155 resultados para SYLLABLES


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Firstly, prosodic boundaries of 1991 common sentences were labeled based on speech perception experiment, relation between prosodic structure and syntactic structure was examined after immediate constituent analysis, an example of prosodic phrasing from text sentences was provided using CART. Then, using designed sentences, phenomena of downstep and declination in pitch downtrend of Chinese declarative sentences were examined, commonness and speciality of Chinese intonation were discussed. The main results of the study are: 1 The distribution patterns of prosodic phrase boundaries for different syntactic structures are different, and there is great freedom in prosodic chunking. The relation between syntactic structure and prosodic structure can only be discussed in statistical sense. 2 Besides of syntactic relation, the second most important factor which influences prosodic phrase boundaries is length. The distances to the front boundary and the back boundary are more important than the lengths of the left syntactic contituent and the right one. In our corpus, the length distributions of prosodic phrases are 5±3 syllables. 3 Automatic downstep can lower intonation linearly, but is affected by stress easily. Non-automatic downstep lowers the higher part of pitch contours and has no effect on the lower one of the intonation. 4 The downtrend reason of low point is declination. The extent of declination relates to not only tones of low points, but also their positions in prosodic words, the baselines decline much faster when low point are in the initial position of a prosodic word. In long sentences, the baselines of prosodic phrases are the basic declination units, and the whole declination pattern of a sentence is related to syntactic relations between two neighboring prosodic phrases.


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This research, mainly by using perceptual experiment and relating its results to the acoustic correlates, investigated the acoustic correlates of mandarin prominences of prosodic word、prosodic phrase、sentence and their mutual influences. The results are as follow: (1) for the prominence of prosodic word, according the order of the extents to which these acoustic correlates contribute to the perception of the prominence, its acoustic correlates are duration、pitch、spectral tilt、energy and pitch-change, the results also have showed that the perception of the prominence is influenced by some non-acoustic factors; (2) for the prominence of prosodic phrase, baseing on the experimental results, the existing of prosodic phrase prominence in mandarian has been proposed, and the experiments proved that the prosodic phrase prominence fall on the semantic focus of the phrase typically; (3) for the prominence of sentence, the experimental results show that, the lengthening of duration, similar with the pitch-change, mainly localised on the prosodic head of the domain on which the sentence prominence emphisize, and this lengthening would, in different levels, spread on other syllables in the phonetic constituents which contain the prosodic head, and this pattern of lengthening of duration does not vary with changing of domain of sentence prominence, that means, in mandarin sentence, there is generally no acoustic cues which can been used in the perception of the domain of sentnece prominence; (4) for the acoustic cues of mutual influences of the prominences of different levels, the experiment have proved that, not only the pitch-change but also the lengthening of duration are subjective to melodic grid law. In the last part of the dissertation, I have tried to given an explantion about the above experimental results from psylogical view point.


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This research is concerned with the development of tactual displays to supplement the information available through lipreading. Because voicing carries a high informational load in speech and is not well transmitted through lipreading, the efforts are focused on providing tactual displays of voicing to supplement the information available on the lips of the talker. This research includes exploration of 1) signal-processing schemes to extract information about voicing from the acoustic speech signal, 2) methods of displaying this information through a multi-finger tactual display, and 3) perceptual evaluations of voicing reception through the tactual display alone (T), lipreading alone (L), and the combined condition (L+T). Signal processing for the extraction of voicing information used amplitude-envelope signals derived from filtered bands of speech (i.e., envelopes derived from a lowpass-filtered band at 350 Hz and from a highpass-filtered band at 3000 Hz). Acoustic measurements made on the envelope signals of a set of 16 initial consonants represented through multiple tokens of C1VC2 syllables indicate that the onset-timing difference between the low- and high-frequency envelopes (EOA: envelope-onset asynchrony) provides a reliable and robust cue for distinguishing voiced from voiceless consonants. This acoustic cue was presented through a two-finger tactual display such that the envelope of the high-frequency band was used to modulate a 250-Hz carrier signal delivered to the index finger (250-I) and the envelope of the low-frequency band was used to modulate a 50-Hz carrier delivered to the thumb (50T). The temporal-onset order threshold for these two signals, measured with roving signal amplitude and duration, averaged 34 msec, sufficiently small for use of the EOA cue. Perceptual evaluations of the tactual display of EOA with speech signal indicated: 1) that the cue was highly effective for discrimination of pairs of voicing contrasts; 2) that the identification of 16 consonants was improved by roughly 15 percentage points with the addition of the tactual cue over L alone; and 3) that no improvements in L+T over L were observed for reception of words in sentences, indicating the need for further training on this task


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Francis, Matthew, Whereabouts (London: Rufus Books, 2005) RAE2008


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A neural model of peripheral auditory processing is described and used to separate features of coarticulated vowels and consonants. After preprocessing of speech via a filterbank, the model splits into two parallel channels, a sustained channel and a transient channel. The sustained channel is sensitive to relatively stable parts of the speech waveform, notably synchronous properties of the vocalic portion of the stimulus it extends the dynamic range of eighth nerve filters using coincidence deteectors that combine operations of raising to a power, rectification, delay, multiplication, time averaging, and preemphasis. The transient channel is sensitive to critical features at the onsets and offsets of speech segments. It is built up from fast excitatory neurons that are modulated by slow inhibitory interneurons. These units are combined over high frequency and low frequency ranges using operations of rectification, normalization, multiplicative gating, and opponent processing. Detectors sensitive to frication and to onset or offset of stop consonants and vowels are described. Model properties are characterized by mathematical analysis and computer simulations. Neural analogs of model cells in the cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus are noted, as are psychophysical data about perception of CV syllables that may be explained by the sustained transient channel hypothesis. The proposed sustained and transient processing seems to be an auditory analog of the sustained and transient processing that is known to occur in vision.


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Perceiving or producing complex vocalizations such as speech and birdsongs require the coordinated activity of neuronal populations, and these activity patterns can vary over space and time. How learned communication signals are represented by populations of sensorimotor neurons essential to vocal perception and production remains poorly understood. Using a combination of two-photon calcium imaging, intracellular electrophysiological recording and retrograde tracing methods in anesthetized adult male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), I addressed how the bird's own song and its component syllables are represented by the spatiotemporal patterns of activity of two spatially intermingled populations of projection neurons (PNs) in HVC, a sensorimotor area required for song perception and production. These experiments revealed that neighboring PNs can respond at markedly different times to song playback and that different syllables activate spatially intermingled HVC PNs within a small region. Moreover, noise correlation analysis reveals enhanced functional connectivity between PNs that respond most strongly to the same syllable and also provides evidence of a spatial gradient of functional connectivity specific to PNs that project to song motor nucleus (i.e. HVCRA cells). These findings support a model in which syllabic and temporal features of song are represented by spatially intermingled PNs functionally organized into cell- and syllable-type networks.


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In 2005, Holy and Guo advanced the idea that male mice produce ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) with some features similar to courtship songs of songbirds. Since then, studies showed that male mice emit USV songs in different contexts (sexual and other) and possess a multisyllabic repertoire. Debate still exists for and against plasticity in their vocalizations. But the use of a multisyllabic repertoire can increase potential flexibility and information, in how elements are organized and recombined, namely syntax. In many bird species, modulating song syntax has ethological relevance for sexual behavior and mate preferences. In this study we exposed adult male mice to different social contexts and developed a new approach of analyzing their USVs based on songbird syntax analysis. We found that male mice modify their syntax, including specific sequences, length of sequence, repertoire composition, and spectral features, according to stimulus and social context. Males emit longer and simpler syllables and sequences when singing to females, but more complex syllables and sequences in response to fresh female urine. Playback experiments show that the females prefer the complex songs over the simpler ones. We propose the complex songs are to lure females in, whereas the directed simpler sequences are used for direct courtship. These results suggest that although mice have a much more limited ability of song modification, they could still be used as animal models for understanding some vocal communication features that songbirds are used for.


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Undergraduates were asked to generate a name for a hypothetical new exemplar of a category. They produced names that had the same numbers of syllables, the same endings, and the same types of word stems as existing exemplars of that category. In addition, novel exemplars, each consisting of a nonsense syllable root and a prototypical ending, were accurately assigned to categories. The data demonstrate the abstraction and use of surface properties of words.


