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Studies from our lab have shown that decreasing myocardial G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) activity and expression can prevent heart failure progression after myocardial infarction. Since GRK2 appears to also act as a pro-death kinase in myocytes, we investigated the effect of cardiomyocyte-specific GRK2 ablation on the acute response to cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. To do this we utilized two independent lines of GRK2 knockout (KO) mice where the GRK2 gene was deleted in only cardiomyocytes either constitutively at birth or in an inducible manner that occurred in adult mice prior to I/R. These GRK2 KO mice and appropriate control mice were subjected to a sham procedure or 30 min of myocardial ischemia via coronary artery ligation followed by 24 hrs reperfusion. Echocardiography and hemodynamic measurements showed significantly improved post-I/R cardiac function in both GRK2 KO lines, which correlated with smaller infarct sizes in GRK2 KO mice compared to controls. Moreover, there was significantly less TUNEL positive myocytes, less caspase-3, and -9 but not caspase-8 activities in GRK2 KO mice compared to control mice after I/R injury. Of note, we found that lowering cardiac GRK2 expression was associated with significantly lower cytosolic cytochrome C levels in both lines of GRK2 KO mice after I/R compared to corresponding control animals. Mechanistically, the anti-apoptotic effects of lowering GRK2 expression were accompanied by increased levels of Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, and increased activation of Akt after I/R injury. These findings were reproduced in vitro in cultured cardiomyocytes and GRK2 mRNA silencing. Therefore, lowering GRK2 expression in cardiomyocytes limits I/R-induced injury and improves post-ischemia recovery by decreasing myocyte apoptosis at least partially via Akt/Bcl-2 mediated mitochondrial protection and implicates mitochondrial-dependent actions, solidifying GRK2 as a pro-death kinase in the heart.


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder with pleiotropic manifestations caused by heterozygous mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. One of the less investigated complications of TSC is the formation of aneurysms of the descending aorta, which are characterized on pathologic examination by smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation in the aortic media. SMCs were explanted from Tsc2(+/-) mice to investigate the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms caused by TSC2 mutations. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs demonstrated increased phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), S6 and p70S6K and increased proliferation rates compared with wild-type (WT) SMCs. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs also had reduced expression of SMC contractile proteins compared with WT SMCs. An inhibitor of mTOR signaling, rapamycin, decreased SMC proliferation and increased contractile protein expression in the Tsc2(+/-) SMCs to levels similar to WT SMCs. Exposure to alpha-elastin fragments also decreased proliferation of Tsc2(+/-) SMCs and increased levels of p27(kip1), but failed to increase expression of contractile proteins. In response to artery injury using a carotid artery ligation model, Tsc2(+/-) mice significantly increased neointima formation compared with the control mice, and the neointima formation was inhibited by treatment with rapamycin. These results demonstrate that Tsc2 haploinsufficiency in SMCs increases proliferation and decreases contractile protein expression and suggest that the increased proliferative potential of the mutant cells may be suppressed in vivo by interaction with elastin. These findings provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of aortic disease in TSC patients and identify a potential therapeutic target for treatment of this complication of the disease.


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Up to one third of the general population suffers from symptoms caused by hemorrhoids. Conservative treatment comes first unless the patient presents with an acute hemorrhoidal prolapse or a thrombosis. A fiber enriched diet is the primary treatment option, recommended in the perioperative period as well as a long-term prophylaxis. A timely limited application of topical ointments or suppositories and/or flavonoids are further treatment options. When symptoms persist interventional procedures for grade I-II hemorrhoids, and surgery for grade III-IV hemorrhoids should be considered. Rubber band ligation is the interventional treatment of choice. A comparable efficacy using sclerosing or infrared therapy has not yet been demonstrated. We therefore do not recommend these treatment options for the cure of hemorrhoids. Self-treatment by anal insertion of bougies is of lowrisk and may be successful, particularly in the setting of an elevated sphincter pressure. Anal dilation, sphincterotomy, cryosurgery, bipolar diathermy, galvanic electrotherapy, and heat therapy should be regarded as obsolete given the poor or missing data reported for these methods. For a long time, the classic excisional hemorrhoidectomy was considered to be the gold standard as far as surgical procedures are concerned. Primary closure (Ferguson) seems to be superior compared to the "open" version (Milligan Morgan) with respect to postoperative pain and wound healing. The more recently proposed stapled hemorrhoidopexy (Longo) is particularly advisable for circular hemorrhoids. Compared to excisional hemorrhoidectomy the Longo-operation is associated with reduced postoperative pain, shorter operation time and hospital stay as well as a faster recovery, with the disadvantage though of a higher recurrence rate. Data from Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (HAL)-, if appropriate in combination with a Recto-Anal Repair (HAL/RAR)-, demonstrates a similar trend towards a better tolerance of the procedure at the expense of a higher recurrence rate. These relatively "new" procedures equally qualify for the treatment of grade III and IV hemorrhoids, and, in the case of stapled hemorrhoidopexy, may even be employed in the emergency situation of an acute anal prolapse. While under certain circumstances different treatment options are equivalent, there is a clear specificity with respect to the application of those procedures in other situations. The respective pros and cons need to be discussed separately with every patient. According to their own requirements a treatment strategy has to be defined according to their individual requirements.


