457 resultados para Schistosomal nephropathy
Cercarial shedding tests do not provide species identification of the shistosomes concerned and cannot detect prepatent schistosomal infections. We have demonstrated that both immunodetection by ELISA of schistosomal antigens in snail hemophlymph, and dot hybridization of snail extracts by DNA probe representing highly repeated sequences, proved suitable for detecting infected snails during prepatnecy as well as patency. A group-specific monoclonal antibody was found to be suitable for detecting Schistosoma mansoni infection in Biomphalaria sp., but not for positive identification of S. haematobium in Blulinus sp. Comparative evaluation of the diagnostic qualities, and technical aspects and cost of these tests, point to the superiority of the immunodetection approach for large scale detection of snails prepatently infected with S. mansoni. This approach is potentially useful for providing extended information on schistosome-snail epidemiology that may facilitate rapid evaluation of the danger of post-control reinfection, and help make decisions on the time and place of supplementary control measures. In this context the potential usefulness of the immunodetection or DNA probing approach for facilitating catalytic model representation of schistosome-snail epidemiology warrants further evaluation. Specific identification of S. haematobium in Bulinus by either of these approaches may be possible depending on the development of suitable antibodies or DNA probes.
Milky spots (MS), considered by the authors as a Coelomatic Lympho-myelopoietic Organ (CLMO), present a strong reactivity during experimental schistosomal mansoni infection, characterized by an increase of lymphocytes, macrophages, plasmocytes, mast cells, neutrophils and expression of eosinophil metaplasia. Intraperitoneal injection of purified Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) eggs provoked a rise in the number and size of MS, which developed the sessile marginal and pedunculated types. The authors conclude that egg antigens are, at least partially, responsible for MS reactivity during Sm infection.
The process of repairing intestinal vascular lesions induced by schistosomiasis in mice was studied before and after curative chemotherapy, by means of histopathology coupled with injections of the mesenteric veins with India ink or plastic, in this case followed by corrosion in strong acid. The granulomas were avascular, mainly formed while within blood vessels, and were associated with distortion of the intestinal vasculature in their proximity, represented by tortuosities, focal dilatation, narrowing, and anastomosis of the mucosal and submucosal veins. Two to four months after cure of schistosomiasis involuting granulomas were seen to be slowly vascularized, a process going from the periphery toward the center of the granulomas. No intravascular granulomas were seen four months after treatment. The previously distorted mucosal and submucosal veins gradually regained their normal appearance, only a slight tortuosity remaining.
Calomys callosus Rengger, 1830 (Rodentia: Cricetidae) is a mouse-like South American wild rodent, which is permissive to Schistosoma mansoni infection. In this paper we studied the effect of schistosomal infection in C. callosus mesenteric and omental milky spots (MS), subsidiary foci of coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue (CALT), during the acute, transitional (acute to chronic), and chronic phases of the infection. MS were morphologically analyzed by histological methods, using brigthfield and confocal laser scanning microscopies. The MS of infected animals were mainly of lymphomyelocytic (42 to 90 days) and lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types and showed frequent presence of lymphoid follicles with germinal centers, plasmacytogenesis and plasmacytosis, mastocytosis, megakaryopoiesis, erythropoiesis and less pronounced eosinopoiesis. These results indicate that MS are a preferential site of germinal-center-dependent and independent plasmacytogenesis, and a bone marrow-like organ, committed with various cellular lineages. The consequence of C. callosus MS reactivity for schistosomal infection is still unknown and is under investigation.
The authors present morphogenetic and biomechanical approaches on the concept of the Schistosoma mansoni granulomas, considering them as organoid structures that depend on cellular adhesion and sorting, forming rearrangement into hierarchical concentric layers, creating tension-dependent structures, aiming to acquire round form, since this is the minimal energy form, in which opposing forces pull in equally from all directions and are in balance. From the morphogenetic point of view, the granulomas function as little organs, presenting maturative and involutional stages in their development with final disappearance (pre-granulomatous stages, subdivided in: weakly and/or initial reactive and exudative; granulomatous stages: exudative-productive, productive and involutional). A model for the development of granulomas was suggested, according to the following stages: encapsulating, focal histolysis, fiber production, orientation and compacting and involution and desintegration. The authors concluded that schistosomal granuloma is not a tangled web of individual cells and fibers, but an organized structure composed by host and parasite components, which is not formed to attack the miracidia, but functions as an hybrid interface between two different phylogenetic beings.
Elevated plasma urate levels are associated with metabolic, cardiovascular, and renal diseases. Urate may also form crystals, which can be deposited in joints causing gout and in kidney tubules inducing nephrolithiasis. In mice, plasma urate levels are controlled by hepatic breakdown, as well as, by incompletely understood renal processes of reabsorption and secretion. Here, we investigated the role of the recently identified urate transporter, Glut9, in the physiological control of urate homeostasis using mice with systemic or liver-specific inactivation of the Glut9 gene. We show that Glut9 is expressed in the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes and in both apical and basolateral membranes of the distal nephron. Mice with systemic knockout of Glut9 display moderate hyperuricemia, massive hyperuricosuria, and an early-onset nephropathy, characterized by obstructive lithiasis, tubulointerstitial inflammation, and progressive inflammatory fibrosis of the cortex, as well as, mild renal insufficiency. In contrast, liver-specific inactivation of the Glut9 gene in adult mice leads to severe hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria, in the absence of urate nephropathy or any structural abnormality of the kidney. Together, our data show that Glut9 plays a major role in urate homeostasis by its dual role in urate handling in the kidney and uptake in the liver.
