618 resultados para Scenedesmus obliquus


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Abstract Study design Controlled laboratory study. Objectives The purposes of this paper were to investigate (d) whether vastus medialis obliquus (VMO), vastus lateralis longus (VLL) and vastus lateralis obliquus (VLO) EMG activity can be influenced by hip abduction performed by healthy subjects. Background Some clinicians contraindicate hip abduction for patellofemoral patients (with) based on the premise that hip abduction could facilitate the VLL muscle activation leading to a VLL and VMO imbalance Methods and measures Twenty-one clinically healthy subjects were involved in the study, 10 women and 11 men (aged X = 23.3 ± 2.9). The EMG signals were collected using a computerized EMG VIKING II, with 8 channels and three pairs of surface electrodes. EMG activity was obtained from MVIC knee extension at 90° of flexion in a seated position and MVIC hip abduction at 0° and 30° with patients in side-lying position with the knee in full extension. The data were normalized in the MVIC knee extension at 50° of flexion in a seated position, and were submitted to ANOVA test with subsequent application of the Bonferroni multiple comparisons analysis test. The level of significance was defined as p ≤ 0.05. Results The VLO muscle demonstrated a similar pattern to the VMO muscle showing higher EMG activity in MVIC knee extension at 90° of flexion compared with MVIC hip abduction at 0° and 30° of abduction for male (p < 0.0007) and MVIC hip abduction at 0° of abduction for female subjects (p < 0.02196). There were no statistically significant differences in the VLL EMG activity among the three sets of exercises tested. Conclusion The results showed that no selective EMG activation was observed when comparison was made between the VMO, VLL and VLO muscles while performing MVIC hip abduction at 0° and 30° of abduction and MVIC knee extension at 90° of flexion in both male and female subjects. Our findings demonstrate that hip abduction do not facilitated VLL and VLO activity in relation to the VMO, however, this study included only healthy subjects performing maximum voluntary isometric contraction contractions, therefore much remains to be discovered by future research


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Progressive retropatellar arthrosis is often seen in dated rigid distal realignment (i.e. osteotomy of tuberositas) at long-term follow-ups. Therefore, operations for lateral dislocation of the patella are still discussed controversially. Dynamic, proximal realignments seem to have lower rates of arthrosis but higher rates of redislocation. Recently, in anatomic and biomechanic studies, the m. vastus medialis obliquus (vmo) was found to be one of the most important proximal restraints to lateral dislocation of the patella.A total of 28 patients (mean age 21.5 years) were treated between 1994 and 2003 with a plasty of the vmo for lateral patellar dislocation. The technique was performed for most etiologies of femoropatellar instability.For this proximal soft tissue technique, the muscle tendon is detached from its patellar insertion. Subsequently, the tendon is reinserted at the patella 10-15 mm more distally and fixed with Mitek anchors. Full weight bearing in extension is possible immediately after surgery. An active vastus medialis training is started after 6 weeks.Of the patients, 27 were evaluated clinically and radiologically in 2004 (a mean of 5 years postoperatively). A total of 83% of the patients estimated the result to be good or excellent, 10% were satisfied and 7% were discontent. The mean Lysholm-Knee-Score was 83.1 points. Two patients suffered a patella redislocation (7%). A statistically significant improvement of the congruence angle was noted in the radiographs, even in medium-term controls. In 89% of the cases no or only little retropatellar arthrosis was observed. These 5 year results are comparable to those of other techniques for distal or proximal realignments. The rate of redislocation was below average. Compared to the rate of retropatellar arthrosis in long-term results of rigid distal realignment, our patients demonstrated a relative low rate after 5 years. We attribute this to the minimal interference in physiological joint mechanics and to the restored anatomy. In terms of future long-term results, our findings are promising. The idea of a proximal dynamic stabilization and the causal operative approach at the origin of pathology using vmo-plasty was confirmed in recent anatomic and biomechanic studies. Over or under correction of soft tissues could be adapted. More rigid techniques of distal realignment do not allow an adaptation to this extent and can lead to prearthrotic hyperpression in the medial femoropatellar and femorotibial joints.


