989 resultados para Seismic Fragility Functions, moment resisting frame, hazus, abaqus


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This paper focuses on the finite element (FE) response sensitivity and reliability analyses considering smooth constitutive material models. A reinforced concrete frame is modeled for FE sensitivity analysis followed by direct differentiation method under both static and dynamic load cases. Later, the reliability analysis is performed to predict the seismic behavior of the frame. Displacement sensitivity discontinuities are observed along the pseudo-time axis using non-smooth concrete and reinforcing steel model under quasi-static loading. However, the smooth materials show continuity in response sensitivity at elastic to plastic transition points. The normalized sensitivity results are also used to measure the relative importance of the material parameters on the structural responses. In FE reliability analysis, the influence of smoothness behavior of reinforcing steel is carefully noticed. More efficient and reasonable reliability estimation can be achieved by using smooth material model compare with bilinear material constitutive model.


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The Northridge earthquake of January 17, 1994, highlighted the two previously known problems of premature fracturing of connections and the damaging capabilities of near-source ground motion pulses. Large ground motions had not been experienced in a city with tall steel moment-frame buildings before. Some steel buildings exhibited fracture of welded connections or other types of structural degradation.

A sophisticated three-dimensional nonlinear inelastic program is developed that can accurately model many nonlinear properties commonly ignored or approximated in other programs. The program can assess and predict severely inelastic response of steel buildings due to strong ground motions, including collapse.

Three-dimensional fiber and segment discretization of elements is presented in this work. This element and its two-dimensional counterpart are capable of modeling various geometric and material nonlinearities such as moment amplification, spread of plasticity and connection fracture. In addition to introducing a three-dimensional element discretization, this work presents three-dimensional constraints that limit the number of equations required to solve various three-dimensional problems consisting of intersecting planar frames.

Two buildings damaged in the Northridge earthquake are investigated to verify the ability of the program to match the level of response and the extent and location of damage measured. The program is used to predict response of larger near-source ground motions using the properties determined from the matched response.

A third building is studied to assess three-dimensional effects on a realistic irregular building in the inelastic range of response considering earthquake directivity. Damage levels are observed to be significantly affected by directivity and torsional response.

Several strong recorded ground motions clearly exceed code-based levels. Properly designed buildings can have drifts exceeding code specified levels due to these ground motions. The strongest ground motions caused collapse if fracture was included in the model. Near-source ground displacement pulses can cause columns to yield prior to weaker-designed beams. Damage in tall buildings correlates better with peak-to-peak displacements than with peak-to-peak accelerations.

Dynamic response of tall buildings shows that higher mode response can cause more damage than first mode response. Leaking of energy between modes in conjunction with damage can cause torsional behavior that is not anticipated.

Various response parameters are used for all three buildings to determine what correlations can be made for inelastic building response. Damage levels can be dramatically different based on the inelastic model used. Damage does not correlate well with several common response parameters.

Realistic modeling of material properties and structural behavior is of great value for understanding the performance of tall buildings due to earthquake excitations.


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FRAME3D, a program for the nonlinear seismic analysis of steel structures, has previously been used to study the collapse mechanisms of steel buildings up to 20 stories tall. The present thesis is inspired by the need to conduct similar analysis for much taller structures. It improves FRAME3D in two primary ways.

First, FRAME3D is revised to address specific nonlinear situations involving large displacement/rotation increments, the backup-subdivide algorithm, element failure, and extremely narrow joint hysteresis. The revisions result in superior convergence capabilities when modeling earthquake-induced collapse. The material model of a steel fiber is also modified to allow for post-rupture compressive strength.

Second, a parallel FRAME3D (PFRAME3D) is developed. The serial code is optimized and then parallelized. A distributed-memory divide-and-conquer approach is used for both the global direct solver and element-state updates. The result is an implicit finite-element hybrid-parallel program that takes advantage of the narrow-band nature of very tall buildings and uses nearest-neighbor-only communication patterns.

Using three structures of varied sized, PFRAME3D is shown to compute reproducible results that agree with that of the optimized 1-core version (displacement time-history response root-mean-squared errors are ~〖10〗^(-5) m) with much less wall time (e.g., a dynamic time-history collapse simulation of a 60-story building is computed in 5.69 hrs with 128 cores—a speedup of 14.7 vs. the optimized 1-core version). The maximum speedups attained are shown to increase with building height (as the total number of cores used also increases), and the parallel framework can be expected to be suitable for buildings taller than the ones presented here.

PFRAME3D is used to analyze a hypothetical 60-story steel moment-frame tube building (fundamental period of 6.16 sec) designed according to the 1994 Uniform Building Code. Dynamic pushover and time-history analyses are conducted. Multi-story shear-band collapse mechanisms are observed around mid-height of the building. The use of closely-spaced columns and deep beams is found to contribute to the building's “somewhat brittle” behavior (ductility ratio ~2.0). Overall building strength is observed to be sensitive to whether a model is fracture-capable.