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We tested whether severe congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition associated with excess free-water retention, is accompanied by altered regulation of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2 (AQP2), in the renal collecting duct. CHF was induced by left coronary artery ligation. Compared with sham-operated animals, rats with CHF had severe heart failure with elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressures (LVEDP): 26.9 ± 3.4 vs. 4.1 ± 0.3 mmHg, and reduced plasma sodium concentrations (142.2 ± 1.6 vs. 149.1 ± 1.1 mEq/liter). Quantitative immunoblotting of total kidney membrane fractions revealed a significant increase in AQP2 expression in animals with CHF (267 ± 53%, n = 12) relative to sham-operated controls (100 ± 13%, n = 14). In contrast, immunoblotting demonstrated a lack of an increase in expression of AQP1 and AQP3 water channel expression, indicating that the effect on AQP2 was selective. Furthermore, postinfarction animals without LVEDP elevation or plasma Na reduction showed no increase in AQP2 expression (121 ± 28% of sham levels, n = 6). Immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated very abundant labeling of the apical plasma membrane and relatively little labeling of intracellular vesicles in collecting duct cells from rats with severe CHF, consistent with enhanced trafficking of AQP2 to the apical plasma membrane. The selective increase in AQP2 expression and enhanced plasma membrane targeting provide an explanation for the development of water retention and hyponatremia in severe CHF.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático é o único tratamento efetivo para uma variedade de doenças hepáticas irreversíveis. No entanto, o número limitado de doadores pediátricos leva ao uso de enxertos hepáticos de doadores adultos, com necessidade de anastomoses vasculares mais complexas. Essas anastomoses tornam-se complicadas pela diferença no calibre dos vasos entre o doador e o receptor, resultando em alterações do fluxo sanguíneo, estenose da anastomose venosa ou arterial e trombose. Os efeitos para regeneração hepática decorrentes da privação do fluxo sanguíneo pela veia porta ou pela artéria hepática não estão completamente elucidados. Experimentalmente, quando um lobo do fígado não recebe o fluxo venoso portal, é observada atrofia deste segmento e hipertrofia do restante do órgão perfundido. Embora existam vários modelos experimentais para estudo da regeneração hepática, poucos são focados em animais em crescimento. Além disso, os efeitos regenerativos de drogas como o tacrolimus e a insulina precisam ser pesquisados, com o objetivo de encontrar um tratamento ideal para a insuficiência hepática ou um método de estimular a regeneração do fígado após ressecções ou transplantes parciais. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever modelos de regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com: 1) ausência de fluxo hepático arterial e 2) redução do fluxo portal. Adicionalmente, o estudo avalia o efeito pró-regenerativo do tacrolimus e da insulina nesses modelos descritos. MÉTODOS: cento e vinte ratos (entre 50 e 100g de peso) foram divididos em 6 grupos, de acordo com o tipo de intervenção cirúrgica: Grupo 1, incisão abdominal sem intervenção hepática; Grupo 2, hepatectomia a 70%; Grupo 3, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta; Grupo 4, hepatectomia a 70% + ligadura da artéria hepática; Grupo 5, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + insulina; Grupo 6, hepatectomia a 70% + estenose de veia porta + tacrolimus. Os animais dos grupos 1 ao 4 foram subdivididos em 5 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 1, 2, 3, 5 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os animais dos grupos 5 e 6 foram subdividos em 2 subgrupos de acordo com o momento da morte: 2 e 10 dias após a intervenção cirúrgica. Os lobos hepáticos remanescentes foram submetidos à análise histomorfométrica, imuno-histoquímica e molecular. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que no grupo com hepatectomia a 70% houve recuperação do peso do fígado no terceiro dia com aumento da atividade mitótica, enquanto que no grupo com estenose portal não se observou esse fenômeno (p < 0,001). A insulina e o tacrolimus promoveram aumento do peso do fígado e do índice mitótico. A atividade mitótica foi considerada aumentada nos animais dos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria, insulina e tacrolimus; e esse parâmetro estava reduzido no grupo submetido à hepatectomia + estenose portal (p < 0,001). A expressão de interleucina 6 estava presente em todos os animais, sendo significativamente maior nos grupos hepatectomia, hepatectomia + ligadura da artéria e significativamente menor no grupo hepatectomia + estenose portal. Entretanto, a administração de tacrolimus ou insulina recuperou os níveis teciduais de interleucina 6 no grupo com estenose portal. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo foi padronizado um modelo simples e facilmente reprodutível para estudar a regeneração hepática em ratos em crescimento com redução do fluxo arterial ou venoso para o fígado. Foi demonstrado que a administração de insulina ou tacrolimus é capaz de reverter os efeitos deletérios da estenose portal na regeneração hepática. A obstrução do fluxo arterial não afetou a capacidade regenerativa hepática