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PURPOSE: To present a novel, minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) technique for inferior obliquus recessions. METHODS: Graded MISS inferior obliquus recessions were performed in 20 eyes of 15 patients by applying two small conjunctival cuts, one at the insertion of inferior obliquus and another where the scleral anchoring of the muscle occurred. RESULTS: The amount of recession was 12.2 +/- 2.3 mm (range 6 to 14 mm). The vertical deviation, which was measured in 25 degrees of adduction, decreased from preoperatively 12.8 degrees +/- 5.6 degrees to 2.7 degrees +/- 2.2 degrees (p < 0.0001) at 6 months. LogMAR visual acuity was preoperatively -0.10 +/- 0.17 and at 6 months -0.14 +/- 0.22 (p > 0.1). In one eye (2.5%) the two cuts had to be joined because of excessive bleeding. Binocular vision improved in eight patients, remained unchanged in six patients, and decreased from 30 to 60 arcsec in one patient (p > 0.1). Conjunctival and lid swelling were hardly visible on the first postoperative day in primary gaze position in 10/20 (50%) of eyes. Five of the eyes (25%) had mild and five (25%) moderate visibility of surgery. One patient out of 15 (7%) needed repeat surgery because of insufficient reduction of the sursoadduction within the first 6 months. The dose-effect relationship 6 months postoperatively for an accommodative near target at 25 degrees adduction was 0.83 degrees +/- 0.43 degrees per mm of recession. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that small-incision, minimal dissection inferior obliquus graded recessions are feasible and effective to improve ocular alignment in patients with strabismus sursoadductorius.


