834 resultados para Self-examination, Medical.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Skin tumours, in particular squamous-cell carcinomas (SCC), are the most common malignant conditions developing in transplant recipients. The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency and type of skin cancer in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation. METHODS: Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed on data of 243 renal transplant patients who attended the dermatology outpatient clinic for the first time after transplantation in the period January 2002-October 2005. RESULTS: We found an increased risk of actinic keratosis (AK) and SCC in renal transplant recipients with a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) / SCC ratio of 1:7. Older patients had AK more frequently (odds ratio [OR] 1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.06-1.15; p <0.0001) and SCC (OR 1.14, CI 1.07-1.22; p <0.0001) than younger patients. Men had AK (OR 0.19, CI 0.08-0.45; p = 0.0002) and SCC (OR 0.25, CI 0.07-0.89; p = 0.0332) more frequently than women. The duration of immunosuppressive therapy correlated significantly with the numbers of AKs (OR 1.15, CI 1.08-1.24; p <0.0001) and SCCs (OR 1.16, CI 1.05-1.28; p = 0.0025), and patients with fair skin had more AKs (OR 0.31, CI 0.14-1.24; p <0.0001) and SCCs (OR 0.11, CI 0.02-0.52; p = 0.0054) than darker skinned patients. We could not identify any specific immunosuppressive drug as a distinct risk factor for AK or non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). CONCLUSION: Skin cancers are increased in the renal transplant population. Main risk factors for skin cancers are fair skin type and long duration of immunosuppressive therapy. A follow-up programme is necessary for early detection of skin cancer and precancerous conditions. Preventive strategies should include specialist dermatological monitoring and self-examination.
Purpose. To evaluate the effectiveness of a culturally sensitive educational intervention that used an African American lay survivor of breast cancer to increase knowledge of breast cancer, decrease cancer fatalism, and increase participation in mobile mammography screening among African American women. ^ Design. Experimental pretest/posttest design. ^ Setting. Two predominantly African American churches in a large southwestern metropolitan city. ^ Sample. Participants included 93 African American women, 40 years of age and older. Participants were randomly assigned to an intervention group (n = 48) or a control group (n = 45). ^ Methods. Pretest and post-test measures included the Breast Cancer Knowledge Test and the Powe Fatalism Inventory. In addition, demographic and breast screening practices were collected by questionnaire. The intervention group received a breast cancer educational testimonial from an African American lay survivor of breast cancer, who answered questions and addressed concerns, while stressing the importance of taking responsibility for one's own health and spreading disease prevention messages throughout the African American community. The control group viewed the American Cancer Society “Keep In Touch” video prepared specifically for African American women. Participants in both groups were given culturally sensitive educational materials designed to increase knowledge about breast cancer, and were instructed on breast self-examination by an African American registered nurse, using ethnically appropriate breast models. In addition, after the post-test, all eligible participants were given an opportunity to have a free mammogram via a mobile mammography unit parked at the church. ^ Findings. Participants in the intervention group had a significant increase (p = .03) in knowledge of breast cancer and a significant decrease (p = .000) in fatalism scores compared to those individuals in the control group. The intervention group had a 61% participation rate in screening, while the control group had a 39% participation rate in screening. However, the difference was not statistically significant at the .05 level (p = .07). ^ Conclusions. Results demonstrate that culturally sensitive breast cancer education is successful in increasing knowledge and decreasing cancer fatalism. While there was a trend toward behavior change in the intervention group, more research needs to be done in this area. ^
Women's magazines in Australia have become increasingly involved in various public health awareness campaigns. In particular, breast cancer has been targeted as an issue for attention. This disease occupies a privileged position in women's magazines, being represented as treatable and survivable with an emphasis on the advocacy of early detection through breast self-examination and screening programs. In this way, women's magazines can be seen to be proactive in serving the public interest of their readers. Information and advice about breast cancer are not limited to medical articles, advice columns and diet pages, but occur, perhaps more accessibly, in feature articles of personal accounts of experiences with breast cancer. This paper looks at coverage of the disease in Australian women's magazines over the last 3 years to see how this role in public health awareness operates. It pays particular attention to illness narratives in feature articles and to stories associated with the magazines' own breast cancer campaigns.