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increased in ischemic tissues and necessary for revascularization; however, the mechanism remains unclear. Exposure of cysteine residues to ROS in the presence of glutathione (GSH) generates GSH-protein adducts that are specifically reversed by the cytosolic thioltransferase, glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx). Here, we show that a key angiogenic transcriptional factor hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α is stabilized by GSH adducts, and the genetic deletion of Glrx improves ischemic revascularization. In mouse muscle C2C12 cells, HIF-1α protein levels are increased by increasing GSH adducts with cell-permeable oxidized GSH (GSSG-ethyl ester) or 2-acetylamino-3-[4-(2-acetylamino-2-carboxyethylsulfanyl thiocarbonylamino) phenylthiocarbamoylsulfanyl] propionic acid (2-AAPA), an inhibitor of glutathione reductase. A biotin switch assay shows that GSSG-ester-induced HIF-1α contains reversibly modified thiols, and MS confirms GSH adducts on Cys520 (mouse Cys533). In addition, an HIF-1α Cys520 serine mutant is resistant to 2-AAPA–induced HIF-1α stabilization. Furthermore, Glrx overexpression prevents HIF-1α stabilization, whereas Glrx ablation by siRNA increases HIF-1α protein and expression of downstream angiogenic genes. Blood flow recovery after femoral artery ligation is significantly improved in Glrx KO mice, associated with increased levels of GSH-protein adducts, capillary density, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, and HIF-1α in the ischemic muscles. Therefore, Glrx ablation stabilizes HIF-1α by increasing GSH adducts on Cys520 promoting in vivo HIF-1α stabilization, VEGF-A production, and revascularization in the ischemic muscles


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BACKGROUND: Increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is involved in the process of adverse cardiac remodeling and development of heart failure after myocardial infarction (MI). NADPH oxidase-2 (Nox2) is a major ROS source within the heart and its activity increases after MI. Furthermore, genetic deletion of Nox2 is protective against post-MI cardiac remodeling. Nox2 levels may increase both in cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells and recent studies indicate cell-specific effects of Nox2, but it is not known which of these cell types is important in post-MI remodeling. METHODS AND RESULTS: We have generated transgenic mouse models in which Nox2 expression is targeted either to cardiomyocytes (cardio-Nox2TG) or endothelial cells (endo-Nox2TG). We here studied the response of cardio-Nox2TG mice, endo-Nox2TG mice and matched wild-type littermates (WT) to MI induced by permanent left coronary artery ligation up to 4weeks. Initial infarct size assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cardiac dysfunction were similar among groups. Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis were augmented in cardio-Nox2TG compared to WT after MI and post-MI survival tended to be worse whereas endo-Nox2TG mice showed no significant difference compared to WT. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that cardiomyocyte rather than endothelial cell Nox2 may have the more important role in post-MI remodeling.


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AIMS: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a vasoactive gasotransmitter that is endogenously produced in the vasculature by the enzyme cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE). However, the importance of CSE activity and local H2S generation for ischaemic vascular remodelling remains completely unknown. In this study, we examine the hypothesis that CSE critically regulates ischaemic vascular remodelling involving H2S-dependent mononuclear cell regulation of arteriogenesis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Arteriogenesis including mature vessel density, collateral formation, blood flow, and SPY angiographic blush rate were determined in wild-type (WT) and CSE knockout (KO) mice at different time points following femoral artery ligation (FAL). The role of endogenous H2S in regulation of IL-16 expression and subsequent recruitment of monocytes, and expression of VEGF and bFGF in ischaemic tissues, were determined along with endothelial progenitor cell (CD34/Flk1) formation and function. FAL of WT mice significantly increased CSE activity, expression and endogenous H2S generation in ischaemic tissues, and monocyte infiltration, which was absent in CSE-deficient mice. Treatment of CSE KO mice with the polysulfide donor diallyl trisulfide restored ischaemic vascular remodelling, monocyte infiltration, and cytokine expression. Importantly, exogenous H2S therapy restored nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability in CSE KO mice that was responsible for monocyte recruitment and arteriogenesis. CONCLUSION: Endogenous CSE/H2S regulates ischaemic vascular remodelling mediated during hind limb ischaemia through NO-dependent monocyte recruitment and cytokine induction revealing a previously unknown mechanism of arteriogenesis.


