933 resultados para Sediment deposition
In recent years, studies on environmental samples with unusual dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) congener profiles were reported from a range of countries. These profiles, characterized by a dominance of octachlorinated dibenzodioxin (OCDD) and relatively low in dibenzofuran (PCDF) concentrations, could not be attributed to known sources or formation processes. In the present study, the processes that result in these unusual profiles were assessed using the concentrations and isomer signatures of PCDDs from dated estuarine sediment cores in Queensland, Australia. Increases in relative concentrations of lower chlorinated PODS and a relative decrease of OCDD were correlated with time of sediment deposition. Preferred lateral, anaerobic dechlorination of OCDD represents a likely pathway for these changes. In Queensland sediments, these transformations result in a distinct dominance of isomers fully chlorinated in the 1,4,6,9-positions (1,4-patterns), and similar 1,4-patterns were observed in sediments from elsewhere. Consequently, these environmental samples may not reflect the signatures of the original source, and a reevaluation of source inputs was undertaken. Natural formation of PCDDs, which has previously been suggested, is discussed; however, based on the present results and literature comparisons, we propose an alternative scenario. This scenario hypothesizes that an anthropogenic PCDD precursor input (e.g. pentachlorophenol) results in the contamination. These results and hypothesis imply further investigations are warrented into possible anthropogenic sources in areas where natural PCDD formation has been suggested.
The main goal of the present work is the use of mineralogical data corresponding to sediment fine fractions (silt and clay) of Quaternary littoral deposits for the definition of a more detailed vertical zonography and to discriminate the most significant morphoclimatic changes concerned with sediment source areas and sediment deposition areas. The analysis of the available mineralogical data reveals a vertical evolution of the mineral composition. The following aspects deserve particular reference: 1) fine fractions (<38 nm) are composed of quartz and phyllosilicates associated to feldspars, prevailing over other minerals; however in certain sections iron hydroxides and evaporitic minerals occur in significant amounts; 2) clay fractions (<2 nm) show a general prevalence of illite associated with kaolinite and oscillations, in relative terms, of kaolinite and illite contents. Qualitative and quantitative lateral and vertical variations of clay and non clay minerals allow the discrimination of sedimentary sequences and the establishment of the ritmicity and periodicity of the morphoclimatic Quaternary episodes that occurred in the Cortegaça and Maceda beaches. To each one of the sedimentary sequences corresponds, in a first stage, a littoral environment that increasingly became more continental. Climate would be mild to cold, sometimes with humidity - aridity oscillations. Warmer and moister episodes alternated with cooler and dryer ones.
Biotic effects of the Chicxulub impact, the K-T event and sea level change upon planktic foraminifera were evaluated in a new core and outcrops along the Brazos River, Texas, about 1000 km from the Chicxulub impact crater on Yucatan, Mexico. Sediment deposition occurred in a middle neritic environment that shallowed to inner neritic depths near the end of the Maastrichtian. The sea level fall scoured submarine channels, which were infilled by a sandstone complex with reworked Chicxulub impact spherules and clasts with spherules near the base. The original Chicxulub impact ejecta layer was discovered 45-60 cm below the sandstone complex, and predates the K-T mass extinction by about 300,000 years. Results show that the Chicxulub impact caused no species extinctions or any other significant biotic effects. The subsequent sea level fall to inner neritic depth resulted in the disappearance of all larger (>150 mu m) deeper dwelling species creating a pseudo-mass extinction and a survivor assemblage of small surface dwellers and low oxygen tolerant taxa. The K-T boundary and mass extinction was identified 40-80 cm above the sandstone complex where all but some heterohelicids, hedbergellids and the disaster opportunistic guembelitfids went extinct, coincident with the evolution of first Danian species and the global delta(13)C shift. These data reveal that sea level changes profoundly influenced marine assemblages in near shore environments, that the Chicxulub impact and K-T mass extinction are two separate and unrelated events, and that the biotic effects of this impact have been vastly overestimated. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Culverts are common means to convey flow through the roadway system for small streams. In general, larger flows and road embankment heights entail the use of multibarrel culverts (a.k.a. multi-box) culverts. Box culverts are generally designed to handle events with a 50-year return period, and therefore convey considerably lower flows much of the time. While there are no issues with conveying high flows, many multi-box culverts in Iowa pose a significant problem related to sedimentation. The highly erosive Iowa soils can easily lead to the situation that some of the barrels can silt-in early after their construction, becoming partially filled with sediment in few years. Silting can reduce considerably the capacity of the culvert to handle larger flow events. Phase I of this Iowa Highway Research Board project (TR-545) led to an innovative solution for preventing sedimentation. The solution was comprehensively investigated through laboratory experiments and numerical modeling aimed at screening design alternatives and testing their hydraulic and sediment conveyance