973 resultados para Shangri-La (Aircraft carrier)


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Il rilevamento e l’analisi delle frodi è una delle attività cruciali per un sistema di carrier billing. Una frode non rilevata prontamente può causare ingenti danni economici, mentre un falso positivo porta ad uno spreco di tempo da parte del team di Reporting and Control. In questa tesi viene studiato il dominio di un Payment Service Provider (PSP) operativo nel settore del carrier billing, andando ad approfondire il sistema di rilevamento delle frodi basato sull’analisi di serie storiche con la tecnica Holt-Winters. Verrà fornita una panoramica sull’architettura del sistema seguita da alcuni esempi in cui la scarsa qualità delle predizioni ha causato una perdita economica o temporale al PSP. Verranno quindi proposte numerose soluzioni per estendere e migliorare il sistema attuale, concentrandosi principalmente sulla pulizia dei dati da analizzare e sullo sfruttamento di informazioni implicitamente contenute nei dati. I miglioramenti apportati possono essere divisi in due categorie: quelli che necessitano della supervisione dell’essere umano e quelli che possono essere ottenuti in modo automatico da un algoritmo. Alcune di queste soluzioni verranno implementate e commentate confrontando le prestazioni del sistema prima e dopo le varie implementazioni. Alcune proposte verranno invece trattate solamente a livello teorico ma faranno parte degli sviluppi futuri. Infine si cercherà di trarre delle conclusioni, dimostrando come nel dominio del carrier billing sia possibile ottenere prestazioni soddisfacenti grazie ad un filtraggio supervisionato dei dati delle serie storiche, mentre i tentativi di filtraggio non supervisionato hanno fornito risultati contrastanti.


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La retirada de los aviones Harrier, en servicio en operaciones embarcadas con Armadas de diferentes países, está basada en la perspectiva de poder sustituirlos por el F-35B, versión de operación vertical del controvertido programa Joint Strike Fighter. Este proyecto en realidad engloba el diseño de tres aviones de combate muy distintos entre sí, que, a pesar de tener una considerable parte en común, y dados sus muy diferentes requisitos, es un proyecto tremendamente complejo. Como consecuencia de todo esto, y ante el sobrecoste y los continuos retrasos acumulados en el desarrollo de un proyecto tan ambicioso, se plantean numerosas incertidumbres temporales y económicas, que hacen atractivo el estudio de posibles alternativas de menor riesgo. Esta tesis es un trabajo de investigación tecnológica que plantea el estudio de la modificación de determinados diseños de aviones de combate de operación terrestre, con idea de que puedan satisfacer los exigentes requisitos de operación desde un buque. Tras estudiar las peculiaridades de dichas operaciones, y analizar los tipos de buque y sus necesidades de modificación asociadas más importantes, se propone qué acciones a realizar, y se identifican las áreas de mayor interés, permitiendo establecer un procedimiento objetivo de comparación, con el fin de poder seleccionar los potenciales candidatos para su adaptación. Se aplica esta metodología, en particular, a dos casos de diseño de especial interés; el Eurofighter Typhoon y el Saab Gripen. En ambos, y por lo que respecta a las modificaciones planteadas, no se aprecian especiales dificultades que permitan descartar las posibilidades técnicas de su adaptación. Por último, y dada la complejidad de la consecución del objetivo final, se sugieren posibles líneas de investigación, desde completar y extender la filosofía de trabajo a otros subsistemas, al análisis de los costes de las modificaciones. ABSTRACT The Harrier fleet has been in active service in several Navies from different countries as a carrier-based aircraft. However, this aircraft may be withdrawn and replaced by the F-35B, a vertical capability version of the controversial Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme, which great complexity and constant development delays raise numerous uncertainties from a temporal and economical point of view. In fact, this program encompasses the design of three different fighter aircraft which, at the same time, share many similarities. All these aspects led us to undertake the analysis of other lower-risk alternatives. This thesis is a technological research work aimed at studying those design changes required for several fighter aircraft, initially designed for ground operation, in order to make them fullfil the highly demanding requirements for operating from aircraft carriers. After analizing the peculiarities of such operations, and studying different types of ships as well as their most significant modifications, specific actions to undertake are proposed, and those areas of greatest interest are identified, for the purposes of establishing an objective comparison procedure, and selecting potential candidates for this adaptation. This methodology is applied to design two specific cases of particular concern: the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Saab Gripen. In both instances, no major problems have been encountered regarding the modifications suggested. Finally, given the complexity of the analysis performed, some future research lines are outlined such as completing and extending this methodology to other subsystems, and giving an initial estimate of the modification costs.


