971 resultados para Self-Criticism


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Adolescent substance use is a serious public health concern with long-lasting consequences. Although specific coping behaviors have been associated with adolescent substance use, less is known about the role of multidimensional coping styles that account for both positive and negative coping behaviors. This study examined the association of coping styles and substance use (alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs) of 1,019 ethnically diverse high school students. Coping styles were categorized by high or low negative coping behaviors (e.g. distraction, social withdrawal, self-criticism, blame others, wishful thinking, resignation, and negative emotional regulation) and high or low positive coping behaviors (e.g. cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, social support, and positive emotional regulation). My hypothesis that high positive coping, regardless of the use of negative coping behaviors, would be protective against substance use was rejected. Logistic regression analyses controlling for age, gender, race, and parent education indicated that adolescents who relied primarily on adaptive coping were 45-67% less likely to report lifetime or past year substance use than any other coping style. However, mixed copers (i.e. high in both positive and negative coping behaviors) were 2 to 3 times as likely to report substance use than their adaptive coping counterparts.^


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Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de la autocrítica al interior de los sectores intelectuales de la izquierda argentina a partir del itinerario de Oscar Terán, uno de sus principales protagonistas e historiadores. Se revisa su principal obra historiográfica y sus intervenciones en revistas político culturales a fines de delimitar rupturas y continuidades en la construcción de un relato que da cuenta del proceso de radicalización política en Argentina. Así, veremos cómo dicho relato se desplaza desde una lectura contemplativa en los años 80 hacia una operación de clausura en los años 90 y principios del presente siglo


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Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de la autocrítica al interior de los sectores intelectuales de la izquierda argentina a partir del itinerario de Oscar Terán, uno de sus principales protagonistas e historiadores. Se revisa su principal obra historiográfica y sus intervenciones en revistas político culturales a fines de delimitar rupturas y continuidades en la construcción de un relato que da cuenta del proceso de radicalización política en Argentina. Así, veremos cómo dicho relato se desplaza desde una lectura contemplativa en los años 80 hacia una operación de clausura en los años 90 y principios del presente siglo


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Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de la autocrítica al interior de los sectores intelectuales de la izquierda argentina a partir del itinerario de Oscar Terán, uno de sus principales protagonistas e historiadores. Se revisa su principal obra historiográfica y sus intervenciones en revistas político culturales a fines de delimitar rupturas y continuidades en la construcción de un relato que da cuenta del proceso de radicalización política en Argentina. Así, veremos cómo dicho relato se desplaza desde una lectura contemplativa en los años 80 hacia una operación de clausura en los años 90 y principios del presente siglo


