70 resultados para Semiosis


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En este trabajo el autor ha defendido la vía 'interna' para el estudio del lenguaje, y para ello, ha escogido la pragmática como perspectiva de análisis teórico, en la medida que sus sugerencias eran las más acordes con sus supuestos de partida. La estrategia seguida para abordar el tema de este trabajo ha sido el recorrido histórico. Se ha comenzado por el estudio histórico de la pragmática de los actos del habla: pragmatismo americano (concepción conductista y mentalista) y concepción logicista de la pragmática. Luego se ha realizado una descripción de la pragmática de los actos del habla: recorrido histórico desde el segundo Wittgestein, pasando por Austin, hasta llegar a Searle. 3. En el capítulo dedicado a la filogénesis del lenguaje, se ha recogido la idea de la tradición psicolingüística soviética y la polémica acerca del innatismo del lenguaje humano. El capítulo central de este trabajo reúne una serie de teorías que la autora ha considerado necesarias para poder formular un modelo praxiológico de la adquisición del lenguaje: la ontogénesis de la referencia que hipotetiza Quine; la idea piagetiana de aprendizaje preverbal; la unión indisoluble entre conciencia, sociedad y actividad que postula Vigotsky; el modelo cuasicompetencia de la producción elaborado por Sánchez de Zavala. Esta memoria de licenciatura ha tratado de poner en relación la adquisición del lenguaje con la teoría pragmática de los actos del habla, intentando conectar la macrofunción personal y la interpersonal, para ello se ha propuesto un concepto que recogiera esta vinculación: el de praxiontogénesis. Este concepto ha sido tomado en un doble sentido: como concepción piagetiana que mantiene la necesidad de los esquemas sensomotores como condición previa a la adquisición de la inteligencia y el lenguaje (en este sentido, praxi sería equivalente a acción) o como concepción más amplia que pone en relación la ontogénesis de la semiosis humana con una concepción praxiológica o pragmática, en tanto que es por medio de los actos de habla (entendidos como actividad o juego lingüístico) que el niño se incorpora al lenguaje. El modelo propuesto de una lingüística praxiológica no da pie a una utilización inmediata y directa: muchos aspectos de esta teoría sería necesario abordarlos en próximas etapas.


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La Playa es un sector de la ciudad de Bogotá, donde se encuentra la oferta de músicos informales más grande de Colombia: mariachis, tríos de cuerda y grupos vallenatos. En esta investigación, se analiza la migración de músicos vallenatos provenientes del Caribe colombiano a este sector de la capital del país; se examina el trabajo de estos músicos en La Playa; y se revisa el proceso de consolidación del vallenato como música nacional.


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resumen literal de la revista


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Resumen de la publicación


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Analizar los procedimientos discursivos a los que se recurre en los manuales escolares para contar la historia nacional de Argentina. Se estudia la relación historia-texto-escuela. Se concibe y se analiza, desde una perspectiva crítica y política, el soporte didáctico utilizado en la escuela primaria desde 1976 para enseñar y aprender historia; y la mediación pedagógica oficial de la historia nacional, la relación semiosis-memoria. También se analiza la andadura de una política semiótica-pedagógica oficial. El manual es un laboratorio experimental de fundamental importancia para enseñar, aprender y estudiar; y un juego pedagógico arbitrado oficialmente. El texto escolar es un complejo dispositivo formateador. El dominio textual escolar es relativamente heterogéneo respecto del canon semio-pedagógico oficial. La realización pedagógica oficial del texto de historia tiene carácter de artefacto ficcional. El archivo textual vehiculiza una política oficial de la memoria.