performance. Following this study phase, the Technical Advisory Committee suggested to implement the recommended sediment mitigation design to a field site. The site selected for implementation was a 3-box culvert crossing Willow Creek on IA Hwy 1W in Iowa City. The culvert was constructed in 1981 and the first cleanup was needed in 2000. Phase II of the TR 545 entailed the monitoring of the site with and without the selfcleaning sedimentation structure in place (similarly with the study conducted in laboratory). The first monitoring stage (Sept 2010 to December 2012) was aimed at providing a baseline for the operation of the as-designed culvert. In order to support Phase II research, a cleanup of the IA Hwy 1W culvert was conducted in September 2011. Subsequently, a monitoring program was initiated to document the sedimentation produced by individual and multiple storms propagating through the culvert. The first two years of monitoring showed inception of the sedimentation in the first spring following the cleanup. Sedimentation continued to increase throughout the monitoring program following the depositional patterns observed in the laboratory tests and those documented in the pre-cleaning surveys. The second part of Phase II of the study was aimed at monitoring the constructed self-cleaning structure. Since its construction in December 2012, the culvert site was continuously monitored through systematic observations. The evidence garnered in this phase of the study demonstrates the good performance of the self-cleaning structure in mitigating the sediment deposition at culverts. Besides their beneficial role in sediment mitigation, the designed self-cleaning structures maintain a clean and clear area upstream the culvert, keep a healthy flow through the central barrel offering hydraulic and aquatic habitat similar with that in the undisturbed stream reaches upstream and downstream the culvert. It can be concluded that the proposed self-cleaning structural solution “streamlines” the area upstream the culvert in a way that secures the safety of the culvert structure at high flows while producing much less disturbance in the stream behavior compared with the current constructive approaches.
The present study is an integral part of a broader study focused on the design and implementation of self-cleaning culverts, i.e., configurations that prevent the formation of sediment deposits after culvert construction or cleaning. Sediment deposition at culverts is influenced by many factors, including the size and characteristics of material of which the channel is composed, the hydraulic characteristics generated under different hydrology events, the culvert geometry design, channel transition design, and the vegetation around the channel. The multitude of combinations produced by this set of variables makes the investigation of practical situations a complex undertaking. In addition to the considerations above, the field and analytical observations have revealed flow complexities affecting the flow and sediment transport through culverts that further increase the dimensions of the investigation. The flow complexities investigated in this study entail: flow non-uniformity in the areas of transition to and from the culvert, flow unsteadiness due to the flood wave propagation through the channel, and the asynchronous correlation between the flow and sediment hydrographs resulting from storm events. To date, the literature contains no systematic studies on sediment transport through multi-box culverts or investigations on the adverse effects of sediment deposition at culverts. Moreover, there is limited knowledge about the non-uniform, unsteady sediment transport in channels of variable geometry. Furthermore, there are few readily useable (inexpensive and practical) numerical models that can reliably simulate flow and sediment transport in such complex situations. Given the current state of knowledge, the main goal of the present study is to investigate the above flow complexities in order to provide the needed insights for a series of ongoing culvert studies. The research was phased so that field observations were conducted first to understand the culvert behavior in Iowa landscape. Modeling through complementary hydraulic model and numerical experiments was subsequently carried out to gain the practical knowledge for the development of the self-cleaning culvert designs.
Phase 2 of the Saylor Creek Improvement Project is focused on channel restoration. The existing stream channel is generally incised, running through areas primarily covered with heavy trees, brush and weeds. The ravine ranges from 6 to 20 feet deep through the corridor with very steep slopes in several areas. In two areas storm outlets are undercut or suspended above the channel. Tall undercut, eroded banks exist along several of the outside bends. Sediment deposition on the inside bends limits the cross-section of the channel, increasing flow velocity and forcing this faster flow toward the eroded outside bank. A wide array of practices will need to be implemented to address channel erosion. Improvements will be specifically tailored to address problems observed at each bend. The result will be a channel with a more natural appearance, and reduced use of hard armor and revetment. Some sections will require minimal grading with removal of underbrush for improved maintenance access and more sun exposure, better allowing deep rooted plants and flowers to establish to provide further erosion protection. Straight sections with steep banks will require grading to pull back slopes, increasing the creek's capacity to convey storm flows at slower velocities. Sections with sharp bends will require slope pull back and armor protection. A constructed wetland will collect and treat runoff from a small sub-watershed, before being discharged into the main tributary.
