953 resultados para SUBSETS


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Certains pathogènes tels que le virus de l'hépatite C ainsi que le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine sont capables de détourner les mécanismes de défense du système immunitaire adaptatif afin d'établir des infections chroniques chez l'homme. La souche clone-13 du virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire est utilisée comme modèle d'études d'infection virale chronique chez la souris. Les raisons qui expliqueraient la persistance de certains virus ne sont pas encore bien définies. Toutefois, il a été montré qu'une exposition prolongée à un environnement inflammatoire ainsi que la présence prolongée de l'antigène sont des facteurs qui vont déclencher un procédé de différentiation particulier des lymphocytes T CD8+. Ces cellules sur-expriment alors des récepteurs inhibiteurs tels que PD-1 tandis que leur capacité à produire des cytokines diminue. Ce procédé de différentiation est appelé « exhaustion » et serait à l'origine de la génération de réponses lymphocytaires non ou peu fonctionnelles entraînant de ce fait la persistance de l'infection. Néanmoins, il a également été démontré que ces lymphocytes maintiennent des fonctions effectrices et qu'ils permettent de limiter la réplication du virus. Afin d'étudier la fonction effectrice résiduelle de ces lymphocytes T, nous avons transféré des cellules provenant de souris infectées chroniquement dans des souris receveuses naïves qui ont à leur tour été infectées avec le virus. Grâce à ces expériences, nous avons démontré que les cellules transférées contiennent des cellules qui sont capables de i) re-proliférer, ii) de protéger les souris contre une infection virale, et de iii) survivre en l'absence d'antigène. Nous avons remarqué que les cellules stimulées de façon chronique maintiennent le même phénotype lorsqu'elles sont transférées dans des souris naïves soumises à une infection virale aiguë. Nous avons de ce fait conclu que les cellules stimulées chroniquement contiennent une sous-population de cellules qui comporte des attributs de cellules T mémoire. D'autre part, nous avons pu identifier le facteur de transcription Tcf-1 comme l'élément essential pour la génération des cellules T ressemblant à des cellules mémoires. D'autre part, nous avons étudié l'impact du niveau de stimulation via le récepteur des cellules T (TCR) sur le phénotype adopté par les lymphocytes T au cours d'une infection chronique. Dans ce but, nous avons généré des souches de virus recombinants qui expriment un épitope modifié de manière à réduire le niveau de stimulation via le TCR. D'autre part, nous avons utilisé un mélange de deux souches virales de manière à moduler spécifiquement la quantité d'un épitope tout en conservant la même charge virale. Nous avons montré que la quantité d'antigène avait plus d'influence sur le phénotype des lymphocytes T que la force d'interaction entre le complexe peptide-CMH et le TCR. De plus, l'apparition de ce phénotype ne semble pas avoir d'impact sur la prolifération des cellules en réponse à une infection primaire ou secondaire. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle par lequel le procédé d'« exhaustion » des cellules T correspond à une différentiation cellulaire particulière qui est indépendante de la capacité de prolifération des cellules. De manière générale, ces découvertes apportent de nouvelles connaissances sur les sous-catégories de lymphocytes T CD8+ qui sont générés pendant une infection virale chronique. Nous pensons que la réponse effectrice du système immunitaire est maintenue pendant de longues périodes grâce à la présence de cellules par partagent certaines caractéristiques avec des cellules mémoires. L'étude approfondie de ces cellules peut avoir des implications importantes sur l'optimisation des stratégies utilisant l'immunothérapie pour combattre les infections chroniques et cancers.


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To determine the phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes during the time-course of adjuvant arthritis (AA) to detect alterations that could be involved in the pathogenesis of the arthritic process. METHODS--Phenotype analysis was performed on days 7, 14, 21, 28, 42, 56 and 70 after arthritis induction using monoclonal antibodies to CD5, CD4 and CD8 subsets, and flow cytometry. The proportion of activated lymphocytes and lymphocytes was also assessed with monoclonal antibodies to IL-2R (CD25), to Ia antigen and by polyclonal antibodies to rat Ig. RESULTS--Adjuvant arthritis produced leukocytosis with neutrophilia. Rats with AA showed a marked increase in the number of both CD4+ and CD8+ cells. The ratio CD4/CD8 decreased because the rise in CD8+ cells was more pronounced than the increase in CD4+ cells. Changes in lymphocyte counts showed two well-defined periods: the first, from day 14 to day 28, during which the inflammation of the joints reached a maximum and changes in lymphocyte subsets were more pronounced, that is, there was a threefold increase in CD8+ lymphocytes over normal counts, and the second, from day 42 to day 70, in which modified parameters improved considerably but remained different from controls. CONCLUSION--Alterations were detected in the phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes in AA, which provides an additional marker of disease activity.


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Murine T cell reactivity with products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) locus correlates with the expression of particular variable (V) domains of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. It was recently demonstrated that Mls antigens are encoded by an open reading frame (ORF) in the 3' long terminal repeat of either endogenous or exogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). Immature thymocytes expressing reactive TCR-V beta domains are clonally deleted upon exposure to endogenous Mtv's. Mature T cells proliferate vigorously in response to Mls-1a (Mtv-7) in vivo, but induction of specific anergy and deletion after exposure to Mtv-7-expressing cells in the periphery has also been described. We show here that B cells and CD8+ (but not CD4+) T cells from Mtv-7+ mice efficiently induce peripheral deletion of reactive T cells upon transfer to Mtv-7- recipients, whereas only B cells stimulate specific T cell proliferation in vivo. In contrast to endogenous Mtv-7, transfer of B, CD4+, or CD8+ lymphocyte subsets from mice maternally infected with MMTV(SW), an infectious homologue of Mtv-7, results in specific T cell deletion in the absence of a detectable proliferative response. Finally, we show by secondary transfers of infected cells that exogenous MMTV(SW) is transmitted multidirectionally between lymphocyte subsets and ultimately to the mammary gland. Collectively our data demonstrate heterogeneity in the expression and/or presentation of endogenous and exogenous MMTV ORF by lymphocyte subsets and emphasize the low threshold required for induction of peripheral T cell deletion by these gene products.


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The T cell response to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alloantigens occurs via two main pathways. The direct pathway involves the recognition of intact allogeneic MHC:peptide complexes on donor cells and provokes uniquely high frequencies of responsive T cells. The indirect response results from alloantigens being processed like any other protein antigen and presented as peptide by autologous antigen-presenting cells. The frequencies of T cells with indirect allospecificity are orders of magnitude lower and comparable to other peptide-specific responses. In this study, we explored the contributions of naïve and memory CD4(+) T cells to these two pathways. Using an adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model we found that naive and memory CD4(+) T cells, both naturally occurring and induced by sensitization with multiple third-party alloantigens, contributed equally to graft rejection when only the direct pathway was operative. In contrast, the indirect response was predominantly mediated by the naïve subset. Elimination of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells enabled memory cells to reject grafts through the indirect pathway, but at a much slower tempo than for naïve cells. These findings have implications for better targeting of immunosuppression to inhibit immediate and later forms of alloimmunity.


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BACKGROUND: The differentiation of CD8+ T lymphocytes following priming of naïve cells is central in the establishment of the adaptive immune response. Yet, the molecular events underlying this process are not fully understood. MicroRNAs have been recently shown to play a key role in the regulation of haematopoiesis in mouse, but their implication in peripheral lymphocyte differentiation in humans remains largely unknown. METHODS: In order to explore the potential implication of microRNAs in CD8+ T cell differentiation in humans, microRNA expression profiles were analysed using microarrays and quantitative PCR in several human CD8+ T cell subsets defining the major steps of the T cell differentiation pathway. RESULTS: We found expression of a limited set of microRNAs, including the miR-17~92 cluster. Moreover, we reveal the existence of differentiation-associated regulation of specific microRNAs. When compared to naive cells, miR-21 and miR-155 were indeed found upregulated upon differentiation to effector cells, while expression of the miR-17~92 cluster tended to concomitantly decrease. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes for the first time in a large panel of individuals the existence of differentiation associated regulation of microRNA expression in human CD8+ T lymphocytes in vivo, which is likely to impact on specific cellular functions.


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The differentiation of CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells following priming of naive cells is central in the establishment of the immune response against pathogens or tumors. However, our understanding of this complex process and the significance of the multiple subsets of differentiation remains controversial. Gene expression profiling has opened new directions of investigation in immunobiology. Nonetheless, the need for substantial amount of biological material often limits its application range. In this study, we have developed procedures to perform microarray analysis on amplified cDNA from low numbers of cells, including primary T lymphocytes, and applied this technology to the study of CD4 and CD8 lineage differentiation. Gene expression profiling was performed on samples of 1000 cells from 10 different subpopulations, defining the major stages of post-thymic CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cell differentiation. Surprisingly, our data revealed that while CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell gene expression programs diverge at early stages of differentiation, they become increasingly similar as cells reach a late differentiation stage. This suggests that functional heterogeneity between Ag experienced CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells is more likely to be located early during post-thymic differentiation, and that late stages of differentiation may represent a common end in the development of T-lymphocytes.