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La presente investigación analiza, desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso, la producción de sentido en torno a la articulación entre universidad, ciencia y desarrollo que, desde mediados de siglo XX, condensa el debate universitario en el país. Para conseguir esto, se analizan dos lugares de enunciación del discurso universitario: la Academia y el Estado. En el primer grupo, se analizan textos producidos por profesores universitarios que tienen notoria influencia en la reflexión sobre educación superior: Alfredo Pérez Guerrero, Manuel Agustín Aguirre, Hernán Malo. Cada uno de estos, en distintos períodos, fue rector de una institución universitaria, y desde ahí, impulsó procesos de reforma. En el segundo grupo, el Estado, se analizan las secciones de educación, universidad, ciencia y tecnología, presentes en los planes de desarrollo de 1963, 1972 y 1980. En estas secciones, es posible encontrar las propuestas de reforma de educación superior propuestas desde el Estado, en el marco de una política desarrollista de modernización de la sociedad. La perspectiva teórica que conduce esta investigación, asume la propuesta de análisis de discurso enunciada por Eliseo Verón. Esta propuesta permite pensar la equivalencia de los discursos enunciados desde la academia y desde el Estado. Dicha equivalencia no implica semejanza a nivel de contenidos discursivos –los cuales muestran claras diferencias– sino a nivel del funcionamiento discursivo, pues, hay una dimensión ideológica en el discurso universitario que establece los límites de lo pensable y lo decible en una época. La primera parte de esta investigación realiza una aproximación teórica a la semiosis social y al análisis del discurso. La segunda parte, realiza el análisis del discurso de los autores antes señalados; y en la tercera parte, se analiza el discurso universitario producido desde el Estado. Finalmente, las conclusiones buscan generar una inferencias teóricas que permiten la caracterización de la gramática del discurso universitario.


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Most of studies on interoperability of systems integration focus on technical and semantic levels, but hardly extend investigations on pragmatic level. Our past work has addressed pragmatic interoperability, which is concerned with the relationship between signs and the potential behaviour and intention of responsible agents. We also define the pragmatic interoperability as a level concerning with the aggregation and optimisation of various business processes for achieving intended purposes of different information systems. This paper, as the extension of our previous research, is to propose an assessment method for measuring pragmatic interoperability of information systems. We firstly propose interoperability analysis framework, which is based on the concept of semiosis. We then develop pragmatic interoperability assessment process from two dimensions including six aspects (informal, formal, technical, substantive, communication, and control). We finally illustrate the assessment process in an example.


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Pervasive healthcare aims to deliver deinstitutionalised healthcare services to patients anytime and anywhere. Pervasive healthcare involves remote data collection through mobile devices and sensor network which the data is usually in large volume, varied formats and high frequency. The nature of big data such as volume, variety, velocity and veracity, together with its analytical capabilities com-plements the delivery of pervasive healthcare. However, there is limited research in intertwining these two domains. Most research focus mainly on the technical context of big data application in the healthcare sector. Little attention has been paid to a strategic role of big data which impacts the quality of healthcare services provision at the organisational level. Therefore, this paper delivers a conceptual view of big data architecture for pervasive healthcare via an intensive literature review to address the aforementioned research problems. This paper provides three major contributions: 1) identifies the research themes of big data and pervasive healthcare, 2) establishes the relationship between research themes, which later composes the big data architecture for pervasive healthcare, and 3) sheds a light on future research, such as semiosis and sense-making, and enables practitioners to implement big data in the pervasive healthcare through the proposed architecture.


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This paper examines rhetorical constructions of ‘reality’ in selected outdoor/environmental education discourses-practices.1 Many outdoor/environmental educators privilege philosophical realism coupled with suspicion towards poststructuralism(s) and deconstruction. From a postlogographic position on language, we argue that producing texts is a method of inquiry, an experience and performance of semiosis-in-use as we sign (and de/sign) the world into existence. This re/de/signed world never represents the ‘real’ world precisely or completely, and in this paper we explore and enact modes of textual (and extratextual) production that struggle to retain a poststructuralist skepticism towards representational claims without falling into antirealist language games. We focus in particular on Deleuzean concepts of ‘rhizomatic’ inquiry and nomadic textuality as enabling dispositions for re/de/signing worlds in which realities and representations are mutually constitutive (rather than dialectically related).