The evolution of coast through geological time scale is dependent on the transgression-regression event subsequent to the rise or fall of sea level. This event is accounted by investigation of the vertical sediment deposition patterns and their interrelationship for paleo-enviornmental reconstruction. Different methods like sedimentological (grain size and micro-morphological) and geochemical (elemental relationship) analyses as well as radiocarbon dating are generally used to decipher the sea level changes and paleoclimatic conditions of the Quaternary sediment sequence. For the Indian coast with a coastline length of about 7500 km, studies on geological and geomorphological signatures of sea level changes during the Quaternary were reported in general by researchers during the last two decades. However, for the southwest coast of India particularily Kerala which is famous for its coastal landforms comprising of estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, coastal plains, cliffs and barrier beaches, studies pertaining to the marine transgression-regression events in the southern region are limited. The Neendakara-Kayamkulam coastal stretch in central Kerala where the coast is manifested with shore parallel Kayamkulam Lagoon on one side and shore perpendicular Ashtamudi Estuary on the other side indicating existence of an uplifted prograded coastal margin followed by barrier beaches, backwater channels, ridge and runnel topography is an ideal site for studying such events. Hence the present study has been taken up in this context to address the gap area. The location for collection of core samples representing coastal plain, estuarylagoon and offshore regions have been identified based on published literature and available sedimentary records. The objectives of the research work are: To study the lithological variations and depositional environments of sediment cores along the coastal plain, estuary-lagoon and offshore regions between Kollam and Kayamkulam in the central Kerala coast To study the transportation and diagenetic history of sediments in the area To investigate the geochemical characterization of sediments and to elucidate the source-sink relationship To understand the marine transgression-regression events and to propose a conceptual model for the region The thesis comprises of 8 chapters. The first chapter embodies the preamble for the selection and significance of this research work. The study area is introduced with details on its physiographical, geological, geomorphological, rainfall and climate information. A review of literature, compiling the research on different aspects such as physico-chemical, geomorphological, tectonics, transgression-regression events are presented in the second chapter and they are broadly classified into three viz:- International, National and Kerala. The field data collection and laboratory analyses adopted in the research work are discussed in the third chapter. For collection of sediment core samples from the coastal plains, rotary drilling method was employed whereas for the estuary-lagoon and offshore locations the gravity/piston corer method was adopted. The collected subsurficial samples were analysed for texture, surface micro-texture, elemental analysis, XRD and radiocarbon dating techniques for age determination. The fourth chapter deals with the textural analysis of the core samples collected from various predefined locations of the study area. The result reveals that the Ashtamudi Estuary is composed of silty clay to clayey type of sediments whereas offshore cores are carpeted with silty clay to relict sand. Investigation of the source of sediments deposited in the coastal plain located on either side of the estuary indicates the dominance of terrigenous to marine origin in the southern region whereas it is predominantly of marine origin towards the north. Further the hydrodynamic conditions as well as the depositional enviornment of the sediment cores are elucidated based on statistical parameters that decipher the deposition pattern at various locations viz., coastal plain (open to closed basin), Ashtamudi Estuary (partially open to restricted estuary to closed basin) and offshore (open channel). The intensity of clay minerals is also discussed. From the results of radiocarbon dating the sediment depositional environments were deciphered.The results of the microtextural study of sediment samples (quartz grains) using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) are presented in the fifth chapter. These results throw light on the processes of transport and diagenetic history of the detrital sediments. Based on the lithological variations, selected quartz grains of different environments were also analysed. The study indicates that the southern coastal plain sediments were transported and deposited mechanically under fluvial environment followed by diagenesis under prolonged marine incursion. But in the case of the northern coastal plain, the sediments were transported and deposited under littoral environment indicating the dominance of marine incursion through mechanical as well as chemical processes. The quartz grains of the Ashtamudi Estuary indicate fluvial origin. The surface texture features of the offshore sediments suggest that the quartz grains are of littoral origin and represent the relict beach deposits. The geochemical characterisation of sediment cores based on geochemical classification, sediment maturity, palaeo-weathering and provenance in different environments are discussed in the sixth chapter. In the seventh chapter the integration of multiproxies data along with radiocarbon dates are presented and finally evolution and depositional history based on transgression–regression events is deciphered. The eighth chapter summarizes the major findings and conclusions of the study with recommendation for future work.
