605 resultados para Sazonalidade pluvial


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A Região Sudeste do Brasil apresenta aspectos edafo-climáticos favoráveis para o plantio e desenvolvimento da seringueira, sendo o estado de São Paulo o maior produtor nacional de látex. Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar, através de coletas mensais durante três anos de estudo, a diversidade, a riqueza de espécies e a sua sazonalidade, bem como realizar estimativas de densidade populacional das principais espécies de ácaros presentes nas folhas. Todos os ácaros foram montados em lâminas de microscopia, totalizando 74.407 indivíduos, de 26 espécies pertencentes a 10 famílias. Os fitófagos representaram 95,4% do total de indivíduos coletados e os predadores 3,9%. Doze espécies foram consideradas acidentais, seis foram acessórias e oito constantes. Apresentaram maior número de espécies as famílias Phytoseiidae (cinco) e Tydeidae (quatro). A espécie mais abundante foi Calacarus heveae Feres (50.573), com maior abundância nos meses correspondentes ao término da estação chuvosa e início da estação seca na região. Dentre os predadores, a mais abundante foi Zetzellia quasagistemas Hernandes & Feres (1.345), seguida por Pronematus sp. (455), Zetzellia agistzellia Hernandes & Feres (409) e Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma (243). C. heveae apresentou maior densidade populacional em março e abril de 2003, e Lorryia formosa Cooreman e Tenuipalpus heveae Baker em março e maio de 2001, respectivamente. Muitos estigmeídeos foram observados associados a agrupamentos de L. formosa predando seus ovos e estágios imaturos.


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Programas que visam o controle biológico precisam ser embasados principalmente em liberações de predadores e parasitóides para tentar minimizar efeitos adversos para o ambiente. Os coleópteros da família Histeridae como predam larvas de dípteros sinantrópicos podem auxiliar no controle das moscas que se desenvolvem em fezes acumuladas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento das espécies de histerídeos em granja avícola no município de São João da Boa Vista, estado de São Paulo, verificar seu padrão sazonal de ocorrência e investigar possíveis associações entre as mesmas. As coletas foram realizadas de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2002, utilizando-se dois métodos de coleta (armadilhas de solo e o funil de Berlese - Tullgren). As espécies de histerídeos encontradas foram: Euspilostus modestus, Euspilostus (Hesperosaprinus) spp., Carcinops troglodytes e Hololepta quadridentata. O número de cada espécie diferiu entre os métodos utilizados. Na armadilha de solo, E. modestus correspondeu a 87,01% do número total de indivíduos capturados, enquanto que no funil, C. troglodytes obteve maior destaque (84,38%). E. modestus e H. quadridentata apresentaram padrões de variação mensal positivamente correlacionada com a precipitação pluviométrica (P<0,05 e P<0,01, respectivamente).


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As raízes de espécies de Pfaffia são utilizadas há muito na medicina popular no Brasil, especialmente como tônicas, afrodisíacas e antidiabéticas. Nas margens e ilhas do Rio Paraná, vegeta naturalmente a espécie Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen, que corre risco de extinção pela coleta intensiva de suas raízes. Para preservá-la, é preciso desenvolver sistemas que permitam seu uso sustentável. Nesse contexto, foi avaliada a sazonalidade da produção de biomassa e o teor de β-ecdisona em raízes de diferentes acessos de P. glomerata. A coleta dos acessos foi realizada ao longo dos rios Paraná (A1 e A3), Ivaí (A2) e Paranapanema (A4). Mudas produzidas a partir desses acessos foram plantadas experimentalmente em área de ocorrência natural da espécie. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas (acessos nas parcelas; épocas de colheita nas subparcelas), quatro repetições e subparcelas com seis plantas na área útil. Foram realizadas quatro colheitas: oito, dez, doze e quatorze meses após o plantio. As maiores produtividades em massa seca (MS) de raízes foram alcançadas na terceira colheita, com 38,41 g planta-1. Já o acesso A4 foi significativamente mais produtivo que os demais, tanto para massa fresca (94,67 g planta-1), quanto para MS de raízes (26,39 g planta-1). A relação MF/MS das raízes, com média de 26,9% (3,7:1), foi pouco influenciada pela origem dos acessos, embora tenha se alterado significativamente ao longo das colheitas (de 4,1:1, na primeira colheita, a 3,3:1, na terceira colheita, que correspondeu ao valor máximo). O teor de β-ecdisona foi estatisticamente similar nas três primeiras colheitas, variando de 0,26 a 0,38%, com redução drástica na última colheita (0,16%). Os acessos A2 e A3 foram aqueles com teor de β-ecdisona mais altos, respectivamente 0,36 e 0,30%. Considerando os resultados obtidos, sugere-se que a terceira colheita, que corresponde a doze meses após o transplante, como a mais adequada para colheita das raízes.


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In recent work (Kroll, 1990) on dairy cattle growth using its monthly weights, a Gompertz function, first considering the autocorrelated error structure, and second, the independent error structure, was fitted. The last explained 25% more of the total variance than the former. In this work, a Gompertz function was fitted with autocorrelated error structure adding seasonality to the model. This was suggested taking into account the time series autocorrelation function. In order to estimate the six parameters, an iterative procedure was used, employing a matrix X = [G\S], where G is the usual matrix for fitting the Gompertz function, and S is a 0s, 1s, -1s matrix necessary to take into account seasonality. With this model, the adjustment was better in terms of the coefficient determination.