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This thesis looks at the functions and effects of the ‘second-person’ pronoun in narrative prose fiction, with particular focus on the fluidity and ambiguity of the mode that I will call Protean-'you.' It is a mode in which it is unclear whether the ‘you’ is a character, the narrator, a reader/narratee, or no-one in particular—or a combination of these—so that readers find ‘second-person’ utterances at once familiar and deeply strange. I regard the ‘second person’ as a special case of narrative ‘person’ that, at its most fluid, can produce an experience of reading quite unlike that of reading traditional ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ narrative. Essentially, this unique experience comes about because Protean-‘you’ neglects to constitute the stable modes of subjectivity that readers expect to find within narrative textuality. These stable modes of subjectivity, modelled on what I will refer to as Cartesianism’s hegemonic notion of the self, have been thoroughly formalised and naturalised within the practices of ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ narrative. The Protean-‘you’ form of ‘second-person’ narrative, conversely, is a mode of narrative discourse that puts readers in a place of doubt and uncertainty, its unsettling equivocations forcefully disrupting accustomed, mimetic explanations of narrative and denying us access to the foundational, authorising subject of classical Cartesian thought. Rather than founding a notion of ‘second-person’ narrative and narrative ‘person’ generally on Cartesianism's ‘self-ish’ logic of unified, privatised identity, I turn to C.S, Peirce's notion of the semiotic self and to developments in post-structuralist thought. Essentially, the conception of subjectivity underpinning my arguments is Peirce's proposition that the self is to be conceived of not as a cogito, but as a sign by which the conscious entity knows itself. It is a sign, moreover, that is constantly being re-read, reinterpreted, so that identity is never self-complete. This reconception of subjectivity is necessary because 1 will argue that the effects of Protean-‘you’ arise in some part from a tension between Cartesianism's hegemony and what philosophical pragmatism and post-structuralism glimpse as the actual condition of the human subject—the subject as dispersed and contingent rather than unified and authoritative. Most discussions of ‘second-person’ narrative conceive of the mode in terms of implicit communicative relations, in some measure instituting Cartesianism's notion of the intentionalist self at the centre of literary meaning. I contrast the paradigmatic address model that arises from this conception against a model that approaches the analysis of ‘second-person’ narrative modality in terms of a referential function, that is, in terms of the object or objects referred to deictically by the ‘second-person’ pronoun. Two principal functions of ‘second-person’ textuality are identified and discussed at length. The first is generalisation, which is rarely dissipated altogether, a situation that contributes to the ambiguities of the pronoun's reference in much ‘second-person’ fiction. The second principal function is that of address, that is, the allocutionary function. Clearly, although stories that continually refer to a ‘you’ can seem quite baffling and unnatural, not all ‘second-person’ narratives unsettle the reader. In order to make the ‘second person's’ outlandish narratives knowable and stable, we bring to bear on them in our habits of reading whatever hermeneutic frames, whatever interpretive keys, come to hand, including a large number of unexceptional forms of literary and ‘natural’ discourse that employ the ‘second-person’ pronoun. These forms include letter writing and internal dialogue (i.e., talking to one's self), the language of the courtroom, the travelogue, the maxim, and so on. In looking at the ways in which the radicalising potentials of ‘second-person’ discourse are contained or recuperated, I focus on issues of vraisemblance and mimesis. Vraisemblance can be described as the ‘system of conventions and expectations which rests on/reinforces that more general system of ‘mutual knowledge’ produced within a community for the realisation and maintenance of a whole social world’. All of the forms of the vraisemblable are already instituted within social, cultural relations, so that what vraisemblance describes is the way we fit the inscriptions we read-that is, the way in which we naturalise what we read-into those given cultural and social forms. I also look at the conventionalising and naturalising work done by notions of mimesis in explaining relations between the world, our being in it, and texts, proposing that mimesis provides a principle buttress by which the good standing of the metaphor of ‘person’ is preserved in traditional and pre-critical modes of analysis. Indeed, the critic’s recourse to ‘person’ is in some measure always an engagement with mimesis. Any discussion that maintains that mimesis is in some way productive of meaning-which this thesis in fact does-must identify mimesis as a merely conventional category within practices of reading and semiosis more generally, and at the very least remove that term from its traditional position of transparent primacy and authority. Some of the most interesting and insightful arguments about ‘second-person’ narrative propose that the ‘second person’s’ most striking effects derive from the constitution of an ‘intersubjective’ experience of reading in which the subject positions of the ‘you’-protagonist, reader-narratee and narrator are combined into a fluid and indeterminate multiple subjectivity. Notions of intersubjectivity frequently position themselves as liberating the reader from Cartesianism's fixed, authoritative modes of subjectivity, Frequently, however, they tend implicitly to reinstate Cartesianism's notion of the self at the centre of textual practice and subjectivity. I look at Daniel Gunn's novel ‘Almost You’, at length in this context, illustrating the constant overdetermination of the ‘you’ and the novel's narrating voice, and demonstrating that this overdetermination leaves the origin of the narrative discourse, the identity of the narrator, and the ontological nature of both principal protagonists utterly ambiguous. The fluidity and ambiguity of Protean-‘you’ in ‘Almost You’ is discussed in terms of ‘second-person’ intersubjectivity, but with a view to demonstrating the indebtedness by the notion of intersubjectivity to Cartesianism's hegemony of ‘person’. I then turn to a discussion of what might be a more ‘old fashioned’ if perhaps ultimately more far-reaching approach to the ‘second person’s’ often startling ambiguities. This is Keats's notion of negative capability, a capacity or quality in which a person ‘is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.’ I suggest that Protean-‘you’ texts will license all of the readings of ambiguity and fluidity proposed in my discussion of ‘Almost You’, but conclude that the instances of indeterminacy illustrate no more than that: the fluidity and deep ambiguity, and thus, finally, the lack of coherence, of Protean-‘you’ discourse. This has particular implications for how we are to consider readers’ experiences of narrative texts. More fundamentally, it has implications for how we are to consider readers as subjects. I suggest that unstable, ambiguous instances of ‘second-person’ narrative can tear the complex and systematic embroidery of ideological suture that unifies Cretinism’s experience or sense of subjectivity, leaving the reader in a condition of epistemological and ontological havoc. I go on to argue that much of the deeply unsettling effect of Protean-‘you’ discourse anises because its utterances explicitly gesture towards Cretinism’s notion of self. Protean-‘you’ involves a sense of address that is much more pronounced than we are accustomed to facing when reading literary narrative, alerting us to the presence of inscribed anthropomorphic subjects. At the very same time, protean-‘you’ leaves its inscribed subjects indeterminate, ambiguous. This conflict generates a tension between the anticipation of the emergence of speaking and listening selves and our inability to find them. I go on to propose that Protean-‘you’ narrative's lack of coherence is also to be understood as the condition of narrative actuality generally, but a condition that is vigorously mediated against by dominant practices of reading and writing, hocusing my discussion in this respect on the issue of narrative ‘person,’ I argue that narrative ‘person’ is constituted within texts as an apparent unity, but that it is in fact, produced as unitary solely within the practice of making sense, that is, Within our habits of reading, and so is never finally unified. I propose that this is the case for ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ modes no less than for the ‘second.’ Where ‘second-person’ narrative at its most radical and Protean differs from conventional ‘first-‘ and ‘third-person’ narratives is the degree to which each has been circumscribed by practices of tantalization, containment and limit, and, in particular, Cretinism’s hegemony of ‘person.’ It may be that the most significant insights ‘second-person’ narrative has to offer are to be found within its capacity to reveal to the engaged reader the underlying condition of narrative discourse, and more generally, its capacity to reveal the actual condition of the human subject-a condition in which, exactly like its textual corollary of narrative ‘person,’ the self is glimpsed as thoroughly dispersed and contingent.