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La cuestión del asentamiento socialista en la URSS durante la década de 1920 estuvo caracterizada por el objetivo de definir y establecer un estado socialista en términos políticos, sociales y económicos. En este contexto de inestabilidad y cambio, un grupo de arquitectos pertenecientes a la Asociación de Arquitectos Contemporáneos, OSA, y liderado por Moisey Ginzburg, abordó el tema de la vivienda obrera asumiendo la responsabilidad y el compromiso por alcanzar un nuevo orden social. Su misión no consistió únicamente en solucionar el problema del alojamiento para los trabajadores en las grandes ciudades soviéticas, sino en redefinirlo como el marco adecuado para una sociedad sometida a un cambio sin precedentes que, al mismo tiempo y en un proceso dialéctico, debía contribuir a la construcción de esa nueva sociedad. La respuesta dada por la OSA trascendió el diseño inmediato bajo los estándares modernos establecidos en Occidente y tomó forma en un proceso de investigación que habría de prolongarse durante cinco años. Este trabajo, que culminó con la construcción y puesta en crisis de la Casa Narkomfin, se desarrolló en tres aproximaciones sucesivas. La primera, de carácter conceptual, consideró la participación ciudadana, así como de especialistas independientes, formalizándose en el Concurso entre Camaradas convocado por la OSA en 1926. La segunda aproximación al problema de la vivienda obrera se articuló a través de la investigación llevada a cabo por la Sección de Tipificación del Stroykom, esta vez desde premisas científicas y metodológicas. Finalmente, las conclusiones alcanzadas fueron transferidas a la práctica arquitectónica por medio de la construcción de seis Casas Experimentales de Transición, entre las que destacó la Casa Narkomfin. Este último acercamiento, de carácter empírico, ha sido tradicionalmente examinado por los expertos como un hecho aislado. Sin embargo, su estudio debe trascender necesariamente el genio del autor-creador en favor del proceso de investigación al que pertenece. En esta tesis, la Casa Narkomfin no se presenta sólo como el paradigma de vivienda soviética de vanguardia al que estamos acostumbrados, sino como un prototipo que recoge los principios y conclusiones alcanzados en las aproximaciones conceptuales y científicas precedentes. Únicamente desde este punto de vista cobra sentido la consideración de Ginzburg sobre su propio edificio como un medio propositivo y no impositivo: un proyecto concebido como una herramienta de transición hacia una sociedad más avanzada. ABSTRACT The question of mass housing in the USSR during the Twenties was marked by the drive to define and establish a socialist state in political, social and economic terms. In this context of instability and change, a group of architects gathered together under the Association of Contemporary Architects, OSA, led by Moisey Ginzburg, to address the issue of mass housing, thus taking on the responsibility and being committed to creating a new social order. Their quest not only involved solving the problem of housing for workers in large Soviet cities, but also redefining this solution as an appropriate framework for a society undergoing dramatic changes which, at the same time and in a dialectical process, would contribute to the creation of this new society. The solution provided by OSA transcended Modern standards of immediate design set by the West and was the result of a research process that would last five years. This work culminated in the construction of Narkomfin House and its self-criticism, developed in three successive approaches. The first was conceptual, being formalized in the Comradely Competition held by the OSA in 1926 and taking into account the participation of citizens and independent experts. The second approach to the problem of mass housing involved research developed by the Typification Section of the Stroykom, this time under scientific and methodological premises. Finally, the conclusions reached were put in practice with the construction of six Experimental Transitional Houses of which the most notable is Narkomfin House. This third empirical approach has traditionally been examined by scholars in isolation. However, its study must necessarily transcend the genius of the author-creator and involve the research process of which it is part. In this thesis, Narkomfin House is presented not only as the paradigm in Soviet housing avant-garde we are used to, but also as a prototype reflecting the principles and conclusions reached in the preceding conceptual and scientific approaches. Only from this point of view does Ginzburg’s understanding of his own building as a proactive and non-imposed environment make sense: a project conceived as a transition tool towards a more advanced society.


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Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de la autocrítica al interior de los sectores intelectuales de la izquierda argentina a partir del itinerario de Oscar Terán, uno de sus principales protagonistas e historiadores. Se revisa su principal obra historiográfica y sus intervenciones en revistas político-culturales a fines de delimitar rupturas y continuidades en la construcción de un relato que da cuenta del proceso de radicalización política en Argentina. Así, veremos cómo dicho relato se desplaza desde una lectura contemplativa en los años 1980 hacia una operación de clausura en los años 1990 y principios del presente siglo


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The implantation of new university degrees within the European Higher Education Area implies the need of innovative methodologies in teaching and learning to improve the skills and competencies of students and to answer the growing needs that society continuously demands to heritage management experts. The present work shows an application of the teaching methodology proposed during the international workshop entitled “I International Planning Preservation Workshop. Learning from Al Andalus”, which included the participation of the University of Alicante and Granada, Università Politecnico di Milano and Hunter College City University of New York; where we tried to dissolve traditional boundaries derived of interuniversity cooperation programs. The main objective of the workshop was to discuss and debate the role of urban Historical Centers within the Global Heritage by the integrated work through multidisciplinary teams and the creation of a permanent international working group between these universities to both teach and research. The methodology of this workshop was very participatory and considered the idea of a new learning process generated by "a journey experience." A trip from global to local (from the big city to the small village) but also a trip from the local (historical) part of a big city to the global dimension of contemporary historical villages identified by the students through a system of exhibition panels in affinity groups, specific projects proposed by lecturers and teachers or the generation of publications in various areas (texts, photographs, videos, etc.). So, the participation of the students in this multidisciplinary meeting has enhanced their capacity for self-criticism in several disciplines and has promoted their ability to perform learning and research strategies in an autonomous way. As a result, it has been established a permanent international work structure for the development of projects of the Historical City. This relationship has generated the publication of several books whose contents have reflected the conclusions developed in the workshop and several teaching proposals shared between those institutions. All these aspects have generated a new way of understanding the teaching process through a journey, in order to study the representative role of university in the historical heritage and to make students (from planning, heritage management, architecture, geography, sociology, history or engineering areas) be compromised on searching strategies for sustainable development in the Contemporary City.


