925 resultados para Security (Law)


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Verifica-se, na atualidade, grande multiplicação dos conflitos envolvendo a Previdência Social e seus segurados. Embora sejam vários os motivos que levam ao ajuizamento de ações previdenciárias, identifica-se em grande parte dos casos uma linha condutora que unifica os diversos litigantes (segurados e dependentes) em torno de uma questão comum. Olhando-se de longe, o que se vê é uma série de ações individuais, cada uma com suas peculiaridades, que buscam as mesmas reparações e ajustes. Há, nesses casos, o ajuizamento em massa de ações com conteúdo semelhante, o que irá gerar sentenças, recursos e execuções múltiplos e, em vários casos, apresentando soluções divergentes. Desse modo, ainda que se tratem de direitos que podem ser tutelados individualmente, há que se buscar a tutela por um prisma coletivo, de modo a se trazer efetividade e segurança na área previdenciária. E uma dessas formas consiste no uso da ação civil pública em questões previdenciárias. Mecanismo relativamente recente em nosso ordenamento, introduzido em 1985, a ação civil pública encontra-se hoje plenamente integrada àquilo que se chama de microssistema de tutela coletiva, admitindo tanto a defesa de direitos difusos, quanto de coletivos stricto sensu e mesmo de direitos individuais homogêneos. O esforço que merece atenção, portanto, consiste na caracterização do Direito Previdenciário numa dessas três categorias de direitos coletivos lato sensu, vez que a tutela no plano coletivo molda-se de acordo com o tipo de direito que se está a tutelar. Ademais, é necessário também que se afaste a interpretação restritiva já superada pela jurisprudência mais atual que exclui os Direitos Previdenciários da esfera de objetos da ação civil pública.


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Cette thèse s’intéresse à la protection de la vie privée informationnelle dans le contexte de la biosécurité. La biosécurité se définit comme le processus qui vise à prendre en charge, dans une optique de sécurité nationale, les menaces et dangers que représentent les épidémies de maladies infectieuses pour la santé des populations humaines et la sécurité de l’État. Notre projet remet en question l’idée selon laquelle la conduite des activités de surveillance de la santé publique implique nécessairement une diminution de la protection offerte aux renseignements personnels sur la santé. Nos recherches tendent à démontrer que la conciliation de la surveillance de la santé et la protection de la vie privée est non seulement possible, mais qu’elle est surtout nécessaire. Nous portons plus précisément notre attention sur le cas de la collecte et de l’utilisation de renseignements dépersonnalisés sur la santé par les systèmes de surveillance syndromique. Bien calibrée et soigneusement réglementée, cette forme novatrice et particulière de surveillance offrirait le double avantage de réduire les risques d’atteintes à la vie privée des individus et d’augmenter de manière considérable l’efficacité des capacités étatiques en matière de détection des épidémies.


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Cette thèse s’intéresse à la protection de la vie privée informationnelle dans le contexte de la biosécurité. La biosécurité se définit comme le processus qui vise à prendre en charge, dans une optique de sécurité nationale, les menaces et dangers que représentent les épidémies de maladies infectieuses pour la santé des populations humaines et la sécurité de l’État. Notre projet remet en question l’idée selon laquelle la conduite des activités de surveillance de la santé publique implique nécessairement une diminution de la protection offerte aux renseignements personnels sur la santé. Nos recherches tendent à démontrer que la conciliation de la surveillance de la santé et la protection de la vie privée est non seulement possible, mais qu’elle est surtout nécessaire. Nous portons plus précisément notre attention sur le cas de la collecte et de l’utilisation de renseignements dépersonnalisés sur la santé par les systèmes de surveillance syndromique. Bien calibrée et soigneusement réglementée, cette forme novatrice et particulière de surveillance offrirait le double avantage de réduire les risques d’atteintes à la vie privée des individus et d’augmenter de manière considérable l’efficacité des capacités étatiques en matière de détection des épidémies.


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La publicación de una nueva ley, trae consigo la derogatoria total o parcial de otra ley y con ello, la imperiosa necesidad de conocer aquella reforma que cambia la realidad jurídica respecto de la materia que rige. Tal es el caso de la Ley Orgánica de Justicia Laboral y Reconocimiento del Trabajo en el Hogar, publicada en abril de 2015, que modificó el Código de Trabajo y la Ley de Seguridad Social, siendo uno de los temas más relevantes de esta reforma, el despido ineficaz. El tema de estabilidad laboral absoluta en Ecuador, era únicamente una ilusión para los trabajadores, y a palabras de un gran catedrático de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad de Cuenca, Doctor Jorge Morales, la estabilidad absoluta era “simples mariposas amarillas”; sin embargo, desde abril del 2015, la estabilidad absoluta pasó de la teoría a la praxis, aunque únicamente para un grupo mínimo de trabajadores, representantes sindicales y mujeres embarazadas o asociadas a su condición de maternidad;debido que, por su condición de vulnerabilidad en el marco laboral, la Reforma transformala estabilidad relativa manifestada en el despido intempestivo de estos trabajadores en ineficaz. “La ley, una vez publicada se presume conocida por todos y no podrá alegarse ignorancia por ninguna persona”, todos los ciudadanos dentro de la circunscripción para la cual rige la nueva norma, tenemos la obligación de informarnos sobre tal, siendo este, el motivo y objetivo principal de la presente investigación, otorgar a la ciudadanía un análisis profundo de la reforma laboral precisamente sobre las disposiciones que regulan la aplicación, alcance, causas y efectos del despido ineficaz.


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Many commentators have treated the internet as a site of democratic freedom and as a new kind of public sphere. While there are good reasons for optimism, like any social space digital space also has its dark side. Citizens and governments alike have expressed anxiety about cybercrime and cyber-security. In August 2011, the Australian government introduced legislation to give effect to Australia becoming a signatory to the European Convention on Cybercrime (2001). At the time of writing, that legislation is still before the Parliament. In this article, attention is given to how the legal and policy-making process enabling Australia to be compliant with the European Convention on Cybercrime came about. Among the motivations that informed both the development of the Convention in Europe and then the Australian exercise of legislating for compliance with it was a range of legitimate concerns about the impact that cybercrime can have on individuals and communities. This article makes the case that equal attention also needs to be given to ensuring that legislators and policy makers differentiate between legitimate security imperatives and any over-reach evident in the implementation of this legislation that affects rule of law principles, our capacity to engage in democratic practices, and our civic and human rights.


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In the struggle to assert and consolidate its power, the Hamas movement of the Palestinian territories has devised several strategies for control. In recognition that control of security remains a key goal for any power-seeker, following its election victory in January 2006, Hamas entered into a fierce and ultimately successful conflict with Fatah for control of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Interior and Palestinian Security Forces (PSF) in the Gaza Strip. One way in which Hamas was able to achieve this objective was through the creation of its own internal ‘police’ force called the Tanfithya (Executive Force or EF). This article details an anatomy of the EF and the implications of this force in terms of Hamas' confrontation with opponents and its attempts at governance. It also examines the extent to which the EF can be considered to be a model of Islamic policing and its impact on secular rivals in the Gaza Strip.


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This paper explores the prospects and challenges of achieving human security through United Nations (UN) human rights law. The paper does not aim to pronounce definitively on the achievement of human security by way of UN human rights law that is, to assess the achievement of human security per se 'as a future end state'. Rather the focus of the paper is firmly placed on the capacity of UN human rights law to achieve human security. The paper departs from the premise that if human rights define human security, international human rights law and UN human rights law in particular should have something to say about the achievement of human security.


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Paul Latimer, Associate Professor, Department of Business Law and Taxation. Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University. Présentation dans le cadre du cycle de conférences organisé par le CRDP intitulé « Le droit à la sécurité ... la sécurité par le droit ».


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The right to food has become a pillar of international humanitarian and human rights law. The increasing number of food-related emergencies and the evolution of the international order brought the more precise notion of food security and made a potential right to receive food aid emerge. Despite this apparent centrality, recent statistics show that a life free from hunger is for many people all over the world still a utopian idea. The paper will explore nature and content of the right to food, food security and food aid under international law in order to understand the reasons behind the substantial failure of this right-centred approach, emphasising the lack of legal effects of many food-related provisions because of excessive moral connotations of the right to be free from hunger. Bearing in mind the three-dimensional nature of food security, the paper will also suggest that all attention has been focused on the availability of food, while real difficulties arise in terms of accessibility and adequacy. Emergency situations provide an excellent example of this unbalance, as the emerging right to receive food aid focus itself on the availability of food, without improving local production and adequacy. Looking at other evolving sectors of international law, such as the protection of the environment, and particularly the safeguard of biological diversity, alternative solutions will be envisaged in order to “feed” the right to food.


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This paper offers a picture of the obligations existing under international and European law in respect of the loss of nationality. It describes international instruments including obligations in this field with direct relevancy for the loss of nationality of Member States of the European Union, but also obligations regarding loss of nationality in regional non-European treaties. Attention is given to two important judicial decisions of the European Court of Justice (Janko Rottmann) and the European Court of Human Rights (Genovese v Malta) regarding nationality. Special attention is devoted to Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which forbids the arbitrary deprivation of nationality. A survey is provided of possible sub-principles that can be derived from this rule. Finally, some observations are made on the burden of proof in cases of loss of nationality.


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From an examination of the instruments of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and related policy measures regarding border surveillance and migration management, two interrelated issues stand out as particularly sensitive: Access to asylum and responsibility for refugee protection. The prevailing view, supported by UNHCR and others, is that responsibility for the care of asylum seekers and the determination of their claims falls on the state within whose jurisdiction the claim is made. However, the possibility to shift that responsibility to another state through inter-state cooperation or unilateral mechanisms undertaken territorially as well as abroad has been a matter of great interest to EU Member States and institutions. Initiatives adopted so far challenge the prevailing view and have the potential to undermine compliance with international refugee and human rights law. This note reviews EU action in the field by reference to the relevant legal standards and best practices developed by UNHCR, focusing on the specific problems of climate refugees and access to international protection, evaluating the inconsistencies between the internal and external dimension of asylum policy. Some recommendations for the European Parliament are formulated at the end, including on action in relation to readmission agreements, Frontex engagement rules in maritime operations, Regional Protection Programmes, and resettlement.