982 resultados para Salmo salar,crio-affumicatura,azoto,qualità microbiologica,ossidazione lipidica


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Glazing is a technique used to retard fish deterioration during storage. This work focuses on the study of distinct variables (fish temperature, coating temperature, dipping time) that affect the thickness of edible coatings (water glazing and 1.5% chitosan) applied on frozen fish. Samples of frozen Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at -15, -20, and -25 °C were either glazed with water at 0.5, 1.5 or 2.5 °C or coated with 1.5% chitosan solution at 2.5, 5 or 8 °C, by dipping during 10 to 60 s. For both water and chitosan coatings, lowering the salmon and coating solution temperatures resulted in an increase of coating thickness. At the same conditions, higher thickness values were obtained when using chitosan (max. thickness of 1.41±0.05 mm) compared to water (max. thickness of 0.84±0.03 mm). Freezing temperature and crystallization heat were found to be lower for 1.5% chitosan solution than for water, thus favoring phase change. Salmon temperature profiles allowed determining, for different dipping conditions, whether the salmon temperature was within food safety standards to prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The concept of safe dipping time is proposed to define how long a frozen product can be dipped into a solution without the temperature raising to a point where it can constitute a hazard.


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Of all Pacific salmonids, Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha display the greatest variability in return times to freshwater. The molecular mechanisms of these differential return times have not been well described. Current methods, such as long serial analysis of gene expression (LongSAGE) and microarrays, allow gene expression to be analyzed for thousands of genes simultaneously. To investigate whether differential gene expression is observed between fall- and spring-run Chinook salmon from California's Central Valley, LongSAGE libraries were constructed. Three libraries containing between 25,512 and 29,372 sequenced tags (21 base pairs/tag) were generated using messenger RNA from the brains of adult Chinook salmon returning in fall and spring and from one ocean-caught Chinook salmon. Tags were annotated to genes using complementary DNA libraries from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout O. mykiss. Differentially expressed genes, as estimated by differences in the number of sequence tags, were found in all pairwise comparisons of libraries (freshwater versus saltwater = 40 genes; fall versus spring = 11 genes: and spawning versus nonspawning = 51 genes). The gene for ependymin, an extracellular glycoprotein involved in behavioral plasticity in fish, exhibited the most differential expression among the three groupings. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis verified the differential expression of ependymin between the fall- and spring-run samples. These LongSAGE libraries, the first reported for Chinook salmon, provide a window of the transcriptional changes during Chinook salmon return migration to freshwater and spawning and increase the amount of expressed sequence data.


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Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the etiological agent of bacterial cold-water disease (BCWD) causing high fish mortalities and significant economic losses to the freshwater salmonid aquaculture industry around the world. Today BCWD outbreaks are mainly treated with environmentally hazardous antimicrobial agents and alternative preventative measures are urgently needed in order to ensure the well-being of animals and the sustainability of aquaculture. The diversity of pathogenic bacteria challenges the development of universal control strategies and in many cases the pathogen population structure, i.e. the total genetic diversity of the species must be taken into account. This work integrates the tools of modern molecular biology and conventional phenotypic microbiology to gain knowledge about the diversity and population structure of F. psychrophilum. The present work includes genetic characterization of a large collection of isolates collected from diverse origins and years, from aquaculture in a whole region including different countries, and provides the first international validation of a universal multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approach for unambiguous genetic typing of F. psychrophilum. Population structure analyses showed that the global F. psychrophilum population is subdivided into pathogenic species-specific clones, of which one particular genetic lineage, clonal complex CC-ST2, has been responsible for the majority of BCWD outbreaks in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in European aquaculture facilities over several decades. Genotypic and phenotypic population heterogeneity affecting antimicrobial resistance in F. psychrophilum within BCWD outbreaks was discovered. Specific genotypes were associated with severe infections in farmed rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and in addition to high adherence, antimicrobial resistance was strongly associated with outbreak strains. The study brought additional support for the hypothesis of an epidemic F. psychrophilum population structure, where recombination is an important force for the generation and maintenance of genetic diversity, and a significant contribution towards mapping the genetic diversity of this important fish pathogen. Evidence indicating dissemination of virulent strains with commercial movement of fish and fish products was strengthened.


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Every German consumes per year, 15% is salmon, which is the third most popular fish in Germany after Alaska-Seelachs and Hering (Keller/Kress 2013: 9). But where does the salmon that ends up on our plates every 6th time we eat fish come from? There's no obligation for producers to declare the origin of their fish products, but if they do so, the latin name of the fish, catching method and catch area should be declared. Salmon, of which about 40% are captured in the wild and the rest brought up in aquacultures, could then be declared as follows: Salmon (salmo salar), aquaculture from Chile. Without any doubt, this makes consumption more transparent, but the standards of production – both, social and ecological ones – and the ecological impacts are still kept in the dark.


