981 resultados para Semantic verbal fluency


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In view of the evidence that cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are critically important for long-term outcome, it is essential to establish the effects that the various antipsychotic compounds have on cognition, particularly second-generation drugs. This parallel group, placebo-controlled study aimed to compare the effects in healthy volunteers (n = 128) of acute doses of the atypical antipsychotics amisulpride (300 mg) and risperidone (3 mg) to those of chlorpromazine (100 mg) on tests thought relevant to the schizophrenic process: auditory and visual latent inhibition, prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response, executive function and eye movements. The drugs tested were not found to affect auditory latent inhibition, prepulse inhibition or executive functioning as measured by the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Battery and the FAS test of verbal fluency. However, risperidone disrupted and amisulpride showed a trend to disrupt visual latent inhibition. Although amisulpride did not affect eye movements, both risperidone and chlorpromazine decreased peak saccadic velocity and increased antisaccade error rates, which, in the risperidone group, correlated with drug-induced akathisia. It was concluded that single doses of these drugs appear to have little effect on cognition, but may affect eye movement parameters in accordance with the amount of sedation and akathisia they produce. The effect risperidone had on latent inhibition is likely to relate to its serotonergic properties. Furthermore, as the trend for disrupted visual latent inhibition following amisulpride was similar in nature to that which would be expected with amphetamine, it was concluded that its behaviour in this model is consistent with its preferential presynaptic dopamine antagonistic activity in low dose and its efficacy in the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.


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Objective: Despite evidence that gender may influence neurocognitive functioning, few studies have examined its effects in bipolar disorder (BD) a priori. The aim of this study was to examine how gender influences executive-type functions, which are potentially useful as endophenotypes for BD. Methods: The performance of 26 euthymic patients(12 males, 14 females) with DSM-IV BD (20 BD type I and six BD type II) was compared to that of 26 controls (12 males, 14 females) on tests of executive function. Controls were matched to patients on an individual basis for sex, age and premorbid IQ. Tests assessed spatial working memory (SWM), planning, attentional set-shifting and verbal fluency. Results: Overall, patients showed deficits in SWM strategy (p < 0.001) and made more SWM errors relative to controls (p < 0.001). These deficits were more apparent in male-only comparisons (both p < 0.001) than in female-only comparisons (both p < 0.05). When examined in isolation, male controls were significantly better at performing the SWM task than female controls (both p < 0.05). This pattern was not observed in the patient cohort: male patients had poorer strategy scores than female patients (p < 0.05), but made a similar number of SWM errors. Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that gender can influence the detection of SWM deficits in the euthymic phase of BD, as the sex-related disequilibrium in SWM identified in healthy controls was disrupted in BD. © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard.


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Researching psychotic disorders in unison rather than as separate diagnostic groups is widely advocated, but the viability of such an approach requires careful consideration from a neurocognitive perspective.
To describe cognition in people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and to examine how known causes of variability in individual's performance contribute to any observed diagnostic differences.
Neurocognitive functioning in people with bipolar disorder (n = 32), schizophrenia (n = 46) and healthy controls (n = 67) was compared using analysis of covariance on data from the Northern Ireland First Episode Psychosis Study.
The bipolar disorder and schizophrenia groups were most impaired on tests of memory, executive functioning and language. The bipolar group performed significantly better on tests of response inhibition, verbal fluency and callosal functioning. Between-group differences could be explained by the greater proclivity of individuals with schizophrenia to experience global cognitive impairment and negative symptoms.
Particular impairments are common to people with psychosis and may prove useful as endophenotypic markers. Considering the degree of individuals' global cognitive impairment is critical when attempting to understand patterns of selective impairment both within and between these diagnostic groups.


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Objective: To compare performance of patients with mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) on tests of executive functioning and working memory.

Methods: Patients with AD (n = 76) and VaD (n = 46) were recruited from a memory clinic along with dementia free participants (n = 28). They underwent specific tests of working memory from the Cognitive Drug Research (CDR) battery and pen and paper tests of executive function including CLOX 1 & 2, EXIT25 and a test of verbal fluency (COWAT). All patients had a CT brain scan which was independently scored for white matter change/ischaemia.

