782 resultados para Self-medication, Self-care, Medication, Prescriptions, Bibliometrics
Liite 1. Neuvontatilanteiden vertailulomake s. 58-59.
L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC), une maladie chronique caractérisée par un mauvais fonctionnement du muscle cardiaque, entraîne des symptômes comme l’essoufflement, l’œdème et la fatigue. L’IC nécessite l’adoption de comportements d’auto-soins pour prévenir les épisodes de décompensation. Le but de cette recherche est d’évaluer l’intervention infirmière motivationnelle selon les stades de changements (MSSC) sur les comportements d’auto-soins chez des patients IC. Afin de guider l’intervention MSSC, la théorie spécifique aux auto-soins chez les patients IC de Riegel et Dickson (2008) a été retenue ainsi que le modèle d’intervention de Bédard et al. (2006) combinant le modèle transthéorique (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1984) et l’entrevue motivationnelle (Miller & Rollnick, 2006). Il s’agit d’un devis expérimental randomisé (pré et post-test) avec groupe contrôle (N = 15/groupe). Les patients du groupe contrôle ont reçu les soins usuels et les patients du groupe intervention (GI) ont reçu l’intervention MSSC durant trois entretiens. Les mesures de résultats ont été collectées à un mois suite à la randomisation par une assistante de recherche aveugle à la randomisation. L’effet de l’intervention a été évalué par des analyses de covariance sur cinq mesures de résultats : la réalisation et la gestion (générale et spécifique à l’IC) des auto-soins, la confiance aux auto-soins (générale et spécifique à l’IC) et la conviction. L’acceptabilité et la faisabilité ont été évaluées. Les résultats indiquent un effet significatif sur la mesure de confiance à effectuer les auto-soins spécifiques à l’IC. La majorité des participants du GI ont progressé dans leurs stades de changement. Ces résultats soulignent le potentiel de cette approche pour favoriser l’adoption des auto-soins mais une étude à plus large échelle est proposée afin d’évaluer l’effet de cette approche dans un essai clinique randomisé.
La automedicación es un fenómeno global creciente que tradicionalmente se ha definido como la acción individual de tomarse un medicamento o seguir un tratamiento sin prescripción médica. Sin embargo, esta visión se ha quedado corta ante las manifestaciones contemporáneas del fenómeno que van más allá del autocuidado y se asocian cada vez más al consumo masivo inducido por la publicidad. En ese sentido, este artículo presenta las definiciones y teorías explicativas de la automedicación ofrecidas por la literatura científica y ofrece una nueva hipótesis sobre la automedicación, como comportamiento individual de consumo, explicada por un posicionamiento cognitivo causal simple de la acción de los medicamentos, a su vez facilitado por la publicidad y el mercadeo de éstos. Se concluye mostrando la importancia de contrarrestar el efecto de la publicidad mediante la educación del consumidor acerca del riesgo que implica la complejidad la automedicación a partir de la acción de los medicamentos en el organismo.
El presente trabajo de grado es una revisión de la literatura que permite hacer un recorrido desde el psicoanálisis acerca de la compleja problemática de las adicciones. Para ello, se revisaron las bases de datos PepWeb, Ebsco, y Jstor, revisando las posiciones del psicoanálisis freudiano, lacaniano y otras corrientes psicoanalíticas respondiendo a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: (a) ¿Cómo se comprenden las adicciones desde un marco de referencia psicoanalítico? (b) ¿Cómo –desde la teoría freudiana y la teoría lacaniana - se aborda la comprensión de la adicción? (c) ¿Qué dice el psicoanálisis contemporáneo sobre ésta problemática? Se abordan temas como la concepción de una adicción desde la perspectiva de Freud y Lacan hasta psicoanalistas contemporáneos, el rol que juega el goce en la adicción y, finalmente, el complejo debate incipiente sobre la legalidad del tóxico. Se encontró que es un campo de constante publicación y es necesario que los clínicos y los psicoanalistas aborden este campo de estudio clínico permanentemente y sigan produciendo investigaciones sobre el fenómeno.
