964 resultados para Secure Authentication for Broadcast (DNP3-SAB)


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We consider the basic bidirectional relaying problem, in which two users in a wireless network wish to exchange messages through an intermediate relay node. In the compute-and-forward strategy, the relay computes a function of the two messages using the naturally occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes in a Gaussian multiple-access channel (MAC), and the computed function value is forwarded to the user nodes in an ensuing broadcast phase. In this paper, we study the problem under an additional security constraint, which requires that each user's message be kept secure from the relay. We consider two types of security constraints: 1) perfect secrecy, in which the MAC channel output seen by the relay is independent of each user's message and 2) strong secrecy, which is a form of asymptotic independence. We propose a coding scheme based on nested lattices, the main feature of which is that given a pair of nested lattices that satisfy certain goodness properties, we can explicitly specify probability distributions for randomization at the encoders to achieve the desired security criteria. In particular, our coding scheme guarantees perfect or strong secrecy even in the absence of channel noise. The noise in the channel only affects reliability of computation at the relay, and for Gaussian noise, we derive achievable rates for reliable and secure computation. We also present an application of our methods to the multihop line network in which a source needs to transmit messages to a destination through a series of intermediate relays.


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A routing protocol in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) should be secure against both the outside attackers which do not hold valid security credentials and the inside attackers which are the compromised nodes in the network. The outside attackers can be prevented with the help of an efficient key management protocol and cryptography. However, to prevent inside attackers, it should be accompanied with an intrusion detection system (IDS). In this paper, we propose a novel secure routing with an integrated localized key management (SR-LKM) protocol, which is aimed to prevent both inside and outside attackers. The localized key management mechanism is not dependent on any routing protocol. Thus, unlike many other existing schemes, the protocol does not suffer from the key management - secure routing interdependency problem. The key management mechanism is lightweight as it optimizes the use of public key cryptography with the help of a novel neighbor based handshaking and Least Common Multiple (LCM) based broadcast key distribution mechanism. The protocol is storage scalable and its efficiency is confirmed by the results obtained from simulation experiments.


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The proliferation of mobile computers and wireless networks requires the design of future distributed real-time applications to recognize and deal with the significant asymmetry between downstream and upstream communication capacities, and the significant disparity between server and client storage capacities. Recent research work proposed the use of Broadcast Disks as a scalable mechanism to deal with this problem. In this paper, we propose a new broadcast disks protocol, based on our Adaptive Information Dispersal Algorithm (AIDA). Our protocol is different from previous broadcast disks protocols in that it improves communication timeliness, fault-tolerance, and security, while allowing for a finer control of multiplexing of prioritized data (broadcast frequencies). We start with a general introduction of broadcast disks. Next, we propose broadcast disk organizations that are suitable for real-time applications. Next, we present AIDA and show its fault-tolerance and security properties. We conclude the paper with the description and analysis of AIDA-based broadcast disks organizations that achieve both timeliness and fault-tolerance, while preserving downstream communication capacity.


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Synchronous islanded operation involves continuously holding an islanded power network in virtual synchronism with the main power system to aid paralleling and avoid potentially damaging out-of-synchronism reclosure. This requires phase control of the generators in the island and the transmission of a reference signal from a secure location on the main power system. Global positioning system (GPS) time-synchronized phasor measurements transmitted via an Internet protocol (IP) are used for the reference signal. However, while offering low cost and a readily available solution for distribution networks, IP communications have variable latency and are susceptible to packet loss, which can make time-critical control applications difficult. This paper investigates the ability of the phase-control system to tolerate communications latency. Phasor measurement conditioning algorithms that can tolerate latency are used in the phase-control loop of a 50-kVA diesel generator. © 2010 IEEE.


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In wireless networks, the broadcast nature of the propagation medium makes the communication process vulnerable to malicious nodes (e.g. eavesdroppers) which are in the coverage area of the transmission. Thus, security issues play a vital role in wireless systems. Traditionally, information security has been addressed in the upper layers (e.g. the network layer) through the design of cryptographic protocols. Cryptography-based security aims to design a protocol such that it is computationally prohibitive for the eavesdropper to decode the information. The idea behind this approach relies on the limited computational power of the eavesdroppers. However, with advances in emerging hardware technologies, achieving secure communications relying on protocol-based mechanisms alone become insufficient. Owing to this fact, a new paradigm of secure communications has been shifted to implement the security at the physical layer. The key principle behind this strategy is to exploit the spatial-temporal characteristics of the wireless channel to guarantee secure data transmission without the need of cryptographic protocols.


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Durante as ultimas décadas, os registos de saúde eletrónicos (EHR) têm evoluído para se adaptar a novos requisitos. O cidadão tem-se envolvido cada vez mais na prestação dos cuidados médicos, sendo mais pró ativo e desejando potenciar a utilização do seu registo. A mobilidade do cidadão trouxe mais desafios, a existência de dados dispersos, heterogeneidade de sistemas e formatos e grande dificuldade de partilha e comunicação entre os prestadores de serviços. Para responder a estes requisitos, diversas soluções apareceram, maioritariamente baseadas em acordos entre instituições, regiões e países. Estas abordagens são usualmente assentes em cenários federativos muito complexos e fora do controlo do paciente. Abordagens mais recentes, como os registos pessoais de saúde (PHR), permitem o controlo do paciente, mas levantam duvidas da integridade clinica da informação aos profissionais clínicos. Neste cenário os dados saem de redes e sistemas controlados, aumentando o risco de segurança da informação. Assim sendo, são necessárias novas soluções que permitam uma colaboração confiável entre os diversos atores e sistemas. Esta tese apresenta uma solução que permite a colaboração aberta e segura entre todos os atores envolvidos nos cuidados de saúde. Baseia-se numa arquitetura orientada ao serviço, que lida com a informação clínica usando o conceito de envelope fechado. Foi modelada recorrendo aos princípios de funcionalidade e privilégios mínimos, com o propósito de fornecer proteção dos dados durante a transmissão, processamento e armazenamento. O controlo de acesso _e estabelecido por políticas definidas pelo paciente. Cartões de identificação eletrónicos, ou certificados similares são utilizados para a autenticação, permitindo uma inscrição automática. Todos os componentes requerem autenticação mútua e fazem uso de algoritmos de cifragem para garantir a privacidade dos dados. Apresenta-se também um modelo de ameaça para a arquitetura, por forma a analisar se as ameaças possíveis foram mitigadas ou se são necessários mais refinamentos. A solução proposta resolve o problema da mobilidade do paciente e a dispersão de dados, capacitando o cidadão a gerir e a colaborar na criação e manutenção da sua informação de saúde. A arquitetura permite uma colaboração aberta e segura, possibilitando que o paciente tenha registos mais ricos, atualizados e permitindo o surgimento de novas formas de criar e usar informação clínica ou complementar.