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The implantation of the new Architecture Degree and the important normative changes in the building sector imply the need to use new teaching methodologies that enhance skills and competences in order to response to the increasing requirements demanded by society to the future architect. The aim of this paper is to present, analyze and discuss the development of multidisciplinary workshops as a new teaching methodology used in several Construction subjects of the Architecture Degree in the University of Alicante. Workshops conceived with the aim to synthesize and complement the technical knowledge acquired by the students during the Degree and to enhance the skills and competencies necessary for the professional practice. With that purpose, we decided to experiment on current subjects of the degree during this academic year, by applying the requirements defined in the future Architecture Degree in a practical way, through workshops between different subjects, superposing the technical knowledge with the resolution of constructive problems in the development of an architectural project. Developing these workshops between subjects we can dissolve the traditional boundaries between different areas of the Degree. This multidisciplinary workshop methodology allows the use of all the global knowledge acquired by students during their studies and at the same time, it enhances students’ ability to communicate and discuss their ideas and solutions in public. It also increases their capacity of self-criticism, and it foments their ability to undertake learning strategies and research in an autonomous way. The used methodology is based on the development of a practical work common to several subjects of different knowledge areas within the "Technology Block" of the future Architecture Degree. Thus, students work approaching the problem in a global way discussing simultaneously with teachers from different areas. By using these new workshops we stimulate an interactive class versus a traditional lecture. Work is evaluated continuously, valuing the participative pupil´s attitude, working in groups in class time, reaching weekly objectives and stimulating the individual responsibility and positive interdependence of the pupil inside the working group. The exercises are designed to improve students’ ability to transmit their ideas and solutions in public, knowing how to discuss and defend their technical resolutions to peers and teachers (Peer Reviewing), their capacity for self-criticism and their capacity to undertake strategies and autonomous learning processes at the same time they develop a personal research into new technologies, systems and materials. Students have shown their majority preference for this teaching methodology by the multidisciplinary workshops offered in the last years, with very satisfactory academic results. In conclusion, it can be verified nowadays the viability of the introduction of new contents and new teaching methodologies necessary for the acquisition of the skills in the future Architecture Degree, through workshops between several subjects that have had a great acceptance in students and positive contrasted academic results.


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En el presente trabajo intentaremos analizar cierta serie o tradición de reflexiones sobre el conocimiento científico que lo caracterizan por su discontinuidad en relación al conocimiento ordinario o sentido común. El origen de esta serie puede localizarse en la obra de Gaston Bachelard y su peculiar estudio de los actos epistemológicos con los que se rompe con el pasado en una disciplina científica. Estos actos contrastan con lo que este autor califica como el "mito continuista" del empirismo. Esta posición será apropiada por Althusser y desarrollada por sus discípulos Balibar y Pêcheux. Intentaremos mostrar que el factor común de la discontinuidad no constituye ;una posición monolítica, sino que cabe reconocer, en las posiciones que consideramos, maneras diversas de entender la naturaleza de la misma. En este sentido, la revisión de las posiciones que Althusser efectuó en su "autocrítica" constituye un punto de observación privilegiado del abanico de alternativas que algunos de sus discípulos desarrollarían sobre bases diversas


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Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de la autocrítica al interior de los sectores intelectuales de la izquierda argentina a partir del itinerario de Oscar Terán, uno de sus principales protagonistas e historiadores. Se revisa su principal obra historiográfica y sus intervenciones en revistas político-culturales a fines de delimitar rupturas y continuidades en la construcción de un relato que da cuenta del proceso de radicalización política en Argentina. Así, veremos cómo dicho relato se desplaza desde una lectura contemplativa en los años 1980 hacia una operación de clausura en los años 1990 y principios del presente siglo