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To study the beginning stages of expertise, 14 students, who were inexperienced with ballads, heard and recalled a series of 5 ballads over the course of 5 weeks. Compared with their first recall of the first ballad, their first recall of the fifth ballad had one and a half times as many words, two times as many rhyming words, and three times as much line structure evident in the written recall protocols. Compared with novices, the 14 beginning experts more often filled in blank spaces in novel ballads with words of the correct number of syllables and more often chose the original stanza of a novel ballad that was paired with a changed version of the stanza. The beginning experts were also able to compose, in 20 min, ballads about two thirds as long as the 10-stanza ballads they learned. Thirty characteristics were identified in the set of the five learned ballads. The ballads composed by the beginning experts used over half of these. The beginning experts also explicitly stated about one quarter of these 30 characteristics, but there was no statistical relationship between the characteristics used and the characteristics stated. Memory expertise is viewed as a pervasive aspect of cognition in which people make use of a variety of regularities in the material to be learned. © 1993 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.


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Experiments show that for a large corpus, Zipf’s law does not hold for all rank of words: the frequencies fall below those predicted by Zipf’s law for ranks greater than about 5,000 word types in the English language and about 30,000 word types in the inflected languages Irish and Latin. It also does not hold for syllables or words in the syllable-based languages, Chinese or Vietnamese. However, when single words are combined together with word n-grams in one list and put in rank order, the frequency of tokens in the combined list extends Zipf’s law with a slope close to -1 on a log-log plot in all five languages. Further experiments have demonstrated the validity of this extension of Zipf’s law to n-grams of letters, phonemes or binary bits in English. It is shown theoretically that probability theory
alone can predict this behavior in randomly created n-grams of binary bits.


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Studies in sensory neuroscience reveal the critical importance of accurate sensory perception for cognitive development. There is considerable debate concerning the possible sensory correlates of phonological processing, the primary cognitive risk factor for developmental dyslexia. Across languages, children with dyslexia have a specific difficulty with the neural representation of the phonological structure of speech. The identification of a robust sensory marker of phonological difficulties would enable early identification of risk for developmental dyslexia and early targeted intervention. Here, we explore whether phonological processing difficulties are associated with difficulties in processing acoustic cues to speech rhythm. Speech rhythm is used across languages by infants to segment the speech stream into words and syllables. Early difficulties in perceiving auditory sensory cues to speech rhythm and prosody could lead developmentally to impairments in phonology. We compared matched samples of children with and without dyslexia, learning three very different spoken and written languages, English, Spanish, and Chinese. The key sensory cue measured was rate of onset of the amplitude envelope (rise time), known to be critical for the rhythmic timing of speech. Despite phonological and orthographic differences, for each language, rise time sensitivity was a significant predictor of phonological awareness, and rise time was the only consistent predictor of reading acquisition. The data support a language-universal theory of the neural basis of developmental dyslexia on the basis of rhythmic perception and syllable segmentation. They also suggest that novel remediation strategies on the basis of rhythm and music may offer benefits for phonological and linguistic development.


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Research on audiovisual speech integration has reported high levels of individual variability, especially among young infants. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that this variability results from individual differences in the maturation of audiovisual speech processing during infancy. A developmental shift in selective attention to audiovisual speech has been demonstrated between 6 and 9 months with an increase in the time spent looking to articulating mouths as compared to eyes (Lewkowicz & Hansen-Tift. (2012) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 1431–1436; Tomalski et al. (2012) Eur. J. Dev. Psychol., 1–14). In the present study we tested whether these changes in behavioural maturational level are associated with differences in brain responses to audiovisual speech across this age range. We measured high-density event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to videos of audiovisually matching and mismatched syllables /ba/ and /ga/, and subsequently examined visual scanning of the same stimuli with eye-tracking. There were no clear age-specific changes in ERPs, but the amplitude of audiovisual mismatch response (AVMMR) to the combination of visual /ba/ and auditory /ga/ was strongly negatively associated with looking time to the mouth in the same condition. These results have significant implications for our understanding of individual differences in neural signatures of audiovisual speech processing in infants, suggesting that they are not strictly related to chronological age but instead associated with the maturation of looking behaviour, and develop at individual rates in the second half of the first year of life.