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An approach for seismic damage identification of a single-storey steel concentrically braced frame (CBF) structure is presented through filtering and double integration of a recorded acceleration signal. A band-pass filter removes noise from the acceleration signal followed by baseline correction being used to reduce the drift in velocity and displacement during numerical integration. The pre-processing achieves reliable numerical integration that predicts the displacement response accurately when compared to the measured lateral in-plane displacement of the CBF structure. The lateral displacement of the CBF structure is used to infer buckling and yielding of bracing members through seismic tests. The level of interstorey drift of the CBF during a seismic excitation allows the yield and buckling of the bracing members to be identified and indirectly detects damage based on exceedance of calculated displacement limits. The calculated buckling and yielding displacement threshold limits used to identify damage are demonstrated to accurately identify initial buckling and yielding in the bracing members.


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A new approach for global detection of seismic damage in a single-storey steel concentrically braced frame (CBF) structure is presented. The filtered lateral in-plane acceleration response of the CBF structure is integrated twice to provide the lateral in-plane displacement which is used to infer buckling and yielding damage. The level of interstorey drift of the CBF during a seismic excitation allows the yield and buckling of the bracing members to be identified and indirectly detects damage based on exceedance of calculated lateral in-plane displacement limits. A band-pass filter removes noise from the acceleration signal followed by baseline correction being used to reduce the drift in velocity and displacement during numerical integration. This pre-processing results in reliable numerical integration of the frame acceleration that predicts the displacement response accurately when compared to the measured lateral displacement of the CBF structure. Importantly, the structural damage is not assumed through removal of bracing members, rather damage is induced through actual seismic loading. The buckling and yielding displacement threshold limits used to identify damage are demonstrated to accurately identify the initiation of buckling and yielding.


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We consider a generic basic semi-algebraic subset S of the space of generalized functions, that is a set given by (not necessarily countably many) polynomial constraints. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for an infinite sequence of generalized functions to be realizable on S, namely to be the moment sequence of a finite measure concentrated on S. Our approach combines the classical results about the moment problem on nuclear spaces with the techniques recently developed to treat the moment problem on basic semi-algebraic sets of Rd. In this way, we determine realizability conditions that can be more easily verified than the well-known Haviland type conditions. Our result completely characterizes the support of the realizing measure in terms of its moments. As concrete examples of semi-algebraic sets of generalized functions, we consider the set of all Radon measures and the set of all the measures having bounded Radon–Nikodym density w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure.


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Receiver functions from small local earthquakes were used to determine sediment thicknesses in Porto dos Gauchos seismic zone (PGSZ), Parecis basin, Amazonian craton, Brazil. The high velocity contrast between basement and sediments (P-wave velocities of 6.1 and 3.0 km/s, respectively) favors the generation of clear P-to-S converted phases (Ps) seen in the radial component, and also S-to-P conversions (Sp) seen in the vertical component. A reference 10 velocity model determined with shallow refraction experiment in PGSZ helped to convert Ps P time differences to basement depths at 15 stations deployed for aftershocks studies. The results of receiver function integrated with the shallow refraction reveal that the basement depths in the PGSZ increases from the basin border in the north up to about 600 m depth in the south. The basement topography, however, does not vary smoothly and a basement high with a steep topography was detected near the epicentral area. A 400 m elevation difference within 1.7 km distance suggests a possible border fault of a buried graben. This feature seems to be oriented roughly WSW-ENE and could indicate basement structures related to the seismicity of the Porto dos Gauchos Seismic Zone. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three structural typologies has been evaluated based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis (i.e. Newmark's methods for MDFs: average acceleration method with Modified Newton-Raphson iteration). Those structural typologies differ each other only for the infills presence and placement. In particular, with the term BARE FRAME: the model of the structure has two identical frames, arranged in parallel. This model constitutes the base for the generation of the other two typologies, through the addition of non-bearing walls. Whereas with the term INFILLED FRAME: the model is achieved by adding twelve infill panels, all placed in the same frame. Finally with the term PILOTIS: the model has been generated to represent structures where the first floor has no walls. Therefore the infills are positioned in only one frame in its three upper floors. All three models have been subjected to ten accelerograms using the software DRAIN 2000.