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Until recently, the low-abundance (LA) range of the serum proteome was an unexplored reservoir of diagnostic information. Today it is increasingly appreciated that a diagnostic goldmine of LA biomarkers resides in the blood stream in complexed association with more abundant higher molecular weight carrier proteins such as albumin and immunoglobulins. As we now look to the possibility of harvesting these LA biomarkers more efficiently through engineered nano-scale particles, mathematical approaches are needed in order to reveal the mechanisms by which blood carrier proteins act as molecular 'mops' for LA diagnostic cargo, and the functional relationships between bound LA biomarker concentrations and other variables of interest such as biomarker intravasation and clearance rates and protein half-lives in the bloodstream. Here we show, by simple mathematical modeling, how the relative abundance of large carrier proteins and their longer half-lives in the bloodstream work together to amplify the total blood concentration of these tiny biomarkers. The analysis further suggests that alterations in the production of biomarkers lead to gradual rather than immediate changes in biomarker levels in the blood circulation. The model analysis also points to the characteristics of artificial nano-particles that would render them more efficient harvesters of tumor biomarkers in the circulation, opening up possibilities for the early detection of curable disease, rather than simply better detection of advanced disease.


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In this paper, we present a comparison between the sensitivity of SC-FDMA and OFDMA schemes to large carrier frequency offsets (CFO) and timing offsets (TO) of different users on the uplink. Our study shows the following observations: 1) In the ideal case of zero CFOs and TOs (i.e., perfect synchronization), the uncoded BER performance of SC-FDMA with frequency domain MMSE equalizer is better than that of OFDMA due to the inherent frequency diversity that is possible in SCFDMA. Also, because of inter-symbol interference in SC-FDMA, the performance of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer can be further improved by using low-complexity interference cancellation (IC) techniques. 2) In the presence of large CFOs and TOs, significant multiuser interference (MUI) gets introduced, and hence the performance of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer can get worse than that of OFDMA. However, the performance advantage of SC-FDMA with MMSE equalizer over OFDMA (due to the potential for frequency diversity benefit in SC-FDMA) can be restored by adopting multistage IC techniques, using the knowledge of CFOs and TOs of different users at the receiver


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[ES] Las redes virtuales de fabricación global (RVFGs) están formadas por empresas independientes las cuales establecen entre sí relaciones de tipo horizontal y vertical, pudiendo incluso ser competidores, donde no es necesario mantener internamente grandes recursos fabriles sino gestionar y compartir eficientemente los recursos de la red.


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ENGLISH: In May 1971, a joint united states - Mexican experiment, Project Little Window 2, (LW-2) involving data collected by satellite, aircraft and ship sensors was made in the southern part of the Gulf of California. LW-2 was planned as an improved and enlarged version of LW-l (conducted the previous year; Stevenson and Miller, 1971) with field work scheduled to be made within a 200 by 200 km square region in the Gulf of California. The purposes of the new field study were to determine through coordinated measurements from ships, aircraft and satellites, the utility of weather satellites to measure surface temperature features of the ocean from space and specifically to evaluate the high resolution infrared sensors aboard N~ 1, ITOS 1 and NIMBUS 4 and to estimate the magnitude of the atmospheric correction factors needed to bring the data from the spacecraft sensors into agreement with surface measurements. Due to technical problems during LW-2, however, useful data could not be obtained from ITOS 1 and NIMBUS 4 so satellite information from only NOAA-1 was available for comparison. In addition, a new purpose was added, i.e., to determine the feasibility of using an Automatic picture Transmission (APT) receiver on shore and at sea to obtain good quality infrared data for the local region. SPANISH: En mayo 1971, los Estados Unidos y México realizaron un experimento en conjunto, Proyecto Little Window 2 (LW-2), en el que se incluyen datos obtenidos mediante captadores de satélites, aviones y barcos en la parte meridional del Golfo de California. Se planeó LW-2 para mejorar y ampliar el proyecto de LW-l (conducido el año anterior; Stevenson y Miller, 1971), realizándose el trabajo experimental en una región de 200 por 200 km cuadrados, en el Golfo de California. El objeto de este nuevo estudio experimental fue determinar mediante reconocimientos coordinados de barcos, aviones y satélites la conveniencia de los satélites meteorológicos para averiguar las características de la temperatura superficial del océano desde el espacio, y especialmente, evaluar los captadores infrarrojos de alta resolución a bordo de NOAA 1, ITOS 1 Y NIMBUS 4, y estimar la magnitud de los factores de corrección atmosféricos necesarios para corregir los datos de los captadores espaciales para que concuerden con los registros de la superficie. Sin embargo, debido a problemas técnicos durante LW-2, no fue posible obtener datos adecuados de ITOS 1 y NIMBUS 4, as1 que solo se pudo disponer de la información de NOAA 1 para hacer las comparaciones. Además se quiso determinar la posibilidad de usar un receptor de Trasmisión Automático de Fotografias (APT) en el mar para obtener datos infarojos de buena calidad en la región local. (PDF contains 525 pages.)


