968 resultados para Scotland Performs


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The Scottish National Drugs Strategy requires the 22 regional Drug Action Teams to prepare and submit to the Scottish Executive annual action plans for tackling drug misuse in their areas. These plans should address national and local priorities, including their contribution to the achievement of national targets. These comprise three parts: Part A provides an overview of the DAT structures and working; Part B provides detailed information on current local services and Part C reports plans for 2003/04.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Group makes 12 recommendations for actions covering the two key themes of strategic and organisational responses, and service design and delivery. It calls for: * A joint strategic response at national level to be developed * A joint strategic response at a local level to be developed (responsibility sitting with Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) * Recognition of the importance of investing to save over the long term * A joint operational response at local level to be developed * More flexible approaches in rural and island areas * Service development and commissioning to be based on evidence of good practice * An individual’s priorities to be the starting point for the design and delivery of services and support * Ongoing evaluation of services in this field to be managed through the ADP planning and monitoring processes * Targeted service user participation and involvement to be supported * Training across homelessness, housing, alcohol and drug fields to be supported in statutory and commissioned services * The stigmatisation of these populations to be addressed at a local and national level.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The aim was to examine the effect of maternal age, gravidity, marital status, previous perinatal deaths, and parental social class on babies born low birthweight, preterm, and small for gestational age. DESIGN--The study used data on discharge summaries from all maternity hospitals in Scotland. SETTING--The study was based on all singleton deliveries in Scotland. PARTICIPANTS--The analysis involved information on 259,462 singleton babies born during the four years 1981-84 in Scotland. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Previous perinatal death was found to be the strongest predictor for both preterm and low birthweight. Single mothers were at particularly high risk of having a small for gestational age baby and those who were previously married of having a preterm baby. Women aged less than 20 years old, those over 34 years old, nulligravidae, and those of parity 3 or more were also at increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Mothers and fathers in manual social classes and those who could not be assigned a social class on the basis of their occupation were at increased risk for all three adverse outcomes studied. The babies of parents who were in manual occupations were twice as likely as those of parents in non-manual occupations to be small for gestational age and almost twice as likely to be low birthweight. CONCLUSIONS--Mother's social class is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome independent of maternal age, parity, and adverse reproductive history, and also independent of father's social class. Information on both parents' occupations should be collected in maternity discharge systems.


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This research paper provides the basis of a future doctoral thesison the construction of foreign news. We aim to highlight similarities and differences in the online news coverage of the nationalist movments in Scotland and Catalonia in the Canadian Anglophone and Francophone press. Through a qualitative and quantitative content analysis of The Montreal Gazette, The National Post, The Globe and Mail, Le Devoir and La Presse, we attempt to show the frames used in the coverage of the political developments in both “stateless regions” from January 2011 to September 2014, when a referendum on the constitutional status of Scotland has beenagreed on. In parallel to the analysis of daily online newspapers, we will use semi-structured interviews of journalists from each news organization to obtain more in-depth knowledge of the factors influencing the construction of news. Lastly, we want to find out to the extent to which the coverage on the nationalist movements in Scotland and Catalonia serve to revive the debate on the independence question of Québec


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään kaksikielistä lastenkasvatusta ja siinä käytettäviä kasvatus-strategioita, erityisesti ns. OPOL-strategiaa, eli yksi henkilö – yksi kieli -strategiaa (one person – one language). Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin kaksikielisen perheen vanhemmat voivat tukea vähemmistökielen oppimista sellaisessa ympäristössä, jossa kielen oppimista ei tueta kodin ulkopuolella. Tutkielman alussa määrittelen keskeiset termit. Useita aiheeseen liittyviä termejä määritellään yleiskielessä eri tavoin jo termistä kaksikielisyys lähtien, joten termien rajaaminen tämän työn tarkoituksen mukaan oli tarpeen. Määrittelen myös tekstissä esiintyvät kaksikielisyyden eri tyypit ja taustat, kuten myös eri strategiat, joita kaksikielisessä kasvatuksessa voidaan käyttää. Tämän jälkeen esittelen aikaisempia kaksikielisyystutkimuksia sekä käsittelen OPOL-strategiaan liittyviä käytännön ongelmia, sekä näiden ongelmien mahdollisia ratkaisuja. Lopuksi käsittelen tutkimuksen empiiristä osiota, joka koostui sähköisestä kyselylomakkeesta sekä haastatteluista. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmä koostui Skotlannissa asuvista skotlantilais-suomalaisista perheistä, jotka pyrkivät kasvattamaan lapsistaan kaksikielisiä. Tutkimus tehtiin kahdessa osassa: ensimmäisen osan kyselylomakkeeseen vastasi 17 eri puolilla Skotlantia asuvaa suomenkielistä vanhempaa, ja toisessa osassa haastateltiin 10:tä Edinburghin ja Glasgow’n alueilla asuvaa kaksikielistä (suomi-englanti) perhettä. Molemmissa osioissa keskityttiin siihen, millä tavoin perheet tukevat lasten suomen kielen taitoa ja miten suomenkielistä syötettä yritetään lisätä. Tutkimuksen tuloksista käy ilmi, että Skotlannissa asuvat suomenkieliset vanhemmat ovat hyvin motivoituneita tukemaan lastensa kielellistä kehitystä eri tavoin, mm. lukemalla kirjoja, katsomalla elokuvia ja käymällä Suomi-koulussa. Suurin osa perheistä myös käy Suomessa säännöllisesti, mikä näyttäisikin olevan yksi keskeisimmistä kaksikielisyyttä tukevista tekijöistä. Eri perheiden lapset olivat saavuttaneet eri tasoja suomen kielessä, mikä viittaa siihen, ettei lapsen kielitaito ole seurausta ainoastaan OPOL-strategian tarkasta seuraamisesta, vaan siihen vaikuttavat myös monet muut tekijät.


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Brett Duane Improving oral healthcare in Scotland with special reference to sustainability and caries prevention University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Community Dentistry, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku), Turku, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Sarja- Ser. D, Medica-Odontologica. Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland, 2015. Dentistry must provide sustainable, evidence-based, and prevention-focused care. In Scotland oral health prevention is delivered through the Childsmile programme, with an increasing use of high concentration fluoride toothpaste (HCFT). Compared with other countries there is little knowledge of xylitol prevention. The UK government has set strict carbon emission limits with which all national health services (NHS) must comply. The purpose of these studies was firstly to describe the Scottish national oral health prevention programme Childsmile (CS), to determine if the additional maternal use of xylitol (CS+X) was more effective at affecting the early colonisation of mutans streptococci (MS) than this programme alone; secondly to analyse trends in the prescribing and management of HCFT by dentists; and thirdly to analyse data from a dental service in order to improve its sustainability. In all, 182 mother/child pairs were selected on the basis of high maternal MS levels. Motherswere randomly allocated to a CS or CS+X group, with both groups receiving Childsmile. Theintervention group consumed xylitol three times a day, from when the child was 3 months until 24 months. Children were examined at age two to assess MS levels. In order to understand patterns of HCFT prescribing, a retrospective secondary data analysis of routine prescribing data for the years 2006-2012 was performed. To understand the sustainability of dental services, carbon accounting combined a top-down approach and a process analysis approach, followed by the use of Pollard’s decision model (used in other healthcare areas) to analyse and support sustainable service reconfiguration. Of the CS children, 17% were colonised with MS, compared with 5% of the CS+X group. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.1744). The cost of HCFT prescribing increased fourteen-fold over five years, with 4% of dentists prescribing 70% of the total product. Travel (45%), procurement (36%) and building energy (18%) all contributed to the 1800 tonnes of carbon emissions produced by the service, around 4% of total NHS emissions. Using the analytical model, clinic utilisation rates improved by 56% and patient travel halved significantly reducing carbon emissions. It can be concluded that the Childsmile programme was effective in reducing the risk for MS transmission. HCFT is increasing in Scotland and needs to be managed. Dentistry has similar carbon emissions proportionally as the overall NHS, and the use of an analytic tool can be useful in helping identify these emissions. Key words: Sustainability, carbon emissions, xylitol, mutans streptococci, fluoride toothpaste, caries prevention.


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The effectiveness of different types of rice in relation to their ability to accelerate diarrhea recovering was evaluated in a rat model of osmotic diarrhea (OD). Animals (90-100 g) received protein free diet until reaching up to 20% weight loss, followed by lactose rich diet (LRD) to induce osmotic diarrhea. Rats presenting osmotic diarrhea were divided into 4 groups, which received lactose rich diet for 4 days from 8 am to 8 pm, and one of three experimental products containing 6% rice flour differing in amylose content during the night: high (HA), intermediate (IA), and low (LA). A group fed stock diet containing equivalent amount of lactose was taken as control and allowed to recover spontaneously. Amylose and viscosity (cp at 25 °C, 10 rpm) of final products were determined. Effectiveness was expressed as the ratio between percentages of normal vs. diarrheic stools during the treatment. Fecal characteristics in this rat model improved only as result of feeding high amylose content (HA) type of rice. In this experimental model of osmotic diarrhea in young rats, the antidiarrheal effects of rice were strongly dependent on the type of diet used and appear to be related to its amylose content.


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The nature of this research is to investigate paleoseismic deformation of glacial soft sediments from three sampling sites throughout the Scottish Highlands; Arrat's Mills, Meikleour and Glen Roy. The paleoseismic evidence investigated in this research will provide a basis for applying criteria to soft sediment deformation structures, and the trigger mechanisms that create these structures. Micromorphology is the tool used in this to investigate paleoseismic deformation structures in thin section. Thin section analysis, (micromorphology) of glacial sediments from the three sampling sites is used to determine microscale evidence of past earthquakes that can be correlated to modem-day events and possibly lead to a better understanding of the impact of earthquakes throughout a range of sediment types. The significance of the three sampling locations is their proximity to two major active fault zones that cross Scotland. The fault zones are the Highland Boundary Fault and the Great Glen Fault, these two major faults that parallel each other and divide the country in half Sims (1975) used a set of seven criteria that identified soft sediment deformation structures created by a magnitude six earthquake in Cahfomia. Using criteria set forth by Sims (1975), the paleoseismic evidence can be correlated to the magnitude of the deformation structures found in the glacial sediments. This research determined that the microstructures at Arrat's Mill, Meikleour and Glen Roy are consistent with a seismically induced origin. It has also been demonstrated that, even without the presence of macrostructures, the use of micromorphology techniques in detecting such activity within sediments is of immense value.


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This letter authorizes William Hamilton of Portmollart to repair to Edinburgh notwithstanding the acts discharging the Hamiltons from being within six miles of the King’s person. James VI and James I (June 19, 1566 – March 27, 1625) was King of Scots as James VI from July 24th, 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the English and Scottish crowns on March 24, 1603 after the passing of Elizabeth I.


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The Act begins: "An Act to continue, until the Tenth Day of November One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, certain Parts of an Act of the Third Year of His present Majesty, among other Things for the preventing private Distillation in Scotland"


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Receipt from Alex Cruickshank and Sons, Manufacturers of Hosiery, Edinburgh, Scotland for socks and gloves, July 1847.


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Guía geológica con catorce excursiones de fácil acceso para conocer la amplia variedad de rocas y estructuras existente en la zona de Moine Supergroup. Contiene mapas geológicos de cada ruta y datos sobre el itinerario de cada excursión, así como datos adicionales (tipo de terreno, distancia y tiempo). La guía ha sido escrita por aquellos que tienen algún conocimiento previo de geología, por ejemplo, estudiantes graduados y geólogos profesionales. También se menciona que es necesario llevar calzado, ropa de abrigo e impermeable para realizar estas curiosas rutas.