991 resultados para Serviço social : Igreja : Brasil


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Inclui tabelas e gráficos com dados estatísticos sobre: a evolução do saldo previdenciário de 1990 a 2001; despesas com benefícios do INSS de 1980/2001 (% PIB); impacto do aumento do salário mínimo; quadro comparativo da Constituição de 1988 e da Emenda Constitucional nº 20/1988 sobre a aposentadoria por tempo de serviço, e restrições à acumulação de remunerações e proventos de aposentadoria; evolução da quantidade média de aposentadorias emitidas pela previdência social de 1998/2002; e projeções de déficit do Regime Geral da Previdência Social (RGPS), com reforma e sem reforma; evolução da arrecadação líquida, despesa com benefícios previdenciários e saldo previdenciário, segundo a clientela urbana e rural (1997-2000); evolução do quantitativo de aposentadorias civis da União de 1991 a 2001


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A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a presença pública das igrejas de missão batistas, metodistas e presbiterianas através das obras de serviço social atuantes na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo é estudar como as igrejas, em seus esforços de trabalho e missão, estão cumprindo o seu papel pelo viés social, por meio de projetos realizados por instituições juridicamente constituídas e atuantes. Para isto, o estudo começa caracterizando histórica-sócio-economicamente a região, observando os antecedentes históricos das igrejas na cidade. Num segundo momento, mediante pesquisa de campo, espera-se apresentar como se deu a formação e desenvolvimento das igrejas de missão e suas obras sociais. Por último, a pesquisa se ocupa em analisar as obras de serviço social e a sua contribuição para uma práxis transformadora no cenário urbano. Uma das principais considerações obtidas ao fim da pesquisa é a de que as igrejas de missão têm sofrido um tipo de esvaziamento de sua ação social, motivado, sobretudo, pelas atuais transformações no campo religioso, pela ausência de um agir significativo no contexto urbano e pela falta de diálogo e apropriação do terceiro setor.


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A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a presença pública das igrejas de missão batistas, metodistas e presbiterianas através das obras de serviço social atuantes na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo é estudar como as igrejas, em seus esforços de trabalho e missão, estão cumprindo o seu papel pelo viés social, por meio de projetos realizados por instituições juridicamente constituídas e atuantes. Para isto, o estudo começa caracterizando histórica-sócio-economicamente a região, observando os antecedentes históricos das igrejas na cidade. Num segundo momento, mediante pesquisa de campo, espera-se apresentar como se deu a formação e desenvolvimento das igrejas de missão e suas obras sociais. Por último, a pesquisa se ocupa em analisar as obras de serviço social e a sua contribuição para uma práxis transformadora no cenário urbano. Uma das principais considerações obtidas ao fim da pesquisa é a de que as igrejas de missão têm sofrido um tipo de esvaziamento de sua ação social, motivado, sobretudo, pelas atuais transformações no campo religioso, pela ausência de um agir significativo no contexto urbano e pela falta de diálogo e apropriação do terceiro setor.