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Extensive use of the Internet coupled with the marvelous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a huge demand for information security. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is the most widely used security protocol in the Internet which meets this demand. It provides protection against eaves droppings, tampering and forgery. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL. But recent attacks against RC4 and HMAC have raised questions in the confidence on these algorithms. Hence two novel cryptographic algorithms MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. The focus of this work is to demonstrate the performance of these new algorithms and suggest them as dependable alternatives to satisfy the need of security services in SSL. The performance evaluation has been done by using practical implementation method.


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Extensive use of the Internet coupled with the marvelous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a huge demand for information security. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is the most widely used security protocol in the Internet which meets this demand. It provides protection against eaves droppings, tampering and forgery. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL. But recent attacks against RC4 and HMAC have raised questions in the confidence on these algorithms. Hence two novel cryptographic algorithms MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. The focus of this work is to demonstrate the performance of these new algorithms and suggest them as dependable alternatives to satisfy the need of security services in SSL. The performance evaluation has been done by using practical implementation method.


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Now a days, email has become the most widely communication way in daily life. The main reason for using email is probably because of the convenience and speed in which it can be transmitted irrespective of geographical distances. To improve security and efficiency of email system, most of the email system adopt PKI and IBE encryption schemes. However, both PKI and IBE encryption schemes have their own shortcomings and consequently bring security issues to email systems. This paper proposes a new secure email system based on IBE which combines finger print authentication and proxy service for encryption and decryption


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This paper proposes a novel method of authentication of users in secure buildings. The main objective is to investigate whether user actions in the built environment can produce consistent behavioural signatures upon which a building intrusion detection system could be based. In the process three behavioural expressions were discovered: time-invariant, co-dependent and idiosyncratic.


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Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is widely used in the Wireless Fidelity Point-to-Point Protocol to authenticate an identity and password for a peer. This paper uses a new knowledge-based framework to verify the PAP protocol and a fixed version. Flaws are found in both the original and the fixed versions. A new enhanced protocol is provided and the security of it is proved The whole process is implemented in a mechanical reasoning platform, Isabelle. It only takes a few seconds to find flaws in the original and the fixed protocol and to verify that the enhanced version of the PAP protocol is secure.


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A Universal Serial Bus (USB) Mass Storage Device (MSD), often termed a USB flash drive, is ubiquitously used to store important information in unencrypted binary format. This low cost consumer device is incredibly popular due to its size, large storage capacity and relatively high transfer speed. However, if the device is lost or stolen an unauthorized person can easily retrieve all the information. Therefore, it is advantageous in many applications to provide security protection so that only authorized users can access the stored information. In order to provide security protection for a USB MSD, this paper proposes a session key agreement protocol after secure user authentication. The main aim of this protocol is to establish session key negotiation through which all the information retrieved, stored and transferred to the USB MSD is encrypted. This paper not only contributes an efficient protocol, but also does not suffer from the forgery attack and the password guessing attack as compared to other protocols in the literature. This paper analyses the security of the proposed protocol through a formal analysis which proves that the information is stored confidentially and is protected offering strong resilience to relevant security attacks. The computational cost and communication cost of the proposed scheme is analyzed and compared to related work to show that the proposed scheme has an improved tradeoff for computational cost, communication cost and security.


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Traditional approaches such as theorem proving and model checking have been successfully used to analyze security protocols. Ideally, they assume the data communication is reliable and require the user to predetermine authentication goals. However, missing and inconsistent data have been greatly ignored, and the increasingly complicated security protocol makes it difficult to predefine such goals. This paper presents a novel approach to analyze security protocols using association rule mining. It is able to not only validate the reliability of transactions but also discover potential correlations between secure messages. The algorithm and experiment demonstrate that our approaches are useful and promising.


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Wireless broadcasting is an efficient way to broadcast data to a large number of users. Some commercial applications of wireless broadcasting, such as satellite pay-TV, desire that only those users who have paid for the service can retrieve broadcast data. This is often achieved by broadcast encryption, which allows a station securely to broadcast data to a dynamically changing set of privileged users through open air. Most existing broadcast encryption schemes can only revoke a pre-specified number of users before system re-setup or require high computation, communication and storage overheads in receivers. In this paper, we propose a new broadcast encryption scheme based on smart cards. In our scheme, smart cards are used to prevent users from leaking secret keys. Additionally, once an illegally cloned smart card is captured, our scheme also allows tracing of the compromised smart card by which illegal smart cards are cloned, and can then revoke all cloned smart cards. The new features of our scheme include minimal computation needs of only a few modular multiplications in the smart card, and the capability to revoke up to any number of users in one revocation. Furthermore, our scheme is secure against both passive and active attacks and has better performance than other schemes.