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The present study has been carried out with the following objectives: i) To investigate the attributes of source parameters of local and regional earthquakes; ii) To estimate, as accurately as possible, M0, fc, Δσ and their standard errors to infer their relationship with source size; iii) To quantify high-frequency earthquake ground motion and to study the source scaling. This work is based on observational data of micro, small and moderate -earthquakes for three selected seismic sequences, namely Parkfield (CA, USA), Maule (Chile) and Ferrara (Italy). For the Parkfield seismic sequence (CA), a data set of 757 (42 clusters) repeating micro-earthquakes (0 ≤ MW ≤ 2), collected using borehole High Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN), have been analyzed and interpreted. We used the coda methodology to compute spectral ratios to obtain accurate values of fc , Δσ, and M0 for three target clusters (San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Hawaii) of our data. We also performed a general regression on peak ground velocities to obtain reliable seismic spectra of all earthquakes. For the Maule seismic sequence, a data set of 172 aftershocks of the 2010 MW 8.8 earthquake (3.7 ≤ MW ≤ 6.2), recorded by more than 100 temporary broadband stations, have been analyzed and interpreted to quantify high-frequency earthquake ground motion in this subduction zone. We completely calibrated the excitation and attenuation of the ground motion in Central Chile. For the Ferrara sequence, we calculated moment tensor solutions for 20 events from MW 5.63 (the largest main event occurred on May 20 2012), down to MW 3.2 by a 1-D velocity model for the crust beneath the Pianura Padana, using all the geophysical and geological information available for the area. The PADANIA model allowed a numerical study on the characteristics of the ground motion in the thick sediments of the flood plain.


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Negli ultimi anni sono state sviluppate varie soluzioni tecniche per la progettazione sismica di strutture. Questa ricerca sviluppa un metodo di confronto basato sull'analisi di costi di costruzione e danni causati dal sisma. Il metodo viene applicato al caso di studio della scuola di Bisignano (CO, Italia). L'edificio è stato progettato conformemente alle NTC 2008 con approccio tradizionale e combinando il contributo di dissipatori viscosi e dissipazione isteretica. Le strutture vengono poi analizzate sotto diverse condizioni sismiche al fine di calcolare i costi di riparazione attesi e comprendere quale soluzione tecnica risulti più economicamente vantaggiosa a parità di azione sismica di progetto.