Results: The AD and VaD groups were significantly impaired on all measures of working memory and executive functioning compared to the disease free group. There were no significant differences between the AD and VaD groups on any measure. Z-scores confirmed the pattern of impairment in executive functioning and working memory was largely equivalent in both patient groups. Small to moderate correlations were seen between the MMSE and the neurocognitive scores in both patient groups and the pattern of correlations was also very similar in both patient groups.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates sizeable executive functioning and working memory impairments in patients with mild-moderate AD and VaD but no significant differences between the disease groups. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Cognitive deficits are a key feature of recent-onset psychosis, but there is no consensus on whether such deficits are generalized or confined to specific domains. Besides, it is unclear whether cognitive deficits: a) are found in psychotic patients in samples from outside high-income countries; and b) whether they progress uniformly over time in schizophrenia and affective psychoses. We applied 12 tests organized into eight cognitive domains, comparing psychosis patients (n = 56, time from initial contact = 677.95+/-183.27 days) versus healthy controls (n = 70) recruited from the same area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Longitudinal comparisons (digit span and verbal fluency) were conducted between a previous assessment of the subjects carried out at their psychosis onset, and the current follow-up evaluation. Psychosis patients differed significantly from controls on five domains, most prominently on verbal memory. Cognitive deficits remained detectable in separate comparisons of the schizophrenia subgroup and, to a lesser extent, the affective psychosis subjects against controls. Longitudinal comparisons indicated significant improvement in schizophrenia, affective psychoses, and control subjects, with no significant group-by-time interactions. Our results reinforce the view that there are generalized cognitive deficits in association with recent-onset psychoses, particularly of non-affective nature, which persist over time. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Studies conducted in high-income countries have reported significant cognitive deficits in first on set schizophrenia subjects relative to asymptotic controls, and it has been suggested that the severity of such deficits could be directly related to the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP). It is relevant to conduct similar studies in developing countries, given the supposedly better outcome for schizophrenia patients living in the latter environments.

Methods: We applied verbal fluency and digit span tests to an epidemiological-based series of patients with first-onset psychoses (n = 179) recruited in the city of Sao Paulo, and compared the findings with those from non-psychotic control subjects randomly selected from the same geographical areas (n=383).

Results: Psychosis subjects showed lower scores on the three tests relative to controls, with greatest between-group differences for the backward digit span task (p < 0.0001). There were no significant differences between subjects with affective and schizophreniform psychosis. Cognitive performance indices were negatively correlated with the severity of negative symptoms, but showed no relation to DUP.

Conclusion: We found significant cognitive deficits in patients investigated early during the course of psychotic disorders in an environment that is distinct from those where the subjects investigated in previous studies have been drawn from. We found no support to the hypothesis of an association between greater cognitive deficits and a longer DUP. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Language deficits are frequently reported in studies of patients with schizophrenia. The present study sought to test the hypothesis that such deficits are related to callosal function in this group. The FAS test of verbal fluency and Perin's Spoonerisms test of phonological processing were the tests of language. Callosal function was assessed using a Crossed Finger Localisation Test (CFLT), which is a measure of the interhemispheric transfer of somatosensory information. Patients with schizophrenia performed less well than controls on measures of language function. as well as on the CFLT. Significant positive correlations between CFLT performance and language function were present in the patient group, but not the control group. These findings extend on previous studies that report functional abnormalities of the corpus callosum in schizophrenia and are consistent with the hypothesis that language deficits in schizophrenia are related to impaired callosal functioning in this group. However, other explanations cannot be ruled Out.


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Thinning of the corpus callosum (CC) is often observed in individuals who were born very preterm. Damage to the CC during neurodevelopment may be associated with poor neuropsychological performance. This study aimed to explore any evidence of CC pathology in adolescents aged 14-15 years who were born very preterm, and to investigate the relationship between CC areas and verbal skills. Seventy-two individuals born before 33 weeks of gestation and 51 age- and sex-matched full-term controls received structural MRI and neuropsychological assessment. Total CC area in very preterm adolescents was 7.5% smaller than in controls, after adjusting for total white matter volume (P=0.015). The absolute size of callosal subregions differed between preterm and fullterm adolescents: preterm individuals had a 14.7% decrease in posterior (P<0.0001) and an 11.6% decrease in mid-posterior CC quarters (P=0.029). Preterm individuals who had experienced periventricular haemorrhage and ventricular dilatation in the neonatal period showed the greatest decrease in CC area. In very preterm boys only, verbal IQ and verbal fluency scores were positively associated with total mid-sagittal CC size and midposterior surface area. These results suggest that very preterm birth adversely affects the development of the CC, particularly its posterior quarter, and this impairs verbal skills in boys.


