248 resultados para Sargassum thunbergii Kuntze


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A survey of the larval and juvenile fishes associated with the pelagic Sargassum habitat in the South Atlantic Bight and adjacent western Atlantic Ocean was conducted from July 1991 through March 1993. Fishes representing 104 taxonomic categories were identified, including reef fishes, coastal demersal, coastal pelagic, epipelagic and mesopelagic species. The most important families were Balistidae and Carangidae, each represented by 15 species. Species composition, species diversity and abundance varied both seasonally and regionally. Diversity was highest during spring through fall over the outer continental shelf and in the Gulf Stream. Abundance decreased from spring through winter and from the continental shelf into offshore waters. The numbers of fishes and fish biomass were found to be positively correlated with the wet weight of algae in most cases examined. The results of this study will be useful to fisheries managers assessing the potential impacts of commercial Sargassum harvesting in the region.


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Patterns of distribution and growth were examined for young-of-the-year (YOY) greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) associated with pelagic Sargassum in the NW Gulf of Mexico. Seriola dumerili were collected off Galveston, Texas, from May to July over a two-year period (2000 and 2001) in both inshore (<15 nautical miles [nmi]) and offshore zones (15−70 nmi). Relative abundance of YOY S. dumerili (32−210 mm standard length) from purse-seine collections peaked in May and June, and abundance was highest in the offshore zone. Ages of S. dumerili ranged from 39 to 150 days and hatching-date analysis indicated that the majority of spawning events occurred from February to April. Average daily growth rates of YOY S. dumerili for 2000 and 2001 were 1.65 mm/d and 2.00 mm/d, respectively. Intra-annual differences in growth were observed; the late-season (April) cohort experienced the fastest growth in both years. In addition, growth was significantly higher for S. dumerili collected from the offshore zone. Mortality was approximated by using catch-curve analysis, and the predicted instantaneous mortality rate (Z) of YOY S. dumerili was 0.0045 (0.45%/d).


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The present communication deals with the feeding trials of brown (Sargassum bovianum), green (Caulerpa faridii) and red (Gracilaria corticola) seaweeds in albino rats for a period of thirty days in order to investigate their digestibility and acceptability as supplementary food for animals. The parameters used were: changes in blood hemoglobin, ESR, MCHC, PCV and plasma vitamin levels. The result revealed that all the three species of seaweeds had acceptability up to 5% level, as no ill effect was noted during the experiment. But at 10% and 20% levels, marked changes were observed in blood parameters with diarrhea, vomiting and convulsions indicating possibilities of either tissue and muscular dystrophy, gastrointestinal tract necrosis or functional disorder of central nervous system. A heavy mortality was noted due to excessive water loss through diarrhea and vomiting. However, no mortality was observed after 22nd day at both 10% and 20% levels with subsided clinical signs. The results suggest that these three seaweed species could be used safely as a supplementary food, in native form, in animals at low concentrations.


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Sargassum is a brown seaweed from which alginic acid is extracted. A survey was carried out off the south-west coast of Ceylon in December 1963 and January 1964 with the view to determining the quantity of Sargassum available.


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Sargassum cervicone Greville is one of the species of Sargassum occuring in abundance along the South Western Coast of Ceylon. Durairatnam 1966 carried out a survey from Ambalangoda to Hambantota, and estimated that approximately 130 tons of dried Sargassum can be harvested manually. The bulk of the Sargassum found in this area was Sargassum cervicone Greville.


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As a large conspicuous intertidal brown alga, individuals of Sargassum horneri can reach a length of more than 7 m with a fresh weight of 3 kg along the coasts of the Eastern China Sea. The biomass of this alga as a vital component in coastal water ecology has been well documented. In recent years, a steady disappearance of the algal biomass along the once densely populated coastal areas of the Eastern China Sea has drawn attention in China. Efforts have been made to reconstruct the subtidal algal flora or even to grow the alga by use of long-lines. As part of the efforts to establish an efficient technique for producing seedlings of S. horneri, in this investigation a series of culture experiments were carried out in indoor raceway and rectangular tanks under reduced solar irradiance at ambient temperature in 2007-2008. The investigation demonstrated that: (1) sexual reproduction of S. horneri could be accelerated in elevated temperature and light climates, at least 3 months earlier than in the wild; (2) eggs of S. horneri had the potential to be fertilized up to 48 h, much longer than that of known related species; (3) suspension and fixed culture methods were both effective in growing the seedlings to the long-line cultivation stage; and (4) the life cycle of S. horneri in culture could be shortened to 4.5 months, thus establishing this alga as an appropriate model for investigating sexual reproduction in dieocious species of this genus.


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The inhibitory effects of high molecular weight phlorotannins (HMP) from Sargassum kjellmanianum on mouse liver lipid peroxidation were investigated by spectrophotometric methods. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver samples was measured by TBA (thiobarbituric acid) assay. It showed that HMP significantly inhibited the generation of MDA in vivo and in situations induced by CCl4 and Fe2+-Vc ( ascorbic acid), and significantly decreased membrane swelling of mouse liver mitochondria, compared with controls ( p < 0.01). HMP were found to have strong anti-oxidative activity in inhibiting mouse liver lipid peroxidation.


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Sargassum muticum is important in maintaining the structure and function of littoral ecosystems, and is used in aquaculture and alginate production, however, little is known about its population genetic attributes. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of four populations of S. muticum and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China. The selected 24 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers amplified 164 loci and 122 loci, respectively. Estimates of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate level of genetic variations within each S. muticum population, and a high level of genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST ) among the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and F-ST were highly correlated whether from RAPD (r = 0.9706, P = 0.009) or ISSR data (r = 0.9161, P = 0.009). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was conducted to apportion the variations among and within the S. muticum populations. It indicated that variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 55.82% verse 44.18% by RAPD and 55.21% verse 44.79% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that genetic differentiations among populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.6), namely, conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. On the whole, the high genetic structuring among the four S. muticum populations along the distant locations was clearly indicated in RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.9, P < 0.05) in our study.


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本文在测定由中国产海带(Laminaria japonica)、海蒿子(Sargassum pallidum)、海黍子(S.kjellmanianum)和鼠尾藻(s.thunbergii)提取的无损褐藻胶的糖醛酸组成和嵌段结构的基础上,较系统地研究了褐藻酸及其钠盐钙盐对二价金属离子的静态交换平衡特性与褐藻胶结构的关系,初步制成了具有离子交换性能的粒状褐藻酸钙树脂,开对干燥过的褐藻酸、褐藻酸钠和褐藻酸钙在水溶液中的吸附机理进行了探讨和比较。其结果如下:1. 海带、海蒿子、海黍子和鼠尾藻提取的褐藻胶具有不同的组成和嵌段结构,其M/G比值分别为1.86、1.50、1.22和1.27。文中引入结构参数η不胜数= (F_MG))/(F_M * F_G),η值分别为0.62、0.13、0.36和0.41。后三种马尾藻褐藻胶与海带的结构和性质有差异,而海黍子和鼠尾藻胶在结构与性质方面比较接近。2. 褐藻胶的结构对吸附二坐金属离子具有很大影响,褐藻酸钠Cd-Sr交换反应的分离因子随着M/G比值的增大而增大;褐藻酸钙对Cu~(2+)离子的交换容量随着MG-嵌段比例(或η值)的增大而增大;褐藻酸对Sr~(2+)、Ba~(2+)、Cd~(2+)混合离子的总交换量随着M-嵌段比例的增大而增大。3. 干燥进的褐藻酸、褐藻酸钙以及褐藻酸钠在水溶液中具有不同的吸附机理。褐藻酸钠在溶液中,主要是二价离子诱导G-分子链协同聚合——“蛋箱模型”~(26),褐藻酸吸附Cu~(2+)、Sr~(2+)时,除了离子交换外,还有使分子链聚合的螯合作作,分子链上未交换的 -COOH可能参与Sr~(2+)的配位,而Cu~(2+)无此现象。褐藻酸钙吸附Cu~(2+)时,可能有部分Cu~(2+)离子进入“蛋箱”内部替代Ca~(2+)离子而重新配位,但“蛋箱”的骨架不变,而吸附Sr~(2+)时,则表现出与离子交换剂截然不同的分子吸附行为。4. 不溶性的褐藻酸和褐藻酸钙具有较高的吸附选择性,尤其是粒状褐藻酸钙树脂的选择性高、稳定性好,可能应用于贵金属的回收、分离与废水处理等。


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In this paper, four new species of malacocarpic Sargassum are described: S. fuliginosoides Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, the presence of the bulbs on the basal parts of the primary branches and very thick, lanceolate leaves. S. gemmiphorum Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its conical holdfast, usually branched axis and very long, narrow, thin, denticulate leaves. S. shandongense Tseng, Zhang et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its discoid holdfast, flattened primary branches, its leaves mostly entire or wavy at the margins and its racemose to paniculate receptacles. S. qingdaoense Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of the glandular dots on the ultimate branches and elongated lanceolate, acute, mostly wavy leaves.


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Known only in the Phaeophyceae, phlorotannins (brown algal polyphenols) are a class of natural products with potential uses in pharmacology. This study reports that phlorotannins from Sargassum kjellmanianum can prevent fish oil from rancidification; the antioxidation activity was about 2.6 times higher than that of 0.02% BHT (tertbutyl-4-hydroxytoluene).


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Sargassum muticum is an invasive brown macroalga that originates from Japan. In the introduced range, thalli can grow in soft substratum habitats attached to embedded rock fragments and shells, Within Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, S. muticum has rapidly colonised large areas of soft substrata, where dispersal by peripatetic or 'stone-walking' plants is very effective. Sediment cores were collected under and outside canopies of S. muticum in Strangford Lough (S. muticum first recorded there in 1995) and Langstone Harbour, English Channel (S. muticum first found there in 1974) to investigate modification of the infaunal assemblages. At both study sites, community analyses highlighted significant differences between the assemblages under the canopies and those in adjacent unvegetated areas. In Strangford Lough, the invertebrate community under the canopy contained a higher abundance of smaller, opportunistic, r-selected species than outside the canopy. By contrast, the communities under and outside the canopy at Langstone Harbour were similar in species composition, diversity and dominance, but overall faunal abundance was greater under the canopy. Sediment characteristics were not affected by S. muticum canopies, but the infaunal changes may be related to environmental modification; shading, flow suppression and temperature stratification were also investigated. The differences between these 2 sites indicate that localised conditions and/or the duration of colonisation of S. muticum are important in determining the nature of habitat modification.


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A photoperiodic response of erect thallus production has been quantified in Sargassum muticum. Young germlings were cultured under long-day (LD; 16:8 h) conditions at 16 degreesC, 75 mumol m(-2) s(-1) until they had 4-5 early blades after 60 days in culture. The young thalli were transferred to short-day (SD; 8:16 h) and night break (NB; 8:7.5:1:7.5 h) regimes. Up to 34.7% of the plants had produced erect thalli after 140 days in culture in the SD regime, but no erect thalli were formed in the NB regime. When plants were transferred from NB to SD regimes, erect thalli were initiated within 10 days, but continued to be produced in plants transferred from SD to NB. Therefore, the development of erect thalli in S. muticum is a genuine photoperiodic response, which is inhibited by NB treatments, but continues in a NB regime after sufficient induction in SD.