951 resultados para Sea state
Nearly one in three children in the developing world is malnourished. Poor nutrition contributes to one out of two deaths (53%) associated with infectious diseases among children aged under five in developing countries. Using data from the 2005 World Food Program’s (WFP) Livelihood Vulnerability and Nutritional Assessment of Rural Kassala and Red Sea State this study examines the impact of female headed households and maternal education on malnutrition in children 6-59 months old. The dependent variable investigated in this study is moderate to severe wasting or less than -2 weight for height Z-score, also known as global acute malnutrition (GAM). ^ The study population consisted of 450 households in Kassala State and Red Sea State, Sudan. A total of 900 children 6-59 months of age were part of the households sampled from these states and one child per household (773 children) was randomly chosen for the analysis along with the child’s mother. Results of the study found that 18 percent of children between 6-59 months of age had GAM/wasting. Maternal education, main source of water, and income were strongly related to wasting. Gender of head of household was not found to have a significant relationship with GAM/wasting. Mothers with at least primary education were much less likely to have malnourished children, even after controlling for income and environmental conditions. Children in households with unsafe sources of water were 2.6 more likely to have wasting than those with piped in/tube wells as their main source of water. For every increase of 100 dinar in a household, the children in the household are approximately two-thirds times (.662) less likely to be wasted. ^ The results of this study support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between maternal education on wasting of children 6-59 months old. The results do not, however, support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between gender of head of household on wasting of children 6-59 months old. Better understanding of the association of wasting and other measures of malnutrition with maternal education levels can program managers and other health officials to target important nutritional and non-nutritional interventions. ^
We present field measurements of air-sea gas exchange by the radon deficit method that were carried out during JASIN 1978 (NE Atlantic) and FGGE 1979 (Equatorial Atlantic). Both experiments comprised repeated deficit measurements at fixed position over periods of days or longer, using a previously descibed precise and fast-acquiaition, automatic radon measuring system. The deficit time series exhibit variations that only partly reflect the expected changes in gas transfer. By evaluating averages over each time series we deduce the following gas transfer velocities (average wind velocity and water temperature in parentheses): JASIN phase 1: 1.6 ± 0.8 m/d (at ~6 m/s, 13°C) JASIN phase 2: 4.3 ± 1.2 m/d (at ~8 m/s, 13°C) FGGE: 1.2 ± 0.4 m/d (at ~5 m/s, 28°C) 0.9 ± 0.4 m/d (at ~7 m/s, 28°C) 1.5 ± 0.4 m/d (at ~7 m/s, 28°C) The large difference betwen the JASIN phase 2 and FGGE values despite quite similare average wind velocity becomes even larger when the values are, however, fully compatible with the range of gas transfer velocities observed in laboratory experiments and the conclusion is suggested that their difference is caused by the highly different wind variability in JASIN and FGGE. We conclude that in gas exchange parameterization it is not sufficinent to consider wind velocity only. A comparison of our observations with laboratory results outlines the range of variations of air-sea gas transfer velocities with wind velocity and sea state. We also reformulate the radon deficit method, in the light of our observed deficit variations, to account explicitely for non-stationary and horizontal inhomogeneity in previous radon work introduces considerable uncertainty in deduced gas transfere velocity. We furthermore discuss the observational rewuirements that have to be met for an adequate exploitation of the radon deficit method, of which an observation area of minimum horizontal inhomogeneity and monitoring of the remaining inhomogeneities are thought to be the most stringent ones.
We present an analysis of the space-time dynamics of oceanic sea states exploiting stereo imaging techniques. In particular, a novel Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) has been developed and deployed at the oceanographic tower Acqua Alta in the Northern Adriatic Sea, off the Venice coast in Italy. The analysis of WASS video measurements yields accurate estimates of the oceanic sea state dynamics, the associated directional spectra and wave surface statistics that agree well with theoretical models. Finally, we show that a space-time extreme, defined as the expected largest surface wave height over an area, is considerably larger than the maximum crest observed in time at a point, in agreement with theoretical predictions.
La “Actuación en la Crisis”, objetivo principal de esta tesis, trata de establecer y concretar los procedimientos y apoyos desde tierra y a bordo de los buques, tanto técnicos como operacionales, a seguir por el Capitán y tripulación de un buque después de un accidente, en especial cuando el buque tiene un riesgo importante de hundimiento o necesidad de abandono. La aparición de este concepto es relativamente reciente, es decir desde el año 1995, después de los estudios y propuestas realizados, por el Panel de Expertos de IMO, como consecuencia del hundimiento del buque de pasaje y carga rodada, Estonia, en el que perdieron la vida más de 850 personas a finales de Septiembre de 1994. Entre las propuestas recomendadas y aceptadas por los gobiernos en la Conferencia Internacional SOLAS 1995, figuraba este concepto novedoso, que luego fue adoptado de una forma generalizada para todos los tipos de buques, que hasta entonces sólo disponían de documentos dispersos y a veces contradictorios para la actuación en estos momentos de peligro, que dio lugar a un profundo tratamiento de este problema, que iba a afectar a los buques, tanto en los conceptos y parámetros de proyecto, como a la propia operación del buque. La tesis desarrolla los fundamentos, estado del arte, implantación y consecuencias sobre la configuración y explotación del buque, que han dado lugar a una serie de documentos, que se han incluido en diversos Convenios Internacionales, Códigos y otros documentos de obligada aplicación en la industria naval generados en IMO (SOLAS, Retorno Seguro a Puerto, Plano y Libro de Control de Averías, ISM). La consecuencia más novedosa e interesante de este concepto ha sido la necesidad de disponer cada compañía explotadora del buque, de un servicio importante de “apoyo en la crisis”, que ha dado lugar a implantar un “servicio de emergencia especial”, disponible las 24 horas del día y 365 de año que ofrecen las Sociedades de Clasificación. El know-how de los accidentes que tratan estos servicios, hacen que se puedan establecer ciertas recomendaciones, que se centran, en que el buque tenga, por sus propios medios, una posibilidad de aumentar el KM después de una avería, la garantía de la resistencia estructural adecuada y el aumento del tiempo de hundimiento o el tiempo de mantenimiento a flote (otro tipo de averías vinculadas con la maquinaria, equipo o protección y lucha contra incendios, no son objeto de tesis). Las conclusiones obtenidas, son objeto de discusión especialmente en IACS e IMO, con el fin de establecer las aplicaciones pertinentes, que permitan dar al buque una mayor seguridad. Como objetivo principal de esta tesis es establecer estos puntos de mejora consecuencia de esta actuación en la crisis, con la aportación de varias soluciones que mejorarían los problemas mencionados para los tres tipos de buques que consideramos más importantes (pasaje, petroleros y bulkcarriers) La tesis recorre, desde el principio en 1995, la evolución de esta actuación en la crisis, hasta el momento actual., los puntos básicos que se establecen, que van muy de la mano de la llamada “cultura de seguridad”, objetivo nacido durante los años 90, con el fin de implantar una filosofía distinta para abordar el tratamiento de la seguridad del buque, a la que se venía aplicando hasta el momento, en donde se contemplaba tratar el tema de forma singular y específica para cada caso. La nueva filosofía, trataba de analizar el problema, desde un aspecto global y por tanto horizontal, realizando un estudio exhaustivo de las consecuencias que tendría la aplicación de una nueva medida correctora, en los restantes equipos y sistemas del buque., relativos al proyecto, configuración, operación y explotación del buque. Se describen de manera sucinta las profundas investigaciones a que dio lugar todo lo anterior, estando muchas de ellas, vinculadas a grandes proyectos europeos. La mayor parte de estos proyectos fueron subvencionados por la Comunidad Económica Europea durante la primera década del siglo actual. Dentro de estas investigaciones, donde hay que destacar la participación de todos los agentes del sector marítimo europeo, se hacen imprescindibles la utilización de dos herramientas novedosas para nuestro sector, como son el “Estudio de Riesgos” y la “Evaluación de la Seguridad”, más conocida técnicamente por su nombre ingles “Safety Assessment”, cuyos principios también son incluidos en la tesis. Además se especifican las bases sobre las que se establecen la estabilidad intacta y en averías, con nuevos conceptos, no tratados nunca hasta entonces, como la “altura crítica de agua en cubierta” para la cual el buque se hundiría sin remisión, “estado de la mar” en la que se puede encontrar el buque averiado, el cálculo del tiempo de hundimiento, u otros aspectos como el corrimiento de la carga, o bien el tratamiento de los problemas dinámicos en el nuevo “Código de Estabilidad Intacta”. Con respecto a la resistencia estructural, especialmente el estudio de la “resistencia estructural después de la avería”, que tiene en cuenta el estado de la mar en la que se encontraría el buque afectado. Se analizan los tipos de buques mencionados uno por uno y se sacan, como aportación fundamental de esta tesis, separadamente, las acciones y propuestas a aplicar a estos buques. En primer lugar, las relativas al proyecto y configuración del buque y en segundo lugar, las de operación, explotación y mantenimiento, con el fin de acometer, con garantías de éxito, la respuesta a la ayuda en emergencia y la solución a la difícil situación que pueden tener lugar en condiciones extremas. Para ver el efecto de algunas de las propuestas que se incluyen, se realizan y aplican concretamente, a un buque de pasaje de carga rodada, a un petrolero y a un bulkcarrier, para demostrar el mejor comportamiento de estos buques en situación de emergencia. Para ello se han