Atualmente, consideram-se os autocuidados como a primeira forma de prevenção e tratamento de doenças. Através de alterações no estilo de vida e da automedicação é possível obter enormes benefícios, não só na saúde mas também na economia do próprio país. Para que estas medidas sejam eficazes e seguras, é essencial garantir a formação e informação da sociedade, sendo os profissionais de saúde os principais intervenientes neste processo. Assim, o farmacêutico deve intervir junto da população, não só na promoção da saúde, como também no incentivo ao uso racional dos medicamentos. São diversas as situações passíveis de automedicação e são igualmente vários os casos de utilização incorreta de medicamentos neste contexto. Assim, optou-se por destacar a automedicação na obstipação com recurso não só a Medidas Não Farmacológicas, como também à utilização de laxantes. A obstipação é um conjunto de sintomas associado a determinada causa. Fatores desencadeantes podem ser de origem patológica ou de origem comportamental, destacando-se o stress, polimedicação e hábitos de consumo. Os laxantes são normalmente utilizados no tratamento da obstipação, no entanto, temse conhecimento que podem ser indevidamente usados para outros fins, nomeadamente em contexto de distúrbios alimentares. A dependência destes medicamentos é elevada quando utilizados de forma incorreta, por tempo prolongado e em elevada frequência. Deste modo, o presente estudo tem como principais objetivos percecionar quais as possíveis causas da obstipação; avaliar a utilização de laxantes; identificar que tipo de intervenção é feita pelo farmacêutico nesta temática; avaliar qual o grau de conhecimento da sociedade relativamente à obstipação e ao uso de laxantes e elaborar o Protocolo de Intervenção Farmacêutica na obstipação. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e transversal que se baseou na realização de um questionário de resposta fechada a utentes da Farmácia Damaia. Foram inquiridos 300 voluntários, de ambos os géneros, com idades compreendidas entre os 1-88 anos (45,15 ± 20,16 anos), após consentimento de participação. O questionário abordou diversas áreas, nomeadamente estilo de vida, rotinas e hábitos defecatórios e xvi utilização de laxantes. Os dados foram tratados no programa Microsoft Excel® 2007 e posteriormente analisados. Através do estudo foi possível percecionar que são várias as falhas existentes ao nível dos conhecimentos da população, nomeadamente em relação aos princípios básicos do funcionamento intestinal. Este estudo também demonstrou que existem lacunas nos conhecimentos acerca dos tipos de obstipação e na utilização de laxantes. Torna-se percetível que é fundamental o processo de instrução da população em relação a esta e outras temáticas relacionadas com a saúde. Assim, o farmacêutico deve tornar-se mais pró-ativo e intervir nesta área, para benefício de toda a sociedade.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the structure, process and results of the Capillary Blood Glucose Self-monitoring Program in a Brazilian city. METHOD: epidemiological, cross-sectional study. The methodological framework of Donabedian was used to construct indicators of structure, process and outcome. A random sample (n = 288) of users enrolled and 96 health professionals who worked in the program was studied. Two questionnaires were used that were constructed for this study, one for professionals and one for users, both containing data for the evaluation of structure, process and outcome. Anthropometric measures and laboratory results were collected by consulting the patients' health records. The analysis involved descriptive statistics. RESULTS: most of the professionals were not qualified to work in the program and were not knowledgeable about the set of criteria for patient registration. None of the patients received complete and correct orientations about the program and the percentage with skills to perform conducts autonomously was 10%. As regards the result indicators, 86.4% of the patients and 81.3% of the professionals evaluated the program positively. CONCLUSION: the evaluation indicators designed revealed that one of the main objectives of the program, self-care skills, has not been achieved.
This cross-sectional and quantitative study aimed to analyze the relationship among social support, adherence to non-pharmacological (diet and physical exercise) and pharmacological treatments (insulin and/or oral anti-diabetic medication) and clinical and metabolic control of 162 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Data were collected through instruments validated for Brazil. Social support was directly correlated with treatment adherence. Adherence to non-pharmacological treatment was inversely correlated with body mass index, and medication adherence was inversely correlated with diastolic blood pressure. There were no associations between social support and clinical and metabolic control variables. Findings indicate that social support can be useful to achieve treatment adherence. Studies with other designs should be developed to broaden the analysis of relations between social support and other variables.