Community responses (n = 925, response rate = 71%) of a series of eight photographs of pigmented skin lesions were compared against those of general practitioners (n = 114, response rate = 77%), considered to be the most relevant gold standard. The eight photographs included three melanomas, two potentially malignant lesions and three benign pigmented lesions. Over the pool of lesions examined, the average probability that community members thought a lesion was likely to be skin cancer (0.68 [99% CI = 0.66-0.69]) was higher (p < 0.0001) than that of the comparison general practitioners 0.58 [99% CI = 0.55-0.62]. This reflects a general (but not consistent) inflated propensity to over-diagnose among community members. The average probability that respondents indicated they would seek medical advice for a lesion was 0.71 [99% CI = 0.70-0.73]. As expected, this was strongly associated with their perceptions of the skin lesion. These results suggest that the community can play a valuable role in assessing the need for medical evaluation of pigmented skin lesions. (c) 2004 International Society for Preventive Oncology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cope of the LCME's planning and self-study materials. Includes information on the LCME accreditation process and policies, as well as an overview of the LCME as an an organization.
Discovering Hands (DH) es un proyecto que nace en Alemania en el 2006, liderado por el doctor Frank Hoffmann. El programa se desarrolla pensando en el importante problema de salud pública en el cual se ha convertido en el cáncer de mama, pues según la Organización Mundial de la Salud es el mayor causal de muerte en mujeres, tanto en países desarrollados como en vía de desarrollo, y en Alemania esta enfermedad acaba con la vida de aproximadamente 18.000 mujeres cada año. (The Global Journal, 2014) DH entrena y capacita mujeres visualmente impedidas para detectar de manera temprana los signos de cáncer de mama, dado que estas poseen un sentido del tacto más desarrollado que el de una persona que no se encuentre limitada visualmente. Esto les permite localizar el cáncer de forma más rápida que un médico general ya que son capaces de identificar los tumores más pequeños, logrando así reducir notablemente los costos totales del tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Adicional a esto, el capacitar y preparar a mujeres con discapacidad visual para la detección temprana de cáncer de mama, incrementa la fuerza laboral del país, pues estas mujeres pasarían a ser parte de la población económicamente activa del mismo (PEA) y lograrían que las personas dejen de percibir esta condición como una discapacidad y por el contrario la vean como una ventaja. Después de unos años de prueba, el programa ha sido mejorado y extendido tanto en Alemania como en otros países (Austria), razón por la cual se realizó el estudio de factibilidad del proyecto en países como Colombia - donde se quiere llevar a cabo un proyecto piloto en la ciudad de Cali - México y Argentina. El presente trabajo se enfoca en Argentina, por medio del cual se busca proponer aportes para disminuir las causas de muertes originadas por esta enfermedad y los altos costos que estas le generan al sector de la salud de este país. Con el estudio se logró identificar la factibilidad de la implementación del modelo de negocio, evidenciando que Argentina cuenta con unas particularidades en su sistema de gobierno que pueden hacer que la puesta en práctica del proyecto sea más compleja que en otros países.
Most studies of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) outcomes use cycle-based data and fail to account for women who use repeated IVF cycles. The objective of this study was to examine the association between the number of eggs collected (EC) and the percentage fertilised normally, and women’s self-reported medical, personal and social histories. This study involved a crosssectional survey of infertile women (aged 27-46 years) recruited from four privately-owned fertility clinics located in major cities of Australia. Regression modeling was used to estimate the mean EC and mean percentage of eggs fertilised normally: adjusted for age at EC. Appropriate statistical methods were used to take account of repeated IVF cycles by the same women. Among 121 participants who returned the survey and completed 286 IVF cycles, the mean age at EC was 35.2 years (SD 4.5). Women’s age at EC was strongly associated with the number of EC: <30 years, 11.7 EC; 30.0-< 35 years, 10.6 EC; 35.0-<40.0 years, 7.3 EC; 40.0+ years, 8.1 EC; p<.0001. Prolonged use of oral contraceptives was associated with lower numbers of EC: never used, 14.6 EC; 0-2 years, 11.7 EC; 3-5 years, 8.5 EC; 6þ years, 8.2 EC; p=.04. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) was associated with more EC: have PCOS, 11.5 EC; no, 8.3 EC; p=.01. Occupational exposures may be detrimental to normal fertilisation: professional roles, 58.8%; trade and service roles, 51.8%; manual and other roles, 63.3%; p=.02. In conclusion, women’s age remains the most significant characteristic associated with EC but not the percentage of eggs fertilised normally.