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Background: Prospective investigations of the association between impaired orthostatic blood pressure (BP) regulation and cognitive decline in older adults are limited, and findings to-date have been mixed. The aim of this study was to determine whether impaired recovery of orthostatic BP was associated with change in cognitive function over a 2-year period, in a population based sample of community dwelling older adults. 

Methods: Data from the first two waves of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing were analysed. Orthostatic BP was measured during a lying to standing orthostatic stress protocol at wave 1 using beat-to-beat digital plethysmography, and impaired recovery of BP at 40 s post stand was investigated. Cognitive function was assessed at wave 1 and wave 2 (2 years later) using the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), verbal fluency and word recall tasks. 

Results: After adjustment for measured, potential confounders, and multiple imputation for missing data, the change in the number of errors between waves on the MMSE was 10 % higher [IRR (95 % CI) = 1.10 (0.96, 1.26)] in those with impaired recovery at 40 s. However, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.17). Impaired BP recovery was not associated with change in performance on any of the other cognitive measures. 

Conclusions: There was no clear evidence for an association between impaired recovery of orthostatic BP and change in cognition over a 2-year period in this nationally representative cohort of older adults. Longer follow-up and more detailed cognitive testing would be advantageous to further investigate the relationship between orthostatic BP and cognitive decline.


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A esquizofrenia é uma perturbação mental grave caracterizada pela coexistência de sintomas positivos, negativos e de desorganização do pensamento e do comportamento. As alterações motoras são consistentemente observadas mas, ainda pouco estudadas na esquizofrenia, sendo relevantes para o seu diagnóstico. Neste quadro, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os indivíduos com esquizofrenia apresentam alterações na coordenação motora, comparativamente com o grupo sem esquizofrenia, bem como analisar se as disfunções dos sinais neurológicos subtis (SNS) motores se encontram correlacionadas com o funcionamento executivo e com os domínios psicopatológicos da perturbação. No total participaram 29 indivíduos (13 com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e 16 sem diagnóstico) equivalentes em termos de idade, género, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal. Para avaliar o desempenho motor recorreu-se ao sistema Biostage de parametrização do movimento em tempo real, com a tarefa de lançameto ao alvo; a presença de SNS foi examinada através da Brief Motor Scale; o funcionamento executivo pela aplicação do subteste do Vocabulário e da fluência verbal e a sintomatologia clínica através da Positive and Negative Sindrome Scale. Pela análise cinemática do movimento constatou-se que os indivíduos com esquizofrenia recrutam um padrão motor menos desenvolvido e imaturo de movimento, com menor individualização das componentes (principalmente do tronco e pélvis), necessitando de mais tempo para executar a tarefa, comparativamente com os sujeitos sem a perturbação que evidenciaram um movimento mais avançado de movimento. Os indivíduos com esquizofrenia mostraram índices elevados de disfunção dos SNS (média =6,01) estabelecendo este domínio uma relação boa e negativa com o desempenho verbal (rho Spearman=-0,62) e uma relação forte e positiva com todos os domínios psicopatológicos (rho Spearman=0,74). O estudo da existência de alterações motoras como parte intrínseca da esquizofrenia revela-se pertinente uma vez que possibilita uma compreensão mais aprofundada da sua fisiopatologia e permite que se desenvolvam práticas mais efetivas na área da saúde e reabilitação.