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[ES]Este proyecto se basa en la idea de llevar a cabo un código CAM de un diseño anterior (CAD). El modelo CAD consiste en una broca, que está diseñado específicamente para perforar materiales apilados, como el titanio y fibra de carbono que son ampliamente utilizados por la industria de la aviación en la actualidad. Para lograr este objetivo se sería necesario contar con los recursos adecuados, licencias de software, soporte de fábrica y por supuesto el conocimiento de la materia. Este texto tiene como objetivo la ceración del código CAM, así como demostrar la rentabilidad de este método de mecanizado alternativo.


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[ES]Este documento pretende describir de manera clara y concisa la creacion de un dispositivo detector de impactos para estructuras de avion durante su transporte de muy bajo consumo, desde su concepcion como idea hasta su montaje, programacion y posterior comprobacion. El objetivo sera la culminacion exitosa del producto para mas adelante exponerlo ante posibles compradores y/o investigadores. Este dispositivo esta compuesto de tres partes, una unidad de adquisicion y adecuacion de la señal, que ser a recogida por un piezoelectrico; la unidad de inteligencia, que sera un microcontrolador programado en ensamblador mediante la herramienta MPLAB y un chip de radio, que se encargara de transmitir los datos a una unidad mas potente, lease un PC, tablet, movil...


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The Silent Aircraft Initiative goal is to design an aircraft that is imperceptible above background noise outside the airport boundary. The aircraft that fulfils this objective must also be economically competitive with conventional aircraft of the future and therefore fuel consumption and mechanical reliability are key considerations for the design. To meet these ambitious targets, a multi-fan embedded turbofan engine with boundary layer ingestion has been proposed. This configuration includes several new technologies including a variable area nozzle, a complex high-power transmission system, a Low Pressure turbine designed for low-noise, an axial-radial HP compressor, advanced acoustic liners and a low-speed fan optimized for both cruise and off-design operation. These technologies, in combination, enable a low-noise and fuel efficient propulsion system but they also introduce significant challenges into the design. These challenges include difficulties in predicting the noise and performance of the new components but there are also challenges in reducing the design risks and proving that the new concepts are realizable. This paper presents the details of the engine configuration that has been developed for the Silent Aircraft application. It describes the design approach used for the critical components and discusses the benefits of the new technologies. The new technologies are expected to offer significant benefits in noise reduction without compromising fuel burn. However, more detailed design and further research are required to fully control the additional risks generated by the system complexity.


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In Spain, during the recent housing bubble, purchasing a home seemed the most advantageous strategy to access housing, and there was a wide social consensus about the unavoidability of mortgage indebtedness. However, such consensus has been challenged by the financial and real-estate crisis. The victims of home repossessions have been affected by the transgression of several principles, such as the fair compensation for effort and sacrifice, the prioritisation of basic needs over financial commitments, the possibility of a second chance for over-indebted people, or the State's responsibility to guarantee its citizens' livelihood. Such principles may be understood as part of a moral economy, and their transgression has resulted in the emergence of a social movement, the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH), that is questioning the legitimacy of mortgage debts. The article reflects on the extent to which the perception of over-indebtedness and evictions as unfair situations can have an effect on the reproduction of the political-economic system, insofar the latter is perceived as able or unable to repair injustice.


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Se propone un planteamiento teórico/conceptual para determinar si las relaciones interorganizativas e interpersonales de la netchain de las cooperativas agroalimentarias evolucionan hacia una learning netchain. Las propuestas del trabajo muestran que el mayor grado de asociacionismo y la mayor cooperación/colaboración vertical a lo largo de la cadena están positivamente relacionados con la posición horizontal de la empresa focal más cercana del consumidor final. Esto requiere una planificación y una resolución de problemas de manera conjunta, lo que está positivamente relacionado con el mayor flujo y diversidad de la información/conocimiento obtenido y diseminado a lo largo de la netchain. Al mismo tiempo se necesita desarrollar un contexto social en el que fluya la información/conocimiento y las nuevas ideas de manera informal y esto se logra con redes personales y, principalmente, profesionales y con redes internas y, principalmente, externas. Todo esto permitirá una mayor satisfacción de los socios de la cooperativa agroalimentaria y de sus distribuidores y una mayor intensidad en I+D, convirtiéndose la netchain de la cooperativa agroalimentaria, así, en una learning netchain.