Objective. To examine and evaluate racial and ethnic disparities in glycemic control among HRS respondents with diabetes aged 55-94 years. ^ Methods. The HRS Diabetes 2003 database provides data on blood-drawn glycemic control and self-reported demographics, socioeconomic status, clinical, health access and self-care characteristics. 1,141 non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and Hispanic respondents were included in multiple logistic regression of glycemic control. ^ Results. The rate of poor control was significantly higher among Blacks (61.5%, 105/171) and Hispanics (65.3% 72/110) than among Whites (45.0% 387/860) (p < 0.01). After controlling for influential covariates and interactions, Blacks and Hispanics had a three-fold increased risk for poor control compared to Whites when duration was five years or less. ^ Conclusions. Clinical and self-perception variables, like duration, medication, and self-rated poor diabetes control affected glycemic control independent of race and ethnicity, but there remains unexplained racial and ethnic disparities for newly-diagnosed individuals. This is the first study to find an interaction between duration and race and ethnicity on glycemic control. Future research should incorporate cultural beliefs and attitudes about diabetes control that may explain the racial and ethnic disparity. ^
Purpose: Self-neglect (SN) is the inability to maintain self-care needs. It is thought that older adults who have impaired executive function (EF) develop the inability to do self-care and to protect themselves. The specific aims were to (1) determine the feasibility of using multiple EF measures with community-dwelling elders with SN, (2) identify changes in EF between baseline and 5-months in community-dwelling elders with SN who receive 50,000 IU or 400 IU of oral vitamin D monthly and (2) explore changes in specific dimensions of EF between the groups. ^ Methods: Fifty adults, 65 years of age and older, were recruited from Adult Protective Services with confirmed SN. A research nurse administered the following tests at baseline and five-months: Delis-Kaplan Card Sort Test (D-KEFS), Executive Interview (EXIT 25), CLOX Drawing Test (CLOX I, II), Trails Making Test A and B (TMT A & B) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Demographic data was collected at baseline and serum 25-OHD levels were collected at baseline and five-months. ^ Results: Older adults with SN were more likely to fail the CLOX1 and D-KEFS, while passing the MMSE, CLOX II, TMT A & B and the EXIT 25. At five-months, the only statistically significant difference between groups was in the TMT A & B test scores; the control group did better than the treatment group. There was a non-significant increase in serum vitamin D levels for both groups and no difference between groups. ^ Conclusions: Results from this study provide support that individuals who SN will complete a battery of EF tests and that they exhibit the following impairments consistent with executive dysfunction: 'concept generation', 'planning', 'inhibition', and 'spatial working memory'. Utilizing only one EF measure in individuals with intact cognition may result in unidentification of individuals with executive dysfunction, thus delaying necessary treatment. Future studies should attempt to determine different etiologies of executive dysfunction and determine if early treatment can prevent or reverse SN. ^ Key Words: Self-neglect, Executive Dysfunction, Executive Function, Adult Protective Services, Community-dwelling, Vitamin D ^
Os idosos institucionalizados apresentam risco de queda aumentado, quando comparado com os idosos não institucionalizados. A questão das quedas deve ser encarada como um grave problema de saúde pública, dadas as suas consequências e os custos irreversíveis. Assim, o estudo pretende avaliar o risco de queda em idosos institucionalizados e determinar os fatores que lhe estão associados. Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo-correlacional e de natureza quantitativa, que utilizou uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência composta por 136 idosos, com idades que variam entre os 65 anos e os 99 anos de idade, com uma média de idades de 85,98 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário, que procurava obter uma caracterização sociodemográfica, e clínica dos idosos e conhecer a história e circunstâncias das quedas. Foram utilizadas as escalas de Funcionalidade Familiar, Escala de Avaliação da Dependência nos Autocuidados e por último a POMA I (Índice de Tinetti). Os resultados revelam risco de queda bastante considerável, uma vez que se verificou que cerca de 45,6% dos idosos apresenta elevado risco de queda, 16,2% médio risco e 38,2% baixo risco. Verificamos ainda que, ser do sexo feminino e ter um baixo grau de escolaridade são fatores relacionados com o aumento do risco de queda. O mesmo apuramos relativamente ao défice cognitivo, á presença de doenças neurológicas, osteoarticulares, diminuição da acuidade visual e auditiva. Contrariamente, os idosos mais autónomos na deambulação, tomar banho e na toma da medicação são aqueles que apresentam menor risco de queda. Palavras-chave: idosos, risco de queda, institucionalização, capacidade funcional e equilíbrio.
Mode of access: Internet.