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This study aimed to examine the differences in standing balance between individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) and subjects without PD (control group), under single and dual-task conditions. A cross-sectional study was designed using a non-probabilistic sample of 110 individuals (50 participants with PD and 60 controls) aged 50 years old and over. The individuals with PD were in the early or middle stages of the disease (characterized by Hoehn and Yahr as stages 1-3). The standing balance was assessed by measuring the centre of pressure (CoP) displacement in single-task (eyes-open/eyes-closed) and dual-task (while performing two different verbal fluency tasks). No significant differences were found between the groups regarding sociodemographic variables. In general, the standing balance of the individuals with PD was worse than the controls, as the CoP displacement across tasks was significantly higher for the individuals with PD (p<0.01), both in anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. Moreover, there were significant differences in the CoP displacement based parameters between the conditions, mainly between the eyes-open condition and the remaining conditions. However, there was no significant interaction found between group and condition, which suggests that changes in the CoP displacement between tasks were not influenced by having PD. In conclusion, this study shows that, although individuals with PD had a worse overall standing balance than individuals without the disease, the impact of performing an additional task on the CoP displacement is similar for both groups.


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Les études des effets de l’activité physique sur la cognition humaine et animale ne permettent pas de clarifier si ces effets sont spécifiques au type d’exercice pratiqué et si les gains cognitifs pour un cerveau en développement sont globaux ou exclusifs à certaines fonctions cognitives. Considérant le circuit nerveux entre le cervelet et le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral, nous croyons qu’un entraînement neuromoteur stimulant les fonctions motrices du cervelet améliorera les fonctions exécutives associées au cortex préfrontal. Comme l’entraînement aérobie a affecté positivement différentes fonctions cognitives dans des études précédentes, nous croyons que ce type d’exercice améliorera les fonctions exécutives et la mémoire à long-terme. Trois classes de sixième année (âge moyen = 11,4 ans) ont été aléatoirement assignées aux groupes neuromoteur (n=22), aérobie (n=19) et contrôle (n=15). Nous nous sommes assurés que l’entraînement neuromoteur ne stimulait aucunement la capacité aérobie et que l’entraînement aérobie n’améliorait aucune habileté motrice. Les entraînements pour les deux groupes expérimentaux consistaient en 30 minutes d’activités par jour d’école pendant les heures de classe, pour 10 semaines ; le groupe contrôle suivait le programme scolaire régulier. Des tests moteurs et cognitifs ont été administrés avant et après l’intervention. Une série d’ANOVAs a révélé que l’entraînement neuromoteur avait amélioré la fluence verbale avec un effet marginal sur la génération de verbe, deux fonctions exécutives associées au circuit fronto-cérébelleux, et que l’entraînement aérobie avait mené à une amélioration distincte de la fluence verbale. Ainsi, nos résultats démontrent que les améliorations des fonctions exécutives sont spécifiques à chaque entraînement pratiqué.


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Contexte : Les répercussions de l’alcool au niveau des fonctions cognitives sont bien documentées. Certaines hypothèses suggèrent que l’alcool affecte des fonctions cognitives spécifiques alors que d’autres avancent l’hypothèse de déficits diffus. Cependant, une ambigüité persiste concernant quelles fonctions cognitives sont le plus touchées par l’alcool, et à quel point la durée d’abstinence affecte la récupération cognitive. Nous avons procédé à une des premières méta-analyses qui s’intéresse aux différentes fonctions cognitives touchées par la consommation problématique d’alcool et à la durée d’abstinence requise pour une récupération au niveau des cognitions. Méthodes : Une recherche de la littérature a permis d’identifier 62 études évaluant les cognitions chez les personnes présentant des troubles liés à l’utilisation d’alcool. Les estimations de la taille d’effet ont été calculées avec la Comprehensive Meta Analysis –V2 pour les 12 domaines cognitifs suivants : quotient intellectuel, fluidité verbale/langage, vitesse de traitement de l’information, mémoire de travail, attention, résolution de problème/fonctions exécutives, inhibition/impulsivité, apprentissage verbal, mémoire verbale, apprentissage visuel, mémoire visuelle, habiletés visuo-spatiales. Parmi ces 12 domaines cognitifs, 3 estimations de la taille d’effet ont été calculées selon les durées d’abstinences suivantes : court- (<1 mois), moyen- (2 à 12 mois) et long- (>1 an) termes. Résultats : Les résultats ont révélé la présence de dysfonctions modérées dans 11 domaines cognitifs durant l’abstinence à court terme, et dans 10 domaines cognitifs pour le moyen-terme. Des dysfonctions cognitives minimales furent notées durant l’abstinence à long-terme. Conclusions : Ces résultats révèlent des déficits cognitifs significatifs et diffus durant la première année d’abstinence. Déficits qui se normalisent après un an. Ces résultats soutiennent l’hypothèse de déficits cognitifs diffus reliés à l’alcoolisme et suggèrent que la cognition devrait faire partie intégrante du traitement d’alcoolisme.