elegido un buque ejemplo para cada tipo, efectuándose los cálculos de estabilidad y resistencia longitudinal y comparar la situación, en la que quedaría el buque averiado, antes y después de la avería. La tesis se completa con una estadística real de buques averiados de cada uno de estos tres tipos, distinguiendo el tipo de incidente y el número de los buques que lo han sufrido, considerándose como más importantes los incidentes relacionados con varadas, colisiones y fuego resumiéndose lo más relevante de esta aportación también importante de esta tesis. ABSTRACT The "Response in an emergency" is the main objective of this thesis, it seeks to establish and define procedures for technical and operational support onboard and shore, to be followed by the captain and crew on of a ship after an accident, especially when the ship has a significant risk of sinking or a need to abandon it. The emergence of this concept is relatively recent, in 1995, after studies and proposals made by the Panel of Experts IMO, following the sinking of the “Estonia” vessel, where more than 850 people died in late September 1994. In the International Convention SOLAS 1995, among the recommended proposals and accepted regulations, this new concept was included, which was later adopted for all types of ships which until then had only scattered some documents, sometimes including contradictory actions in emergency situations. This led to a profound treatment of this problem, which would affect the vessels in both the concepts and design parameters, as to the proper operation of the vessel. The thesis develops the foundations, state of the art, implementation and consequences on the design and operation of the vessel, this has led to a series of Circulars and Regulations included in several International Codes and Conventions issued by IMO which are required to be complied with (SOLAS Safe Return to Port, Damage Control Plan and Booklet, ISM). The most novel and interesting consequence of this concept has been the need for every company operating the ship to have a shore based support service in emergency situations which has led to implement special emergency services offered by Class Societies which are available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The know-how of these services dealing with all types of accidents can establish certain recommendations, which focus on the ship capability to increase the KM after damage. It can also be determined adequate structural strength and the increase of the capsizing time or time afloat (other types of damages associated with the machinery, equipment or firefighting, are not the subject of this thesis). The conclusions are discussed especially in IACS and IMO, in order to establish appropriate applications to improve the security of the vessels. The main objective of this thesis is to establish actions to improve emergency actions, resulting from different responses in the crisis, with the contribution of several solutions that improve the problems mentioned for three types of ships that we consider most important (passenger vessels, tankers and bulk carriers) The thesis runs from the beginning in 1995 to date, the evolution of the response on the crisis. The basics established during the 90s with the "safety culture" in order to implement a different philosophy to address the treatment of the safety of the ship, which was being previously implemented, as something singular and specific to each case. The new philosophy tried to analyse the problem from a global perspective, doing an exhaustive study of the consequences of the implementation of the new regulation in the ship systems and equipment related to the design, configuration and operation of the vessel. Extensive investigations which led to the above are described, many of them being linked to major European projects. Most of these projects were funded by the European Union during the first decade of this century. Within these investigations, which it must be highlighted the participation of all players in the European maritime sector, a necessity to use two new tools for our industry, such as the "Risk Assessment" and "Safety Assessment" whose principles are also included in the thesis. The intact and damage stability principles are established including new concepts, never treated before, as the "critical height of water on deck" for which the ship would sink without remission, "sea state" where the damaged vessel can be found, calculation of capsizing time, or other aspects such cargo shifting or treatment of dynamic problems in the new Intact Stability Code in development. Regarding the structural strength, it has to be especially considered the study of the "residual strength after damage", which takes into account the state of the sea where the vessel damaged can be found. Ship types mentioned are analysed one by one, as a fundamental contribution of this thesis, different actions and proposals are established to apply to these types of vessels. First, those ones relating to the design and configuration of the vessel and also the ones related to the operation and maintenance in order to support successfully responses to emergency situations which may occur in extreme situations. Some of the proposals are applied specifically to a RoRo passenger ship, an oil tanker and a bulkcarrier, to demonstrate the improved performance of these vessels damaged. An example for each type vessel has been chosen, carrying out stability and longitudinal strength calculations comparing the situation of the ship before and after damage. The thesis is completed with incidents statics for each of these three types, distinguishing the type of incident and the number of ships having it. The most important incidents considered are the ones related to groundings, collisions and fire being this other relevant contribution of this thesis.
The different theoretical models related with storm wave characterization focus on determining the significant wave height of the peak storm, the mean period and, usually assuming a triangle storm shape, their duration. In some cases, the main direction is also considered. Nevertheless, definition of the whole storm history, including the variation of the main random variables during the storm cycle is not taken into consideration. The representativeness of the proposed storm models, analysed in a recent study using an empirical maximum energy flux time dependent function shows that the behaviour of the different storm models is extremely dependent on the climatic characteristics of the project area. Moreover, there are no theoretical models able to adequately reproduce storm history evolution of the sea states characterized by important swell components. To overcome this shortcoming, several theoretical storm shapes are investigated taking into consideration the bases of the three best theoretical storm models, the Equivalent Magnitude Storm (EMS), the Equivalent Number of Waves Storm (ENWS) and the Equivalent Duration Storm (EDS) models. To analyse the representativeness of the new storm shape, the aforementioned maximum energy flux formulation and a wave overtopping discharge structure function are used. With the empirical energy flux formulation, correctness of the different approaches is focussed on the progressive hydraulic stability loss of the main armour layer caused by real and theoretical storms. For the overtopping structure equation, the total volume of discharge is considered. In all cases, the results obtained highlight the greater representativeness of the triangular EMS model for sea waves and the trapezoidal (nonparallel sides) EMS model for waves with a higher degree of wave development. Taking into account the increase in offshore and shallow water wind turbines, maritime transport and deep vertical breakwaters, the maximum wave height of the whole storm history and that corresponding to each sea state belonging to its cycle's evolution is also considered. The procedure considers the information usually available for extreme waves' characterization. Extrapolations of the maximum wave height of the selected storms have also been considered. The 4th order statistics of the sea state belonging to the real and theoretical storm have been estimated to complete the statistical analysis of individual wave height
O conceito de controle híbrido é aplicado à operação de alívio entre um FPWSO e um navio aliviador. Ambos os navios mantêm suas posições e aproamentos pelo resultado da ação do seu Sistema de Posicionamento Dinâmico (SPD). O alívio dura cerca de 24 horas para ser concluído. Durante este período, o estado de mar pode se alterar e os calados estão sendo constantemente alterados. Um controlador híbrido é projetado para permitir modificacões dos parâmetros de controle/observação se alguma alteração significante do estado de mar e/ou calado das embarcações ocorrer. O principal objetivo dos controladores é manter o posicionamento relativo entre os navios com o intuito de evitar perigosa proximidade ou excesso de tensão no cabo. Com isto em mente, uma nova estratégia de controle que atue integradamente em ambos os navios é proposta baseda em geometria diferencial. Observadores não lineares baseados em passividade são aplicados para estimar a posição, a velocidade e as forças externas de mares calmos até extremos. O critério para troca do controle/observação é baseado na variação do calado e no estado de mar. O calado é assumido conhecido e o estado de mar é estimado pela frequência de pico do espectro do movimento de primeira ordem dos navios. Um modelo de perturbação é proposto para encontrar o número de controladores do sistema híbrido. A equivalência entre o controle geométrico e o controlador baseado em Multiplicadores de Lagrange é demonstrada. Assumindo algumas hipóteses, a equivalência entre os controladores geométrico e o PD é também apresentada. O desempenho da nova estratégia é avaliada por meio de simulações numéricas e comparada a um controlador PD. Os resultados apresentam muito bom desempenho em função do objetivo proposto. A comparação entre a abordagem geométrica e o controlador PD aponta um desempenho muito parecido entre eles.
Presented are physical and biological data for the region extending from the Barents Sea to the Kara Sea during 158 scientific cruises for the period 1913-1999. Maps with the temporal distribution of physical and biological variables of the Barents and Kara Seas are presented, with proposed quality control criteria for phytoplankton and zooplankton data. Changes in the plankton community structure between the 1930s, 1950s, and 1990s are discussed. Multiple tables of Arctic Seas phytoplankton and zooplankton species are presented, containing ecological and geographic characteristics for each species, and images of live cells for the dominant phytoplankton species.
Due to the failure of PRARE the orbital accuracy of ERS-1 is typically 10-15 cm radially as compared to 3-4cm for TOPEX/Poseidon. To gain the most from these simultaneous datasets it is necessary to improve the orbital accuracy of ERS-1 so that it is commensurate with that of TOPEX/Poseidon. For the integration of these two datasets it is also necessary to determine the altimeter and sea state biases for each of the satellites. Several models for the sea state bias of ERS-1 are considered by analysis of the ERS-1 single satellite crossovers. The model adopted consists of the sea state bias as a percentage of the significant wave height, namely 5.95%. The removal of ERS-1 orbit error and recovery of an ERS-1 - TOPEX/Poseidon relative bias are both achieved by analysis of dual crossover residuals. The gravitational field based radial orbit error is modelled by a finite Fourier expansion series with the dominant frequencies determined by analysis of the JGM-2 co-variance matrix. Periodic and secular terms to model the errors due to atmospheric density, solar radiation pressure and initial state vector mis-modelling are also solved for. Validation of the dataset unification consists of comparing the mean sea surface topographies and annual variabilities derived from both the corrected and uncorrected ERS-1 orbits with those derived from TOPEX/Poseidon. The global and regional geographically fixed/variable orbit errors are also analysed pre and post correction, and a significant reduction is noted. Finally the use of dual/single satellite crossovers and repeat pass data, for the calibration of ERS-2 with respect to ERS-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon is shown by calculating the ERS-1/2 sea state and relative biases.
A regional cross-calibration between the first Delay Doppler altimetry dataset from Cryosat-2 and a retracked Envisat dataset is here presented, in order to test the benefits of the Delay-Doppler processing and to expand the Envisat time series in the coastal ocean. The Indonesian Seas are chosen for the calibration, since the availability of altimetry data in this region is particularly beneficial due to the lack of in-situ measurements and its importance for global ocean circulation. The Envisat data in the region are retracked with the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform (ALES) Retracker, which has been previously validated and applied successfully to coastal sea level research. The study demonstrates that CryoSat-2 is able to decrease the 1-Hz noise of sea level estimations by 0.3 cm within 50 km of the coast, when compared to the ALES-reprocessed Envisat dataset. It also shows that Envisat can be confidently used for detailed oceanographic research after the orbit change of October 2010. Cross-calibration at the crossover points indicates that in the region of study a sea state bias correction equal to 5% of the significant wave height is an acceptable approximation for Delay-Doppler altimetry. The analysis of the joint sea level time series reveals the geographic extent of the semiannual signal caused by Kelvin waves during the monsoon transitions, the larger amplitudes of the annual signal due to the Java Coastal Current and the impact of the strong La Nina event of 2010 on rising sea level trends.
A regional cross-calibration between the first Delay Doppler altimetry dataset from Cryosat-2 and a retracked Envisat dataset is here presented, in order to test the benefits of the Delay-Doppler processing and to expand the Envisat time series in the coastal ocean. The Indonesian Seas are chosen for the calibration, since the availability of altimetry data in this region is particularly beneficial due to the lack of in-situ measurements and its importance for global ocean circulation. The Envisat data in the region are retracked with the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform (ALES) Retracker, which has been previously validated and applied successfully to coastal sea level research. The study demonstrates that CryoSat-2 is able to decrease the 1-Hz noise of sea level estimations by 0.3 cm within 50 km of the coast, when compared to the ALES-reprocessed Envisat dataset. It also shows that Envisat can be confidently used for detailed oceanographic research after the orbit change of October 2010. Cross-calibration at the crossover points indicates that in the region of study a sea state bias correction equal to 5% of the significant wave height is an acceptable approximation for Delay-Doppler altimetry. The analysis of the joint sea level time series reveals the geographic extent of the semiannual signal caused by Kelvin waves during the monsoon transitions, the larger amplitudes of the annual signal due to the Java Coastal Current and the impact of the strong La Nina event of 2010 on rising sea level trends.