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El trabajo tiene como tema central el análisis de la optimización del proceso logístico que se desarrolla desde que se realiza el contacto con el proveedor en Chile hasta que el producto está a disposición del cliente en Colombia. Es así como se pretende analizar el proceso logístico y las diferentes etapas por las cuales tiene que pasar el producto desde su lugar de origen hasta su lugar de destino, teniendo como objetivo disminuir los costos logísticos que incurren en todo el canal de distribución.


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There is a need for better links between hydrology and ecology, specifically between landscapes and riverscapes to understand how processes and factors controlling the transport and storage of environmental pollution have affected or will affect the freshwater biota. Here we show how the INCA modelling framework, specifically INCA-Sed (the Integrated Catchments model for Sediments) can be used to link sediment delivery from the landscape to sediment changes in-stream. INCA-Sed is a dynamic, process-based, daily time step model. The first complete description of the equations used in the INCA-Sed software (version 1.9.11) is presented. This is followed by an application of INCA-Sed made to the River Lugg (1077 km2) in Wales. Excess suspended sediment can negatively affect salmonid health. The Lugg has a large and potentially threatened population of both Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). With the exception of the extreme sediment transport processes, the model satisfactorily simulated both the hydrology and the sediment dynamics in the catchment. Model results indicate that diffuse soil loss is the most important sediment generation process in the catchment. In the River Lugg, the mean annual Guideline Standard for suspended sediment concentration, proposed by UKTAG, of 25 mg l− 1 is only slightly exceeded during the simulation period (1995–2000), indicating only minimal effect on the Atlantic salmon population. However, the daily time step simulation of INCA-Sed also allows the investigation of the critical spawning period. It shows that the sediment may have a significant negative effect on the fish population in years with high sediment runoff. It is proposed that the fine settled particles probably do not affect the salmonid egg incubation process, though suspended particles may damage the gills of fish and make the area unfavourable for spawning if the conditions do not improve.


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Over the last 50 years, Spanish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations have been in decline. In order to bolster these populations, rivers were stocked with fish of northern European origin during the period 1974-1996, probably also introducing the furunculosis-inducing pathogen, Aeromonas salmonicida. Here we assess the relative importance of processes influencing mitochondrial (mt)DNA variability in these populations from 1948 to 2002. Genetic material collected over this period from four rivers in northern Spain (Cantabria) was used to detect variability at the mtDNA ND1 gene. Before stocking, a single haplotype was found at high frequency (0.980). Following stocking, haplotype diversity (h) increased in all rivers (mean h before stocking was 0.041, and 0.245 afterwards). These increases were due principally to the dramatic increase in frequency of a previously very low frequency haplotype, reported at higher frequencies in northern European populations proximate to those used to stock Cantabrian rivers. Genetic structuring increased after stocking: among-river differentiation was low before stocking (1950s/1960s Phi(ST) = -0.00296-0.00284), increasing considerably at the height of stocking (1980s Phi(ST) = 0.18932) and decreasing post-stocking (1990s/2002 Phi(ST) = 0.04934-0.03852). Gene flow from stocked fish therefore seems to have had a substantial role in increasing mtDNA variability. Additionally, we found significant differentiation between individuals that had probably died from infectious disease and apparently healthy, angled fish, suggesting a possible role for pathogen-driven selection of mtDNA variation. Our results suggest that stocking with non-native fish may increase genetic diversity in the short term, but may not reverse population declines.


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Recombination is thought to occur only rarely in animal mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA). However, detection of mtDNA recombination requires that cells become heteroplasmic through mutation, intramolecular recombination or ' leakage' of paternal mtDNA. Interspecific hybridization increases the probability of detecting mtDNA recombinants due to higher levels of sequence divergence and potentially higher levels of paternal leakage. During a study of historical variation in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) mtDNA, an individual with a recombinant haplotype containing sequence from both Atlantic salmon and brown trout ( Salmo trutta) was detected. The individual was not an F1 hybrid but it did have an unusual nuclear genotype which suggested that it was a later-generation backcross. No other similar recombinant haplotype was found from the same population or three neighbouring Atlantic salmon populations in 717 individuals collected during 1948 - 2002. Interspecific recombination may increase mtDNA variability within species and can have implications for phylogenetic studies.