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To study telomere length dynamics in hematopoietic cells with age, we analyzed the average length of telomere repeat sequences in diverse populations of nucleated blood cells. More than 500 individuals ranging in age from 0 to 90 yr, including 36 pairs of monozygous and dizygotic twins, were analyzed using quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry. Granulocytes and naive T cells showed a parallel biphasic decline in telomere length with age that most likely reflected accumulated cell divisions in the common precursors of both cell types: hematopoietic stem cells. Telomere loss was very rapid in the first year, and continued for more than eight decades at a 30-fold lower rate. Memory T cells also showed an initial rapid decline in telomere length with age. However, in contrast to naive T cells, this decline continued for several years, and in older individuals lymphocytes typically had shorter telomeres than did granulocytes. Our findings point to a dramatic decline in stem cell turnover in early childhood and support the notion that cell divisions in hematopoietic stem cells and T cells result in loss of telomeric DNA.


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After antigenic challenge, naive T lymphocytes enter a program of proliferation and differentiation during the course of which they acquire effector functions and may ultimately become memory cells. In humans, the pathways of effector and memory T-cell differentiation remain poorly defined. Here we describe the properties of 2 CD8+ T-lymphocyte subsets, RA+CCR7-27+28+ and RA+CCR7-27+28-, in human peripheral blood. These cells display phenotypic and functional features that are intermediate between naive and effector T cells. Like naive T lymphocytes, both subsets show relatively long telomeres. However, unlike the naive population, these T cells exhibit reduced levels of T-cell receptor excision circles (TRECs), indicating they have undergone additional rounds of in vivo cell division. Furthermore, we show that they also share effector-type properties. At equivalent in vivo replicative history, the 2 subsets express high levels of Fas/CD95 and CD11a, as well as increasing levels of effector mediators such as granzyme B, perforin, interferon gamma, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Both display partial ex vivo cytolytic activity and can be found among cytomegalovirus-specific cytolytic T cells. Taken together, our data point to the presence of T cells with intermediate effector-like functions and suggest that these subsets consist of T lymphocytes that are evolving toward a more differentiated effector or effector-memory stage.


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Impressive developments in X-ray imaging are associated with X-ray phase contrast computed tomography based on grating interferometry, a technique that provides increased contrast compared with conventional absorption-based imaging. A new "single-step" method capable of separating phase information from other contributions has been recently proposed. This approach not only simplifies data-acquisition procedures, but, compared with the existing phase step approach, significantly reduces the dose delivered to a sample. However, the image reconstruction procedure is more demanding than for traditional methods and new algorithms have to be developed to take advantage of the "single-step" method. In the work discussed in this paper, a fast iterative image reconstruction method named OSEM (ordered subsets expectation maximization) was applied to experimental data to evaluate its performance and range of applicability. The OSEM algorithm with different subsets was also characterized by comparison of reconstruction image quality and convergence speed. Computer simulations and experimental results confirm the reliability of this new algorithm for phase-contrast computed tomography applications. Compared with the traditional filtered back projection algorithm, in particular in the presence of a noisy acquisition, it furnishes better images at a higher spatial resolution and with lower noise. We emphasize that the method is highly compatible with future X-ray phase contrast imaging clinical applications.


