982 resultados para Semi-analytical


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In the present study, the heat transfer characteristics of thermally developing magnetohydroclynamic flow of nanofluid through microchannel are delineated by following a semi analytical approach. The combined influences of pressure driven flow, electroosmotic transport and magnetic field is taken into account for the analysis of the complex microscale thermal transport processes. Solutions for the normalized temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations, considering the simultaneous interplay of electrokinetic effects (electroosmosis), magnetic effects, Joule heating and viscous dissipation are obtained, for constant wall temperature condition. Particular attention is paid to assess the role of nanolluids in altering the transport phenomena, through variations in the effective nanoparticle volume fractions, as well as the aggregate structure of the particulate phases. It is observed that magnetohydrodynamic effect reduces advective transport of the liquid resulting in gradual reduction of heat transfer. Increase in nanoparticle volume fraction shows decrease in heat transfer. Similar effects are observed with increase in aggregate sizes of the nanoparticles. The effect of the nanofluids on system irreversibility is also studied through entropy generation analysis due to flow and heat transfer in the microchannel. Total entropy generation is found to be dominant at the thermally developing region of the microchannel, whereas it drops sharply at the thermally developed region. Presence of nanoparticles in the base fluid reduces the total entropy generation in the microchannel, thereby indicating decrease in thermodynamic irreversibility with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cross-sectional stiffness matrix is derived for a pre-twisted, moderately thick beam made of transversely isotropic materials and having rectangular cross sections. An asymptotically-exact methodology is used to model the anisotropic beam from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy is computed making use of the beam constitutive law and kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and an initial twist. The energy functional is minimized making use of the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the beam reference line with appropriate properties, forming a 1-D constitutive law. VAM is a mathematical technique employed in the current problem to rigorously split the 3-D analysis of beams into two: a 2-D analysis over the beam cross-sectional domain, which provides a compact semi-analytical form of the properties of the cross sections, and a nonlinear 1-D analysis of the beam reference curve. In this method, as applied herein, the cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged in orders of the small parameters. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that render the 1-D strain measures well-defined. The zeroth-order 3-D warping field thus yielded is then used to integrate the 3-D strain energy density over the cross section, resulting in the 1-D strain energy density, which in turn helps identify the corresponding cross-sectional stiffness matrix. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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An improved electromechanical model of the RF MEMS (radio frequency microelectromechanical systems) switches is introduced, in which the effects of intrinsic residual stress from fabrication processes, axial stress due to stretching of beam, and fringing field are taken into account. Four dimensionless numbers are derived from the governing equation of the developed model. A semi-analytical method is developed to calculate the behavior of the RF MEMS switches. Subsequently the influence of the material and geometry parameters on the behavior of the structure is analyzed and compared, and the corresponding analysis with the dimensionless numbers is conducted too. The quantitative relationship between the presented parameters and the critical pull-in voltage is obtained, and the relative importance of those parameters is given.


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An expression for the probability density function of the second order response of a general FPSO in spreading seas is derived by using the Kac-Siegert approach. Various approximations of the second order force transfer functions are investigated for a ship-shaped FPSO. It is found that, when expressed in non-dimensional form, the probability density function of the response is not particularly sensitive to wave spreading, although the mean squared response and the resulting dimensional extreme values can be sensitive. The analysis is then applied to a Sevan FPSO, which is a large cylindrical buoy-like structure. The second order force transfer functions are derived by using an efficient semi-analytical hydrodynamic approach, and these are then employed to yield the extreme response. However, a significant effect of wave spreading on the statistics for a Sevan FPSO is found even in non-dimensional form. It implies that the exact statistics of a general ship-shaped FPSO may be sensitive to the wave direction, which needs to be verified in future work. It is also pointed out that the Newman's approximation regarding the frequency dependency of force transfer function is acceptable even for the spreading seas. An improvement on the results may be attained when considering the angular dependency exactly. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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Based on the sub-region generalized variational principle, a sub-region mixed version of the newly-developed semi-analytical 'finite element method of lines' (FEMOL) is proposed in this paper for accurate and efficient computation of stress intensity factors (SIFs) of two-dimensional notches/cracks. The circular regions surrounding notch/crack tips are taken as the complementary energy region in which a number of leading terms of singular solutions for stresses are used, with the sought SIFs being among the unknown coefficients. The rest of the arbitrary domain is taken as the potential energy region in which FEMOL is applied to obtain approximate displacements. A mixed system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and algebraic equations is derived via the sub-region generalized variational principle. A singularity removal technique that eliminates the stress parameters from the mixed equation system eventually yields a standard FEMOL ODE system, the solution of which is no longer singular and is simply and efficiently obtained using a standard general-purpose ODE solver. A number of numerical examples, including bi-material notches/cracks in anti-plane and plane elasticity, are given to show the generally excellent performance of the proposed method.