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Résumé : Les patients diabétiques ont plus de risques d’être amputés d’une jambe en raison d’une plus faible néovascularisation suite à une ischémie. Nous avons montré une association entre une plus faible réponse angiogénique du VEGF chez les souris diabétiques (DM) et une augmentation de l’expression de SHP-1, pouvant être activée par les récepteurs (AT[indice inférieur 1]/AT[indice inférieur 2]). La délétion du récepteur AT[indice inférieur 2] chez des souris favorise l’angiogenèse dans le muscle ischémique, mais son rôle en condition diabétique demeure inconnu. Notre objectif est de vérifier si la délétion du récepteur AT[indice inférieur 2] chez des souris DM favorise l’angiogenèse suivant l’induction d’une ischémie. Des souris DM de type 1 déficientes (KO) ou non pour le récepteur AT[indice inférieur 2] ont été utilisées. L’ischémie a été induite par la ligature de l'artère fémorale. La perfusion sanguine a été mesurée pendant 2 ou 4 semaines avant la récolte des tissus. Les effets de l’ischémie sur l’expression des récepteurs AT[indice inférieur 1] et AT[indice inférieur 2], des phosphatases SHP-1, SHP-2 et PTP1B, ainsi que l’état de la voie de signalisation du VEGF ont été mesurés. Un essai phosphatase a aussi été effectué suite à l’immunoprécipitation de SHP-1 chez des BAECs stimulés au CGP42112A. Quatre semaines après la chirurgie, le flot sanguin dans le muscle ischémique des souris DM AT[indice inférieur 2]KO s’est rétabli plus rapidement (80%) comparativement à une récupération de 47% chez les souris DM contrôles. L’expression des facteurs pro-angiogéniques (HIF-1α et VEGF) était similaire dans tous les groupes après 2 semaines d’ischémie, mais diminuée chez les DM et retournait à un niveau basal chez les DM-AT[indice inférieur 2]KO après 4 semaines, suggérant un reperfusion plus rapide chez ces souris. La phosphorylation de Akt était aussi plus faible chez les souris DM contrôles mais était rétablie chez les souris AT[indice inférieur 2]KO après 4 semaines d’ischémie. L'expression de SHP-1 était doublée dans le muscle ischémique des souris DM, en comparaison aux souris non DM, un effet absent chez les souris DM AT[indice inférieur 2]KO. L’expression de SHP-2 et PTP1B ne variait pas chez les souris DM sauvages et AT[indice inférieur 2]KO. De plus, l’expression des récepteurs AT[indice inférieur 1] et AT[indice inférieur 2] est augmentée chez les souris DM sauvages en comparaison aux souris NDM. La stimulation du récepteur AT[indice inférieur 2] chez les BAECs a permis d’augmenter l’activité phosphatase de SHP-1. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’expression élevée d’AT[indice inférieur 2] chez les souris DM mène à la surexpression et/ou l’activation de SHP-1, inhibant le signal angiogénique issu du VEGF et empêchant la reperfusion sanguine suite à l’ischémie.


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We prospectively studied the effects of the ligation of the inferior thyroid artery (ITA) on postoperative hypoparathyroidism in 48 patients who underwent functional subtotal thyroidectomy. Patients were randomized into two groups: A, with bilateral ligation of the ITA and B, without ligation of the ITA. Parathyroid function was checked preoperatively and after surgery by clinical examination and measurement of total calcium, intact PTH, urinary calcium, and AMPc. RESULTS: A significant incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia occurred: 17% in group A and 13% in B on the 4th postoperative day. Six months later, the incidence was 5% in Group A and 0% in Group B. These differences were not statistically significant between the two groups, and neither were any of the other clinical and laboratory observations. CONCLUSION: The ligation of the ITA was not an important causal factor for the occurrence of postoperative hypocalcemia after subtotal thyroidectomy.


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An 8-month-old child presented with a right pulsatile neck mass. The tumor`s rapid increase in size and respiratory problems prompted image evaluation. An external carotid artery aneurysm was found, which was compressing other neck structures. The patient underwent aneurysm resection and ligation at its insertion on the common carotid artery. Recovery was uneventful and no further aneurysms on other arteries were found.


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PURPOSE: Characterization of the structural changes occurring in the pulmonary arteries resulting from surgically produced congenital diaphragmatic hernia in rabbits, with particular emphasis on the preventive effects of prenatal tracheal ligation or administration of intra-amniotic dexamethasone or surfactant. METHODS: Twenty rabbit fetuses underwent surgical creation of a left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia on the 24th or 25th gestational day. They were divided according to the following procedures: congenital diaphragmatic hernia (n = 5), congenital diaphragmatic hernia plus tracheal ligation (n = 5), congenital diaphragmatic hernia plus intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone 0.4 mg (n = 5) or surfactant (Curosurf 40 mg, n = 5). On gestational day 30, all the fetuses were delivered by caesarean section and killed. A control group consisted of five nonoperated fetuses. Histomorphometric analysis of medial thickness, cell nuclei density, and elastic fiber density of pulmonary arterial walls was performed. RESULTS: Arteries with an external diameter > 100 mum have a decreased medial thickness, lower cell nuclei density, and greater elastic fiber density when compared with arteries with external diameter <= 100 mum. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia promoted a significant decrease in medial thickness and an increase in cell nuclei density in artery walls with external diameter > 100 mum. Prenatal treatments with tracheal ligation or intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone or surfactant prevented these changes. In arteries with external diameter <= 100 mum, congenital diaphragmatic hernia promoted a significant increase in medial thickness and in cell nuclei density and a decrease in elastic fiber density. The prenatal treatments with tracheal ligation or intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone or surfactant prevented these changes, although no effect was observed in elastic fiber density in the congenital diaphragmatic hernia plus dexamethasone group. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia promoted different structural changes for large or small arteries. The prenatal intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone or surfactant had positive effects on the lung structural changes promoted by congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and these effects were comparable to the changes induced by tracheal ligation.


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The von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a hereditary coagulopathy. There is no gender predilection. Clinically characterized by mucocutaneous bleeding, especially nose bleeding, menorrhagia and bleeding after trauma. This article reports a case of a 52-year-old Caucasian male patient with vWD, who presented with extensive bleeding in the tongue after a lacerating injury caused by accidental biting, and describes some clinical, pathological and treatment aspects of vWD. After repeated attempts to suture the wound and replace clotting factors, a decision was made to perform the ligature of the external carotid artery ipsilateral to the injury. There was favorable resolution of the case, with a good aspect of the scar 2 months after ligation. This case reinforces that it is extremely important to make a thorough review of medical history of all patients, searching for possible bleeding disorders or previous family history.


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Fistulas between coronary artery and bronchial artery may be present from birth, with few hemodynamic consequences, and may remain closed due to similarity of the filling pressures at these 2 sites.(1) They can also be secondary to pulmonary artery occlusive disease or chronic pulmonary inflammation.(2,3) These pulmonary changes may cause a dilation of the fistula and make it functional, causing angina pectoris by coronary steal syndrome, which is the most common symptom. The presentation may also be composed of episodes of hemoptysis, heart failure, and infective endocarditis. However, most patients remain asymptomatic. The ones that need treatment may not have a good response to the medical management, requiring an intervention. This can be done using embolization coils, stents grafts, and performing surgical ligation of the fistulas.(2-4) J INVASIVE CARDIOL 2012;24(11):E303-E304


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Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension which is often difficult to manage, and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. In this study, we have used a rabbit model of CDH to evaluate the effects of BAY 60-2770 on the in vitro reactivity of left pulmonary artery. CDH was performed in New Zealand rabbit fetuses (n = 10 per group) and compared to controls. Measurements of body, total and left lung weights (BW, TLW, LLW) were done. Pulmonary artery rings were pre-contracted with phenylephrine (10 μM), after which cumulative concentration-response curves to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN; NO donor), tadalafil (PDE5 inhibitor) and BAY 60-2770 (sGC activator) were obtained as well as the levels of NO (NO3/NO2). LLW, TLW and LBR were decreased in CDH (p < 0.05). In left pulmonary artery, the potency (pEC50) for GTN was markedly lower in CDH (8.25 ± 0.02 versus 9.27 ± 0.03; p < 0.01). In contrast, the potency for BAY 60-2770 was markedly greater in CDH (11.7 ± 0.03 versus 10.5 ± 0.06; p < 0.01). The NO2/NO3 levels were 62 % higher in CDH (p < 0.05). BAY 60-2770 exhibits a greater potency to relax the pulmonary artery in CDH, indicating a potential use for pulmonary hypertension in this disease.