966 resultados para Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


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Yeast strain Saccharornyces cerevisiae was irradiated with different doses of 85 MeV/u Ne-20(10+) to investigate DNA damage induced by heavy ion beam in eukaryotic microorganism. The survival rate, DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and DNA polymorphic were tested after irradiation. The results showed that there were substantial differences in DNA between the control and irradiated samples. At the dose of 40 Cy, the yeast cell survival rate approached 50%, DNA double-strand breaks were barely detectable, and significant DNA polymorphism was observed. The alcohol dehydrogenase II gene was amplified and sequenced. It was observed that base changes in the mutant were mainly transversions of T-->G and T-->C. It can be concluded that heavy ion beam irradiation can lead to change in single gene and may be an effective way to induce mutation.


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Clare, A. and King R.D. (2003) Predicting gene function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2nd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB '03). (published as a journal supplement in Bioinformatics 19: ii42-ii49)


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The isoleucine and valine biosynthetic enzyme acetolactate synthase (Ilv2p) is an attractive antifungal drug target, since the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic pathway is not present in mammals, Saccharomyces cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants do not survive in vivo, Cryptococcus neoformans ilv2 mutants are avirulent, and both S. cerevisiae and Cr. neoformans ilv2 mutants die upon isoleucine and valine starvation. To further explore the potential of Ilv2p as an antifungal drug target, we disrupted Candida albicans ILV2, and demonstrated that Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants were significantly attenuated in virulence, and were also profoundly starvation-cidal, with a greater than 100-fold reduction in viability after only 4 h of isoleucine and valine starvation. As fungicidal starvation would be advantageous for drug design, we explored the basis of the starvation-cidal phenotype in both S. cerevisiae and Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants. Since the mutation of ILV1, required for the first step of isoleucine biosynthesis, did not suppress the ilv2Delta starvation-cidal defects in either species, the cidal phenotype was not due to alpha-ketobutyrate accumulation. We found that starvation for isoleucine alone was more deleterious in Ca. albicans than in S. cerevisiae, and starvation for valine was more deleterious than for isoleucine in both species. Interestingly, while the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway inhibitor rapamycin further reduced S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta starvation viability, it increased Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2Delta viability. Furthermore, the recovery from starvation was dependent on the carbon source present during recovery for S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants, reminiscent of isoleucine and valine starvation inducing a viable but non-culturable-like state in this species, while Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2 Delta viability was influenced by the carbon source present during starvation, supporting a role for glucose wasting in the Ca. albicans cidal phenotype.


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An alternative method for monitoring protein-protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been developed. It relies on the ability of two fragments of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to reassemble and fluoresce when fused to interacting proteins. Since this fluorescence can be detected in living cells, simultaneous detection and localisation of interacting pairs is possible. DNA sequences encoding N- and C-terminal EGFP fragments flanked by sequences from the genes of interest were transformed into S. cerevisicie JPY5 cells and homologous recombination into the genome verified by PCR. The system was evaluated by testing known interacting proteins: labelling of the phosphofructokinase subunits, Pfk1p and Pfk2p, with N- and C-terminal EGFP fragments, respectively, resulted in green fluorescence in the cytoplasm. The system works in other cellular compartments: labelling of Idh1p and Idh2p, (mitochondrial matrix), Sdh3p and Sdh4p (mitochondrial membrane) and Pap2p and Mtr4p (nucleus) all resulted in fluorescence in the appropriate cellular compartment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Gene networks are a representation of molecular interactions among genes or products thereof and, hence, are forming causal networks. Despite intense studies during the last years most investigations focus so far on inferential methods to reconstruct gene networks from experimental data or on their structural properties, e.g., degree distributions. Their structural analysis to gain functional insights into organizational principles of, e.g., pathways remains so far under appreciated.


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Galactose is metabolised to the more metabolically useful glucose 6-phosphate by the enzymes of the Leloir pathway. This pathway is necessary as the initial enzymes of glycolysis are unable to recognise galactose. In most organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, five enzymes are required to catalyse the conversion: galactose mutarotase, galactokinase, galactose 1-phosphate uridyltransferase, UDP-galactose 4-epimerase and phosphoglucomutase. The pathway has attracted interest in S. cerevisiae as it is under very strict genetic control and thus provides an excellent model for the study of gene expression in eukaryotes. In the presence of glucose the genes encoding the Leloir pathway enzymes (the GAL genes) are completely repressed through the action of a transcription factor Mig1p. Only in the presence of galactose and the absence of glucose do the concerted actions of Gal4p, Gal80p and Gal3p enable the rapid and high level activation of the GAL genes. The exact mechanism of action of these three proteins is controversial. Galactose metabolism in S. cerevisiae is also of interest because it can be exploited both in the laboratory (for high level expression of heterologous proteins and in the yeast two hybrid screen) and industrially (increasing flux through the Leloir pathway in order to make more efficient use of feedstocks with high galactose content). Recent work on the structures of the various proteins, their mechanisms of action and attempts to gain an integrated understanding of transcriptional and metabolic events will assist our understanding of both the fundamental biochemical processes and how these might be exploited commercially.