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En el presente trabajo intentaremos analizar cierta serie o tradición de reflexiones sobre el conocimiento científico que lo caracterizan por su discontinuidad en relación al conocimiento ordinario o sentido común. El origen de esta serie puede localizarse en la obra de Gaston Bachelard y su peculiar estudio de los actos epistemológicos con los que se rompe con el pasado en una disciplina científica. Estos actos contrastan con lo que este autor califica como el "mito continuista" del empirismo. Esta posición será apropiada por Althusser y desarrollada por sus discípulos Balibar y Pêcheux. Intentaremos mostrar que el factor común de la discontinuidad no constituye ;una posición monolítica, sino que cabe reconocer, en las posiciones que consideramos, maneras diversas de entender la naturaleza de la misma. En este sentido, la revisión de las posiciones que Althusser efectuó en su "autocrítica" constituye un punto de observación privilegiado del abanico de alternativas que algunos de sus discípulos desarrollarían sobre bases diversas


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Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de la autocrítica al interior de los sectores intelectuales de la izquierda argentina a partir del itinerario de Oscar Terán, uno de sus principales protagonistas e historiadores. Se revisa su principal obra historiográfica y sus intervenciones en revistas político-culturales a fines de delimitar rupturas y continuidades en la construcción de un relato que da cuenta del proceso de radicalización política en Argentina. Así, veremos cómo dicho relato se desplaza desde una lectura contemplativa en los años 1980 hacia una operación de clausura en los años 1990 y principios del presente siglo


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En el presente trabajo intentaremos analizar cierta serie o tradición de reflexiones sobre el conocimiento científico que lo caracterizan por su discontinuidad en relación al conocimiento ordinario o sentido común. El origen de esta serie puede localizarse en la obra de Gaston Bachelard y su peculiar estudio de los actos epistemológicos con los que se rompe con el pasado en una disciplina científica. Estos actos contrastan con lo que este autor califica como el "mito continuista" del empirismo. Esta posición será apropiada por Althusser y desarrollada por sus discípulos Balibar y Pêcheux. Intentaremos mostrar que el factor común de la discontinuidad no constituye ;una posición monolítica, sino que cabe reconocer, en las posiciones que consideramos, maneras diversas de entender la naturaleza de la misma. En este sentido, la revisión de las posiciones que Althusser efectuó en su "autocrítica" constituye un punto de observación privilegiado del abanico de alternativas que algunos de sus discípulos desarrollarían sobre bases diversas


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Obesity is a chronic disease that has multi-factorial aetiology, characterized by high degree of body fat; the degree of obesity will vary according to the Body Mass Index (BMI=m2 /kg). The severe degree of obesity is characterized by BMI>40 and it is regularly associated to endocrine-metabolic or mechanic clinical alterations, and to psychological disorders. Binge Eating (BE) results were overly high for this population. The Bariatric Surgery has been the treatment chosen by those diagnosed with severe obesity as this intervention provides prompt outcomes for loss of weight and clinical improvement conditions. However, recent research has acquiesced that after two years between 20% and 30% of people subject to this intervention gained weight. The main objective of this research is to assess the psychological and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with severe obesity that have been subject to Gastric Bypass Surgery in the past 24 months. Specific aspects were investigated: (1) characteristics of different personalities and diagnose of clinic and personality disorders; (2) BE and its relation with loss of weight; (2) the difference between the groups regarding post-surgery care, e.g. physical activity, psychological and dietician input. Method: 40 adults (women and men) aged 23 and 60 year-old who went through a bariatric surgery in the past 24 months, in the city of Natal-RN (Brazil); they were assembled in two groups n=20, Gain group displaying loss of < 50% of their initial surplus of weight, and the Loss group displaying loss of >50%. The research protocol is made of a socio-demographic questionnaire and 3 psychometric instruments: Rorschach – Comprehensive System; Millon Personality Inventory (MCMI-III); and the Binge Eating Scale (Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Through Rorschach significant differences between these groups were verified according to the kind of personality (EB) - more EB Extratensivo in Gain group and Intratensivo in Loss group – and the lack of control to express affect, increasing the answer for Color Pure at Group I. Concerning the people standardization, the sample as a whole tends to show psychic pain, denigrated selfperception, high levels of self-criticism, distorted perceptions, vulnerability to develop mood disorders and high scores regarding Suicide. MCMI-III results showed more clinic and personality disorders in Group I: Depressive Disorder and Schizotypal, Anxiety, Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Thought Disorder, Bipolar- Manic and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In relation to ECAP, the results indicated significant differences, showing increased BE results in Gain group. There were found significant differences between BE severity and the presence of clinic and personality disorders. Concerning the post-surgery care, the observed differences are statistically significant regarding physical activities with median-increased differences in Loss group. There is a difference between the initial weight and the time post-surgery, indicating that the higher the initial weight and the time after the surgery the higher the re-gain of weight post-surgery. Finally, the results show that the participants with more than 3 years of surgery will have Clinic and Major Depressive Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Dysthymia. These results confirm prior studies related to BE post-surgery and re-gain of weight as well as the proneness of clinic disorders in severe obesity people. That means the results reinforce that the surgery process is a facet of the severe obesity treatment. The post-surgery process needs to be the main focus of attention and have a long-term input to sustain the care of the surgery results and the quality of life of the patients.


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O principal objectivo do presente estudo é perceber de que forma a auto – compaixão se relaciona com o auto – criticismo e sintomas psicopatológicos, mais concretamente, a ansiedade, a depressão e o stress na adolescência. Paralelamente pretendeu-se testar a aplicação da escala de auto – compaixão a uma amostra de adolescentes pelo que se procedeu à sua adaptação e estudo das qualidades psicométricas a este período desenvolvimental específico. Fizeram parte da amostra 130 rapazes e 48 raparigas, com uma média de idades de 16.92 anos (DP=1.40) e uma média de anos de escolaridade de 9.99 (DP=1.67). No estudo apresentado foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: a Escala de Auto – Compaixão (SCS), a Escala de Ansiedade Depressão e Stress (EADS-21), e a Escala das Formas de Auto – Criticismo e de Auto – Tranquilização (FSCRS). A escala de auto – compaixão mostrou uma boa consistência interna e uma boa estabilidade temporal. Os resultados indicaram que os rapazes apresentam níveis de auto – compaixão significativamente mais elevados que as raparigas. Em ambos os sexos foram observadas correlações no sentido esperado entre a auto – compaixão e os estados emocionais negativos, o auto – criticismo e a auto – tranquilização. Por outras palavras, quanto maior o nível de auto – compaixão do adolescente, menor sintomatologia depressiva, ansiosa e associada ao stress apresenta, bem como menor é o seu auto – criticismo. Em contraste, quanto maior a auto – compaixão, maior a capacidade de se auto – tranquilizar. Conclusão: Partindo da investigação disponível em adultos, o contribuo do presente estudo consistiu em alargar para adolescentes não só a avaliação da auto-compaixão, como também a sua associação às variáveis em estudo. Assim, os resultados sugerem que nos adolescentes, a auto-compaixão pode diminuir a sua vulnerabilidade aos estados emocionais negativos traduzidos, quer por sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e de stress, quer pela adopção de um estilo auto-crítico exacerbado e disfuncional. / The main objective of this study is to understand how self - compassion is related to the self - criticism and psychopathological symptoms, specifically, anxiety, depression and stress in adolescence. At the same time we sought to test the application of the scale of self-pity to a sample of adolescents and it is carried to its adaptation and psychometric study of this specific developmental period. The sample included 130 boys and 48 girls with a mean age of 16.92 years (SD = 1.40) and average years of schooling was 9.99 (SD = 1.67). In the present study we used the following instruments: the Self - Compassion (SCS), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS), and the Forms of Self – Criticizing/Attacking and Self – Reassuring Scale (FSCRS). The scale of self- compassion showed good internal consistency and good temporal stability. The results indicated that the boys present levels of self - compassion significantly higher than girls. In both sexes were observed in the expected correlations between self-pity and negative emotional states, self-criticism and self-reassurance. In other words, the higher the level of adolescent self-pity, less depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress associated with the present as well as lower your self-criticism. In contrast, the larger the self-compassion, the greater the ability to self-reassuring. Conclusion: Based on the available research in adults, I contribute to this study was to extend to adolescents not only the assessment of self- compassion, as well as their association with variables. Thus, the results suggest that in adolescents, self- compassion can reduce their vulnerability to negative emotional states translated, either by symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress, either by adopting a self-critical style exaggerated and dysfunctional.