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En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral se ha estudiado la posibilidad de emplear las microalgas, concretamente el género Scenedesmus, como sustrato para la producción de biogás mediante digestión anaerobia, así como los residuos que se producen como consecuencia de su utilización industrial para diferentes fines. La utilización de las microalgas para la producción de biocombustibles es un tema de gran actualidad científica, en el que residen muchas expectativas para la producción a gran escala de biocombustibles que supongan una alternativa real a los combustibles fósiles. Existen numerosas investigaciones sobre la conversión a biogás de las microalgas, sin embargo aún hay poco conocimiento sobre la utilización de la digestión anaerobia como tratamiento de residuos de microalgas en un concepto de biorrefinería. Residuos que pueden ser generados tras la extracción de compuestos de alto valor añadido (p. ej. aminoácidos) o tras la generación de otro biocombustible (p. ej. biodiésel). Es en este aspecto en el que esta Tesis Doctoral destaca en cuanto a originalidad e innovación, ya que se ha centrado principalmente en tres posibilidades: - Empleo de Scenedesmus sp. como cultivo energético para la producción de biogás. - Tratamiento de residuos de Scenedesmus sp. generados tras la extracción de aminoácidos en un concepto de biorrefinería. - Tratamiento de los residuos de Scenedesmus sp. generados tras la extracción de lípidos en un concepto de biorrefinería. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la microalga Scenedesmus como cultivo energético para producción de biogás no es viable salvo que se empleen pretratamientos que aumenten la biodegradabilidad o se realice codigestión con otro sustrato. En este último caso, la chumbera (Opuntia maxima Mill.) ha resultado ser un sustrato idóneo para la codigestión con microalgas, aumentando la producción de biogás y metano hasta niveles superiores a 600 y 300 L kgSV-1, respectivamente. Por otro lado, el tratamiento de residuos generados tras la extracción de aminoácidos mediante digestión anaerobia es prometedor. Se obtuvieron elevados rendimientos de biogás y metano en las condiciones de operación óptimas (409 y 292 L kgSV-1, respectivamente). Aparte de la generación energética por medio el metano, que podría emplearse en la propia biorrefinería o venderse a la red eléctrica o de gas natural, reciclando el digerido y el CO2 del biogás se podría llegar a ahorrar alrededor del 30% del fertilizante mineral y el 25% del CO2 necesarios para el cultivo de nueva biomasa. Por lo tanto, la digestión anaerobia de los residuos de microalgas en un concepto de biorrefinería tiene un gran potencial y podría contribuir en gran medida al desarrollo de esta industria. Por último, una primera aproximación al tratamiento de residuos generados tras la extracción de lípidos muestra que éstos pueden ser empleados para la producción de biogás, como monosustrato, o en codigestión con glicerina, ya que son fácilmente biodegradables y el rendimiento potencial de metano puede alcanzar 218 LCH4 kgSV-1 y 262 LCH4 kg SV-1 en monodigestión o en codigestión con glicerina, respectivamente. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis explores the possibility of using microalgae, specifically the strain Scenedesmus, as substrate for biogas production through anaerobic digestion, as well as the residues generated after its use in different industrial processes. The use of microalgae for biofuels production is an emerging scientific issue. The possibility of producing biofuels from microalgae as a real alternative for fossil fuels is raising high expectations. There are several research projects on the conversion of microalgae to biogas; however, there is little knowledge about using anaerobic digestion for treating microalgae residues in a biorefinery scheme. These residues could be generated after the extraction of high value compounds (e.g. amino acids) or after the production of another biofuel (e.g. biodiesel). It is in this area in which this PhD thesis stands in terms of originality and innovation, since it has focused primarily on three possibilities: - The use of Scenedesmus sp. as an energy crop for biogas production. - Treatment of amino acid extracted Scenedesmus residues generated in a biorefinery. - Treatment of lipid extracted Scenedesmus residues generated in a biorefinery. The results obtained in this work show that the use of Scenedesmus as energy crop for biogas production is not viable. The application of pretreatments to increase biodegradability or the codigestion of Scenedesmus biomass with other substrate can improve the digestion process. In this latter case, prickly pear (Opuntia maxima Mill.) is an ideal substrate for its codigestion with microalgae, increasing biogas and methane yields up to more than 600 and 300 L kgVS-1, respectively. On the other hand, the treatment of residues generated after amino acid extraction through anaerobic digestion is promising. High biogas and methane yields were obtained (409 y 292 L kgVS-1, respectively). Besides the energy produced through methane, which could be used in the biorefinery or be sold to the power or natural gas grids, by recycling the digestate and the CO2 30% of fertilizer needs and 25% of CO2 needs could be saved to grow new microalgae biomass. Therefore, the anaerobic digestion of microalgae residues generated in biorefineries is promising and it could play an important role in the development of this industry. Finally, a first approach to the treatment of residues generated after lipid extraction showed that these residues could be used for the production of biogas, since they are highly biodegradable. The potential methane yield could reach 218 LCH4 kgVS-1 when they are monodigested, whereas the potential methane yield reached 262 LCH4 kgVS-1 when residues were codigested with residual glycerin.


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Deep-water benthic ostracodes from the Pliocene-Pleistocene interval of ODP Leg 107, Hole 654A (Tyrrhenian Sea) were studied. From a total of 106 samples, 40 species considered autochthonous were identified. Detailed investigations have established the biostratigraphic distribution of the most frequent ostracode taxa. The extinction levels of Agrenocythere pliocenica (a psychrospheric ostracode) in Hole 654A and in some Italian land sections lead to the conclusion that the removal of psychrospheric conditions took place in the Mediterranean Sea during or after the time interval corresponding to the Small Gephyrocapsa Zone (upper part of early Pleistocene), and not at the beginning of the Quaternary, as previously stated. Based on a reduced matrix of quantitative data of 63 samples and 20 variables of ostracodes, four varimax assemblages were extracted by a Q-mode factor analysis. Six factors and eight varimax assemblages were recognized from the Q-mode factor analysis of the quantitative data of 162 samples and 47 variables of the benthic foraminifers. The stratigraphic distributions of the varimax assemblages of the two faunistic groups were plotted against the calcareous plankton biostratigraphic scheme and compared in order to trace the relationship between the benthic foraminifers and ostracodes varimax assemblages. General results show that the two populations, belonging to quite different taxa, display almost coeval changes along the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence of Hole 654A, essentially induced by paleoenvironmental modifications. Mainly on the base of the benthic foraminifer assemblages (which are quantitatively better represented than the ostracode assemblages), it is possible to identify such modifications as variations in sedimentation depth and in bottom oxygen content.


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Background. The mechanisms by which the abdominal muscles move and control the lumbosacral spine are not clearly understood. Descriptions of abdominal morphology are also conflicting and the regional anatomy of these muscles has not been comprehensively examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of regions of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus and externus abdominis. Methods. Anterior and posterolateral abdominal walls were dissected bilaterally in 26 embalmed human cadavers. The orientation, thickness and length of the upper, middle and lower fascicles of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis, and the upper and middle fascicles of obliquus externus abdominis were measured. Findings. Differences in fascicle orientation, thickness and length were documented between the abdominal muscles and between regions of each muscle. The fascicles of transversus abdominis were horizontal in the upper region, with increasing inferomedial orientation in the middle and lower regions. The upper and middle fascicles of obliquus internus abdominis were oriented superomedially and the lower fascicles inferomedially. The mean vertical dimension of transversus abdominis that attaches to the lumbar spine via the thoracolumbar fascia was 5.2 (SD 2.1) cm. Intramuscular septa were observed between regions of transversus abdominis, and obliquus internus abdominis could be separated into two distinct layers in the lower and middle regions. Interpretation. This study provides quantitative data of morphological differences between regions of the abdominal muscles, which suggest variation in function between muscle regions. Precise understanding of abdominal muscle anatomy is required for incorporation of these muscles into biomechanical models. Furthermore, regional variation in their morphology may reflect differences in function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Old trees growing in urban environments are often felled due to symptoms of mechanical defects that could be hazardous to people and property. The decisions concerning these removals are justified by risk assessments carried out by tree care professionals. The major motivation for this study was to determine the most common profiles of potential hazard characteristics for the three most common urban tree genera in Helsinki City: Tilia, Betula and Acer, and in this way improve management practices and protection of old amenity trees. For this research, material from approximately 250 urban trees was collected in cooperation with the City of Helsinki Public Works Department during 2001 - 2004. From the total number of trees sampled, approximately 70% were defined as hazardous. The tree species had characteristic features as potential hazard profiles. For Tilia trees, hollowed heartwood with low fungal activity and advanced decay caused by Ganoderma lipsiense were the two most common profiles. In Betula spp., the primary reason for tree removal was usually lowered amenity value in terms of decline of the crown. Internal cracks, most often due to weak fork formation, were common causes of potential failure in Acer spp. Decay caused by Rigidoporus populinus often increased the risk of stem breakage in these Acer trees. Of the decay fungi observed, G. lipsiense was most often the reason for the increased risk of stem collapse. Other fungi that also caused extensive decay were R. populinus, Inonotus obliquus, Kretzschmaria deusta and Phellinus igniarius. The most common decay fungi in terms of incidence were Pholiota spp., but decay caused by these species did not have a high potential for causing stem breakage, because it rarely extended to the cambium. The various evaluations used in the study suggested contradictions in felling decisions based on trees displaying different stages of decay. For protection of old urban trees, it is crucial to develop monitoring methods so that tree care professionals could better analyse the rate of decay progression towards the sapwood and separate those trees with decreasing amounts of sound wood from those with decay that is restricted to the heartwood area.


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The restoration, conservation and management of water resources require a thorough understanding of what constitutes a healthy ecosystem. Monitoring and assessment provides the basic information on the condition of our waterbodies. The present work details the study carried out at two waterbodies, namely, the Chamarajasagar reservoir and the Madiwala Lake. The waterbodies were selected on the basis of their current use and locations. Chamarajasagar reservoir serves the purpose of supplying drinking water to Bangalore city and is located on the outskirts of the city surrounded by agricultural and forest land. On the other hand, Madiwala lake is situated in the heart of Bangalore city receiving an influx of pollutants from domestic and industrial sewage. Comparative assessment of the surface water quality of both were carried out by instituting the various physico–chemical and biological parameters. The physico-chemical analyses included temperature, transparency, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, nitrates, phosphates, sodium, potassium and COD measurements of the given waterbody. The analysis was done based on the standard methods prescribed (or recommended) by (APHA) and NEERI. The biological parameter included phytoplankton analysis. The detailed investigations of the parameters, which are well within the tolerance limits in Chamarajasagar reservoir, indicate that it is fairly unpolluted, except for the pH values, which indicate greater alkalinity. This may be attributed to the natural causes and the agricultural runoff from the catchment. On the contrary, the limnology of Madiwala lake is greatly influenced by the inflow of sewage that contributes significantly to the dissolved solids of the lake water, total hardness, alkalinity and a low DO level. Although, the two study areas differ in age, physiography, chemistry and type of inflows, they still maintain a phytoplankton distribution overwhelmingly dominated by Cyanophyceae members,specifically Microcystis aeruginosa. These blue green algae apparently enter the waterbodies from soil, which are known to harbour a rich diversity of blue green flora with several species common to limnoplankton, a feature reported to be unique to the south Indian lakes.Chamarajasagar water samples revealed five classes of phytoplankton, of which Cyanophyceae (92.15 percent) that dominated other algal forms comprised of one single species of Microcystis aeruginosa. The next major class of algae was Chlorophyceae (3.752 percent) followed by Dinophyceae (3.51 percent), Bacillariophyceae (0.47 percent) and a sparsely available and unidentified class (0.12 percent).Madiwala Lake phytoplankton, in addition to Cyanophyceae (26.20 percent), revealed a high density of Chlorophyceae members (73.44 percent) dominated by Scenedesmus sp.,Pediastrum sp., and Euglena sp.,which are considered to be indicators of organic pollution. The domestic and industrial sewage, which finds its way into the lake, is a factor causing organic pollution. As compared to the other classes, Euglenophyceae and Bacillariophyceae members were the lowest in number. Thus, the analysis of various parameters indicates that Chamarajasagar reservoir is relatively unpolluted except for the high percentage of Microcystis aeruginosa, and a slightly alkaline nature of water. Madiwala lake samples revealed eutrophication and high levels of pollution, which is clarified by the physico–chemical analysis, whose values are way above the tolerance limits. Also, the phytoplankton analysis in Madiwala lake reveals the dominance of Chlorophyceae members, which indicate organic pollution (sewage being the causative factor).


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Microalgas e cianobactérias têm sido amplamente recomendadas para biomonitoração de metais pesados e outros poluentes, sendo considerados indicadores sensíveis às alterações ambientais e utilizados como organismos testes na regulamentação dos níveis de metal. Estes micro-organismos fotossintetizantes são produtores primários da base da cadeia alimentar aquática e são os primeiros a serem afetados pela poluição por metais pesados. O cobre é um metal normalmente considerado como nutriente essencial para a vida aquática mas pode ser tóxico para algumas espécies. Portanto, neste estudo foram avaliados o efeito tóxico e a bioacumulação de cobre (II) em quatro espécies de micro-organismos fotoautotróficos componentes do fitoplâncton dulcícola, duas cianobactérias filamentosas (Anabaena sp. e Oscillatoria sp) e duas microalgas da classe das clorofíceas (Monorraphidium sp. e Scenedesmus sp.). O meio de cultivo utilizado nos ensaios foi o ASM-1 com e sem a presença de cobre (0,6 mg/L a 12 mg Cu2+/L) onde, o efeito tóxico do metal foi monitorado por contagem celular para as microalgas e por peso seco para as cianobactérias. A bioacumulação do metal foi avaliada da mesma forma para todos os micro-organismos, através de coletas de amostras no decorrer do experimento e determinação da concentração de cobre em solução por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o efeito tóxico do metal é diretamente proporcional à concentração inicial para os micro-organismos estudados, mas que o cobre (II) foi mais tóxico para as cianobactérias que para as microalgas verdes. A bioacumulação teve uma relação direta com o efeito tóxico do metal sobre os micro-organismos. Os resultados obtidos permitem sugerir que cobre (II) tem efeito negativo no fitoplâncton, inibindo o crescimento e alterando parâmetros metabólicos como a fotossíntese. A bioacumulação do metal pode comprometer os níveis tróficos da cadeia alimentar, afetando seu transporte para seres superiores


