992 resultados para SPECIAL VIRTUAL FIELDS
This study seeks to perform a survey of patterns of practice among the different physicians involved in the bone metastases management, with special focus on external beam radiotherapy (EBRT).A questionnaire about bone metastases based on clinical cases and supplemented with general questions, including medical therapies, EBRT and metabolic radiotherapy strategies, surgery, and supportive care approaches, was sent to 4,706 French-speaking physicians in Belgium, France, Luxemburg, and Switzerland.Overall, 644 questionnaires were analyzed. Twenty-eight percent concerned the radiotherapy approach and were judged adequate to respond to the part dedicated to EBRT. Sixty-nine percent of physicians used a total dose irradiation of 30 Gy delivered in ten fractions. A large majority (75%) used two opposed fields prescribed at mid-depth (30%), or with non-equally weighted fields (45%). Seventy percent irradiated also above and below the concerned vertebra. A dosimetry planning treatment was done in 85% and high-energy megavoltage photons were used in 42%. Moreover, 54% physicians used short course radiotherapy in routine.Radiotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment of bone metastases, but there is substantial heterogeneity in clinical practice. Guidelines and treatment protocols are required to improve the treatment quality.
Many would argue that the dramatic rise in autism has reached critical mass, and this council echoes that statement. Iowa, like many states in the nation, is currently ill equipped to handle the large influx of children and adults with autism. When this council was initially formed we were facing diagnosis rates of 1 in 150 and currently the diagnosis rate is 1 in 91. Current resource strains in education, qualified trained professionals, access to care, and financial services are rapidly deteriorating Iowa’s ability to deliver quality services to children, adults, and families affected by autism. If Iowa leadership fails to act quickly the already strained system will face a breaking point in the following areas: financing, coordination of care, educational resources, early identification, adult services, and access to service delivery - just to name a few. This council has taken the past 12 plus months hearing testimony from state officials, providers, and caregivers to ensure that care for those with autism is effective, cost efficient, and accessible. This council will be making recommendations on three major areas; early identification, seamless support/coordination of care, and financing of care. While these areas will be highlighted in this first annual report it in no way minimizes other areas that need to be addressed such as early intervention, special education, training, in-home support services, financing options, and data collection. Implementing the initial recommendations of this council will lay foundational support for the areas mentioned above. Often those in position to help ask what can be done to help families in Iowa. This council has provided a roadmap to help facilitate effective and proven treatments to children and adults with autism.
Soils consist largely of mineral particles in a wide range of sizes. It is advantageous to assign names, such as "sand", etc., to describe particles which lie between certain size limits. These names are convenient to use and give more information than merely stating that the particles fit certain size limitations. Many systems of particle-size limits have been proposed and used, and have many discrepancies. For example, depending on the system used, a term such as "sand" may designate very different materials. Since no clear-cut divisions can be made between members of a continuous series all particle-size limit schemes are arbitrary. The originators of the various systems were influenced by many factors: convenience of investigation, methods and equipment available for analysis, ease of presenting data, convenience for statistical analysis, previous work, and systems in use. The complications were further compounded because of widely varying fields of endeavor with varying background, outlook, and goals. For example, many inconsistencies are found in engineering depending on whether the size limits are used to differentiate soils, or characterize aggregates for concrete. Some of the investigators have tried to place limits to correspond with the various properties of the soil components; others were more interested in the ease and convenience of obtaining and presenting data. The purpose of this paper is to review many of the systems which have been proposed and used, and if possible, to suggest what may have been the reasons for the selection of the particle-size limits.
El texto que se presenta muestra cómo se lleva a cabo la gestión de los libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Virtual (en adelante BV) de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (en adelante UOC). La BV pone especial énfasis en la adquisición de libros digitales para mejorar el acceso de los usuarios a los recursos y a lascolecciones de una universidad caracterizada por su virtualidad. El documento presenta, en primer lugar, el entorno en el que se adquieren y se utilizan los libros electrónicos: se describen los distintos escenarios de adquisición en los que se puede encontrar la BV y se definen los circuitos internos que permiten su gestión, así como los procesos técnicos de los documentos. A continuación, se muestran las distintas opciones de acceso y consulta de libros electrónicos que actualmente se ofrecen desde la BV y se exponenlos análisis de uso de dichos documentos. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones a las que llega la BV sobre el nuevo contexto de libros electrónicos.
This review covers some of the contributions to date from cerebellar imaging studies performed at ultra-high magnetic fields. A short overview of the general advantages and drawbacks of the use of such high field systems for imaging is given. One of the biggest advantages of imaging at high magnetic fields is the improved spatial resolution, achievable thanks to the increased available signal-to-noise ratio. This high spatial resolution better matches the dimensions of the cerebellar substructures, allowing a better definition of such structures in the images. The implications of the use of high field systems is discussed for several imaging sequences and image contrast mechanisms. This review covers studies which were performed in vivo in both rodents and humans, with a special focus on studies that were directed towards the observation of the different cerebellar layers.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Un résumé en français est également disponible.