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This study compared the relative effectiveness of two computerized remedial reading programs in improving the reading word recognition, rate, and comprehension of adolescent readers demonstrating significant and longstanding reading difficulties. One of the programs involved was Autoskill Component Reading Subskills Program, which provides instruction in isolated letters, syllables, and words, to a point of rapid automatic responding. This program also incorporates reading disability subtypes in its approach. The second program, Read It Again. Sam, delivers a repeated reading strategy. The study also examined the feasibility of using peer tutors in association with these two programs. Grade 9 students at a secondary vocational school who satisfied specific criteria with respect to cognitive and reading ability participated. Eighteen students were randomly assigned to three matched groups, based on prior screening on a battery of reading achievement tests. Two I I groups received training with one of the computer programs; the third group acted as a control and received the remedial reading program offered within the regular classroom. The groups met daily with a trained tutor for approximately 35 minutes, and were required to accumulate twenty hours of instruction. At the conclusion of the program, the pretest battery was repeated. No significant differences were found in the treatment effects of the two computer groups. Each of the two treatment groups was able to effect significantly improved reading word recognition and rate, relative to the control group. Comprehension gains were modest. The treatment groups demonstrated a significant gain, relative to the control group, on one of the three comprehension measures; only trends toward a gain were noted on the remaining two measures. The tutoring partnership appeared to be a viable alternative for the teacher seeking to provide individualized computerized remedial programs for adolescent unskilled readers. Both programs took advantage of computer technology in providing individualized drill and practice, instant feedback, and ongoing recordkeeping. With limited cautions, each of these programs was considered effective and practical for use with adolescent unskilled readers.


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Dans de nombreux comportements qui reposent sur le rappel et la production de séquences, des groupements temporels émergent spontanément, créés par des délais ou des allongements. Ce « chunking » a été observé tant chez les humains que chez certains animaux et plusieurs auteurs l’attribuent à un processus général de chunking perceptif qui est conforme à la capacité de la mémoire à court terme. Cependant, aucune étude n’a établi comment ce chunking perceptif s’applique à la parole. Nous présentons une recension de la littérature qui fait ressortir certains problèmes critiques qui ont nui à la recherche sur cette question. C’est en revoyant ces problèmes qu’on propose une démonstration spécifique du chunking perceptif de la parole et de l’effet de ce processus sur la mémoire immédiate (ou mémoire de travail). Ces deux thèmes de notre thèse sont présentés séparément dans deux articles. Article 1 : The perceptual chunking of speech: a demonstration using ERPs Afin d’observer le chunking de la parole en temps réel, nous avons utilisé un paradigme de potentiels évoqués (PÉ) propice à susciter la Closure Positive Shift (CPS), une composante associée, entre autres, au traitement de marques de groupes prosodiques. Nos stimuli consistaient en des énoncés et des séries de syllabes sans sens comprenant des groupes intonatifs et des marques de groupements temporels qui pouvaient concorder, ou non, avec les marques de groupes intonatifs. Les analyses démontrent que la CPS est suscitée spécifiquement par les allongements marquant la fin des groupes temporels, indépendamment des autres variables. Notons que ces marques d’allongement, qui apparaissent universellement dans la langue parlée, créent le même type de chunking que celui qui émerge lors de l’apprentissage de séquences par des humains et des animaux. Nos résultats appuient donc l’idée que l’auditeur chunk la parole en groupes temporels et que ce chunking perceptif opère de façon similaire avec des comportements verbaux et non verbaux. Par ailleurs, les observations de l’Article 1 remettent en question des études où on associe la CPS au traitement de syntagmes intonatifs sans considérer les effets de marques temporels. Article 2 : Perceptual chunking and its effect on memory in speech processing:ERP and behavioral evidence Nous avons aussi observé comment le chunking perceptif d’énoncés en groupes temporels de différentes tailles influence la mémoire immédiate d’éléments entendus. Afin d’observer ces effets, nous avons utilisé des mesures comportementales et des PÉ, dont la composante N400 qui permettait d’évaluer la qualité de la trace mnésique d’éléments cibles étendus dans des groupes temporels. La modulation de l’amplitude relative de la N400 montre que les cibles présentées dans des groupes de 3 syllabes ont bénéficié d’une meilleure mise en mémoire immédiate que celles présentées dans des groupes plus longs. D’autres mesures comportementales et une analyse de la composante P300 ont aussi permis d’isoler l’effet de la position du groupe temporel (dans l’énoncé) sur les processus de mise en mémoire. Les études ci-dessus sont les premières à démontrer le chunking perceptif de la parole en temps réel et ses effets sur la mémoire immédiate d’éléments entendus. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent qu’un processus général de chunking perceptif favorise la mise en mémoire d’information séquentielle et une interprétation de la parole « chunk par chunk ».