914 resultados para Scientific production


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Die Kernthese dieser Arbeit ist eine Leerstelle. Ihre Formulierung beruht auf einer Beobachtung, wie sie von William Gibson stammen knnte: kulturell avantgardistische Gruppen der Gesellschaft internalisieren fr ihre technologisch gesttzten Praktiken futuristische Phantasmen geschichtlicher Vorlufer, die in Literatur und Mediengeschichte detektivisch aufsprbar sind. Werden diese Verinnerlichungen in aktuelle Fantasien umgewandelt, entsteht eine hybride Mischung vielfltigster Beschftigungen, Reflexionen und Entwrfe von Technokultur. Bringt man diese Kopplungen auf das Jahr 3000, die nchste epochale zuknftige Zsur, wird die Absurditt des Projekts, Technokultur berhaupt zu thematisieren deutlich. Technokultur ist im dynamischen Wandel sozio-ikonografisch untersuchbar, wird aber durch Unschrferelation zum object trouv und Triebmoment fr eine in es selbst hinein assimilierbare Analyse. Der daraus folgenden Vermessenheit kann durch instrumentelle Serendipity begegnet werden, die hier nicht Effekt wre, stattdessen als Methode Verwendung findet: Finden statt Suchen. Das verhltnismig neue Schreib/Lese-Medium Hypertext bietet sich dafr als geradezu prdestiniert an. Hypertext ist prinzipiell unabgeschlossen, er folgt hier Arbeitsprinzipien wie sie seit den frhen 1990ern in Online-Tagebchern und seit den frhen 2000er Jahren in Weblogs (World Wide Web Logbooks) auszumachen sind: Notizen, Found Text (analog zu Found Footage), Zitate, Fragmente, die kurze Form, kurz: wissenschaftliche Alltagstextproduktion wird nach Ordnungskriterien a-systematisiert und verwoben - weniger archiviert denn gesammelt. Eine Art Second Hand Theorie entsteht.


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Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestin del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogot, Colombia.


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Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestin del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogot, Colombia.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la dinmica de los recursos humanos en investigacin y su produccin cientfica al interior de las comunidades de salud pblica y ciencias bsicas biomdicas del pas. El enfoque de este estudio articula la evaluacin del comportamiento de los recursos humanos y el trnsito hacia comunidades cientficas, vistos desde la teora del capital conocimiento (Jaramillo et.al; 2006,2008), con la modelacin de las carreras acadmicas de los investigadores (Dietz y Bozeman; 2005). En este sentido, se estiman los modelos Tobit y de Anlisis Multinivel para analizar los Curriculum Vitae (CV) de 5.233 investigadores, utilizando la informacin suministrada por la Plataforma ScienTI-Colciencias (GrupLAC y CvLAC) actualizada a noviembre de 2007. Los resultados muestran como las carreras acadmicas de los investigadores en salud pblica y ciencias bsicas biomdicas difieren significativamente, lo cual se ver reflejado en las tasas de productividad, en la acumulacin de experiencia para el desarrollo de las actividades de investigacin y en consolidacin y caracterizacin de cada comunidad cientfica.


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En este documento se realiza una descripcin de la produccin cientfica colombiana en las disciplinas de medicina social y medicina bsica para la base de datos Thompson ISI en el periodo comprendido entre 1975 y 2005. La caracterizacin de medicina social permite observar una baja produccin de artculos internacionales de alto impacto propios de la disciplina, pues los artculos ms citados siempre se encontraban clasificados en ms de una disciplina; caso contrario al de medicina bsica. De otra parte, se observa una alta concentracin de los artculos de medicina social en publicaciones relacionadas con salud pblica, siendo stas una mayora significativa dentro de la disciplina. A su vez, en las dos disciplinas es posible identificar una alta concentracin de las citaciones en pocos artculos, siendo mayor en medicina social, reflejando un menor impacto promedio de las publicaciones en esta disciplina. Por ltimo, los documentos ms citados en medicina social se caracterizan por su interdisciplinariedad, colaboracin internacional, interaccin entre instituciones pblicas y privadas, al igual que mtodos no convencionales.


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RESUMO: O trabalho realiza uma reviso de literatura sobre tratamentos breves fundamentados na psicanlise lacaniana. Para atingir esta finalidade, a pesquisa parte de um corpus constitudo por publicaes electrnicas de livre acesso de membros das Escolas de Psicanlise filiadas Associao Mundial de Psicanlise. Considerando o perodo de 2000 a 2009, identificou-se que os peridicos latino-americanos contriburam com 96 (83,47%) trabalhos sobre o tema investigado, em um total de 115 documentos seleccionados. A literatura consultada indica que os tratamentos breves so possibilitados pela construo de um dispositivo especfico, no qual so estabelecidos parmetros como gratuidade e tempo limitado de atendimento. Verificou-se, contudo, o predomnio de intervenes individuais voltadas, principalmente, clientela formada por adultos de grandes centros urbanos. ABSTRACT: The paper outlines the profile of the scientific production about brief treatments based on the Lacanian Psychoanalysis. In order to accomplish this, the research focuses on online journals with free full-text articles written by members of Lacanian Schools listed on the website of the World Psychoanalysis Association. The work analyses studies from 2000 to 2009. In a total of 115 selected documents, the research has identified that online journals from Latin America contributed with 96 (83,47%) works. The literature review indicates that brief treatments are made possible by a construction of a specific mechanism, in which parameters of gratuity and limited time of care are established. However, a key conclusion from this review is that individual interventions with adults from big cities are still predominant


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The publications in scientometrics and bibliometrics with Brazilian authorship expanded exponentially in the 1990-2006 period, reaching 13 times in the Web of Science database and 19.5 times in the Google Scholar database. This increase is rather superior to that of the total Brazilian scientific production in the same time period (5.6 times in the Web of Science). Some characteristics to be noticed in this rise are: 1) The total number of articles during this period was 197; in that, 78% were published in 57 Brazilian journals and 22% in 13 international journals. 2) The national and international articles averaged 4.3 and 5.9 citations/article, respectively; two journals stood out among these, the national Ciencia da Informacao (44 articles averaging 6.7 citations/article) and the international Scientometrics (32 articles averaging 6.2 citations/article). 3) The articles encompass an impressive participation of authors from areas other than information science; only one-fourth of the authors are bound to the information science field, the remaining ones being distributed among the areas of humanities/business administration, biology/biomedicine, health and hard sciences. The occurrence of adventitious authors at this level of multidisciplinarity is uncommon in science. However, the possible benefits of such patterns are not clear in view of a fragmented intercommunication among the authors, as noticed through the citations. The advantages of changing this trend and of using other scientometric and bibliometric databases, such as SciELO, to avoid an almost exclusive use of the Web of Science database, are discussed.


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Understanding the scientific method fosters the development of critical thinking and logical analysis of information. Additionally, proposing and testing a hypothesis is applicable not only to science, but also to ordinary facts of daily life. Knowing the way science is done and how its results are published is useful for all citizens and mandatory for science students. A 60-h course was created to offer undergraduate students a framework in which to learn the procedures of scientific production and publication. The course`s main focus was biochemistry, and it was comprised of two modules. Module I dealt with scientific articles, and Module II with research project writing. Module I covered the topics: 1) the difference between scientific knowledge and common sense, 2) different conceptions of science, 3) scientific methodology, 4) scientific publishing categories, 5) logical principles, 6) deductive and inductive approaches, and 7) critical reading of scientific articles. Module II dealt with 1) selection of an experimental problem for investigation, 2) bibliographic revision, 3) materials and methods, 4) project writing and presentation, 5) funding agencies, and 6) critical analysis of experimental results. The course adopted a collaborative learning strategy, and each topic was studied through activities performed by the students. Qualitative and quantitative course evaluations with Likert questionnaires were carried out at each stage, and the results showed the students` high approval of the course. The staff responsible for course planning and development also evaluated it positively. The Biochemistry Department of the Chemistry Institute of the University of Sao Paulo has offered the course four times.


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Social and economical development is closely associated with technological innovation and a well-developed biotechnological industry. In the last few years, Brazil`s scientific production has been steadily increasing; however, the number of patents is lagging behind, with technological and translational research requiring governmental incentive and reinforcement. The Cell and Molecular Therapy Center (NUCEL) was created to develop activities in the translational research field, addressing concrete problems found in biomedical and veterinary areas and actively searching for solutions by employing a genetic engineering approach to generate cell lines over-expressing recombinant proteins to be transferred to local biotech companies, aiming at furthering the development of a national competence for local production of biopharmaceuticals of widespread use and of life-saving importance. To this end, mammalian cell engineering technologies were used to generate cell lines over-expressing several different recombinant proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest, namely, recombinant human Amylin/IAPP for diabetes treatment, human FVIII and FIX clotting factors for hemophilia, human and bovine FSH for fertility and reproduction, and human bone repair proteins (BMPs). Expression of some of these proteins is also being sought with the baculovirus/insect cell system (BEVS) which, in many cases, is able to deliver high-yield production of recombinant proteins with biological activity comparable to that of mammalian systems, but in a much more cost-effective manner. Transfer of some of these recombinant products to local Biotech companies has been pursued by taking advantage of the Sao Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP) and Federal Government (FINEP, CNPq) incentives for joint Research Development and Innovation partnership projects.


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Este trabalho resgata a experincia da Biblioteca Setarial de Educao da Faculdade de Educao da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul quanto divulgao e uso da Base SABi/UFRGS (Sistema de Automao de Bibliotecas). Para consecuo do trabalho, foram levantados e analisados os usos da informao atravs da Base. Propusemo-nos a avaliar o Sistema de Automao de Bibliotecas, que foi implantado nos ltimos cinco anos, dando oportunidade divulgao da produo cientfica/trabalhos cientficos registrados na Base. Para dar sustentao terica ao trabalho, foi levantado em captulo especfico, um perfil da informao, comunicao, informao e comunicao cientfica, literatura cientfica, transferncia da informao e uso da informao. E, em outro captulo especfico, apresentada formalmente a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, a Faculdade de Educao, a Biblioteca Setorial de Educao e o Sistema de Automao de Biblatecas, seu principal objeto de estudo.


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A globalizao e o surgimento dos mercados internacionais tm trazido no bojo de sua evoluo o interesse pela compreenso da relao entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor ao redor do mundo. Embora a globalizao seja um tema em evidncia na literatura de marketing (Hadjimarcou, 1998), poucos so os estudos que analisam o comportamento trans -cultural do consumidor em ambientes de varejo na Amrica do Sul. Verifica-se, nesta rea, um franco predomnio da produo cientfica norte-americana, que se restringe a investigar a dinmica do comportamento do consumidor entre as diversas naes existentes nos Estados Unidos (Czinkota e Ronkainen, 2001). Diante do desafio de se compreender a dinmica existente entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor em ambientes de varejo no contexto internacional, elegeu-se como cenrio de pesquisa trs pases que guardam entre si similaridades e distines marcantes: Brasil, Uruguai e Estados Unidos. Na busca de se colaborar com a consolidao do tema no escopo da rea de marketing, este estudo investigou a relao entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais em contextos internacionais. Brasileiros e uruguaios encontram-se imersos num caldo tnico e econmico que se confunde com a prpria formao scio-cultural dos dois pases. Os resultados alcanados neste estudo revelam que a proximidade que eiva a relao histrica comum de Brasil e Uruguai manifestam-se valores pessoais e na forma como brasileiros e uruguaios se comportam nos shopping centers. Empregando-se a tcnica de modelagem de equaes estruturais, revelou-se que a nacionalidade guarda uma relao causal com os valores pessoais e o comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais dos trs pases. O modelo estrutural final obteve bons ndices de ajustamento, indicando que a nacionalidade exerceu influncia indireta sobre comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais atravs da mediao dos valores pessoais e atitudes em relao aos atributos daqueles centros de compras. No captulo de concluso apresenta-se as implicaes dos resultados obtidos, as limitaes do estudo e novas possibilidades de pesquisa que surgiram com a realizao deste estudo.


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Esta pesquisa pretende investigar critrios de avaliao da produo cientfica em peridicos e congressos em Administrao no Brasil. A primeira parte da pesquisa consiste de um estudo exploratrio sobre que critrios que deveriam ser utilizados para definir a qualidade de uma contribuio cientfica. A segunda parte da pesquisa consiste de uma avaliao sobre que critrios so efetivamente utilizados na avaliao de pesquisa cientfica brasileira nesse campo. O objetivo final propor um modelo de requisitos para a avaliao de trabalhos cientficos no campo da Administrao no Brasil.


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This study aims at understanding the entrepreneurial process and the capacity of the incubators of promoting the technical training of the entrepreneurs as well as developing projects, turning them into prosperous companies. The bibliography about this topic is recent and it is based on actual cases and experiences. The development of the sector is quite big and has been happening with a certain speed, creating a demand for studies and scientific production. Due to the fact that it is an exploratory research, the chosen method was the case study, from which we aim at obtaining current information, representative of the reality. The universe of this research will be the incubators of companies that have a technological basis, the sample of which being the companies that are in the Gnesis Institute, the incubator of companies of PUC-RIO. From the results, it will be possible to see entrepreneurial processes, training of businessmen, technological development and generation of prosperous companies. The theoretical reference presents the concepts of entrepreneurialship and IEBTs.


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O presente estudo contempla propostas para algumas lacunas encontradas nos trabalhos sobre empresas familiares, por meio de uma anlise da produo cientfica, com enfoque conceitual e no relacionamento intergeracional, de todos os artigos publicados nos eventos da Associao Nacional de Ps-Graduao e Pesquisa em Administrao (EnANPAD, Eneo, 3ES e EnGPR), e nos peridicos RAC, RAE, RAUSP e O&S, no perodo de 1961 a 2008, de acordo com a disponibilidade em seus sitios, realizada em outubro de 2008, alm de consultas nas bibliotecas da Fundao Getlio Vargas, no Rio de Janeiro (em dezembro de 2008) e em So Paulo (em dezembro de 2008 e em maio de 2009). Nove critrios de anlise foram utilizados: pesquisas em empresas familiares, frequncia das publicaes, citaes e referncias, autores mais prolficos, instituies que mais publicam, mdia de artigos publicados, fundamentao terica das investigaes, aspectos conceituais e pai e filho. Dos 154 artigos encontrados que, a priori, estavam direcionados para esta temtica, somente 89 foram includos por apresentarem adequao aos objetivos da pesquisa. Os resultados alcanados revelam diversas contradies entre as pesquisas, tanto sob o ponto de vista conceitual quanto metodolgico. No possvel, ainda, encontrar um conceito de empresa familiar. Diversos fatores influenciam na imagem negativa associada a essas organizaes, mas que no vo ser capazes de ofuscar o brilhantismo daquelas que so as principais responsveis pela distribuio de riqueza, gerao de emprego e crescimento econmico, no Brasil e no mundo. E quando aproveitam as vantagens competitivas que possuem, so capazes de se sobressair perante a concorrncia e reverter qualquer situao que v de contra aos seus interesses.