarity representation of signals in a visual informatics mapping model, driven by real-world sonar systems. A realistic noise model is explored and incorporated into non-linear and topographic visualisation algorithms building on the approach of [9]. Concepts are illustrated using a real world dataset of 32 hydrophones monitoring a shallow-water environment in which targets are present and dynamic.


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O ser Humano, desde sempre tem tentado estabelecer relações entre si, o tempo e o clima, de modo a melhorar as suas condições de vida. Atualmente existem questões problema que ameaçam a humanidade, nomeadamente as alterações climáticas e o aquecimento global com vista à promoção de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável. À educação é atribuída extrema importância no desenvolvimento de uma adequada perceção da situação do planeta. Este facto levou as Nações Unidas a proclamarem, no início deste século (dezembro de 2002), a Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Um desafio internacional lançado aos países para que recorram à educação como ferramenta essencial na promoção do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A vida nas sociedades contemporâneas é extremamente influenciada pelos desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos, dependendo dos seus respetivos progressos. Como tal, a Educação Científica assume um papel fundamental na compreensão das problemáticas que o ser Humano enfrenta, assim como na sua própria consciencialização da responsabilidade na situação planetária atual. Devendo promover o desenvolvimento de cidadanias proactivas, fundamentadas e responsáveis, no sentido da mudança, numa perspetiva crítica global que garanta a sustentabilidade do planeta. Estes factos são alvo de reflexão por parte de diversas instâncias da sociedade tais como a UNESCO, comunidades nacionais e internacionais de investigação em Educação Científica, e o poder político que se espelham em propostas de reforma e de revisão curricular em diversos países. Neste contexto, a Escola, como instituição formal de Educação, toma o papel primordial de promover o Desenvolvimento Sustentável através da aquisição de conhecimentos, atitudes, valores e competências que permitam desenvolver nos alunos uma consciencialização ecológica e uma literacia científica. Com este propósito em mente surge a questão investigativa deste estudo “Como Abordar o Tempo Atmosférico numa Perspetiva CTS Através do Ensino Por Pesquisa?”. Assim, usando o laboratório mais acessível e gratuito, a Atmosfera, e recursos facilmente acessíveis para desenvolver atividades simples é apresentada uma proposta de abordagem em sala de aula para a temática “Tempo Atmosférico” em particular a “Previsão e Descrição do Tempo Atmosférico”. A Atmosfera é um fascinante laboratório de ensino, porque nela se podem estudar alguns processos físicos lecionados ao longo dos mais variados níveis de ensino nas disciplinas de Física, Química e Geografia. Na Atmosfera, podem realizar-se diversos estudos simples, que de uma forma fácil respondem a inquietantes questões relacionadas com a Previsão e Descrição do Tempo Atmosférico. Neste estudo foi desenvolvida e usada uma metodologia para construir e interpretar mapas de tempo permitindo a alunos do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico fazer a Previsão e Descrição do Tempo Atmosférico. Após a aplicação da estratégia para o desenvolvimento de capacidades, de criatividade, envolvimento, cidadania e de pensamento crítico, os alunos responderam a um questionário. Através do tratamento dos dados obtidos pode-se considerar que em média 97% dos alunos consideram importante ou muito importante o estudo desta temática e que tem influência no seu dia-a-dia. Verificou-se que em média, se passou de 26% de respostas cientificamente corretas ou parcialmente corretas para 83% de respostas cientificamente corretas ou parcialmente corretas, o que demostra que a estratégia proposta atingiu os seus propósitos que passavam por dinamizar e fomentar uma cultura meteorológica nas escolas e para as escolas. Salienta-se a importância da possibilidade do trabalho em rede e das suas potencialidades na motivação dos alunos dada a oportunidade de fazer diagnóstico do tempo atmosférico local e inter-regiões. Os alunos consultaram e interpretaram mapas de tempo atmosférico, usaram a Internet e compreendam a relação e a influência entre diferentes parâmetros meteorológicos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem afirmar que os alunos desenvolveram competências numa área que é uma preocupação de cada um, o diagnóstico do tempo atmosférico. Cresceu neles uma cultura meteorológica e as aprendizagens nesta temática podem transbordar para colegas, amigos, pais e toda a comunidade escolar. Assim pode considerar-se que a estratégia implementada foi promotora de mudança, de aquisição de conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento de competências numa temática tão aliciante que envolve o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Considera-se ainda que a estratégia usada neste estudo é motivadora, aliada à dinâmica CTS e ao Ensino Por Pesquisa, com vista a ser utilizada em contexto de sala de aula. Este estudo é uma forte contribuição para o Ensino das Ciências em especial no ensino da temática Tempo Atmosférico e é uma ferramenta importante que pode e deve ser utilizada em contexto escolar pois está escrito de modo a ser consultado por profissionais de ensino, nomeadamente pelos professores de Física, Química e de Geografia de modo a promoverem o desenvolvimento de competências de literacia científica e de cidadania e contribuir para a formação de futuros cidadãos ativos e conscientes defensores da Sustentabilidade da Terra.


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With the ever-growing amount of connected sensors (IoT), making sense of sensed data becomes even more important. Pervasive computing is a key enabler for sustainable solutions, prominent examples are smart energy systems and decision support systems. A key feature of pervasive systems is situation awareness which allows a system to thoroughly understand its environment. It is based on external interpretation of data and thus relies on expert knowledge. Due to the distinct nature of situations in different domains and applications, the development of situation aware applications remains a complex process. This thesis is concerned with a general framework for situation awareness which simplifies the development of applications. It is based on the Situation Theory Ontology to provide a foundation for situation modelling which allows knowledge reuse. Concepts of the Situation Theory are mapped to the Context Space Theory which is used for situation reasoning. Situation Spaces in the Context Space are automatically generated with the defined knowledge. For the acquisition of sensor data, the IoT standards O-MI/O-DF are integrated into the framework. These allow a peer-to-peer data exchange between data publisher and the proposed framework and thus a platform independent subscription to sensed data. The framework is then applied for a use case to reduce food waste. The use case validates the applicability of the framework and furthermore serves as a showcase for a pervasive system contributing to the sustainability goals. Leading institutions, e.g. the United Nations, stress the need for a more resource efficient society and acknowledge the capability of ICT systems. The use case scenario is based on a smart neighbourhood in which the system recommends the most efficient use of food items through situation awareness to reduce food waste at consumption stage.