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Lot6p (EC; Ylr011wp) is the sole quinone oxidoreductase in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using hexahistidine tagged, recombinant Lot6p, we determined the steady-state enzyme kinetic parameters with both NADH and NADPH as electron donors; no cooperativity was observed with these substrates. The NQO1 inhibitor curcumin, the NQO2 inhibitor resveratrol, the bacterial nitroreductase inhibitor nicotinamide and the phosphate mimic vanadate all stabilise the enzyme towards thermal denaturation as judged by differential scanning fluorimetry. All except vanadate have no observable effect on the chemical cross-linking of the two subunits of the Lot6p dimer. These compounds all inhibit Lot6p's oxidoreductase activity, and all except nicotinamide exhibit negative cooperativity. Molecular modelling suggests that curcumin, resveratrol and nicotinamide all bind over the isoalloxazine ring of the FMN cofactor in Lot6p. Resveratrol was predicted to contact an α-helix that links the two active sites. Mutation of Gly-142 (which forms part of this helix) to serine does not greatly affect the thermal stability of the enzyme. However, this variant shows less cooperativity towards resveratrol than the wild type. This suggests a plausible hypothesis for the transmission of information between the subunits and, thus, the molecular mechanism of negative cooperativity in Lot6p.


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The deletion of the gene encoding the glycerol facilitator Fps1p was associated with an altered plasma membrane lipid composition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The S. cerevisiae fps1delta strain respectively contained 18 and 26% less ergosterol than the wild-type strain, at the whole-cell level and at the plasma membrane level. Other mutants with deficiencies in glycerol metabolism were studied to investigate any possible link between membrane ergosterol content and intracellular glycerol accumulation. In these mutants a modification in intracellular glycerol concentration, or in intra- to extracellular glycerol ratio was accompanied by a reduction in plasma membrane ergosterol content. However, there was no direct correlation between ergosterol content and intracellular glycerol concentration. Lipid composition influences the membrane permeability for solutes during adaptation of yeast cells to osmotic stress. In this study, ergosterol supplementation was shown to partially suppress the hypo-osmotic sensitivity phenotype of the fps1delta strain, leading to more efficient glycerol efflux, and improved survival. The erg-1 disruption mutant, which is unable to synthesise ergosterol, survived and recovered from the hypo-osmotic shock more successfully when the concentration of exogenously supplied ergosterol was increased. The results obtained suggest that a higher ergosterol content facilitates the flux of glycerol across the plasma membrane of S. cerevisiae cells.


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Although the genetic code is generally viewed as immutable, alterations to its standard form occur in the three domains of life. A remarkable alteration to the standard genetic code occurs in many fungi of the Saccharomycotina CTG clade where the Leucine CUG codon has been reassigned to Serine by a novel transfer RNA (Ser-tRNACAG). The host laboratory made a major breakthrough by reversing this atypical genetic code alteration in the human pathogen Candida albicans using a combination of tRNA engineering, gene recombination and forced evolution. These results raised the hypothesis that synthetic codon ambiguities combined with experimental evolution may release codons from their frozen state. In this thesis we tested this hypothesis using S. cerevisiae as a model system. We generated ambiguity at specific codons in a two-step approach, involving deletion of tRNA genes followed by expression of non-cognate tRNAs that are able to compensate the deleted tRNA. Driven by the notion that rare codons are more susceptible to reassignment than those that are frequently used, we used two deletion strains where there is no cognate tRNA to decode the rare CUC-Leu codon and AGG-Arg codon. We exploited the vulnerability of the latter by engineering mutant tRNAs that misincorporate Ser at these sites. These recombinant strains were evolved over time using experimental evolution. Although there was a strong negative impact on the growth rate of strains expressing mutant tRNAs at high level, such expression at low level had little effect on cell fitness. We found that not only codon ambiguity, but also destabilization of the endogenous tRNA pool has a strong negative impact in growth rate. After evolution, strains expressing the mutant tRNA at high level recovered significantly in several growth parameters, showing that these strains adapt and exhibit higher tolerance to codon ambiguity. A fluorescent reporter system allowing the monitoring of Ser misincorporation showed that serine was indeed incorporated and possibly codon reassignment was achieved. Beside the overall negative consequences of codon ambiguity, we demonstrated that codons that tolerate the loss of their cognate tRNA can also tolerate high Ser misincorporation. This raises the hypothesis that these codons can be reassigned to standard and eventually to new amino acids for the production of proteins with novel properties, contributing to the field of synthetic biology and biotechnology.