Many lowland rivers across northwest Europe exhibit broadly similar behavioural responses to glacial-interglacial transitions and landscape development. Difficulties exist in assessing these, largely because the evidence from many rivers remains limited and fragmentary. Here we address this issue in the context of the river Kennet, a tributary of the Thames, since c. 13,000 cal BP. Some similarities with other rivers are present, suggesting that regional climatic shifts are important controls. The Kennet differs from the regional pattern in a number of ways. The rate of response to sudden climatic change, particularly at the start of the Holocene and also mid-Holocene forest clearance, appears very high. This may reflect abrupt shifts between two catchment scale hydrological states arising from contemporary climates, land use change and geology. Stadial hydrology is dominated by nival regimes, with limited winter infiltration and high spring and summer runoff. Under an interglacial climate, infiltration is more significant. The probable absence of permafrost in the catchment means that a lag between the two states due to its gradual decay is unlikely. Palaeoecology, supported by radiocarbon dates, suggests that, at the very start of the Holocene, a dramatic episode of fine sediment deposition across most of the valley floor occurred, lasting 500-1000 years. A phase of peat accumulation followed as mineral sediment supply declined. A further shift led to tufa deposition, initially in small pools, then across the whole floodplain area, with the river flowing through channels cut in tufa and experiencing repeated avulsion. Major floods, leaving large gravel bars that still form positive relief features on the floodplain, followed mid-Holocene floodplain stability. Prehistoric deforestation is likely to be the cause of this flooding, inducing a major environmental shift with significantly increased surface runoff. Since the Bronze Age, predominantly fine sediments were deposited along the valley with apparently stable channels and vertical floodplain accretion associated with soil erosion and less catastrophic flooding. The Kennet demonstrates that, while a general pattern of river behaviour over time, within a region, may be identifiable, individual rivers are likely to diverge from this. Consequently, it is essential to understand catchment controls, particularly the relative significance of surface and subsurface hydrology. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Marajo Island is located in a passive continental margin that evolved from rifting associated with the opening of the Equatorial South Atlantic Ocean in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous period. This study, based on remote sensing integrated with sedimentology, as well as subsurface and seismographic data available from the literature, allows discussion of the significance of tectonics during the Quaternary history of marginal basins. Results show that eastern Marajo Island contains channels with evidence of tectonic control. Mapping of straight channels defined four main groups of lineaments (i.e. NNE-SSW, NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W) that parallel main normal and strike-slip fault zones recorded for the Amazon region. Additionally, sedimentological studies of late Quaternary and Holocene deposits indicate numerous ductile and brittle structures within stratigraphic horizons bounded by undeformed strata, related to seismogenic deformation during or shortly after sediment deposition. This conclusion is consistent with subsurface Bouguer mapping suggestive of eastern Marajo Island being still part of the Marajo graben system, where important fault reactivation is recorded up to the Quaternary. Together with the recognition of several phases of fault reactivation, these data suggest that faults developed in association with rift basins might remain active in passive margins, imposing important control on development of depositional systems. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The study of Brazilian sedimentary basins concentrates on their rift phase, whereas the Post-rift phase has been considered a tectonic quiescent period. The post-rift sequence of the Potiguar Basin, in the far northeastern Brazil, was once considered little deformed, however several studies have shown how that it was affected by major fault systems. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the post-rift tectonic. The specific objectives are: to characterize the Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary units that outcrop of the Potiguar Basin; to show how the NW-SEtrending Afonso Bezerra Faults System deformed outcrop rocks in the Basin; to describe soft-sediment deformation in gravels of the Quaternary Alluvial Deposits from Açu River. Facies analyses, grain-size studies, luminescence dating, remote sensing, structural mapping, shallow geophysics (georadar), paleostress and petrography were carried out. The structural mapping and the georadar sections indicated that the Carnaubais and Afonso Bezerra fault systems formed fractures, silicified and non-silicified faults or deformation bands, affecting mainly the Açu, Jandaíra and Barreiras formations. The petrographic data indicate that the strong silicification resulted in a sealant