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SUMMARY : The recognition by recipient T cells of the allograft major histocompatibility complex (MHC)mismatched antigens is the primary event that ultimately leads to rejection. In the transplantation setting, circulating alloreactive CD4+ T cells play a central role in the initiation and the coordination of the immune response and can initiate the rejection of an allograft via three distinct pathways: the direct, indirect and the recently described semi-direct pathway. However, the exact role of individual CD4+ T-cell subsets in the development of allograft rejection is not clearly defined. Furthermore, besides pathogenic effector T cells, a new subset of T cells with regulatory properties, the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ (Treg) cells, has come under increased scrutiny over the last decade. The experiments presented in this thesis were designed to better define the phenotype and functional characteristics of CD4+ T-cell subsets and Treg cells in vitro and in vivo in a marine adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model. As Treg cells play a key role in the induction and maintenance of peripheral transplantation tolerance, we have explored whether donor-antigen specific Treg cells could be expanded in vitro. Here we describe a robust protocol for the ex-vivo generation and expansion of antigen-specific Treg cells, without loss of their characteristic phenotype and suppressive function. In our in vivo transplantation model, antigen-specific Treg cells induced donor-specific tolerance to skin allografts in lymphopenic recipients and significantly delayed skin graft rejection in wild-type mice in the absence of any other immunosuppression. Naïve and memory CD4+ T cells have distinct phenotypes, effector functions and in vivo homeostatsis, and thus may play different roles in anti-donor immunity after transplantation. We have analyzed in vitro and in vivo primary alloresponses of naïve and cross-reactive memory CD4+ T cells. We found that the CD4+CD45RBlo memory T-cell pool was heterogeneous and contained cells with regulatory potentials, both in the CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- populations. CD4+ T cells capable of inducing strong primary alloreactive responses in vitro and rejection of a first allograft in vivo were mainly contained within the CD45RBhi naïve CD4+ T-cell compartment. Taken together, the work described in this thesis provides new insights into the mechanisms that drive allograft rejection or donor-specific transplantation tolerance. These results will help to optimise current clinical immunosuppressive regimens used after solid organ transplantation and design new immunotherapeutic strategies to prevent transplant rejection. RÉSUMÉ : ROLE DES SOUS-POPULATIONS DE CELLULES T DANS LE REJET DE GREFFE ET L'INDUCTION DE TOLERANCE EN TRANSPLANTATION La reconnaissance par les cellules T du receveur des alloantigènes du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMIT) présentés par une greffe allogénique, est le premier événement qui aboutira au rejet de l'organe greffé. Dans le contexte d'une transplantation, les cellules alloréactives T CD4+ circulantes jouent un rôle central dans l'initiation et la coordination de 1a réponse immune, et peuvent initier le rejet par 3 voies distinctes : la voie directe, indirecte et la voie servi-directe, plus récemment décrite. Toutefois, le rôle exact des sous-populations de cellules T CD4+ dans les différentes étapes menant au rejet d'une allogreffe n'est pas clairement établi. Par ailleurs, hormis les cellules T effectrices pathogéniques, une sous-population de cellules T ayant des propriétés régulatrices, les cellules T CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ (Treg), a été nouvellement décrite et est intensément étudiée depuis environ dix ans. Les expériences présentées dans cette thèse ont été planifiées afin de mieux définir le phénotype et les caractéristiques fonctionnels des sous-populations de cellules T CD4+ et des Treg in vitro et in vivo dans un modèle marin de transfert adoptif de cellules et de transplantation de peau. Comme les cellules Treg jouent un rôle clé dans l'induction et le maintien de la tolérance périphérique en transplantation, nous avons investigué la possibilité de multiplier in vitro des cellules Treg avec spécificité antigénique pour le donneur. Nous décrivons ici un protocole reproductible pour la génération et l'expansion ex-vivo de cellules Treg avec spécificité antigénique, sans perte de leur phénotype caractéristique et de leur fonction suppressive. Dans notre modèle in vivo de transplantation de peau, ces cellules Treg pouvaient induire une tolérance spécifique vis-à-vis du donneur chez des souris lymphopéniques, et, chez des souris normales non-lymphopéniques ces Treg ont permis de retarder significativement le rejet en l'absence de tout traitement immunosuppresseur. Les cellules T CD4+ naïves et mémoires se distinguent par leur phénotype, fonction effectrice et leur homéostasie in vivo, et peuvent donc moduler différemment la réponse immune contre le donneur après transplantation. Nous avons analysé in vitro et in vivo les réponses allogéniques primaires de cellules T CD4+ naïves et mémoires non-spécifiques (cross-réactives). Nos résultats ont montré que le pool de cellules T CD4+CD45RB'° mémoires était hétérogène et contenait des cellules avec un potentiel régulateur, aussi bien parmi la sous-population de cellules CD4+CD25+ que CD4+CD25+. Les cellules T CD4+ capables d'induire une alloréponse primaire intense in vitro et le rejet d'une première allogreffe in vivo étaient essentiellement contenues dans le pool de cellules T CD4+CD45RBhi naïves. En conclusion, le travail décrit dans cette thèse amène un nouvel éclairage sur les mécanismes responsables du rejet d'une allogreffe ou de l'induction de tolérance en transplantation. Ces résultats permettront d'optimaliser les traitements immunosuppresseurs utilisés en transplantation clinique et de concevoir des nouvelles stratégies irnmuno-thérapeutiques pour prévenir le rejet de greffe allogénique.