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This paper presents a pseudo-time-step method to calculate a (vector) Green function for the adjoint linearised Euler equations as a scattering problem in the frequency domain, for use as a jet-noise propagation prediction tool. A method of selecting the acoustics-related solution in a truncated spatial domain while suppressing any possible shear-layer-type instability is presented. Numerical tests for 3-D axisymmetrical parallel mean flows against semi-analytical reference solutions indicate that the new iterative algorithm is capable of producing accurate solutions with modest computational requirements.


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Upheaval buckling (UHB) is a common design issue for high temperature buried pipelines. This paper highlights some of thekey issues affecting out-of-straightness (OOS) assessment of pipelines. The following factors are discussed; uplift resistancesoil models, uplift resistance in cohesive soils, uplift mobilisation, ratcheting, uplift resistance at low H/D ratios and thecorrect methodology for load factor selection. A framework for determining ratcheting mobilisation is proposed. Furtherresearch is required to verify and validate this proposed framework. UHB assessment of three different diameter pipelineswere carried out using finite element SAGE PROFILE package incorporating pipeline mobilisation and the results arecompared with semi-analytical formulation proposed by Palmer et al. 1990. The paper also presents a summary of as-laidpipeline features based on projects over the past 10 years.


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The vibration response of piled foundations due to ground-borne vibration produced by an underground railway is a largely-neglected area in the field of structural dynamics. However, this continues to be an important aspect of research as it is expected that the presence of piled foundations can have a significant influence on the propagation and transmission of the wavefield produced by the underground railway. This paper presents a comparison of two methods that can be employed in calculating the vibration response of a piled foundation: an efficient semi-analytical model, and a Boundary Element model. The semi-analytical model uses a column or an Euler beam to model the pile, and the soil is modelled as a linear, elastic continuum that has the geometry of a thick-walled cylinder with an infinite outer radius and an inner radius equal to the radius of the pile. The boundary element model uses a constant-element BEM formulation for the halfspace, and a rectangular discretisation of the circular pile-soil interface. The piles are modelled as Timoshenko beams. Pile-soil-pile interactions are inherently accounted for in the BEM equations, whereas in the semi-analytical model these are quantified using the superposition of interaction factors. Both models use the method of joining subsystems to incorporate the incident wavefield generated by the underground railway into the pile model. Results are computed for a single pile subject to an inertial loading, pile-soil-pile interactions, and a pile group subjected to excitation from an underground railway. The two models are compared in terms of accuracy, computation time, versatility and applicability, and guidelines for future vibration prediction models involving piled foundations are proposed.


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Ground vibration due to underground railways is a significant source of disturbance for people living or working near subways. Numerical models are commonly used to predict vibration levels; however, uncertainty inherent to these simulations must be understood to give confidence in the predictions. A semi-analytical approach is developed herein to investigate the effect of uncertainty in soil material properties on the surface vibration of layered halfspaces excited by an underground railway. The half-space is simulated using the thin-layer method coupled with the pipe-in-pipe (PiP) method for determining the load on the buried tunnel. The K-L expansion method is employed to smoothly vary the material properties throughout the soil by up to 10%. The simulation predicts a surface rms velocity variation of 5-10dB compared to a homogeneous, layered halfspace. These results suggest it may be prudent to include a 5dB error band on predicted vibration levels when simulating areas of varied material properties.


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This study involves two aspects of our investigations of plasmonics-active systems: (i) theoretical and simulation studies and (ii) experimental fabrication of plasmonics-active nanostructures. Two types of nanostructures are selected as the model systems for their unique plasmonics properties: (1) nanoparticles and (2) nanowires on substrate. Special focus is devoted to regions where the electromagnetic field is strongly concentrated by the metallic nanostructures or between nanostructures. The theoretical investigations deal with dimers of nanoparticles and nanoshells using a semi-analytical method based on a multipole expansion (ME) and the finite-element method (FEM) in order to determine the electromagnetic enhancement, especially at the interface areas of two adjacent nanoparticles. The experimental study involves the design of plasmonics-active nanowire arrays on substrates that can provide efficient electromagnetic enhancement in regions around and between the nanostructures. Fabrication of these nanowire structures over large chip-scale areas (from a few millimeters to a few centimeters) as well as FDTD simulations to estimate the EM fields between the nanowires are described. The application of these nanowire chips using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for detection of chemicals and labeled DNA molecules is described to illustrate the potential of the plasmonics chips for sensing.


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Ocean color measured from satellites provides daily, global estimates of marine inherent optical properties (IOPs). Semi-analytical algorithms (SAAs) provide one mechanism for inverting the color of the water observed by the satellite into IOPs. While numerous SAAs exist, most are similarly constructed and few are appropriately parameterized for all water masses for all seasons. To initiate community-wide discussion of these limitations, NASA organized two workshops that deconstructed SAAs to identify similarities and uniqueness and to progress toward consensus on a unified SAA. This effort resulted in the development of the generalized IOP (GIOP) model software that allows for the construction of different SAAs at runtime by selection from an assortment of model parameterizations. As such, GIOP permits isolation and evaluation of specific modeling assumptions, construction of SAAs, development of regionally tuned SAAs, and execution of ensemble inversion modeling. Working groups associated with the workshops proposed a preliminary default configuration for GIOP (GIOP-DC), with alternative model parameterizations and features defined for subsequent evaluation. In this paper, we: (1) describe the theoretical basis of GIOP; (2) present GIOP-DC and verify its comparable performance to other popular SAAs using both in situ and synthetic data sets; and, (3) quantify the sensitivities of their output to their parameterization. We use the latter to develop a hierarchical sensitivity of SAAs to various model parameterizations, to identify components of SAAs that merit focus in future research, and to provide material for discussion on algorithm uncertainties and future emsemble applications.


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Satellite-derived remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) can be used for mapping biogeochemically relevant variables, such as the chlorophyll concentration and the Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs) of the water, at global scale for use in climate-change studies. Prior to generating such products, suitable algorithms have to be selected that are appropriate for the purpose. Algorithm selection needs to account for both qualitative and quantitative requirements. In this paper we develop an objective methodology designed to rank the quantitative performance of a suite of bio-optical models. The objective classification is applied using the NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Dataset (NOMAD). Using in situRrs as input to the models, the performance of eleven semi-analytical models, as well as five empirical chlorophyll algorithms and an empirical diffuse attenuation coefficient algorithm, is ranked for spectrally-resolved IOPs, chlorophyll concentration and the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 489 nm. The sensitivity of the objective classification and the uncertainty in the ranking are tested using a Monte-Carlo approach (bootstrapping). Results indicate that the performance of the semi-analytical models varies depending on the product and wavelength of interest. For chlorophyll retrieval, empirical algorithms perform better than semi-analytical models, in general. The performance of these empirical models reflects either their immunity to scale errors or instrument noise in Rrs data, or simply that the data used for model parameterisation were not independent of NOMAD. Nonetheless, uncertainty in the classification suggests that the performance of some semi-analytical algorithms at retrieving chlorophyll is comparable with the empirical algorithms. For phytoplankton absorption at 443 nm, some semi-analytical models also perform with similar accuracy to an empirical model. We discuss the potential biases, limitations and uncertainty in the approach, as well as additional qualitative considerations for algorithm selection for climate-change studies. Our classification has the potential to be routinely implemented, such that the performance of emerging algorithms can be compared with existing algorithms as they become available. In the long-term, such an approach will further aid algorithm development for ocean-colour studies.


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Axisymmetric consolidation is a classical boundary value problem for geotechnical engineers. Under some circumstances an analysis in which the changes in pore pressure, effective stress and displacement can be uncoupled from each other is sufficient, leading to a Terzaghi formulation of the axisymmetric consolidation equation in terms of the pore pressure. However, representation of the Mandel-Cryer effect usually requires more complex, coupled, Biot formulations. A new coupled formulation for the plane strain, axisymmetric consolidation problem is presented for small, linear elastic deformations. A single, easily evaluated parameter couples changes in pore pressure to changes in effective stress, and the resulting differential equation for pore pressure dissipation is very similar to Terzaghi’s classic formulation. The governing equations are then solved using finite differences and the consolidation of a solid infinite cylinder analysed, calculating the variation with time and with radius of the excess pore pressure and the radial displacement. Comparison with a previously published semi-analytical solution indicates that the formulation successfully embodies the Mandel-Cryer effect.


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Here a self-consistent continuum model is presented for a narrow gap plane-parallel dc glow discharge. The set of governing equations consisting of continuity and momentum equations for positive ions, fast (emitted by the cathode) and slow electrons (generated by fast electron impact ionization) coupled with Poisson's equation is treated by the technique of matched asymptotic expansions. Explicit results are obtained in the asymptotic limit: (chi delta) much less than 1, where chi = e Phi(a)/kT, delta = (r(D)/L)(2) (Phi(a) is the applied voltage, r(D) is the Debye radius) and pL much greater than 1(Hg mm cm), where p is the gas pressure and L is the gap length. In the case of high pressure, the electron energy relaxation length is much smaller than the gap length, and so the local field approximation is valid. The discharge space divides naturally into a cathode fall sheath, a quasineutral plasma region, and an anode fall sheath. The electric potential distribution obtained for each region in a (semi)analytical form is asymptotically matched to the adjoining regions in the region of overlap. The effects of the gas pressure, gap length, and applied voltage on the length of each region are investigated. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S1070-664X(00)01302-1].