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No presente trabalho foram utilizados micro-organismos fotoautotróficos para a bioacumulação de cobre em regime de batelada. Para tal, utilizou-se micro-organismos dos gêneros Ankistrodesmus, Golenkinia, Monoraphidium e Scenedesmus, em função da sua disponibilidade, facilidade de cultivo e diferenças morfológicas. Ensaios preliminares foram realizados utilizando diferentes concentrações de biossorvente, com o intuito de verificar a influência deste fator na eficiência do processo de captação. Os testes realizados em batelada incluíram também o estudo cinético e do equilíbrio, nos quais foi possível verificar que para todos os gêneros testados, o processo de captação do metal em soluções diluídas atingiu o equilíbrio quase instantaneamente. Em soluções de Cu2+ mais concentradas, observou-se diferenças entre os gêneros estudados, no tempo necessário para estabelecimento do equilíbrio. Além disso, observou-se uma alta eficiência no processo de captação de íons Cu2+ em solução por parte dos micro-organismos, com elevada captação de metal por grama de biomassa. As diferenças morfológicas entre os gêneros pareceram não influenciar significativamente a cinética e o equilíbrio do processo. Os ensaios em batelada foram realizados também empregando-se células de Golenkinia imobilizadas em alginato de cálcio, além de testes com o próprio alginato isento de micro-organismos como experimento-controle afim de verificar a influencia da imobilização nos parâmetros cinéticos e na capacidade de captação. A partir dos resultados obtidos nos ensaios em batelada com todos os biossorventes, testou-se em cada caso a aplicação de modelos cinéticos (pseudo 1 e 2 ordem) e modelos de equilíbrio (isoterma de Langmuir e Freundlich). Verificou-se que para o 4 gêneros que empregando-se células livres o modelo cujo os resultados se adequaram melhor foi o de Langmuir, enquanto que para células imobilizadas ambos modelos se mostraram adequados


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Microalgal community structure in experimental carp-pangasiid catfish polyculture ponds under four different stocking rates (treatments) each with three replications in the Field Laboratory of the Faculty Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh was studied. A total of 38 microalgal genera were identified under four major groups: 18 genera belong to Chlorophyceae, 9 to Cyanophyceae, 8 to Bacillariophyceae and 3 to Euglenophyceae. Chlorophyceae was abundant in all treatments followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae throughout the study period. The cell densities of total microalgal population varied between 51.66x10^3 cells/L in June in T1 and 126.4x10^3 cells/L in August in T2. The appearance of Microcysris, Oscillatoria, Gomphospheria, Hildenbrandia, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cyclotella, Navicula, Nitzschia, Euglena and Phacus as dominant genera throughout the study period may related to sufficient nutrient availability, good light conditions and high growth rate of these genera. Water quality parameters of the experimental ponds were within suitable range for microalgal production and fish culture though the nutrient (nitrate-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus) concentrations were high. The factors involved in structuring a phytoplankton community arise from the relationship generated by physical, chemical and biological conditions especially the stocked planktivorous carps. Microalgal bloom formation is very common in pangasiid catfish monoculture ponds but in the present study bloom was not formed and the algal species diversity was found to be slightly increased with the study period. The introduction carps of carps in the experimental ponds might have helped in controlling the microalgal bloom formation and maintenance of the species diversity.


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Bioassays were carried out to consider the relative effect of barley and rice straw extracts on the growth of 12 problematic freshwater algae. The laboratory results demonstrated that growth of Microcystis aeruginosa; Aphanizomenon flos–aquae, Anabaena flos–aquae, Synura petersenii, and Dinobryon sertularia were all inhibited, whereas Oscillatoria tenuis, Asterionella formosa, Spirogyra sp., and Hydrodictyon reticulatum grown were stimulated by the barley straw extract. No significant effect was also found on the growth of Chlorella kessleri, Scenedesmus subspicatus, and Navicula pelliculosa.