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Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) present important motor deficits that derive from altered motor development of infants and young children. DYRK1A, a candidate gene for DS abnormalities has been implicated in motor function due to its expression in motor nuclei in the adult brain, and its overexpression in DS mouse models leads to hyperactivity and altered motor learning. However, its precise role in the adult motor system, or its possible involvement in postnatal locomotor development has not yet been clarified. During the postnatal period we observed time-specific expression of Dyrk1A in discrete subsets of brainstem nuclei and spinal cord motor neurons. Interestingly, we describe for the first time the presence of Dyrk1A in the presynaptic terminal of the neuromuscular junctions and its axonal transport from the facial nucleus, suggesting a function for Dyrk1A in these structures. Relevant to DS, Dyrk1A overexpression in transgenic mice (TgDyrk1A) produces motor developmental alterations possibly contributing to DS motor phenotypes and modifies the numbers of motor cholinergic neurons, suggesting that the kinase may have a role in the development of the brainstem and spinal cord motor system.


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Advances in flow cytometry and other single-cell technologies have enabled high-dimensional, high-throughput measurements of individual cells as well as the interrogation of cell population heterogeneity. However, in many instances, computational tools to analyze the wealth of data generated by these technologies are lacking. Here, we present a computational framework for unbiased combinatorial polyfunctionality analysis of antigen-specific T-cell subsets (COMPASS). COMPASS uses a Bayesian hierarchical framework to model all observed cell subsets and select those most likely to have antigen-specific responses. Cell-subset responses are quantified by posterior probabilities, and human subject-level responses are quantified by two summary statistics that describe the quality of an individual's polyfunctional response and can be correlated directly with clinical outcome. Using three clinical data sets of cytokine production, we demonstrate how COMPASS improves characterization of antigen-specific T cells and reveals cellular 'correlates of protection/immunity' in the RV144 HIV vaccine efficacy trial that are missed by other methods. COMPASS is available as open-source software.


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Cellular immune responses are a critical part of the host's defense against intracellular bacterial infections. Immunity to Brucella abortus crucially depends on antigen-specific T cell-mediated activation of macrophages, which are the major effectors of cell-mediated killing of this organism. T lymphocytes that proliferate in response to B. abortus were characterized for phenotype and cytokine activity. Human, murine, and bovine T lymphocytes exhibited a type 1 cytokine profile, suggesting an analogous immune response in these different hosts. In vivo protection afforded by a particular cell type is dependent on the antigen presented and the mechanism of antigen presentation. Studies using MHC class I and class II knockout mice infected with B. abortus have demonstrated that protective immunity to brucellosis is especially dependent on CD8+ T cells. To target MHC class I presentation we transfected ex vivo a murine macrophage cell line with B. abortus genes and adoptively transferred them to BALB/c mice. These transgenic macrophage clones induced partial protection in mice against experimental brucellosis. Knowing the cells required for protection, vaccines can be designed to activate the protective T cell subset. Lastly, as a new strategy for priming a specific class I-restricted T cell response in vivo, we used genetic immunization by particle bombardment-mediated gene transfer


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a metabolic disease with inflammation as an important pathogenic background. However, the pattern of immune cell subsets and the cytokine profile associated with development of T2D are unclear. The objective of this study was to evaluate different components of the immune system in T2D patients' peripheral blood by quantifying the frequency of lymphocyte subsets and intracellular pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production by T cells. Clinical data and blood samples were collected from 22 men (51.6±6.3 years old) with T2D and 20 nonsmoking men (49.4±7.6 years old) who were matched for age and sex as control subjects. Glycated hemoglobin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein concentrations, and the lipid profile were measured by a commercially available automated system. Frequencies of lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood and intracellular production of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, IL-17, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interferon-γ cytokines by CD3+ T cells were assessed by flow cytometry. No differences were observed in the frequency of CD19+ B cells, CD3+CD8+ and CD3+CD4+ T cells, CD16+56+ NK cells, and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T regulatory cells in patients with T2D compared with controls. The numbers of IL-10- and IL-17-producing CD3+ T cells were significantly higher in patients with T2D than in controls (P<0.05). The frequency of interferon-γ-producing CD3+ T cells was positively correlated with body mass index (r=0.59; P=0.01). In conclusion, this study shows increased numbers of circulating IL-10- and IL-17-producing CD3+ T cells in patients with T2D, suggesting that these cytokines are involved in the immune pathology of this disease.