Dans cet article, l’auteur Ejan Mackaay présente les caractéristiques fondamentales du cyberespace et analyse les relations économiques et juridiques entre les acteurs du marché virtuel de l’Internet. Cette analyse s'inscrit en marge des travaux de Niva Elkin-Koren et Eli Salzberger, dont elle suit le plan. D'une part, il y est précisé que le marché virtuel de l’Internet remet en question l’analyse classique des interactions entre les acteurs économiques. La nouvelle analyse néo-institutionnel présente un cadre analytique qui relève plus adéquatement les relations complexes entre les acteurs économiques du marché virtuel que les théories économiques classiques. Cette nouvelle approche se fonde sur le concept que les acteurs économiques utilisent les ressources afin d’être intégrés au sein des institutions les plus actives et efficaces. D'autre part, il est fait mention que le cyberespace présente plusieurs caractéristiques d’un marché économique. Toutefois, étant virtuel, le cyberespace ne présente pas les mêmes limites qu’un marché physique. En effet, dans ce dernier, certaines limites physiques imposent diverses règles de comportement. Le législateur doit donc prendre conscience de l’absence de telles limites et des normes qu’elles imposaient afin de légiférer adéquatement sur les échanges dans le cyberespace. Ensuite, afin d’illustrer les divergences entre les marchés physiques et virtuels, une analyse est faite au regard des principaux échecs de marchés, soit l’établissement d’un monopole, l’accès aux biens publics, les informations imparfaites et les externalités négatives. Un monopole est un échec de marché qui restreint considérablement la compétition, peut être accrut par l’effet boule de neige et, s’il n’est pas contrôlé, peut mener à un effet de blocage ou d’exclusion de certains acteurs. Le second échec analysé est l’accès aux biens publics. Dans le cyberespace, le principal bien public est l’information qui peut être échangée entre les utilisateurs. Toutefois, certaines règles de droits d’auteur et de propriété intellectuelle peuvent considérablement limiter l’accès à ce bien. L’information incomplète des acteurs économiques constitue un autre échec de marché, mais le cyberespace offre plusieurs moyens d’accéder à l’information pertinente aux transactions éclairées. Enfin, les externalités négatives peuvent généralement être considérées comme des effets secondaires des échanges commerciaux. Toutefois il est souligné que ces dernières ont un effet très limité dans le cyberespace, étant donné le plus grand nombre d’options de retrait et la facilité accrue de l’exercer. Enfin, il est rappelé que le commerce électronique et le cyberespace remettent en questions toutes les théories économiques et politiques traditionnelles et offrent une perspective nouvelle sur le phénomène de la formation des normes.
The present work deals with the texture, mineralogy and geochemistry of bedload sediments of the main stream of the Chaliyar basin, a typical small drainage system of the tropics enjoying heavy rain fall and moderate climate, located essentially in the Northern Kerala and flowing over the crystalline rocks (and their laterized duricrust) of the South Indian granulite terrain. As the Chaliyar is the major river draining the Wynad Gold Fields and is known for its placer gold occurrences, the thesis gives special emphasize on understanding the nature and distribution of detrital gold in sediments of the basin, while attempting to infer the provenance characteristics and factors involved in the evolution of sediments in general. Minerologically the chaliyar basin sands are quartzose. The quartz and feldspar contents in the coarse sand fraction of the basin range from 64 to 86% and 2 to 16% respectively. The Q/F ration ranges from 4 to 38 with a slight decrease in the lower reaches. Other minerals present include, hornblende, pyroxene and heavy minerals like opaques, garnet, rutile, biotite, spene, silliminite, zircon, apatite and monazite some of which are seen as inclusions in quartz. The major element composition of Chaliyar bedload sediments in the main channel and the headwater tributaries is related to the mineralogical and textual characteristics of sediments.
The main objective of the present study is to model the gravity fields in terms of lithospheric structure below the western continental margin of India (WCMI) identify zones of crustal mass anomalies and attempt to infer the location of Ocean Continent transition in the Arabian Sea. In this study, the area starting from the western shield margin to the region covering the deep oceanic parts of the Arabian Sea which is bounded by Carlsberg and Cerg and Central Indian ridges in the south, eastern part of the Indus Cone in the west and falling between 630E and 800E longitudes, and 50N - 240N latitudes has been considered. The vast amount of seismic reflection and refraction data in the form of crustal velocities, basement configuration and crustal thicknesses available for the west coast as well as the eastern Arabian Sea has been utilized for this purpose
The present work is to impart radiopacity in various natural polymers like chitosan, natural rubber and derivatives of chitosan and to characterize it. This thesis collated the radiopaque properties of these radiopaque polymers and various technological applications in the medical field. The applications of radiopaque polymers leads to an exploitation of radiopaque properties like X-ray visibility, optical density, effective atomic number, attenuation coefficient of biopolymers like chitosan, chitosan formate, chitosan acetate, carboxy methyl chitosan and natural rubber. The radiopaqe properties of these materials highly depend upon the size, shape, amount of radiopacifier and crystallinity of the radiopaque material. Radiopaque chitosan microspheres were prepared by cross linking with glutaraldehyde followed by the encapsulation of barium sulpahte. The effect of different emulsion systems on the morphology of chitosan microspheres were studied. The study concentrates radiopaque natural rubber for shielding applications. It reveals that to improve the particle size, morphology and crystalline phase of the zinc oxide particles, a novel method for the preparation of zinc oxide is adopted. A detailed radiopacity study was done in natural rubber containing 100phr precipitated zinc oxide prepared from different zinc salts. One of the significant findings of this investigation is that NR vulcanizates containing precipitated zinc oxide (from zinc acetate) shows higher attenuation coefficient. These interesting findings reveal the applications of these natural radiopaque systems in various fields like surgical tools, medical tubings, catheters, radiation shielding,etc.