Several randomized trials have found behavior change programs delivered via text messaging to be efficacious to improve preventive health behaviors such as physical activity and stopping smoking; however few have assessed its value in skin cancer prevention or early detection. The HealthyTexts study enrolled 678 participants 18–42 years, and assigned them to receive 21 text messages about skin cancer prevention, skin self-examination or physical activity(attention control) over the course of one year. Baseline data have been collected and outcomes will be assessed at three months and twelve months post intervention. The trial aims to increase the mean overall sun protection habits index score from 2.3 to 2.7 with a standard deviation of 0.5 (effect size of 0.5) and the proportion of people who conduct a whole-body skin self-examination by an absolute 10%. This paper describes the study design and participants' baseline characteristics. In addition, participants' goals for their health, and strategies they apply to achieve those goals are summarized.
O presente estudo avalia a associação entre estresse no trabalho e auto-relato de diagnóstico médico de lesão por esforço repetitivo (LER). Trata-se de um estudo seccional, inserido no Estudo Pró-Saúde, que consiste no acompanhamento de uma coorte de funcionários técnico-administrativos de uma universidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram obtidos, no ano de 2001, a partir da aplicação de um questionário auto-preenchível. A população de estudo constou de 3.314 funcionários, dentre os quais, 485 apresentaram auto-relato de diagnóstico médico de LER, após sua admissão como funcionários da universidade. A prevalência de LER foi maior entre as mulheres (19,4%) do que entre os homens (8,8%). O estresse no trabalho foi avaliado através da versão reduzida do Job Content Questionnaire, desenvolvido por Karasek e Theorell, cujas questões se destinam a avaliar a demanda psicológica, o controle sobre o próprio trabalho e, o apoio social no trabalho. A análise do estresse no trabalho foi realizada de acordo com os quadrantes propostos por Karasek (1979): baixa exigência (baixa demanda e alto controle); trabalho passivo (baixa demanda e baixo controle); alta exigência (alta demanda e baixo controle) e; trabalho ativo (alta demanda e alto controle). Nesta análise, utilizou-se como categoria de referência, a baixa exigência, por compor um cenário ideal de trabalho. Após ajuste por variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas (idade, escolaridade e renda familiar per capita) e, ocupacionais (anos de trabalho na universidade e ocupação), homens e mulheres com alta exigência no trabalho, apresentaram uma chance maior de serem acometidos por LER (homens: OR= 1,88; IC95% 1,07-3,29 e mulheres: OR= 1,90; IC95% 1,32-2,02). No ajuste adicional pelo apoio social no trabalho, houve redução da força da associação, para ambos os sexos. Para as mulheres com alta exigência no trabalho, esta associação manteve-se significativa (OR= 1,63; IC95%= 1,12-2,37); enquanto que para os homens, esta associação ficou marginalmente significante (OR= 1,62; IC95%= 0,91-2,87). Este estudo reforça que o desequilíbrio entre a demanda psicológica no trabalho e o controle sobre o próprio trabalho é importante na ocorrência de LER e, portanto, pode ser útil na elaboração de medidas preventivas desse crescente problema de sáude pública. Espera-se que as hipóteses geradas neste estudo possam ser testadas em novas investigações que incorporem o desenho longitudinal, como o Estudo Pró-Saúde, no qual este se insere.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a análise da eficiência técnica das operadoras de planos de saúde vis-à-vis a criação da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar - ANS, no período de 2003 a 2008. Para tanto, foi utilizada a Análise Envoltória de Dados nos dados da saúde suplementar para geração das medidas de eficiência das operadoras, agrupadas em cinco modalidades: autogestão, cooperativa médica, filantropia, medicina de grupo e seguradora. Foram propostas quatro diferentes abordagens que pretenderam visualizar as performances das operadoras nas questões econômico-financeiras e assistenciais, bem como a relação do setor de saúde suplementar com o Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS. Além disso, os dados foram desagregados em grandes regiões brasileiras proporcionando a observação das diferenças regionais. Observou-se que existem grandes diferenças entre modalidades e também entre regiões. A comparação entre as medidas de eficiência nas quatro diferentes abordagens e a evolução, ano a ano, dos normativos da ANS, ainda necessita de uma análise mais detalhada, mas indica, ainda que primariamente, que as modalidades tiveram diferentes reações à regulação.