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In the contemporaneity, due to the implementation of the neoliberal project in which one verifies the withdrawal of the State in regard to the development of social policies, it is observed a new way of responding to the multifaceted expressions of the social issue, which is the emergence and expansion of a supposed "third sector" in society. Thus, the productive restructuring process has led to the deterioration of labor relations, as well as a super exploration of human labor power, also triggering structural unemployment. By being delineated in classist interests, the emergence of the "third sector" brings contradictory aspects to the society, one of these being the very concept of "third sector", more ideological than real. By seeking to answer the expressions of the social issue, demands the intervention of social workers in the institutions that "composes it". This way, arises the interest in researching what are the current conditions and labor relations of the social workers who work in the institutions of the "third sector" in Mossoró-RN. Therefore, this study is constituted by a survey for the conclusion of a Master's degree in Social Service at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, it was listed out as general objective to identify and analyze the conditions and labor relations of the social workers entered in the institutions of the "third sector" in Mossoró-RN. And by specific objectives: to map the institutions that are part of the "third sector" in the city of Mossoró, which have social workers on its professional staff, in order to profile the same; and, analyze the main challenges presented to the work of the social worker in these institutions. We used the bibliographic and documental research to enlighten the knowledge of the topic approached and the development of the field research, in which for the analysis of the data obtained, through field research, it was used the quantitative and qualitative approach. The search results confirmed that half of the institutions was identified as philanthropics, and most of them are funded by the federal government and that such organizations develop activities in several areas, particularly health and welfare. Concerning the conditions and labor relations, was highlighted the fact that half of the professionals insert themselves within the institutions by appointment; regarding the salary, 57.1% of employees receive between 3 and 4 minimum wages, which is considered relatively low. Was satisfactory the analysis related to the labor rights, because almost all offer a formal contract, which ensures, in great measure, the effectuation of such rights. Now with regard to the workload, 5 of 6 institutions implemented the Law Nº. 12.317/2010 ensuring 30 hours a week for social workers. However, it were cited many challenges relating the reality of the "third sector" to the conditions and labor relations, among them stands out: the delay of salary and non-salary adjustment; the realization of activities that do not relate to professionals, functions and duties; the development of many activities by a single professional. Two important data are the not incentive to a postgraduate and the charging of the fulfillment of the goals for the professional productivity. Here, it is worth to reflect that, although this study presents elements that provide to identify some aspects of labor relations and conditions of social workers in the "third sector" in Mossoró- RN, as well as some challenges that permeate this space of professional insertion, is meant that there is much to be unveiled, and other studies can later do so in an attempt to a better understanding of the complexity of processes that permeate the "third sector"


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The present study was to apprehend the controversies that underlie the political organization of the category nowadays. The research established time frame as the decade from 2003 to 2013, more precisely the situation that opens with Lula's election to the Presidency and its repercussions for the Brazilian left, social movements and for the category. Through documentary research, we studied the professional aspects that are organized politically in different fields , notably the Federal Council of Social Service (CFESS) and the National Federation of Social Workers (FENAS). Seeking to understand their relationship with the Ethical - Political Project of the profession, public documents were analyzed expressing the political positions of these entities, placing the controversies and political differences between them and understanding the political organization as a means to building professionals and corporate projects many.


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The changes ocurred in the world of capitalist labor, especially from the last decades of the 20th century, accentuated the process of manipulation and domination of the working class, materialized mainly through naturalization and / or trivialization of violence, conducted in the work environment. From this process, emerge the elements of bullying, that is, the embarrassing and humiliating practices which extend through time, degrading human race, and becoming fruitful object for study, debate and the intervention of the professionals of the Social Service area. Thus, we assume the perspective of analyzing the concepts and the work of social workers, whom work at people management area before the bullying in the workplace. We propose the following objectives: apprehend the settings of bullying, in the contemporary context of competitiveness and flexibility of work, as well as its implications for workers' health; characterize the background of this expression of violence at work in the municipality of Natal- RN; and analyze the powers and duties of the social worker in the process of prevention, identification and addressing of bullying in the context of work. This study consisted of a qualitative approach, based on the dialectical-critical method as soon as we adopt methodological procedures such as: theoretical knowledge, documental and field research, and performed using semi-structured interviews. The subjects of this research were nine (09) the Social Service professionals working in personnel management area, in five (5) institutions with legal and branches of different activities, located in Natal-RN. Even interviewed one (01) representative of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte Office (MPT-RN). The findings of this analysis indicate that bullying is a contemporary expression of "social question", which is presented as a demand for the Social-assistants – covered up and / or camuflage – under the guise of problems related to workers' health or mere conflicts of interpersonal relationships, that is, without any causal connection with the organization of work. The fear of losing job, not to be inserted in the labor market, and / or suffering reprisals, deepens the subject levels of the victims of bullying. Hence the importance of Social Workers are capable to understand the social reality, by preventing and combating the elements of bullying.


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O artigo analisa os efeitos produzidos pela hegemonia neoliberal das finanças sobre o financiamento tributário da política pública de Previdência Social, Saúde e Assistência Social durante o governo Lula no Brasil. Utilizou referencial teórico de tradição marxista e analisou os dados do Orçamento Geral da União retirados do sistema SIGA Brasil do Senado Federal sobre as fontes de recursos da seguridade social. Conclui que os trabalhadores contribuíram mais do que os capitalistas no financiamento tributário da seguridade social no governo Lula. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT