87 resultados para Salmonellosis


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Infections with Salmonella serotypes are a major cause of food-borne diseases worldwide. Animal models other than the mouse have been employed for the study of nontyphoidal Salmonella infections because the murine model is not suitable for the study of Salmonella-induced diarrhea. The microbe has developed mechanisms to exploit the host cell machinery to its own purpose. Bacterial proteins delivered directly into the host cell cytosol cause cytoskeletal changes and interfere with host cell signaling pathways, which ultimately enhance disease manifestation. Recently, marked advances have been made in our understanding of the molecular interactions between Salmonella serotypes and their hosts. Here, we discuss the molecular basis of the pathogenesis of Salmonella-induced enteritis.


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Salmonellosis is a serious foodborne disease associated with the presence of bacteria in eggs or foods containing raw eggs. However, the use of appropriate procedures of cooking and frying can eliminate this contamination. There are few studies on the elimination of contamination of Salmonella in hens' eggs through typical frying procedures, especially for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (or S. typhimurium). The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate conditions for cooking and frying hens' eggs artificially contaminated with S. typhimurium, making them free of bacterial contamination. Hens' eggs were artificially contaminated with S. typhimurium and subjected to various processes of cooking, frying and food preparation. It was observed that the minimum time necessary to eliminate contamination through cooking procedures is 5 minutes after the water starts boiling, and also that, cooking in the microwave oven complete eliminates the bacterial contamination. When the eggs were fried on both sides, keeping the yolk hard, a complete bacterial elimination was observed. Mayonnaise prepared with vinegar presented a decrease in bacterial colonies when compared mayonese prepared with lemon.


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We describe the clinical course of a case of peritonitis caused by Salmonella sp. after an episode of intestinal salmonellosis, and a brief review of the literature is also done.


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Huit cent trente et un troupeaux de vaches laitières répartis dans 5 états américains ont été enrôlés dans une étude de cohorte prospective. Un modèle d’équations d'estimation généralisées a été utilisé pour étudier l'association entre les signes cliniques et la détection de salmonelles dans les fèces des animaux soupçonnés de salmonellose clinique. La sensibilité et la spécificité de la culture bactériologique ont été estimées à l’aide d’un modèle de classes latentes. Dix-huit pour cent des 874 échantillons provenant de veaux et 29% des 1479 échantillons de vaches adultes étaient positifs pour Salmonella spp. Il n’a pas été possible d’établir une association claire entre les différents signes cliniques observés et la détection de salmonelles. Les 2 sérotypes les plus fréquemment isolés étaient Typhimurium et Newport. La probabilité de détecter des salmonelles était plus élevée chez les veaux où un autre agent entéropathogène était également détecté. La proportion d’échantillons positifs était plus élevée parmi les vaches ayant reçu des antibiotiques dans les jours précédant l’échantillonnage. La sensibilité de la culture a été estimée à 0,48 (intervalle de crédibilité à 95% [ICr95%]: 0,22-0,95) pour les veaux et 0,78 (ICr95%: 0,55-0,99) pour les vaches. La spécificité de la culture était de 0,94 (ICr95%: 0,87-1,00) pour les veaux et de 0,96 (ICr95%: 0,90-1,00) pour les vaches. Malgré une sensibilité imparfaite, la culture bactériologique demeure utile pour obtenir une meilleure estimation de la probabilité post-test de salmonellose clinique chez un bovin laitier, par rapport à la probabilité estimée suite au seul examen clinique.


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The primary habitat of Salmonella is the gastrointestinal tract of animals and they are discharged into the water bodies through the feces. Aquatic animals act as asymptomatic reservoirs of a wide range of Salmonella serotypes. The inevitable delay in the detection of Salmonella contamination and the low sensitivity of the conventional methods is a serious issue in the seafood industry. Due to the indiscriminate use, the antibiotics are finally accumulated in the aquatic environment which provides the required antibiotic stress for the emergence of more and more antibiotic resistant phenotypes ofSalmonella. Several genetic determinants like integrons, genomic islands etc. play their role in acquisition and reshuffling of antibiotic resistance genes. A large number of virulence determinants are required for Salmonella pathogenicity. The virulence potential of Salmonella is determined, to some extent, by the presence of phages or phage mediated genes in the bacterial genome. There is much intra-serotype polymorphism in Salmonella and epidemiological studies rely on genetic resemblance of the isolated strains. Proper identification of the strain employing the traditional and molecular techniques is a prerequisite for accurate epidemiological studies (Soto et al., 2000). In this context, a study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of different Salmonella serotypes in seafood and to characterize them


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This Note outlines the further development of a system of models for the estimation of the costs of livestock diseases first presented by Bennett (2003). The models have been developed to provide updated and improved estimates of the costs associated with 34 endemic diseases of livestock in Great Britain, using border prices and including assessments of the impact of diseases on human health and animal welfare. Results show that, of the diseases studied, mastitis has the highest costs for cattle diseases, enzootic abortion for sheep diseases, swine influenza for pig diseases and salmonellosis for poultry diseases.


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In this study, differences at the genetic level of 37 Salmonella Enteritidis strains from five phage types (PTs) were compared using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to assess differences between PTs. There were approximately 400 genes that differentiated prevalent (4, 6, 8 and 13a) and sporadic (11) PTs, of which 35 were unique to prevalent PTs, including six plasmid-borne genes, pefA, B, C, D, srgC and rck, and four chromosomal genes encoding putative amino acid transporters. Phenotype array studies also demonstrated that strains from prevalent PTs were less susceptible to urea stress and utilized L-histidine, L-glutamine, L-proline, L-aspartic acid, gly-asn and gly-gln more efficiently than PT11 strains. Complementation of a PT11 strain with the transporter genes from PT4 resulted in a significant increase in utilization of the amino acids and reduced susceptibility to urea stress. In epithelial cell association assays, PT11 strains were less invasive than other prevalent PTs. Most strains from prevalent PTs were better biofilm formers at 37 degrees C than at 28 degrees C, whilst the converse was true for PT11 strains. Collectively, the results indicate that genetic and corresponding phenotypic differences exist between strains of the prevalent PTs 4, 6, 8 and 13a and non-prevalent PT11 strains that are likely to provide a selective advantage for strains from the former PTs and could help them to enter the food chain and cause salmonellosis.


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A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of slaughter pigs infected by Salmonella typhimurium after an enterocolitis outbreak in a commercial pig farm, which was characterised by diarrhoea during the growing phase. Anatomopathological and histopathological findings were suggestive of salmonellosis, which was further confirmed by isolation of S. typhimurium from organs and faeces samples from diseased animals. Ileocolic lymph nodes were aseptically collected from 43 pigs during slaughter procedures. The estimated prevalence of Salmonella-infected pigs was 53.48% [confidence interval (CI): 42.94:64.02%]. This finding demonstrates that the carriage of S. typhimurium at slaughter might be high if pigs originate from a batch previously affected by Salmonella-enterocolitis outbreak at the pre-harvest pork production chain. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The strain used in this work was a Salmonella enterica subsp enterica serovar Kottbus (6,8:e,h:1,5) isolated from imported day-old ducklings in Laboratório Nacional Agropecuário (LANAGRO/SP) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil (MAPA). In view of the lack of information available about this Salmonella isolate and also because it was detected in day-old imported birds, this study was carried out to investigate the dissemination of S. Kottbus among newly hatched chicks. The birds were placed in three groups: one group of 20 birds received 0.1 mL of S. Kottbus culture containing 1.2 x 10(8) CFU/mL, the second group of 20 birds was inoculated with 1.2 x 10(5) CFU/mL and the third group of 10 birds was untreated (control group). Results were similar for both infected groups. The bacterium was recovered from cloacal swabs collected from the first day following the experimental infection until the end of the trial (42 days post-inoculation). At 15 and 42 days post-inoculation (dpi), half of the birds of each group were killed for bacteriological examination of cecal contents, liver and spleen. At 15 dpi, viable cell counts of S. Kottbus were obtained in all kinds of samples. At 42 dpi, Salmonella was present in the liver and spleen of few birds, but in large amounts in the cecal contents of almost all birds.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram caracterizados os sorotipos, o perfil de sensibilidade microbiana e os achados clínico-epidemiológicos em 53 linhagens do gênero Salmonella isoladas de 41 cães, nove equinos e três bovinos, acometidos por diferentes manifestações clínicas entre 1997 e 2007. Salmonella Typhimurium (45,3%), Salmonella enterica (22,6%), Salmonella Enteritidis (7,5%), Salmonella enterica subsp enterica 4,5,12i (5,7%), Salmonella Newport (5,7%), Salmonella Dublin (3,8%), Salmonella Agona (3,8%), Salmonella Glostrup (3,8%), Salmonella Saintpaul (1,8%) foram os sorotipos encontrados. Ciprofloxacina (100,0%), norfloxacina (100,0%) e gentamicina (100,0%) foram os antimicrobianos mais efetivos, enquanto a maior resistência das linhagens foi observada para ceftiofur (28,5%) e florfenicol (7,0%). As linhagens foram isoladas de animais com enterite, infecção do trato urinário, septicemia, piometra, pneumonia e conjuntivite. Ressalta-se para o predomínio do sorovar Typhimurium nas diferentes manifestações da salmonelose nos animais. Destaca-se, também, a identificação de sorotipos nos animais que também são observados em casos de salmonelose em humanos