994 resultados para Scanning force


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules displayed clustered patterns at the surfaces of T (HUT-102B2) and B (JY) lymphoma cells characterized by interreceptor distances in the micrometer range as detected by scanning force microscopy of immunogold-labeled antigens. Electron microscopy revealed that a fraction of the MHC class II molecules was also heteroclustered with MHC class I antigens at the same hierarchical level as described by the scanning force microscopy data, after specifically and sequentially labeling the antigens with 30- and 15-nm immunogold beads. On JY cells the estimated fraction of co-clustered HLA II was 0.61, whereas that of the HLA I was 0.24. Clusterization of the antigens was detected by the deviation of their spatial distribution from the Poissonian distribution representing the random case. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements also confirmed partial co-clustering of the HLA class I and II molecules at another hierarchical level characterized by the 2- to 10-nm Förster distance range and providing fine details of the molecular organization of receptors. The larger-scale topological organization of the MHC class I and II antigens may reflect underlying membrane lipid domains and may fulfill significant functions in cell-to-cell contacts and signal transduction.


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Recent advances in single molecule manipulation methods offer a novel approach to investigating the protein folding problem. These studies usually are done on molecules that are naturally organized as linear arrays of globular domains. To extend these techniques to study proteins that normally exist as monomers, we have developed a method of synthesizing polymers of protein molecules in the solid state. By introducing cysteines at locations where bacteriophage T4 lysozyme molecules contact each other in a crystal and taking advantage of the alignment provided by the lattice, we have obtained polymers of defined polarity up to 25 molecules long that retain enzymatic activity. These polymers then were manipulated mechanically by using a modified scanning force microscope to characterize the force-induced reversible unfolding of the individual lysozyme molecules. This approach should be general and adaptable to many other proteins with known crystal structures. For T4 lysozyme, the force required to unfold the monomers was 64 ± 16 pN at the pulling speed used. Refolding occurred within 1 sec of relaxation with an efficiency close to 100%. Analysis of the force versus extension curves suggests that the mechanical unfolding transition follows a two-state model. The unfolding forces determined in 1 M guanidine hydrochloride indicate that in these conditions the activation barrier for unfolding is reduced by 2 kcal/mol.


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The energy of DNA deformation plays a crucial and active role in its packaging and its function in the cell. Considerable effort has gone into developing methodologies capable of evaluating the local sequence-directed curvature and flexibility of a DNA chain. These studies thus far have focused on DNA constructs expressly tailored either with anomalous flexibility or curvature tracts. Here we demonstrate that these two structural properties can be mapped also along the chain of a “natural” DNA with any sequence on the basis of its scanning force microscope (SFM) images. To know the orientation of the sequence of the investigated DNA molecules in their SFM images, we prepared a palindromic dimer of the long DNA molecule under study. The palindromic symmetry also acted as an internal gauge of the statistical significance of the analysis carried out on the SFM images of the dimer molecules. It was found that although the curvature modulus is not efficient in separating static and dynamic contributions to the curvature of the population of molecules, the curvature taken with its direction (its sign in two dimensions) permits the direct separation of the intrinsic curvature from the flexibility contributions. The sequence-dependent flexibility seems to vary monotonically with the chain's intrinsic curvature; the chain rigidity was found to modulate as its local thermodynamic stability and does not correlate with the dinucleotide chain rigidities evaluation made from x-ray data by other authors.


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Proper maintenance and duplication of the genome require accurate recombination between homologous DNA molecules. In eukaryotic cells, the Rad51 protein mediates pairing between homologous DNA molecules. This reaction is assisted by the Rad54 protein. To gain insight into how Rad54 functions, we studied the interaction of the human Rad54 (hRad54) protein with double-stranded DNA. We have recently shown that binding of hRad54 to DNA induces a change in DNA topology. To determine whether this change was caused by a protein-constrained change in twist, a protein-constrained change in writhe, or the introduction of unconstrained plectonemic supercoils, we investigated the hRad54–DNA complex by scanning force microscopy. The architecture of the observed complexes suggests that movement of the hRad54 protein complex along the DNA helix generates unconstrained plectonemic supercoils. We discuss how hRad54-induced superhelical stress in the target DNA may function to facilitate homologous DNA pairing by the hRad51 protein directly. In addition, the induction of supercoiling by hRad54 could stimulate recombination indirectly by displacing histones and/or other proteins packaging the DNA into chromatin. This function of DNA translocating motors might be of general importance in chromatin metabolism.


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DNA methyltransferases modify specific cytosines and adenines within 2-6 bp recognition sequences. We used scanning force microscopy and gel shift analysis to show that M.HhaI, a cytosine C-5 DNA methyltransferase, causes only a 2 degree bend upon binding its recognition site. Our results are consistent with prior crystallographic analysis showing that the enzyme stabilizes an extrahelical base while leaving the DNA duplex otherwise unperturbed. In contrast, similar analysis of M.EcoRI, an adenine N6 DNA methyltransferase, shows an average bend angle of approximately 52 degrees. This distortion of DNA conformation by M.EcoRI is shown to be important for sequence-specific binding.


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The interaction of histone H1 isolated from chicken erythrocytes with restriction fragments from plasmids pBR322 and pUC19 was studied by gel electrophoresis. Certain restriction fragments exhibited unusually high affinity for the histone, forming high molecular mass complexes at protein to DNA ratios at which the other fragments did not show evidence for binding. The highly preferred fragments are intrinsically curved, as judged by their electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels, by computer modeling, and by imaging with scanning force microscopy. However, control experiments with either curved portions of the same fragments or highly curved kinetoplast DNA fragments showed that the presence of curvature alone was not sufficient for preferential binding. By using various restriction fragments centered around the highly preferred sequence, it was found that the high-affinity binding required in addition the presence of specific sequences on both sides of the region of curvature. Thus, both curvature and the presence of specific sites seem to be required to generate high affinity.


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Progress in the development of actuating molecular devices based on responsive polymers is reviewed. The synthesis and characterization of "grafted from brushes and triblock copolymers is reported. The responsive nature of polyelectrolyte brushes, grown by surface initiated atomic transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), has been characterized by scanning force microscopy, neutron reflectometry, and single molecule force measurements. The molecular response is measured directly for the brushes in terms of both the brush height and composition and the force generated by a single molecule. Triblock copolymers, based on hydrophobic end blocks and polyacid midblock, have been used to produce polymer gels where the deformation of the molecules can be followed directly by small angle Xray scattering (SAXS), and a correlation between molecular shape change and macroscopic deformation has been established. A Landolt pHoscillator, based on bromate/sulfite/ferrocyanide, with a room temperature period of 20 min and a range of 3.1


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Progress in the development of generic molecular devices based on responsive polymers is discussed. Characterisation of specially synthesised polyelectrolyte gels, "grafted from" brushes and triblock copolymers is reported. A Landolt pH-oscillator, based on bromate/ sulfite/ferrocyanide, with a room temperature period of 20 min and a range of 3.1 force generation of this system has been measured directly in a modified JKR experiment. The responsive nature of polyelectrolyte brushes, grown by surface initiated ATRP, have been characterised by scanning force microscopy, neutron reflectometry and single molecule force measurements. Triblock copolymers, based on hydrophobic end-blocks and either polyacid or polybase mid-block, have been used to produce polymer gels where the deformation of the molecules can be followed directly by SAXS and a correlation between molecular shape change and macroscopic deformation has been established. The three systems studied allow both the macroscopic and a molecular response to be investigated independently for the crosslinked gels and the brushes. The triblock copolymers demonstrate that the individual response of the polyelectrolyte molecules scale-up to give the macroscopic response of the system in an oscillating chemical reaction.


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As we reach the physical limit of Moore’s law and silicon based electronics, alternative schemes for memory and sensor devices are being proposed on
a regular basis. The properties of ferroelectric materials on the nanoscale are key to developing device applications of this intriguing material class, and nanostructuring has been readily pursued in recent times. Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy is one of the most signi cant techniques for achieving
this. When applied in tandem with the imaging and nanoscale manipulation afforded by proximal scanning force microscopy tools, FIB-driven nanoscale characterization has demonstrated the power and ability which simply may not be possible by other fabrication techniques in the search for innovative and novel ferroic phenomena. At the same time the process is not without pitfalls; it is time-consuming and success is not always guaranteed thus often being the bane in progress. This balanced review explores a brief history of the relationship between the FIB and ferroelectrics, the fascinating properties it has unveiled, the challenges associated with FIB that have led to alterna- tive nanostructuring techniques and nally new ideas that should be explored using this exciting technique.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a reorientable scanning probe that is capable of two-axis force sensing and control in the 2-D scanning (X-Z) plane. The probe is comprised of three major components, namely a compliant manipulator, laser measurement system, and magnetic actuation system. Control of the position and orientation of the probe tip is realized by means of magnetic actuation combined with a novel structural design. The design of the manipulator's compliance and that of the optical path of the laser measurement system together enable achieving sensitivity to lateral (X) forces that is nearly identical to that of normal (Z) forces. The achieved sensitivity ratio, of about 0.6, is significantly higher than that of conventional scanning probe systems. The theoretical bases for the structural design and the sensitivity of the two-axis force sensing system are presented. Subsequently, fabrication of the manipulator is described and the result of experimental evaluation of the scanning probe's features is discussed. The scanning probe is used to access the vertical and re-entrant features on the two sides of a cylindrical micropipette, which are subsequently scanned by regulating the lateral force of tip-sample interaction.


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The single-layer and multilayer Sb-rich AgInSbTe films were irradiated by a single femtosecond laser pulse with the duration of 120 fs. The morphological feature resulting from the laser irradiation have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and atom force microscopy. For the single-layer film, the center of the irradiated spot is a dark depression and the border is a bright protrusion; however, for the multilayer film, the center morphology changes from a depression to a protrusion as the energy increases. The crystallization threshold fluence of the single-layer and the multilayer films is 46.36 mJ/cm(2), 63.74 mJ/cm(2), respectively.