60 resultados para Scenography


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In this study, we establish a relation between the representation of space in Muñiz’s essays and the construction of the essayist’s complex identity which combines Spanish, Jewish and Mexican traits. We concentrate on Angelina Muñiz’s essays Las raíces y las ramas (1993) and El canto del peregrino (1999). Methodologically, we rely on Maingueneau’s concept of ‘scenography’, according to which the text stages its own situation of enunciation. Our starting point is the triple Spanish-Jewish-Mexican identity of the essayist. Our research question is about how the essayist deals with the space corresponding to respectively the Spanish and Mexican part of her identity. Secondly, we analyse the representation in the essays of a space corresponding to her Jewish roots. We find that Muñiz’s vision of space is not static; the essayist’s vision on space is dynamic, open, free and characterized by a constant free movement across national borders. Similar to the concept of space of the ‘diaspora’, her vision is constructed without the limitations imposed by national borderlines or geographical distances.


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Based on a theoretical framework owing to Bourdieu, Viala and Meizoz successive adjustments of the notion of literary posturing, and on Maingueneau's concept of auctorial scenography, this chapter probes the writer's ethos of Irish crime fiction author Ken Bruen and its impact on his reception in the French literary field. It studies in particular the double transgression characteristic of his ethos as a pioneer of the Irish noir : a cultural transgression attacking relentlessly the international currency of myths and stereotypes of Ireland, and a generic transgression, which thrives in the tension between codes and constraints of the noir novel.


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Roysten Abel’s The Manganiyar Seduction is perhaps the most popular performance of Indian folk music on the global festival market today. This performance of Rajasthani folk music is an apt exemplification of an auto-exoticism framed as cultural commodity. Its mise en scéne of musicians framed, literally, by illuminated red square boxes ‘theatricalises’ Rajasthan’s folk culture of orality and renders such a tradition the quality of strangeness that borders on theatre and music, contemporary and traditional. The ‘dazzling’ union of the Manganiyar’s music and scenography of Amsterdam’s red light district engendered an exotic seduction that garnered raving reviews on its global tour. This paper then examines the production’s performative interstices: the in betweenness of sound and sight where aural tradition is ‘spectacularised’, and the shifting convergences of tradition and cultural consumption. It further interrogates the role of reception in the construction of such ‘exotic’ spectacles.


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In an age where Babel has turned into transcultural communication, an interlingual approach – i.e. in English and in French – to the translating process from German to Portuguese appeared pertinent. Aiming at a refinement of the translating competence, this process consists in contrasting different linguistic and literary strategies through an intercultural and multi-etymological perspective. Thus, we settled upon Heiner Müller‘s play Der Auftrag. Erinnerung an eine Revolution (1980), on which the composer Heiner Goebbels has based himself to textually and musically dramatize an excerpt, Der Mann im Farhstuhl / The Man in the Elevator. A transcription of such excerpt in its source language, German, as well as its translation into English (Carl Weber, 1984, Performing Arts Publications, New York) and French (Jean Jourdheuil, Heinz Schwarzinger, Editions Minuit, Paris) can be found in the booklet that accompanies the CD – edited in 1988 by ECD (München: Records GmbH). It should be emphasized that such a creation allows a framing of Müller‘s text into a musical scenography and, therefore, encourages an intersemiotic contrast. This experience enabled us to come up with a unique imagery of Müller‘s piece of writing, by means of its dramatic and musical conversion and, simultaneously, lead us to stretch our textual consciousness to a multitude of intra-, extra- and interlinguistic elements.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Design de Cena.


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Warren Hartman was born in 1942 in Toronto, Ontario. He received a B.A. in Fine Arts and Drama from Brock University in 1981 and a Masters of Arts in Humanities at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1987. In the 1950s he did considerable work as a child-actor both in theatre and television. From 1953 to 1961 he was in the New Play Society under the direction of Dora Mavor Moore. His last two years there were spent as a scholarship student. From 1963 to 1966 he did an apprenticeship with Suzanne Mess, Head of Costume Design at The Canadian Opera Company in Toronto. In 1976 Warren attended a Master Class in Scenography at the Banff School of Fine Arts with Josef Svoboda. In the spring of 1970 Warren was a guest designer at Brock University and from 1970 to 1972 he remained at Brock as resident designer and special lecturer. During this time he was also an instructor and costume designer at Sheridan College in Oakville. It was in 1972 that he became the designer-in-residence at Brock University. From 1984 he held the position of Associate Professor at The Department of Fine Arts at Brock University until the fall of 1996. Some of the highlights of Warren’s career also include: stage managager with the Street Hat Players in Port Carling, Ontario, 1960-1961; a freelance designer for over 100 shows; costume coordinator(production manager) for the Canadian Opera Company, 1964 -1970; resident costume designer for The Canadian Opera Company, 1965- 1970; founder and artistic director of Dei Gelosi Campagnia, St.Catharines, Ontario, 1970-1973; freelance director of some thirty-five shows; co-producer for Quebec City Summer Stock Company, Quebec City, Quebec, 1975; a consultant with Alberta Culture for the Provincial Government of Alberta, 1986-1987 and associate artistic director at Theatre Network, Edmonton, Alberta, 1986-1987. Warren Hartman was the recipient of the Jean Chalmers Award for contributions to Canadian Theatre for persons 25 years of age or under, in 1965. He was a founding member of Associated Designers of Canada and was affiliated with Canadian Actors Equity. Warren Hartman died on Feb. 11, 1998 several days after suffering a massive stroke. A memorial service was held at Brock University in May of 1998 and a bursary fund was established in his name.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Au tournant des années 70, Paul Chamberland, cofondateur de la revue Parti pris, délaisse le nationalisme québécois pour épouser les idéaux de la contre-culture. Ce mémoire étudie la continuité discursive et poétique de cette conversion en surmontant la tentation de voir là un strict reniement des idéaux politiques de Chamberland. En utilisant la pragmatique littéraire, plus précisément les notions de discours constituant, d’ethos et de scénographie tels que développés par Dominique Maingueneau nous étudierons deux recueils emblématiques des positions politiques que prônait Chamberland au moment de leur rédaction, soit L’afficheur hurle et Éclats de la pierre noire d’où rejaillit ma vie. Nous les mettrons en étroit rapport avec les communautés discursives les ayant façonnés, soit celles constituées par Parti pris et la contre-culture. Nous verrons ainsi que les discours constituants éclairant les positionnements de Chamberland conditionnent son travail poétique en fonction de l’idéal humaniste du progrès humain et du dépassement de toute aliénation. Ainsi, le néonationalisme et la contre-culture, selon ce qu’ils définissent comme étant la cause de cette aliénation, conditionnent étroitement la scénographie présentée par chacun des recueils. Il sera alors possible de voir comment la démystification coloniale sur laquelle repose la rédaction de L’afficheur hurle se prolonge en se radicalisant dans le désir d’échapper à la dictature de la raison instrumentale, comme l’explore Chamberland dans Éclats de la pierre noire d’où rejaillit ma vie.


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Par la nature double de sa réflexion, le présent mémoire propose d'interroger, au théâtre contemporain, la violence dans le langage comme modalité de négociation avec le réel. D'abord par une fiction au dispositif épuré et à la langue poétique, la pièce de théâtre Caille-moi, puis par un essai sur la pièce de théâtre Rouge gueule d'Étienne Lepage, nous désirons mettre en lumière un langage désubjectivé (Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari, Pierre Ouellet) au cœur duquel la présence de l'altérité remplace une certaine aliénation. Inscrivant notre démarche à la croisée des études littéraires et théâtrales, à la suite des travaux de Marion Chénetier-Alev sur l'oralité au théâtre, nous exposons à la fois la violence faite au dispositif théâtral et aux lecteurs-spectateurs dans l'espace du théâtre rendu possible par la violence du langage. Notre réflexion se pose également dans une visée plus large, interrogeant l'inscription du théâtre in-yer-face britannique (Sarah Kane) et de ses répercussions dans le théâtre québécois contemporain, en soulignant la connaissance de la dramaturgie québécoise dont fait preuve la pièce. En ce sens, le langage inventé par le jeune dramaturge offre le contrepoint à un certain cynisme contemporain et impose un langage riche et conscient de son histoire.


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Le progrès scientifique et technologique n'est pas sans faille – les conséquences imprévues de son application peuvent causer de nouveaux problèmes. Tel est le constat machiavélien sur lequel est fondé le projet En imparfaite santé : la médicalisation de l'architecture du Centre Canadien d'Architecture (2011-2012), présenté sous forme d'exposition et de catalogue. Ce mémoire étudie comment les deux plateformes, la première étant expérientielle et la seconde théorique, formulent une critique du processus de la médicalisation actuelle, lequel est entré dans le champ de l'architecture contemporaine. L’exposition est approchée comme discours et comme installation d’objets pour un public; une attention particulière est alors portée à la scénographie et au parcours du visiteur. D’autres réflexions ont pour objet le graphisme, un outil soutenant le leitmotiv de confrontation. Dans l’étude du catalogue, l’accent est mis sur l’essai d’introduction, qui est implicitement traversé par le concept fondamentalement ambivalent de pharmakon. Le péritexte, l’encadrement physique du contenu principal de l’ouvrage, est aussi examiné. Ensuite, l’analyse comparative propose que chaque plateforme véhicule un propos différent, une stratégie rendue possible par l’ambivalence de la notion de corps, entendue littéralement et métaphoriquement. La conclusion finale du mémoire esquisse une courte proposition de contextualisation, autant de cette dualité que de la remise en question de l’autorité du discours techno-scientifique. Bien qu’En imparfaite santé dirige sa critique envers la persistance de la vision moderniste de l'architecture, nous avançons que le projet concerne tout autant, sinon plus, l'omniprésence actuelle du numérique. Ce dernier, à l’instar de l’architecture moderne, ne modifie pas seulement la conception du corps humain et architectural, il renforce également une croyance positiviste dans la technologie qui n'est pas toujours contrebalancée par la pensée critique.


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This performance showing demonstrated the integration of 3D stereographic scenography and game engine technology within a dance work by major Australian choreographer (Garry Stewart) and company (Australian Dance Theatre). The audience included major Australian arts festival and venue presenters. The work is an outcome of ARC Discovery DP120101695 Building innovative capacity in Australian dance through new visualization technologies, Vincs sole CI, and the collaboration with Garry Stewart, one of Australia's most successful and well known contemporary dance choreographers, and Australian Dance Theatre, one of Australia's major contemporary dance companies, demonstrates the industry impact and engagement of the research.


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This paper argues that it is essential for live theatre that incorporates stereoscopic imagery to reconceptualise the performance space to facilitate a successful audience experience. While 3D technology greatly increases artistic possibilities, the risks of perceptual confusion exist in live theatre just as in stereoscopic cinema, indeed more so given the coexistence of live performers. This paper argues that Gestalt perceptual organization theory can be valuable in informing how best to employ stereoscopic imagery within a live theater environment, with reference to the artistic works of one of the authors.


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This work explored the potential for virtual, CG characters, 3D stereoscopic imagery and providing contextual imagery and text via smart device during a live performance to re-frame contemporary dance practices within a digital visual environment. The work explored the aesthetic and creative affordances of this approach. Live dancers and virtual performers were set against 3D projected landscapes demonstrating the potential of hybrid live/virtual performance. A ground-breaking interactive app enhanced the performance experience with real-time virtual landscapes. The work formed a major outcome of Discovery Project DP120101695 Building innovative capacity in Australian dance through new visualisation technologies.


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This dissertation aims to comprehend how we meet with the other at cinema. For this, it receives the doubt, the uncertainty, the way that the human being is unfinished as stance of observation. It takes into consideration the multiples social vectors, historical, subjective, temporal and cultural which constitute these phenomena. The cinema is used as a cognitive resource in order to incorporate the poetic and the imaginary, making possible not forgetting gestures and knowledge that hatch from sounds, colours, remembrances, images, words, social exchanges, cognitive reciprocity that allow us to think about the culture, the society and the communication. For this, it has as theoretical prerequisites ideas of double (myselfthe other) and effective participation (projection-identification) developed by Edgar Morin, as well as the idea of communication as possibility/impossibility of constructions of bonds with the other through the body, our primary media, concepts developed by Harry Pross and Norval Baitello Jr. The chosen film to analysis is Lavoura Arcaica, it is an emblematic movie in the discussion of the human condition and in the relationship between the man and its body, its desires, with its nature/culture ambivalence. About this film are made reflections about the process of activation of the double (myself-the other) in the searching for the other through cinematographically elements of construction, as: montage, direction, screenplay, actors, scenography, costumes and soundtrack. In conclusion, the cinema, when it allows the effective participation and provides t e experiment of the double, becomes a gateway line in the path to development of the alterity


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The analyses of Guimarães Rosa's works often consider relevant facts connected to the author's personal life: his childwood in Sertão of Minas Gerais and his posterior wanderings through this region, his medical and diplomatic career, his deep knowledge of several languages, his misticism. His literary work would be a quite faithful reflection of his life. In this work, an analysis of Campo Geral (1956) [1977], considered by many critics as an autobiographical novel, is proposed, aiming to conciliate the inevitable influence of the author's biographical life without confounding or mixing enunciation scene with historical situation. Therefore, it was taken into account concepts of scenography, paratopia and of person-writer-inscriber, as proposed by Maingueneau (2006).