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Fatty acid (FA) composition of nine organs from two closely related Antarctic fish species, Notothenia codiceps and Notothenia rossii, was determined through gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. A data set for each species was obtained using major FA profiles from specimens caught in the sea waters of Admiralty Bay during the summer season. The FA profiles for both species are overall similar, but organ peculiarities have been found, which could reflect metabolic specificities and feeding habits between species. With the exception of liver, the most abundant FA in organs was the n-3 polyunsaturated FA. The total n-6 polyunsaturated FAs were minor components in all evaluated organs. Palmitic acid was identified as the major saturated FA, whereas oleic acid was the most represented of the monounsaturated FA in almost all assessed organs of both species. The n-3/n-6 ratios of all organs were higher than 3.5. Differences in individual FA and FA metabolic profiles of some organs observed between N. coriiceps and N. rossii suggest specific requirements in the mobilization, transport, incorporation, and/or catabolism of lipids that were reinforced by differences on some FA ratios expressing the activity coefficient of enzymes implicated on the FA pathway flux. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aeromonas salmonicida AS03, a potential fish pathogen, was isolated from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in 2003. This strain was found to be resistant to ≥1000 mM HgCl2 and ≥32 mM phenylmercuric acetate as well as multiple antimicrobials. Mercury (Hg) and antibiotic resistance genes are often located on the same mobile genetic elements, so the genetic determinants of both resistances and the possibility of horizontal gene transfer were examined. Specific PCR primers were used to amplify and sequence distinctive regions of the mer operon. A. salmonicida AS03 was found to have a pDU1358-like broad-spectrum mer operon, containing merB as well as merA, merD, merP, merR and merT, most similar to Klebsiella pneumonaie plasmid pRMH760. To our knowledge, the mer operon has never before been documented in Aeromonas spp. PCR and gene sequencing were used to identify class 1 integron associated antibiotic resistance determinants and the Tet A tetracycline resistance gene. The transposase and resolvase genes of Tn1696 were identified through PCR and sequencing with Tn21 specific PCR primers. We provide phenotypic and genotypic evidence that the mer operon, the aforementioned antibiotic resistances, and the Tn1696 transposition module are located on a single plasmid or conjugative transposon that can be transferred to E. coli DH5α through conjugation in the presence of low level Hg and absence of any antibiotic selective pressure. Additionally, the presence of low-level Hg or chloramphenicol in the mating media was found to stimulate conjugation, significantly increasing the transfer frequency of conjugation above the transfer frequency measured with mating media lacking both antibiotics and Hg. This research demonstrates that mercury indirectly selects for the dissemination of the antibiotic resistance genes of A. salmonicida AS03.


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Aeromonas salmonicida AS03, a potential fish pathogen, was isolated from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in 2003. This strain was found to be resistant to ≥1000 mM HgCl2 and ≥32 mM phenylmercuric acetate as well as multiple antimicrobials. Mercury (Hg) and antibiotic resistance genes are often located on the same mobile genetic elements, so the genetic determinants of both resistances and the possibility of horizontal gene transfer were examined. Specific PCR primers were used to amplify and sequence distinctive regions of the mer operon. A. salmonicida AS03 was found to have a pDU1358-like broad-spectrum mer operon, containing merB as well as merA, merD, merP, merR and merT, most similar to Klebsiella pneumonaie plasmid pRMH760. To our knowledge, the mer operon has never before been documented in Aeromonas spp. PCR and gene sequencing were used to identify class 1 integron associated antibiotic resistance determinants and the Tet A tetracycline resistance gene. The transposase and resolvase genes of Tn1696 were identified through PCR and sequencing with Tn21 specific PCR primers. We provide phenotypic and genotypic evidence that the mer operon, the aforementioned antibiotic resistances, and the Tn1696 transposition module are located on a single plasmid or conjugative transposon that can be transferred to E. coli DH5α through conjugation in the presence of low level Hg and absence of any antibiotic selective pressure. Additionally, the presence of low-level Hg or chloramphenicol in the mating media was found to stimulate conjugation, significantly increasing the transfer frequency of conjugation above the transfer frequency measured with mating media lacking both antibiotics and Hg. This research demonstrates that mercury indirectly selects for the dissemination of the antibiotic resistance genes of A. salmonicida AS03.