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Le raisonnement sociomoral (RSM) est une habileté essentielle durant l’adolescence, car elle guide les décisions sociales, facilitant le fonctionnement social. Quelques facteurs sociocognitifs et socioémotionnels semblent favoriser l’évolution du RSM, cependant leur contribution particulière reste nébuleuse, car ils ont été étudiés de façon isolée. Cette étude explore les habiletés associées au RSM mature chez les adolescents en santé, ainsi que la contribution spécifique des fonctions exécutives, en utilisant un outil écologiquement valide pour cette population. Nous avons détecté quatre contributeurs indépendants du RSM mature : l’âge, l’intelligence, la flexibilité cognitive et la fluence verbale, ainsi que des différences de genre concernant la maturité du RSM et la prise de décision sociomorale. Les résultats de cette étude contribuent à améliorer la compréhension du développement moral à l’adolescence et soulignent l’importance d’utiliser des outils écologiquement valides pour mesurer les habiletés sociales.


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Les ondes lentes (OL) et les fuseaux de sommeil (FS) caractérisent le sommeil lent. Ces ondes sont particulièrement vulnérables aux effets du vieillissement, et ce, dès le milieu de l’âge adulte. La signification fonctionnelle de ces changements demeure toutefois inconnue. Les OL constituent des marqueurs sensibles de la pression homéostatique au sommeil qui augmente avec la durée de l’éveil et qui diminue avec la durée de sommeil. L’hypothèse que les changements des OL puissent refléter une altération de la régulation homéostatique demeure toujours matière à débat dans la littérature. D’autre part, les FS et les OL ont tous deux été associés à la plasticité cérébrale et à la cognition. La correspondance entre les ondes en sommeil lent et le fonctionnement cognitif au cours du vieillissement normal demeure peu étudiée et les résultats sont inconsistants. L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer comment l’âge affecte la réponse homéostatique des OL et d’évaluer l’association entre les caractéristiques des ondes en sommeil lent et les performances cognitives chez des personnes d’âge moyen et âgées. La première étude a évalué l’effet de 25 heures d’éveil sur les OL durant un épisode de sommeil de récupération diurne chez de jeunes adultes et des personnes d’âge moyen. Comparativement aux jeunes, les personnes d’âge moyen ont montré une augmentation atténuée de la densité des OL après la privation de sommeil. Elles ont également montré une augmentation plus faible de la synchronisation neuronale durant une OL dans les régions frontales et préfrontales, mesurée par l’amplitude et la pente des OL. La deuxième étude a évalué le lien prédictif des OL, des FS et de l’architecture du sommeil sur les performances à des tests neuropsychologiques mesurant les capacités attentionnelles, les fonctions exécutives et les capacités d’apprentissage verbal chez des participants d’âge moyen et âgés en bonne santé. Seule la fluence verbale était associée à la densité et à la pente des OL. Les OL ne semblent donc pas constituer un marqueur stable du fonctionnement cognitif. Comparativement aux OL, les caractéristiques des FS étaient associées de façon plus systématique aux performances cognitives et plus particulièrement aux capacités d’apprentissage et aux fonctions attentionnelles. Dans l’ensemble, cette thèse suggère que l’augmentation plus faible de la synchronisation neuronale dans les régions antérieures après une privation de sommeil est expliquée par une plasticité synaptique réduite chez les personnes d’âge moyen comparativement aux jeunes. Par ailleurs, la capacité à générer une activité neuronale synchronisée, mesurée par les OL, ne prédit ni la capacité à maintenir le sommeil durant le jour, ni les fonctions cognitives de façon consistante. Les FS, quant à eux, représentent un meilleur marqueur du fonctionnement cognitif au cours du vieillissement normal. Les FS pourraient refléter une meilleure intégrité anatomique/physiologique des réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans les capacités attentionnelles et d’apprentissage.