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Some of the most important reflections on rhetorical theory associated with public relations appear in: L’Etang (1996); Toth (1999); and various Robert Heath contributions. This paper will reflect on the importance of that work by briefly scouring the origin of rhetoric among the ancient founders of persuasive communication: the pre-Socratic sophists. The paper will then relate the approaches of the above theorists, as well as Kevin Moloney and James Grunig, to the original meaning of sophistry. The last part of the paper will discuss the confluence of rhetorical and semiotic approaches. The rhetoricsemiotics link has been present since the semiotics of St Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE). Augustine was a professor of rhetoric in his earlier career. The last part of the paper summarises how rhetorical theory, Peircean semiotics and post modern approaches can avoid accusations of relativism and infinite semiosis when they are fitted into a theory of public relations.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como o processo de conhecimento traduz-se numa estrutura triádica, cuja característica não pode prescindir da temporalidade e de seu aspecto social. de outra forma, conforme o dualismo subjacente nas teorias tradicionais, a esfera do conhecimento tornar-se-ia limitada pela inevitabilidade do recurso à coisa-em-si.


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Peircean semiotic analysis is employed to examine the construction/representation of signs-thinking of 32 early elementary school students regarding the concept of length measurement. The work consisted of developing concepts of standard unit, reading and interpretation of measurement by instruments, so that the mathematical language presented in the concrete materials was being signified and re-signified as a tool for perception and representation of new concepts. The pedagogical triad Feeling-Perceiving, Relating-Concept (F-P/R/C) co-related with the dynamism of the semiosis process, defined by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) in his semiotic theory on the production of the sign (Object, Representamen and Interpretant), enabled the interpretation and analysis of the students' inferences in the phase of perception (feel, admire), induction (experience), and deduction (concept).