Background: To examine the views and current practice of SMBG among Black Caribbean and South Asian individuals with non-insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Twelve participants completed semi-structured interviews that were guided by the Health Belief Model and analyzed using thematic network analysis. Results: The frequency of monitoring among participants varied from several times a day to once per week. Most participants expressed similar experiences regarding their views and practices of SMBG. Minor differences across gender and culture were observed. All participants understood the benefits, but not all viewed SMBG as beneficial to their personal diabetes management. SMBG can facilitate a better understanding and maintenance of self-care behaviours. However, it can trigger both positive and negative emotional responses, such as a sense of disappointment when high readings are not anticipated, resulting in emotional distress. Health care professionals play a key role in the way SMBG is perceived and used by patients. Conclusion: While the majority of participants value SMBG as a self-management tool, barriers exist that impede its practice, particularly its cost. How individuals cope with these barriers is integral to understanding why some patients adopt SMBG more than others. © 2013 Gucciardi et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Background Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, particularly among minorities, and if improperly managed can lead to medical complications and death. Healthcare providers play vital roles in communicating standards of care, which include guidance on diabetes self-management. The background of the client may play a role in the patient-provider communication process. The aim of this study was to determine the association between medical advice and diabetes self care management behaviors for a nationally representative sample of adults with diabetes. Moreover, we sought to establish whether or not race/ethnicity was a modifier for reported medical advice received and diabetes self-management behaviors. Methods We analyzed data from 654 adults aged 21 years and over with diagnosed diabetes [130 Mexican-Americans; 224 Black non-Hispanics; and, 300 White non-Hispanics] and an additional 161 with 'undiagnosed diabetes' [N = 815(171 MA, 281 BNH and 364 WNH)] who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate whether medical advice to engage in particular self-management behaviors (reduce fat or calories, increase physical activity or exercise, and control or lose weight) predicted actually engaging in the particular behavior and whether the impact of medical advice on engaging in the behavior differed by race/ethnicity. Additional analyses examined whether these relationships were maintained when other factors potentially related to engaging in diabetes self management such as participants' diabetes education, sociodemographics and physical characteristics were controlled. Sample weights were used to account for the complex sample design. Results Although medical advice to the patient is considered a standard of care for diabetes, approximately one-third of the sample reported not receiving dietary, weight management, or physical activity self-management advice. Participants who reported being given medical advice for each specific diabetes self-management behaviors were 4-8 times more likely to report performing the corresponding behaviors, independent of race. These results supported the ecological model with certain caveats. Conclusions Providing standard medical advice appears to lead to diabetes self-management behaviors as reported by adults across the United States. Moreover, it does not appear that race/ethnicity influenced reporting performance of the standard diabetes self-management behavior. Longitudinal studies evaluating patient-provider communication, medical advice and diabetes self-management behaviors are needed to clarify our findings.
Adequate care of type 2 diabetes is reflected by the individual’s adherence to dietary guidance; yet, few patients are engaged in diabetes self-care at the recommended level, regardless of race/ethnicity. Few studies on the effect of dietary medical advice on diabetes self-management (DSM) and glycemic control have been conducted on Haitian and African American adults with type 2 diabetes. These relationships were assessed in total of 254 Blacks with type 2 diabetes (Haitian Americans = 129; African Americans = 125) recruited from Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, Florida by community outreach methods. Although dietary advice received was not significantly different between the two Black ethnicities, given advice “to follow a diet” as a predictor of “using food groups” was significant for Haitian Americans, but not for African Americans. Haitian Americans who were advised to follow a diet were approximately 3 times more likely to sometimes or often use food groups (or exchange lists) in planning meals. Less than optimal glycemic control (A1C > 7.2) was inversely related to DSM for African Americans; but the relationship was not significant for Haitian Americans. A one unit increase in DSM score decreased the odds ratio point estimate of having less than optimal glycemic control (A1C > 7.2%) by a factor of 0.94 in African Americans. These results suggest that medical advice for diet plans may not be communicated effectively for DSM for some races/ethnicities. Research aimed at uncovering the enablers and barriers of diet management specific to Black ethnicities with type 2 diabetes is recommended.
Background: Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, particularly among minorities, and if improperly managed can lead to medical complications and death. Healthcare providers play vital roles in communicating standards of care, which include guidance on diabetes self-management. The background of the client may play a role in the patient-provider communication process. The aim of this study was to determine the association between medical advice and diabetes self care management behaviors for a nationally representative sample of adults with diabetes. Moreover, we sought to establish whether or not race/ethnicity was a modifier for reported medical advice received and diabetes self-management behaviors. Methods: We analyzed data from 654 adults aged 21 years and over with diagnosed diabetes [130 MexicanAmericans; 224 Black non-Hispanics; and, 300 White non-Hispanics] and an additional 161 with ‘undiagnosed diabetes’ [N = 815(171 MA, 281 BNH and 364 WNH)] who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate whether medical advice to engage in particular self-management behaviors (reduce fat or calories, increase physical activity or exercise, and control or lose weight) predicted actually engaging in the particular behavior and whether the impact of medical advice on engaging in the behavior differed by race/ethnicity. Additional analyses examined whether these relationships were maintained when other factors potentially related to engaging in diabetes self management such as participants’ diabetes education, sociodemographics and physical characteristics were controlled. Sample weights were used to account for the complex sample design. Results: Although medical advice to the patient is considered a standard of care for diabetes, approximately onethird of the sample reported not receiving dietary, weight management, or physical activity self-management advice. Participants who reported being given medical advice for each specific diabetes self-management behaviors were 4-8 times more likely to report performing the corresponding behaviors, independent of race. These results supported the ecological model with certain caveats. Conclusions: Providing standard medical advice appears to lead to diabetes self-management behaviors as reported by adults across the United States. Moreover, it does not appear that race/ethnicity influenced reporting performance of the standard diabetes self-management behavior. Longitudinal studies evaluating patient-provider communication, medical advice and diabetes self-management behaviors are needed to clarify our findings.