Myofibroblasts, cells with intermediate features between smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, have been described as an important cellular component of schistosomal portal fibrosis. The origin, distribution and fate of myofibroblasts were investigated by means of light, fluorescent, immunoenzymatic and ultrastructural techniques in wedge liver biopsies from 68 patients with the hepatosplenic form of schistosomiasis. Results demonstrated that the presence of myofibroblasts varied considerably from case to case and was always related to smooth muscle cell dispersion, which occurred around medium-sized damaged portal vein branches. By sequential observation of several cases, it was evident that myofibroblasts derived by differentiation of vascular smooth muscle and gradually tended to disappear, some of them further differentiating into fibroblasts. Thus, in schistosomal pipestem fibrosis myofibroblasts appear as transient cells, focally accumulated around damaged portal vein branches, and do not seem to have by themselves any important participation in the pathogenesis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis.
Hepatic Schistosoma mansoni periovular granulomas undergo changes in size, cellular composition and appearance with time. This phenomenom, known as "immunological modulation", has been thought to reflect host immunological status. However, as modulation has not been observed outside the liver, participation of local factors, hitherto little considered, seems crucial. Components of the extracellular matrix of periovular granulomas of the mouse were particularly studied in three different organs (liver, lung and intestine) and during three periods of infection time (acute, intermediate and chronic) by means of histological, biochemical and imunofluorescence techniques, while quantitative data were evaluated by computerized morphometry, in order to investigate participation of local factors in granuloma modulation. Results confirmed modulation as a exclusively hepatic phenomenom, since pulmonary and intestinal granulomas, formed around mature eggs, did not change size and appearance with time. The matricial components which were investigated (Type I, III and IV collagens, fibronectin, laminin, proteoglycans and elastin) were found in all granulomas and in all organs examined. However, their presence was much more prominent in the liver. Elastin was only found in hepatic granulomas of chronic infection. The large amount of extracellular matrix components found in hepatic granulomas was the main change responsible for the morphological aspects of modulation. Therefore, the peculiar environment of the liver ultimately determines the changes identified in schistosomal granuloma as "modulation".
Schistosoma mansoni infection is likely to be responsible for a significant proportion of cases of myelopathy occurring in areas where schistosomiasis is endemic. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, laboratory and therapeutic data of 23 patients with schistosomal myeloradiculopathy. The medical records of 23 patients with schistosomal myelopathy admitted to two general hospitals of Belo Horizonte (MG), in Brazil, from 1995 to 1999, were reviewed retrospectively. Seventeen patients were male (74%). The mean age for the whole group was 27 years. Lower limb weakness and associated lumbar and/or lower limb pain were reported by 20 patients (87%), and 16 (70%) were unable to walk. All individuals presented urinary retention and 19 (83%) complained of intestinal dysfunction. The treatment was based on the association of antischistosomal drugs and corticosteroids. Five patients (22%) presented a full response to treatment, 13 (57%) partial response without functional limitations and 4 (17%) partial improvement with limitations or no response. Three out of the 4 patients who stopped steroids before 45 days of treatment developed recurrence of the symptoms and signs of myelopathy. Our cases demonstrate the severe presentation of the disease and the data disclosed here suggest that treatment with steroids should be kept for months after clinical improvement.
Weaning Swiss mice were percutaneously infected with 30 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and submitted to a shifting either from a deficient to a balanced diet or vice-versa, for 24 weeks. The nutritional status was weekly evaluated by measurements of growth curves and food intake. Hepatic fibrosis and periovular granulomas were studied by histological, morphometric and biochemical methods. All mice fed on a deficient diet failed to develop periportal "pipestem" fibrosis after chronic infection. An unexpected finding was the absence of pipestem fibrosis in mice on normal diet, probably related to the sample size. The lower values for nutritional parameters were mainly due to the deficient diet, rather than to infection. Liver/body weight ratio was higher in "early undernutrition" group, after shifting to the balanced diet. Volume density and numerical density of egg granulomas reached lowest values in undernourished animals. The amount of collagen was reduced in undernourished mice, attaining higher concentrations in well-fed controls and in "late undernutrition" (balanced diet shifted to a deficient one), where collagen deposition appeared increased in granulomas. That finding suggested interference with collagen degradation and resorption in "late" undernourished animals. Thus, host nutritional status plays a role in connective tissue changes of hepatic schistosomiasis in mice.
Gross anatomical features and a complex set of vascular changes characterize schistosomal hepatopathy as a peculiar form of chronic liver disease, clinically known as "hepatosplenic schistosomiasis". It differs from hepatic cirrhosis, although clinical and pathological aspects may sometimes induce confusion between these two conditions. Intrahepatic portal vein obstruction and compensatory arterial hypertrophy render the hepatic parenchyma vulnerable to ischemic insult. This may lead to focal necrosis, which may give place to focal post-necrotic scars. These events are of paramount importance for the clinico-pathological evolution of schistosomal hepatopathy. Although portal fibrosis due to schistosomiasis sometimes reveals numerous myofibroblasts, it does not mean that such fibrosis belongs to a peculiar type. Damage to the muscular walls of the portal vein may be followed by dissociation of smooth muscle cells and their transition toward myofibroblasts, which appear only as transient cells in schistosomal portal fibrosis. Studies made with plastic vascular casts, especially those with the murine model of "pipestem" fibrosis have helped to reveal the mechanisms involved in systematized portal fibrosis formation. However, the factors involved in the pathogenesis of hepatosplenic disease remain poorly understood. A process of chronic hepatitis is a common accompaniment of portal fibrosis in schistosomiasis. Most of the times it is caused by concomitant viral infection. However, no especial interaction seems to exist between schistosomal hepatopathy and viral hepatitis.
An increasing amount of evidences points to angiogenesis as playing a paramount role in fibrosis development. However, granulomas in general, and periovular schistosomal granulomas in particular, are considered avascular structures, although they usually result in dense areas of focal fibrosis. In order to clarify this apparent paradox, the presence of blood vessels was systematically searched in hepatic schistosomal granulomas of mice, during different stages of the infection, and at different stages of granuloma evolution, by means of vascular injections of colored masses, demonstration of laminin in vascular basement membranes and by ultra structural analysis. Vascular proliferation appeared evident at the early stages of granuloma formation, gradually decreasing thereafter, older granulomas becoming almost avascular structures, sometimes delimited at the periphery by a rich vascular network.
The most critical phase of exposure to schistosomal infection is the infancy, because of the more frequent contact with contaminated water and the immaturity of the immune system. One of the most severe presentations of this parasitosis is the involvement of the spinal cord, which prognosis is largely dependent on early diagnosis and treatment. Reports on this clinical form of schistosomiasis in children are rare in the literature. We present here the clinical-epidemiological profile of schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) from ten children who were admitted at the Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco over a five-year period. They were evaluated according to an investigation protocol. Most of these patients presented an acute neurological picture which included as the main clinical manifestations: sphincteral disorders, low back and lower limbs pain, paresthesia, lower limbs muscle weakness and absence of deep tendon reflex, and impairment of the gait. The diagnosis was presumptive in the majority of the cases. This study emphasizes the importance of considering the diagnosis of SMR in pediatric patients coming from endemic areas who present a low cord syndrome, in order to start the appropriate therapy and avoid future complications.
Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis was the first human disease in which the possibility of extensive long standing hepatic fibrosis being degraded and removed has been demonstrated. When such changes occurred, the main signs of portal hypertension (splenomegaly, esophageal varices) progressively disappeared, implying that a profound vascular remodeling was concomitantly occurring. Hepatic vascular alterations associated with advanced schistosomiasis have already been investigated. Obstruction of the intrahepatic portal vein branches, plus marked angiogenesis and compensatory hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the arterial tree are the main changes present. However, there are no data revealing how these vascular changes behave during the process of fibrosis regression. Here the mouse model of pipestem fibrosis was used in an investigation about these vascular alterations during the course of the infection, and also after treatment and cure of the disease. Animals representing the two polar hepatic forms of the infection were included: (1) "isolated granulomas" characterized by isolated periovular granulomas sparsely distributed throughout the hepatica parenchyma; and (2) 'pipestem fibrosis' with periovular granulomas and fibrosis being concentrated within portal spaces, before and after treatment, were studied by means of histological and vascular injection-corrosion techniques. Instances of widespread portal vein obstruction of several types were commonly found in the livers of the untreated animals. These obstructive lesions were soon repaired, and completely disappeared four months following specific treatment of schistosomiasis. Treatment was accomplished by the simultaneous administration of praziquantel and oxamniquine. The most impressive results were revealed by the technique of injection of colored masses into the portal system, followed by corrosion in strong acid. The vascular lesions of non-treated pipestem fibrosis were represented in the plastic casts by considerable diminution of the fine peripheral portal vein radicles, plus dilatation of periportal collaterals. Four months after treatment, this last picture appeared replaced by tufts of newly interwoven vessels formed along the main portal vein branches, disclosing a strong angiomatoid reparative change. Understanding about the cellular elements at play during fibro-vascular repairing changes of hepatic schistosomiais represents a matter of considerable scientific and conceptual importance. At present time one may only speculate about the participation of some type of natural stem-cell capable of restoring the diseased liver back to normal once the cause of the disorder has been eliminated.
Abdominal ultrasound (US) has been widely used in the evaluation of patients with schistosomiasis mansoni. It represents an important indirect method of diagnosis and classification of the disease, and it has also been used as a tool in the evaluation of therapeutic response and regression of fibrosis. We describe the case of a man in whom US showed solid evidence of schistosomal periportal fibrosis and magnetic resonance imaging revealed that periportal signal alteration corresponded to adipose tissue which entered the liver togheter with the portal vein.