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The objective of this work was to carry a descriptive analysis in the monthly precipitation of rainfall stations from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using data of position and dispersion and graphical analyses, and to verify the presence of seasonality and trend in these data, with a study about the application of models of time series. The descriptive statistics was to characterize the general behavior of the series in three stations selected which present consistent historical series. The methodology of analysis of variance in randomized blocks and the determination of models of multiple linear regression, considering years and months as predictors variables, disclosed the presence of seasonality, what allowed to infer on the occurrence of repetitive natural phenomena throughout the time and absence of trend in the data. It was applied the methodology of multiple linear regression to removal the seasonality of these time series. The original data had been deducted from the estimates made by the adjusted model and the analysis of variance in randomized blocks for the residues of regression was preceded again. With the results obtained it was possible to conclude that the monthly rainfall present seasonality and they don't present trend, the analysis of multiple regression was efficient in the removal of the seasonality, and the rainfall can be studied by means of time series.


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The purpose of this work was to analyze the variability of pluvial precipitation at the Mid-Paranapanema Hydric Resources Management Unit (UGRI II-17), both spatially and temporally. To that effect, 33 pluviometric series were used, obtained from the National Water Agency (ANA), for the period from 1940 to 2000. The averages, standard deviation, upper and lower quartiles, maximum rainfalls, within the analyzed period, as well as the anomalies in these series, were calculated. The anomalies of the 1982/1983 El Nino, as well as the classification of homogeneous areas inside the basin were also calculated. Variability was observed from one year to the other, with rainier years - for example, 1982 and 1983 - and drier years - such as 1985 and 2000.


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This paper represents the results of the work carried out in order to study the condition of seasonal consumer, the load factor and the more convenient tariff for a sugar mill located in the Vale do Paranapanema, SP, Brazil. Therefore, data of consume and registered demand were collected during the quadriennium 1990 to 1994. The studies showed that the factory did not maintain the condition of seasonal consumer of electric energy during the analysed period. Low values of the load factor observed in the period showed a non rational use of electric energy supplied by the concessionary. The results showed that only in one situation (load retired in top equal to 90%) the most convenient tariff is the horo-sazonal azul. In the other situations the most convenient tariff is the conventional one.


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The present study was conducted in the Aquaculture Station of Hydroeletric Power Station situated in Volta Grande Reservoir, MG, Brazil. Seventy freshwater corvinas, Plagiscion squamosissimus, and 66 tucunarés, Cichla ocellaris were captured bimonthly from April 2000 through April 2001 with net and hook. The helmints were identified as Diplostomun (A.) compactmn which showed the highest prevalence in the corvina's eyes in April 2000 (70%), February 2001 (80%) and April 2001 (60%), while in tucunaré occurred in April 2000 (33.3%), August 2000 (18.2%) and October 2000 (18.2%). Nevertheless, increase in the mean intensity of parasites was related in April (6.6), June (6.0), August (18.5) 2000 and February (5.7), April (4.8) 2001 for corvina and in August (16.0) and October (7.0) 2000 for tucunaré. Corvina's females showed infection during all period, while males did not show the same prevalence in June 2000 and April 2001. On the other hand, tucunare's males were infected in all months while females in August and October 2000. The highest prevalence in corvina was observed in the months which presented elevated water temperature (April, October, December 2000 and April 2001). The number of parasites collected in corvina on February 2000 was higher than the one observed in August 2000. The same was not observed for tucunaré. This work demonstrate corvina's high susceptibility to metacercariae of Diplostomum.


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This paper aims at evaluating the occurrence of Diplostommn (Anstrodiplostomum compactum (Digenea: Diplostomatidae) in the eyeball of Plagioscion sqnamosissimus (corvina) and Cichla ocellaris (tucunaré), monthly captured in Paraná river, Presidente Epitácio, state of São Paulo, Brazil. From 61 corvinas under analysis, 56 of them contained parasites (92%) with intensity rate of 42.0 host parasites. From an amount of 81 tucunarés, 45 contained parasites (55%) with intensity rate of 9.3 parasites. Corvinas showed prevalence from 71 to 100% with the highest intensity rates (103.3 and 106.9) from February to March, 2001. Comparatively, the tucunaré showed the highest prevalence from November 2000 (90%) to February 2001 (80%). The tucunaré highest intensity rates occurred on September, 2000 (12.7), December, 2000 (12.2) and February, 2001 (16.1). Metacercariae showed a hollow womb body and a posterior region of a sinuous conic protuberance, an oral sucker smaller than the acetabulae, a simple acetabulae located in the pre-equatorial region of helminto. A short pre-pharynx followed by a muscular pharynx, genital pore next to acetubulae. Corvina metacercariae presents 1.434,0 μm (880 to 1.840) long by 611.2 ± 93.4 μm (400 to 792) wide. Tucunaré metacercariae, 1.462.4 μm (960 to 2.480) by 710.8 μm (560 to 960). Authors confirmed corvina great susceptibility to Diplomastum and the relationship between the parasitism and the aquatic and climatic parameters.


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The aim of this work was to investigate monthly, for one year the seasonality effect on the physicochemical properties (dry weight, flavonoids contents, pH and antioxidant activity) of ethanolic extract (EAP) of propolis produced by three different techniques (intelligent propolis collector, plastic screen or scraping) fifteen colonies of africanized bees. No differences (p>0.05) in the physicochemical properties due to the technique of propolis production and seasonality were observed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE