987 resultados para STIFFLY-STABLE METHODS


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The present study investigates the structural and pharmaceutical properties of different multicomponent crystalline forms of lamotrigine (LTG) with some pharmaceutically acceptable coformers viz. nicotinamide (1), acetamide (2), acetic acid (3), 4-hydroxy-benzoic acid (4) and saccharin (5). The structurally homogeneous phases were characterized in the solid state by DSC/TGA, FT-IR and XRD (powder and single crystal structure analysis) as well as in the solution phase. Forms 1 and 2 were found to be cocrystal hydrate and cocrystal, respectively, while in forms 3, 4 and 5, proton transfer was observed from coformer to drug. The enthalpy of formation of multicomponent crystals from their components was determined from the enthalpy of solution of the cocrystals and the components separately. Higher exothermic values of the enthalpy of formation for molecular complexes 3, 4 and 5 suggest these to be more stable than 1 and 2. The solubility was measured in water as well as in phosphate buffers of varying pH. The salt solvate 3 exhibited the highest solubility of the drug in water as well as in buffers over the pH range 7-3 while the cocrystal hydrate 1 showed the maximum solubility in a buffer of pH 2. A significant lowering of the dosage profile of LTG was observed for 1, 3 and 5 in the animal activity studies on mice.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of computing numerical solutions for Ito stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The five-stage Milstein (FSM) methods are constructed for solving SDEs driven by an m-dimensional Wiener process. The FSM methods are fully explicit methods. It is proved that the FSM methods are convergent with strong order 1 for SDEs driven by an m-dimensional Wiener process. The analysis of stability (with multidimensional Wiener process) shows that the mean-square stable regions of the FSM methods are unbounded. The analysis of stability shows that the mean-square stable regions of the methods proposed in this paper are larger than the Milstein method and three-stage Milstein methods.


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In many systems, nucleation of a stable solid may occur in the presence of other (often more than one) metastable phases. These may be polymorphic solids or even liquid phases. Sometimes, the metastable phase might have a lower free energy minimum than the liquid but higher than the stable-solid-phase minimum and have characteristics in between the parent liquid and the globally stable solid phase. In such cases, nucleation of the solid phase from the melt may be facilitated by the metastable phase because the latter can ``wet'' the interface between the parent and the daughter phases, even though there may be no signature of the existence of metastable phase in the thermodynamic properties of the parent liquid and the stable solid phase. Straightforward application of classical nucleation theory (CNT) is flawed here as it overestimates the nucleation barrier because surface tension is overestimated (by neglecting the metastable phases of intermediate order) while the thermodynamic free energy gap between daughter and parent phases remains unchanged. In this work, we discuss a density functional theory (DFT)-based statistical mechanical approach to explore and quantify such facilitation. We construct a simple order-parameter-dependent free energy surface that we then use in DFT to calculate (i) the order parameter profile, (ii) the overall nucleation free energy barrier, and (iii) the surface tension between the parent liquid and the metastable solid and also parent liquid and stable solid phases. The theory indeed finds that the nucleation free energy barrier can decrease significantly in the presence of wetting. This approach can provide a microscopic explanation of the Ostwald step rule and the well-known phenomenon of ``disappearing polymorphs'' that depends on temperature and other thermodynamic conditions. Theory reveals a diverse scenario for phase transformation kinetics, some of which may be explored via modem nanoscopic synthetic methods.


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In this article, we derive an a posteriori error estimator for various discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods that are proposed in (Wang, Han and Cheng, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 48: 708-733, 2010) for an elliptic obstacle problem. Using a key property of DG methods, we perform the analysis in a general framework. The error estimator we have obtained for DG methods is comparable with the estimator for the conforming Galerkin (CG) finite element method. In the analysis, we construct a non-linear smoothing function mapping DG finite element space to CG finite element space and use it as a key tool. The error estimator consists of a discrete Lagrange multiplier associated with the obstacle constraint. It is shown for non-over-penalized DG methods that the discrete Lagrange multiplier is uniformly stable on non-uniform meshes. Finally, numerical results demonstrating the performance of the error estimator are presented.


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A number of ecosystems can exhibit abrupt shifts between alternative stable states. Because of their important ecological and economic consequences, recent research has focused on devising early warning signals for anticipating such abrupt ecological transitions. In particular, theoretical studies show that changes in spatial characteristics of the system could provide early warnings of approaching transitions. However, the empirical validation of these indicators lag behind their theoretical developments. Here, we summarize a range of currently available spatial early warning signals, suggest potential null models to interpret their trends, and apply them to three simulated spatial data sets of systems undergoing an abrupt transition. In addition to providing a step-by-step methodology for applying these signals to spatial data sets, we propose a statistical toolbox that may be used to help detect approaching transitions in a wide range of spatial data. We hope that our methodology together with the computer codes will stimulate the application and testing of spatial early warning signals on real spatial data.


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In this article, we analyse several discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for the Stokes problem under minimal regularity on the solution. We assume that the velocity u belongs to H-0(1)(Omega)](d) and the pressure p is an element of L-0(2)(Omega). First, we analyse standard DG methods assuming that the right-hand side f belongs to H-1(Omega) boolean AND L-1(Omega)](d). A DG method that is well defined for f belonging to H-1(Omega)](d) is then investigated. The methods under study include stabilized DG methods using equal-order spaces and inf-sup stable ones where the pressure space is one polynomial degree less than the velocity space.


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Using Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) and meta-GGA density functional methods, structures, binding energies and harmonic vibrational frequencies for the clusters O-4(+), O-6(+), O-8(+) and O-10(+) have been calculated. The stable structures of O-4(+), O-6(+), O-8(+) and O-10(+) have point groups D-2h, D-3h, D-4h, and D-5h optimized on the quartet, sextet, octet and dectet potential energy surfaces, respectively. Rectangular (D-2h) O-4(+) has been found to be more stable compared to trans-planar (C-2h) on the quartet potential energy surface. Cyclic structure (D-3h) of CA cluster ion has been calculated to be more stable than other structures. Binding energy (B.E.) of the cyclic O-6(+) is in good agreement with experimental measurement. The zero-point corrected B.E. of O-8(+) with D4h symmetry on the octet potential energy surface and zero-point corrected B.E. of O-10(+) with D-5h symmetry on the dectet potential energy surface are also in good agreement with experimental values. The B.E. value for O-4(+) is close to the experimental value when single point energy is calculated by Brueckner coupled-cluster method, BD(T). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we study the issues of modeling, numerical methods, and simulation with comparison to experimental data for the particle-fluid two-phase flow problem involving a solid-liquid mixed medium. The physical situation being considered is a pulsed liquid fluidized bed. The mathematical model is based on the assumption of one-dimensional flows, incompressible in both particle and fluid phases, equal particle diameters, and the wall friction force on both phases being ignored. The model consists of a set of coupled differential equations describing the conservation of mass and momentum in both phases with coupling and interaction between the two phases. We demonstrate conditions under which the system is either mathematically well posed or ill posed. We consider the general model with additional physical viscosities and/or additional virtual mass forces, both of which stabilize the system. Two numerical methods, one of them is first-order accurate and the other fifth-order accurate, are used to solve the models. A change of variable technique effectively handles the changing domain and boundary conditions. The numerical methods are demonstrated to be stable and convergent through careful numerical experiments. Simulation results for realistic pulsed liquid fluidized bed are provided and compared with experimental data. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present Poisson sum series representations for α-stable (αS) random variables and a-stable processes, in particular concentrating on continuous-time autoregressive (CAR) models driven by α-stable Lévy processes. Our representations aim to provide a conditionally Gaussian framework, which will allow parameter estimation using Rao-Blackwellised versions of state of the art Bayesian computational methods such as particle filters and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). To overcome the issues due to truncation of the series, novel residual approximations are developed. Simulations demonstrate the potential of these Poisson sum representations for inference in otherwise intractable α-stable models. © 2011 IEEE.


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A hybrid method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The method inherits the attractive stabilizing mechanism of upwinded discontinuous Galerkin methods when momentum advection becomes significant, equal-order interpolations can be used for the velocity and pressure fields, and mass can be conserved locally. Using continuous Lagrange multiplier spaces to enforce flux continuity across cell facets, the number of global degrees of freedom is the same as for a continuous Galerkin method on the same mesh. Different from our earlier investigations on the approach for the Navier-Stokes equations, the pressure field in this work is discontinuous across cell boundaries. It is shown that this leads to very good local mass conservation and, for an appropriate choice of finite element spaces, momentum conservation. Also, a new form of the momentum transport terms for the method is constructed such that global energy stability is guaranteed, even in the absence of a pointwise solenoidal velocity field. Mass conservation, momentum conservation, and global energy stability are proved for the time-continuous case and for a fully discrete scheme. The presented analysis results are supported by a range of numerical simulations. © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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Using variational methods, we establish conditions for the nonlinear stability of adhesive states between an elastica and a rigid halfspace. The treatment produces coupled criteria for adhesion and buckling instabilities by exploiting classical techniques from Legendre and Jacobi. Three examples that arise in a broad range of engineered systems, from microelectronics to biologically inspired fiber array adhesion, are used to illuminate the stability criteria. The first example illustrates buckling instabilities in adhered rods, while the second shows the instability of a peeling process and the third illustrates the stability of a shear-induced adhesion. The latter examples can also be used to explain how microfiber array adhesives can be activated by shearing and deactivated by peeling. The nonlinear stability criteria developed in this paper are also compared to other treatments. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we study parameter estimation for time series with asymmetric α-stable innovations. The proposed methods use a Poisson sum series representation (PSSR) for the asymmetric α-stable noise to express the process in a conditionally Gaussian framework. That allows us to implement Bayesian parameter estimation using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We further enhance the series representation by introducing a novel approximation of the series residual terms in which we are able to characterise the mean and variance of the approximation. Simulations illustrate the proposed framework applied to linear time series, estimating the model parameter values and model order P for an autoregressive (AR(P)) model driven by asymmetric α-stable innovations. © 2012 IEEE.


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Existing Monte Carlo burnup codes use various schemes to solve the coupled criticality and burnup equations. Previous studies have shown that the coupling schemes of the existing Monte Carlo burnup codes can be numerically unstable. Here we develop the Stochastic Implicit Euler method - a stable and efficient new coupling scheme. The implicit solution is obtained by the stochastic approximation at each time step. Our test calculations demonstrate that the Stochastic Implicit Euler method can provide an accurate solution to problems where the methods in the existing Monte Carlo burnup codes fail. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A multivariate, robust, rational interpolation method for propagating uncertainties in several dimensions is presented. The algorithm for selecting numerator and denominator polynomial orders is based on recent work that uses a singular value decomposition approach. In this paper we extend this algorithm to higher dimensions and demonstrate its efficacy in terms of convergence and accuracy, both as a method for response suface generation and interpolation. To obtain stable approximants for continuous functions, we use an L2 error norm indicator to rank optimal numerator and denominator solutions. For discontinous functions, a second criterion setting an upper limit on the approximant value is employed. Analytical examples demonstrate that, for the same stencil, rational methods can yield more rapid convergence compared to pseudospectral or collocation approaches for certain problems. © 2012 AIAA.


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This paper presents stochastic implicit coupling method intended for use in Monte-Carlo (MC) based reactor analysis systems that include burnup and thermal hydraulic (TH) feedbacks. Both feedbacks are essential for accurate modeling of advanced reactor designs and analyses of associated fuel cycles. In particular, we investigate the effect of different burnup-TH coupling schemes on the numerical stability and accuracy of coupled MC calculations. First, we present the beginning of time step method which is the most commonly used. The accuracy of this method depends on the time step length and it is only conditionally stable. This work demonstrates that even for relatively short time steps, this method can be numerically unstable. Namely, the spatial distribution of neutronic and thermal hydraulic parameters, such as nuclide densities and temperatures, exhibit oscillatory behavior. To address the numerical stability issue, new implicit stochastic methods are proposed. The methods solve the depletion and TH problems simultaneously and use under-relaxation to speed up convergence. These methods are numerically stable and accurate even for relatively large time steps and require less computation time than the existing methods. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.