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Bacterial isolates from natural sites with high toxic and heavy metal contamination more frequently contain determinants for resistance to antimicrobials. Natural strains were isolated from the ingesta and external slime of Salmo salar (Linnaeus, 1758) and Salvelinusjontinalis (Mitchell, 1814). Fish specimens were acquired from Casco Bay hatcheries, Casco, ME where there is no history of antibiotic use. Seventy-nine bacterial strains, including many well-documented salmonid commensals (an association from which the fish derives no benefit), were identified using 165 rRNA gene sequencing. Mercury resistant isolates were selected for initially on 25μM HgCI2. Strains were then grown at 20-24°C on Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) plates containing 0-1000μM HgCl2 or 0-130μM Phenyl Mercuric Acetate (PMA). Mercury in the hatchery feed water due to ubiquitous non-point source deposition has selected for the mercury resistance observed in bacterial strains. Antibiotic resistance determinations, as measured by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration MIC) assays were performed on the 79 bacterial isolates using Sensititrel antimicrobial susceptibility panels. A positive linear correlation between the mercury (pMA and HgCl2) MIC's and antibiotic resistance for all observed strains was demonstrated. Conjugation experiments with Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, and Azomonas donors confirmed phenotypic transfer of penicillin and cephem resistances to Escherichia coli DH5a recipients. Conjugation experiments with Pseudomonas donors showed minimal transfer of tetracycline and minoglycoside resistances to Escherichia coli DH5a recipients. Our study suggests that the accumulation of antimicrobial resistances observed in these natural bacterial populations may be due to the indirect selective pressure exerted by environmental mercury.


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Cases of human diphyllobothriasis have been reported worldwide. Only 1 case in Brazil was diagnosed by our institution from January 1998 to December 2003. By comparison, 18 cases were diagnosed from March 2004 to January 2005. All patients who became infected ate raw fish in sushi or sashimi.


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Polymerase chain reaction techniques were developed and applied to identify DNA from .40 species of prey contained in fecal (scat) soft-part matrix collected at terrestrial sites used by Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in British Columbia and the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Sixty percent more fish and cephalopod prey were identified by morphological analyses of hard parts compared with DNA analysis of soft parts (hard parts identified higher relative proportions of Ammodytes sp., Cottidae, and certain Gadidae). DNA identified 213 prey occurrences, of which 75 (35%) were undetected by hard parts (mainly Salmonidae, Pleuronectidae, Elasmobranchii, and Cephalopoda), and thereby increased species occurrences by 22% overall and species richness in 44% of cases (when comparing 110 scats that amplified prey DNA). Prey composition was identical within only 20% of scats. Overall, diet composition derived from both identification techniques combined did not differ significantly from hard-part identification alone, suggesting that past scat-based diet studies have not missed major dietary components. However, significant differences in relative diet contributions across scats (as identified using the two techniques separately) reflect passage rate differences between hard and soft digesta material and highlight certain hypothesized limitations in conventional morphological-based methods (e.g., differences in resistance to digestion, hard part regurgitation, partial and secondary prey consumption), as well as potential technical issues (e.g., resolution of primer efficiency and sensitivity and scat subsampling protocols). DNA analysis of salmon occurrence (from scat soft-part matrix and 238 archived salmon hard parts) provided species-level taxonomic resolution that could not be obtained by morphological identification and showed that Steller sea lions were primarily consuming pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon. Notably, DNA from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that likely originated from a distant fish farm was also detected in two scats from one site in the eastern Aleutian Islands. Overall, molecular techniques are valuable for identifying prey in the fecal remains of marine predators. Combining DNA and hard-part identification will effectively alleviate certain predicted biases and will ultimately enhance measures of diet richness, fisheries interactions (especially salmon-related ones), and the ecological role of pinnipeds and other marine predators, to the benefit of marine wildlife conservationists and fisheries managers.


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This study evaluated the effects of two lipids sources of fish residue (tilapia and salmon) compared with a vegetable oil source (soybean oil) on the fatty acid profiles of male and female lambari. This experiment was developed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, totaling 6 treatments resulting from the combination of the three experimental diets for both sexes, with four replications for each treatment. This study involved 120 male (2.58 +/- 0.13 g) and 72 female lambari (4.00 +/- 0.09 g), fed the experimental diets twice a day until apparent satiation for a period of 60 days. Oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids were found at higher concentrations in all experimental oils and diets, as well in the muscle of male and female lambari. The low amounts of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the experimental diets and subsequent greater concentrations in muscle tissue, suggested that lambari are able to desaturate and elongate the chain of fatty acids with 18 carbons. The fish of both sexes that received the diet with soybean oil showed high levels of n-6 fatty acids, especially of C18: 2n-6 and low levels of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The diet with salmon residue oil promoted higher levels of fatty acids of the n-3 series and resulted in the best n-3/n-6 ratio in the muscle of male and female lambari. The oils from fish residues can be a substitute for traditional fish oil and its use in the lambari diets does not impair its growth.