Os miomas uterinos (MU) são considerados os tumores mais comumente encontrados no sistema reprodutor feminino. Este estudo buscou investigar associação entre o ganho de peso na idade adulta e a ocorrência de miomas. Esta relação foi explorada em estudos internacionais na maior parte americanos. No Brasil nenhum estudo havia abordado este tema até o término desta dissertação. Para investigar como a associação entre o ganho de peso na idade adulta afeta o risco de miomas, foi conduzido um estudo transversal referente aos dados da linha de base (1999-2001) do estudo longitudinal Pró-Saúde onde 2594 servidores técnico-administrativos de uma universidade pública do Rio de Janeiro são participantes, entre eles foram selecionadas 1560 mulheres com diagnóstico médico autorrelatado de MU e que tiveram seus pesos aos vinte anos de idade autorrelatados em questionário autopreenchível cujas idades variaram entre 22 a 67 anos. Foi avaliada a mudança de peso desde os 20 anos até o momento da entrada no estudo. As prevalências de miomas encontradas neste grupo foram23.3% (IC95% - 21,2; 25,4), situando-se em posição intermediária quando comparada as prevalências encontradas nos estudos norte-americanos. A maior prevalência de ganho de peso foi encontrada no 4 quintil cujos valores variaram entre ganho maior que 0,7 Kg/ano e menor que 1,1 Kg/ano. A faixa etária com maiores prevalências de diagnóstico médico auto-relatado de miomas ficou compreendida entre 45 a 54 anos (39,1%).Os valores de peso aos 20 anos informados pelas respondentes variaram entre 30,0 e 96,0 kg. O IMC aos 20 anos de idade se situou está dentro da categoria de normalidade entre a maior parte das participantes. Os resultados não sugerem associação entre o ganho de peso na idade adulta e miomas nesta população de estudo
AIM: To explore breast health awareness and the early diagnosis and detection methods of breast cancer from the perspective of women and primary healthcare providers in the Jizan region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
BACKGROUND: Although there is a high incidence of advanced breast cancer in young women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, there is no standardized information about breast self-examination, or is there a national screening programme involving clinical breast examination and mammography available.
DESIGN: Qualitative exploratory study.
METHODS: Data collection will consist of 36 face-to-face semi-structured interviews: 12 with general practitioners; 12 with nurses at primary healthcare centres and with 12 women who attend the health centres. This study will be carried out in eight states across the Jizan region (four rural and four urban) to reflect the cultural diversity of Jizan. The data will be analysed using thematic content analysis. Research Ethics Committee approval was obtained in June 2015.
DISCUSSION: While we understand the enablers and barriers to breast health awareness outside of Saudi culture, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly in rural populations such as Jizan, there is a lack of research. This study will add positively to the international knowledge base of this topic. The findings will give evidence and inform policy about women and healthcare providers' experiences in Jizan, in a society where such topics are taboo.
Alexander Leon Hatzan (1864-1941), a native of Belgium, was a self-described medical doctor, missionary, academic and some time herbalist. In 1918 he moved to Niagara Falls, first living on Clifton Avenue (now Zimmerman Ave.), later moving to the River Road home he shared with his wife Ada Beatrice Rolston (1882-1975). He was the author of three books and at least four known music scores. He was heavily involved in the promotion of his books and his music. The correspondence is chiefly in reply to gifts of books and/or music sent by Hatzan to the recipients or in reply to requests for speaking engagements. Hatzan died on October 7, 1941 while visiting Vancouver, BC.
En esta investigación se realiza un análisis del tipo de relaciones que se establecen entre la medicina alopática y la medicina indígena yagecera en el escenario urbano de Bogotá. Para ello, toma distancia de los estudios ya realizados sobre este tema en el campo de la antropología a partir de dos aspectos: en primer lugar, busca acercarse a esta relación a partir de las trayectorias profesionales de un conjunto de médicos (tanto indígenas como alopáticos); en segundo lugar, se aproxima a estas relaciones a partir de una enfermedad particular: el cáncer.
Associado a histórias de fascínio, envolvendo conceitos como mitologia, lenda, simbologia, narcisismo, afirmação, reivindicações múltiplas, semelhança, realismo, naturalismo, introspeção… o autorretrato é repositório de uma imensa complexidade, suscetível de formulações inesgotáveis, na ótica da semântica e da polissemia. Na época medieval, a imagem que de si deixou o pintor remete para o esbatimento da identidade individual, dada a sua inserção em contextos de representações sagradas, ou a sua apresentação como personagem histórica ou mitológica. A autonomia intelectual foi reconhecida durante o Renascimento, sensível à representação do indivíduo e à valorização do retrato, com base na fi delidade ao motivo e na singularidade do indivíduo. O autorretrato conquistou a sua independência. Com o Romantismo afirma-se o autorretrato introspetivo, a caminho da negação da autoimagem fundamentada na semelhança/parecença, que vai acompanhar as tendências do não figurativismo, as quais aparecem e se desenvolvem no século XX. O autorretrato continua a mediar a busca identitária.