The SST convection relation over tropical ocean and its impact on the South Asian monsoon is the first part of this thesis. Understanding the complicated relation between SST and convection is important for better prediction of the variability of the Indian monsoon in subseasonal, seasonal, interannual, and longer time scales. Improved global data sets from satellite scatterometer observations of SST, precipitation and refined reanalysis of global wind fields have made it possible to do a comprehensive study of the SST convection relation. Interaction of the monsoon and Indian ocean has been discussed. A coupled feedback process between SST and the Active-Break cycle of the Asian summer monsoon is a central theme of the thesis. The relation between SST and convection is very important in the field of numerical modeling of tropical rainfall. It is well known that models generally do very well simulating rainfall in areas of tropical convergence zones but are found unable to do satisfactory simulation in the monsoon areas. Thus in this study we critically examined the different mechanisms of generation of deep convection over these two distinct regions.The study reported in chapter 3 has shown that SST - convection relation over the warm pool regions of Indian and west Pacific oceans (monsoon areas) is in such a way that convection increases with SST in the SST range 26-29 C and for SST higher than 29-30 C convection decreases with increase of SST (it is called Waliser type). It is found that convection is induced in areas with SST gradients in the warm pool areas of Indian and west Pacific oceans. Once deep convection is initiated in the south of the warmest region of warm pool, the deep tropospheric heating by the latent heat released in the convective clouds produces strong low level wind fields (Low level Jet - LLJ) on the equatorward side of the warm pool and both the convection and wind are found to grow through a positive feedback process. Thus SST through its gradient acts only as an initiator of convection. The central region of the warm pool has very small SST gradients and large values of convection are associated with the cyclonic vorticity of the LLJ in the atmospheric boundary layer. The conditionally unstable atmosphere in the tropics is favorable for the production of deep convective clouds.
This thesis Entitled Photonic applications of biomaterials with special reference to biopolymers and microbes. A detailed investigation will be presented in the present thesis related to direct applications of biopolymers into some selected area of photonics and how the growth kinetics of an aerial bacterial colony on solid agar media was studied using laser induced fluorescence technique. This chapter is an overview of the spectrum of biomaterials and their application to Photonics. The chapter discusses a wide range of biomaterials based photonics applications like efficient harvesting of solar energy, lowthreshold lasing, high-density data storage, optical switching, filtering and template for nano s tructures. The most extensively investigated photonics application in biology is Laser induced fluorescence technique. The importance of fluorescence studies in different biological and related fields are also mentioned in this chapter.
Prawn culture by traditional method forms an important occupation for the people in these areas, especially in the Vypeen island. Though short term studies have been made on various aspects of prawn culture field and its ecology, a study of detailed nature covering perennial, seasonal, fields and canals between coconut plantation is lacking from these areas. This study will also enable to assess the relative productivity of different systems during different seasons and the influence of the environment on the production potentials. Therefore the present study is taken upto throw more light on the ecological characteristics of these fields with special emphasis on its primary, secondary and tertiary production. The present area of investigation includes the prawn culture fields adjacent to Cochin backwater. The Cochin backwater (O9° 58'N 76° 28'E) is a shallow semi-enclosed body of water of tropical estuary. A narrow gut, about 450 M wide forms its main connection with the Arabian sea and this region is subjected to regular tidal influenceertiary production.
There are only a few attempts in the Indian ocean to evolve reliable climatic models of energy exchange fluxes and to study their inter annul variations. Large space scale and time history of the flux fields could be estimated by the bulk aerodynamic exchange and radiation equation, making use of the climatic normal’s of the related parameters derived from the remarkably good amount of surface marine observations compiled and made available on magnetic tape TDF II by the national climatic centre of NOAA for the period of years 1854 –early 1973. In this thesis the author has made an attempt to calculate the thermal energy exchange fluxes in a meaningful way, using the bulk aerodynamic coefficients which depend on the changes in the wind speed. The spatial and temporal distribution of the exchanges of energy between the ocean and atmosphere , are presented and their impact on the climatic variations of the Indian ocean are discussed from the point of view of predominating air sea interaction processes.