character of the faults. Paleostress analysis indicates that two stress fields affected the Basin: the first presented N-S-trending compression, occurred from the Neocretaceous to the Miocene; the second stress field presents E-W-trending compression, acts from the Miocene to the present. It was verified once the Afonso Bezerra System Faults was reactivated in periods post-Campanian and affects all post-rift lithostratigraphic units of Potiguar Basin, including Quaternary sedimentary covers. The study about soft-sediment deformation structures indicates that they are similar in morphology and size to modern examples of seismically-induced deformation strutures in coarse sediments. TL and OSL ages indicate that sediment deposition and associated soft-sediment deformation occurred at least six times from ~352 Ka to ~9 Ka. Finally these studies demonstrate how recent is tectonics in the Basin Potiguar
The Cumuruxatiba basin is located at the southern coast State of Bahia in northeastern of Brazil. This basin was formed in distensional context, with rifting and subsequent thermal phase during Neocomian to late Cretaceous. At Cenozoic ages, the Abrolhos magmatism occurs in the basin with peaks during the Paleocene and Eocene. In this period, there was a kinematic inversion in the basin represented by folds related to reverse faults. Structural restoration of regional 2D seismic sections revealed that most of the deformation was concentrated at the beginning of the Cenozoic time with the peak at the Lower Eocene. The post-Eocene is marked by a decrease of strain rate to the present. The 3D structural modeling revealed a fold belt (trending EW to NE-SW) accommodating the deformation between the Royal Charlotte and Sulphur Minerva volcanic highs. The volcanic eruptions have caused a differential overburden on the borders of the basin. This acted as the trigger for halokinesis, as demonstrated by physical modeling in literature. Consequently, the deformation tends to be higher in the edges of the basin. The volcanic rocks occur mainly as concordant structures (sills) in the syn-tectonic sediment deposition showing a concomitant deformation. The isopach maps and diagrams of axis orientation of deformation revealed that most of the folds were activated and reactivated at different times during the Cenozoic. The folds exhibit diverse kinematic patterns over time as response to behavior of adjacent volcanic highs. These interpretations allied with information on the petroleum system of the basin are important in mapping the prospects for hydrocarbons
Suspended particles and dissolved substances in water provide reactive surfaces, influence metabolic activity and contribute to the net sediment deposition. It therefore plays an important part in the ecology and quality of the water mass. The water quality in reservoirs is crucial and it is naturally maintained by flushing and sedimentation, which continuously remove phosphorus from the water. In some reservoirs, however, these removal processes are countered by recycling of ions which could play a key role to start and/or maintain the eutrophic state. The combination of macro-, trace- and microanalysis techniques can be useful to trace pollution sources through a chemical fingerprint, whether be during an acute environmental disaster or a long-term release of pollutants. The water quality and total metal content of reservoir sediments were assessed in a reservoir, situated in the capital of the Parana State, in the South-Eastern part of Brazil. The goal of this paper was to determine the metal presence in the sediment and metal and ionic speciation in the Green River reservoir water. Water and bed sediment samples, collected from various sites during 2008 and 2009, were investigated using XRF, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, XRD and zeta potential measurements. Based on the results, the heavy metal concentration and chemical composition of the suspended matter in the water samples, as well as the sediment's chemical composition will be discussed.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Os cabos lamosos Cassiporé e Orange no norte do Brasil constituem um ambiente dinâmico influenciado pelo rio Amazonas, onde as modificações na linha de costa estão sujeitas a severos processos de progradação e erosão. Imagens de sensores remotos ópticos e microondas foram coletadas de 1980 a 2003 e analisadas em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), permitindo a identificação e quantificação da distribuição espacial das áreas de progradação e retrogradação ao longo da linha de costa. Durante este período, as maiores taxas de erosão ocorreram junto ao cabo Cassiporé, com recuo médio de 27,5 metros de distância linear e erosão de 1,37 km² de área de manguezal por ano. Por outro lado, os maiores índices de deposição de sedimentos ocorreram no cabo Orange, onde a planície costeira progradou 24,6 m ao ano, agregando 55,85 km² de manguezal à linha de costa nos últimos vinte e três anos. Os mecanismos de progradação determinaram um acréscimo na vegetação de manguezal de 50,8% ao longo das três últimas décadas. Um balanço sedimentar realizado na área pesquisada demonstrou que predominam os processos construtivos (61,3%) sob os processos erosivos (38,7%).
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG