1000 resultados para Schwarzenberg, Karl Philipp, Fürst zu, 1771-1820.


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Von Gottes Gnaden, Wir Wilhelm Landgraf und Erbprinz zu Hessen, Fürst zu Hersfeld .... Thun hiermit kund ...


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... Wir, Friedrich, Landgraf zu Hessen, Fürst zu Herßfeld ... Cassell den 25ten Junii 1779


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PURPOSE Despite the fact that new and modern short-stems allow bone sparing and saving of soft-tissue and muscles, we still face the challenge of anatomically reconstructing the femoro-acetabular offset and leg length. Therefore a radiological and clinical analysis of a short-stem reconstruction of the femoro-acetabular offset and leg length was performed. METHODS Using an antero-lateral approach, the optimys short-stem (Mathys Ltd, Bettlach, Switzerland) was implanted in 114 consecutive patients in combination with a cementless cup (Fitmore, Zimmer, Indiana, USA; vitamys RM Pressfit, Mathys Ltd, Bettlach, Switzerland). Pre- and postoperative X-rays were done in a standardized technique. In order to better analyse and compare X-ray data a special double coordinate system was developed for measuring femoral- and acetabular offset. Harris hip score was assessed before and six weeks after surgery. Visual analogue scale (VAS) satisfaction, leg length difference and the existence of gluteal muscle insufficiency were also examined. RESULTS Postoperative femoral offset was significantly increased by a mean of 5.8 mm. At the same time cup implantation significantly decreased the acetabular offset by a mean of 3.7 mm, which resulted in an increased combined femoro-acetabular offset of 2.1 mm. Postoperatively, 81.7 % of patients presented with equal leg length. The maximum discrepancy was 10 mm. Clinically, there were no signs of gluteal insufficiency. No luxation occurred during hospitalization. The Harris hip score improved from 47.3 before to 90.1 points already at six weeks after surgery while the mean VAS satisfaction was 9.1. CONCLUSION The analysis showed that loss of femoro-acetabular offset can be reduced with an appropriate stem design. Consequently, a good reconstruction of anatomy and leg length can be achieved. In the early postoperative stage the clinical results are excellent.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf zu Ruhe und Ordnung; Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Alfred Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz erhält außerordentliche Vollmachten über die Zivil- und Militärbehörden


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf zu Ruhe und Ordnung; Warnung vor Beleidigung der Truppen


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Fürst Windisch-Graetz überträgt den Oberbefehl über die Wiener Bürgergarde an den Kommandierenden der Nationalgarde Graf von Hoyos


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Inaussichtstellung der Rücknahme außerordentlicher militärischer Vorkehrungen


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufhebung der außerordentlichen militärischen Vorkehrungen


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BACKGROUND Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) resulting from an abnormal nonspherical femoral head shape leads to chondrolabral damage and is considered a cause of early osteoarthritis. A previously developed experimental ovine FAI model induces a cam-type impingement that results in localized chondrolabral damage, replicating the patterns found in the human hip. Biochemical MRI modalities such as T2 and T2* may allow for evaluation of the cartilage biochemistry long before cartilage loss occurs and, for that reason, may be a worthwhile avenue of inquiry. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked: (1) Does the histological grading of degenerated cartilage correlate with T2 or T2* values in this ovine FAI model? (2) How accurately can zones of degenerated cartilage be predicted with T2 or T2* MRI in this model? METHODS A cam-type FAI was induced in eight Swiss alpine sheep by performing a closing wedge intertrochanteric varus osteotomy. After ambulation of 10 to 14 weeks, the sheep were euthanized and a 3-T MRI of the hip was performed. T2 and T2* values were measured at six locations on the acetabulum and compared with the histological damage pattern using the Mankin score. This is an established histological scoring system to quantify cartilage degeneration. Both T2 and T2* values are determined by cartilage water content and its collagen fiber network. Of those, the T2* mapping is a more modern sequence with technical advantages (eg, shorter acquisition time). Correlation of the Mankin score and the T2 and T2* values, respectively, was evaluated using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. We used a hierarchical cluster analysis to calculate the positive and negative predictive values of T2 and T2* to predict advanced cartilage degeneration (Mankin ≥ 3). RESULTS We found a negative correlation between the Mankin score and both the T2 (p < 0.001, r = -0.79) and T2* values (p < 0.001, r = -0.90). For the T2 MRI technique, we found a positive predictive value of 100% (95% confidence interval [CI], 79%-100%) and a negative predictive value of 84% (95% CI, 67%-95%). For the T2* technique, we found a positive predictive value of 100% (95% CI, 79%-100%) and a negative predictive value of 94% (95% CI, 79%-99%). CONCLUSIONS T2 and T2* MRI modalities can reliably detect early cartilage degeneration in the experimental ovine FAI model. CLINICAL RELEVANCE T2 and T2* MRI modalities have the potential to allow for monitoring the natural course of osteoarthrosis noninvasively and to evaluate the results of surgical treatments targeted to joint preservation.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bekanntmachung des Belagerungszustandes für die Stadt Wien samt zwei Meilen im Umkreis. Warnung der Bevölkerung Nieder- und Oberösterreichs vor den "bösen Einflüsterungen" derjenigen, "welche unter täuschenden Vorspiegelungen nur die Auflösung aller Bande der Ordnung und Gesetzlichkeit beabsichtigen" und Aufruf zur "Treue an das Kaiserhaus und ... [zur] constitutionelle[n] Monarchie"


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Zur Wiederherstellung des "auf das Tiefste erschütterten öffentlichen Rechtszustandes" wird verordnet: Verhängung des Belagerungszustandes über die Stadt Wien samt Vorstädten und Umgebung im Umkreis von zwei Meilen, Auflösung von Akademischer Legion und Nationalgarde, allgemeine Entwaffnung der Bevölkerung, Schließung aller politischen Vereine, Wirts- und Kaffeehäuser, Verbot aller Versammlungen unter freiem Himmel mit mehr als zehn Teilnehmern, Herstellung und Verbreitung von Presseerzeugnissen nur nach vorheriger Bewilligung der Militärbehörde, Ausweisung aller illegal sich aufhaltenden Ausländer wie auch nicht ortsansässiger Inländer, Androhung des Standrechts für 'Aufrührer', Entfernung der Barrikaden, Unterstellung von Gemeinderat, Stadthauptmannschaft sowie der niederösterreichischen Landesregierung unter militärische Kuratel, Ernennung des Generalmajors Cordon zum Wiener Stadtkommandanten


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u.a. Angaben zur Farbenlehre Schopenhauers; Focher de Careil; Maine de Biran; Karl Gutzkow; Aufsatz zu Schopenhauer von Jues Frauenstädt;


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