989 resultados para SU(3) symmetry


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I modelli su reticolo con simmetrie SU(n) sono attualmente oggetto di studio sia dal punto di vista sperimentale, sia dal punto di vista teorico; particolare impulso alla ricerca in questo campo è stato dato dai recenti sviluppi in campo sperimentale per quanto riguarda la tecnica dell’intrappolamento di atomi ultrafreddi in un reticolo ottico. In questa tesi viene studiata, sia con tecniche analitiche sia con simulazioni numeriche, la generalizzazione del modello di Heisenberg su reticolo monodimensionale a simmetria SU(3). In particolare, viene proposto un mapping tra il modello di Heisenberg SU(3) e l’Hamiltoniana con simmetria SU(2) bilineare-biquadratica con spin 1. Vengono inoltre presentati nuovi risultati numerici ottenuti con l’algoritmo DMRG che confermano le previsioni teoriche in letteratura sul modello in esame. Infine è proposto un approccio per la formulazione della funzione di partizione dell’Hamiltoniana bilineare-biquadratica a spin-1 servendosi degli stati coerenti per SU(3).


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We investigate the SU(3)-invariant sector of the one-parameter family of SO(8) gauged maximal supergravities that has been recently discovered. To this end, we construct the N=2 truncation of this theory and analyse its full vacuum structure. The number of critical point is doubled and includes new N=0 and N=1 branches. We numerically exhibit the parameter dependence of the location and cosmological constant of all extrema. Moreover, we provide their analytic expressions for cases of special interest. Finally, while the mass spectra are found to be parameter independent in most cases, we show that the novel non-supersymmetric branch with SU(3) invariance provides the first counterexample to this.


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We explore a method developed in statistical physics which has been argued to have exponentially small finite-volume effects, in order to determine the critical temperature Tc of pure SU(3) gauge theory close to the continuum limit. The method allows us to estimate the critical coupling βc of the Wilson action for temporal extents up to Nτ∼20 with ≲0.1% uncertainties. Making use of the scale setting parameters r0 and t0−−√ in the same range of β-values, these results lead to the independent continuum extrapolations Tcr0=0.7457(45) and Tct0−−√=0.2489(14), with the latter originating from a more convincing fit. Inserting a conversion of r0 from literature (unfortunately with much larger errors) yields Tc/ΛMS¯¯¯¯¯=1.24(10).


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The scalar sector of the simplest version of the 3-3-1 electroweak model is constructed with three Higgs triplets only. We show that a relation involving two of the constants of the model, two vacuum expectation values of the neutral scalars, and the mass of the doubly charged Higgs boson leads to important information concerning the signals of this scalar particle.


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The SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(N) electroweak model predicts new Higgs bosons beyond the one of the standard model. In this work we investigate the signature and production of neutral SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(N) Higgs bosons in the e(-)e(+) Next Linear Collider and in the CERN Linear Collider . We compute the branching ratios of two of the SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(N) neutral Higgs bosons and study the possibility to detect them and the Z' extra neutral boson of the model.


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We present measurements of the linear polarization amplitudes and the strong relative phases that describe the flavor-untagged decays Bd0→J/ψK*0 and Bs0→J/ψ in the transversity basis. We also measure the mean lifetime τ̄s of the Bs0 mass eigenstates and the lifetime ratio τ̄s/τd. The analyses are based on approximately 2.8fb-1 of data recorded with the D0 detector. From our measurements of the angular parameters we conclude that there is no evidence for a deviation from flavor SU(3) symmetry for these decays and that the factorization assumption is not valid for the Bd0→J/ψK*0 decay. © 2009 The American Physical Society.


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We show that in SU(3)(C) circle times SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(N) (3-3-1) models embedded with a singlet scalar playing the role of the axion, after imposing scale invariance, the breaking of Peccei-Quinn symmetry occurs through the one-loop effective potential for the singlet field. We, then, analyze the structure of spontaneous symmetry breaking by studying the new scalar potential for the model, and verify that electroweak symmetry breaking is tightly connected to the 3-3-1 breaking by the strong constraints among their vacuum expectation values. This offers a valuable guide to write down the correct pattern of symmetry breaking for multi-scalar theories. We also obtained that the accompanying massive pseudo-scalar, instead of acquiring mass of order of Peccei-Quinn scale as we would expect, develops a mass at a much lower scale, a consequence solely of the breaking via Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We examine the electric and magnetic strange form factors of the nucleon in the pseudoscalar-vector SU(3) Skyrme model, with special emphasis on the effects of isospin symmetry breaking (ISB). It is found that ISB has a nontrivial effect on the strange vector form factors of the nucleon and its contribution to the nucleon strangeness is significantly larger than one might naively expect. Our calculations and discussions may be of some significance for the experimental extraction of the authentic strangeness.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)