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Tras el devastador terremoto del 12 de enero de 2010 en Puerto Príncipe, Haití, las autoridades locales, numerosas ONGs y organismos nacionales e internacionales están trabajando en el desarrollo de estrategias para minimizar el elevado riesgo sísmico existente en el país. Para ello es necesario, en primer lugar, estimar dicho riesgo asociado a eventuales terremotos futuros que puedan producirse, evaluando el grado de pérdidas que podrían generar, para dimensionar la catástrofe y actuar en consecuencia, tanto en lo referente a medidas preventivas como a adopción de planes de emergencia. En ese sentido, este Trabajo Fin de Master aporta un análisis detallado del riesgo sísmico asociado a un futuro terremoto que podría producirse con probabilidad razonable, causando importantes daños en Puerto Príncipe. Se propone para ello una metodología de cálculo del riesgo adaptada a los condicionantes de la zona, con modelos calibrados empleando datos del sismo de 2010. Se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de cooperación Sismo-Haití, financiado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, que comenzó diez meses después del terremoto de 2010 como respuesta a una petición de ayuda del gobierno haitiano. El cálculo del riesgo requiere la consideración de dos inputs: la amenaza sísmica o movimiento esperado por el escenario definido (sismo de cierta magnitud y localización) y los elementos expuestos a esta amenaza (una clasificación del parque inmobiliario en diferentes tipologías constructivas, así como su vulnerabilidad). La vulnerabilidad de estas tipologías se describe por medio de funciones de daño: espectros de capacidad, que representan su comportamiento ante las fuerzas horizontales motivadas por los sismos, y curvas de fragilidad, que representan la probabilidad de que las estructuras sufran daños al alcanzar el máximo desplazamiento horizontal entre plantas debido a la mencionada fuerza horizontal. La metodología que se propone especifica determinadas pautas y criterios para estimar el movimiento, asignar la vulnerabilidad y evaluar el daño, cubriendo los tres estados del proceso. Por una parte, se consideran diferentes modelos de movimiento fuerte incluyendo el efecto local, y se identifican los que mejor ajustan a las observaciones de 2010. Por otra se clasifica el parque inmobiliario en diferentes tipologías constructivas, en base a la información extraída en una campaña de campo y utilizando además una base de datos aportada por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Haití. Ésta contiene información relevante de todos los edificios de la ciudad, resultando un total de 6 tipologías. Finalmente, para la estimación del daño se aplica el método capacidad-demanda implementado en el programa SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). En primer lugar, utilizado los datos de daño del terremoto de 2010, se ha calibrado el modelo propuesto de cálculo de riesgo sísmico: cuatro modelos de movimiento fuerte, tres modelos de tipo de suelo y un conjunto de funciones de daño. Finalmente, con el modelo calibrado, se ha simulado un escenario sísmico determinista correspondiente a un posible terremoto con epicentro próximo a Puerto Príncipe. Los resultados muestran que los daños estructurales serán considerables y podrán llevar a pérdidas económicas y humanas que causen un gran impacto en el país, lo que pone de manifiesto la alta vulnerabilidad estructural existente. Este resultado será facilitado a las autoridades locales, constituyendo una base sólida para toma de decisiones y adopción de políticas de prevención y mitigación del riesgo. Se recomienda dirigir esfuerzos hacia la reducción de la vulnerabilidad estructural - mediante refuerzo de edificios vulnerables y adopción de una normativa sismorresistente- y hacia el desarrollo de planes de emergencia. Abstract After the devastating 12 January 2010 earthquake that hit the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, strategies to minimize the high seismic risk are being developed by local authorities, NGOs, and national and international institutions. Two important tasks to reach this objective are, on the one hand, the evaluation of the seismic risk associated to possible future earthquakes in order to know the dimensions of the catastrophe; on the other hand, the design of preventive measures and emergency plans to minimize the consequences of such events. In this sense, this Master Thesis provides a detailed estimation of the damage that a possible future earthquake will cause in Port-au-Prince. A methodology to calculate the seismic risk is proposed, adapted to the study area conditions. This methodology has been calibrated using data from the 2010 earthquake. It has been conducted in the frame of the Sismo-Haiti cooperative project, supported by the Technical University of Madrid, which started ten months after the 2010 earthquake as an answer to an aid call of the Haitian government. The seismic risk calculation requires two inputs: the seismic hazard (expected ground motion due to a scenario earthquake given by magnitude and location) and the elements exposed to the hazard (classification of the building stock into building typologies, as well as their vulnerability). This vulnerability is described through the damage functions: capacity curves, which represent the structure performance against the horizontal forces caused by the seisms; and fragility curves, which represent the probability of damage as the structure reaches the maximum spectral displacement due to the horizontal force. The proposed methodology specifies certain guidelines and criteria to estimate the ground motion, assign the vulnerability, and evaluate the damage, covering the whole process. Firstly, different ground motion prediction equations including the local effect are considered, and the ones that have the best correlation with the observations of the 2010 earthquake, are identified. Secondly, the classification of building typologies is made by using the information collected during a field campaign, as well as a data base provided by the Ministry of Public Works of Haiti. This data base contains relevant information about all the buildings in the city, leading to a total of 6 different typologies. Finally, the damage is estimated using the capacity-spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). Data about the damage caused by the 2010 earthquake have been used to calibrate the proposed calculation model: different choices of ground motion relationships, soil models, and damage functions. Then, with the calibrated model, a deterministic scenario corresponding to an epicenter close to Port-au-Prince has been simulated. The results show high structural damage, and therefore, they point out the high structural vulnerability in the city. Besides, the economic and human losses associated to the damage would cause a great impact in the country. This result will be provided to the Haitian Government, constituting a scientific base for decision making and for the adoption of measures to prevent and mitigate the seismic risk. It is highly recommended to drive efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings -through reinforcement and construction according to a seismic code- and the development of emergency planning.


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The seismic hazard of the Iberian Peninsula is analysed using a nonparametric methodology based on statistical kernel functions; the activity rate is derived from the catalogue data, both its spatial dependence (without a seismogenetic zonation) and its magnitude dependence (without using Gutenberg–Richter's law). The catalogue is that of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional, supplemented with other catalogues around the periphery; the quantification of events has been homogenised and spatially or temporally interrelated events have been suppressed to assume a Poisson process. The activity rate is determined by the kernel function, the bandwidth and the effective periods. The resulting rate is compared with that produced using Gutenberg–Richter statistics and a zoned approach. Three attenuation laws have been employed, one for deep sources and two for shallower events, depending on whether their magnitude was above or below 5. The results are presented as seismic hazard maps for different spectral frequencies and for return periods of 475 and 2475 yr, which allows constructing uniform hazard spectra.


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Moment invariants have been thoroughly studied and repeatedly proposed as one of the most powerful tools for 2D shape identification. In this paper a set of such descriptors is proposed, being the basis functions discontinuous in a finite number of points. The goal of using discontinuous functions is to avoid the Gibbs phenomenon, and therefore to yield a better approximation capability for discontinuous signals, as images. Moreover, the proposed set of moments allows the definition of rotation invariants, being this the other main design concern. Translation and scale invariance are achieved by means of standard image normalization. Tests are conducted to evaluate the behavior of these descriptors in noisy environments, where images are corrupted with Gaussian noise up to different SNR values. Results are compared to those obtained using Zernike moments, showing that the proposed descriptor has the same performance in image retrieval tasks in noisy environments, but demanding much less computational power for every stage in the query chain.