977 resultados para SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS
En aquest article sobre Noves i velles migracions: dimensions de la integració sociocultural dels immigrants a Lleida (1999), s'analitza de forma concisa aquest fenòmen per identificar les principals característiques diferenciadores dels immigrants de la zona lleidatana. L'article consta de tres apartats. En el primer, la introducció, es resumeixen breument els continguts del treball que donen títol a l'article. El segon apartat tracta sobre la integració dels immigrants i comença per una breu reflexió sobre els canvis d'enfocament a l'hora d'estudiar el fenòmen migratori que ajuda a entendre, per exemple, perquè avui parlem d'integració i no d'assimilació. Posteriorment, s'analitza el model migratori català del qual destaca la inexistència de fractura social malgrat l'elevada arribada d'immigrants a Catalunya, i valora els diferents nivells d'integració assolida en cada onada immigratòria del segle XX. Finalment, es detallen els diferents factors relacionats amb la integració sociocultural (impacte en el creixement demogràfic, sistema educatiu, integració en el mercat laboral i adopció de la llengua catalana) de la població immigrada a la ciutat de Lleida i comarques. El treball conclou que el repte és trobar el model d'integració sociocultural adient per al col•lectiu extracomunitari que integra, majoritàriament, l'onada migratòria iniciada en la dècada dels noranta.
Background: Infection with multiple types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the main risk factors associated with the development of cervical lesions. In this study, cervical samples collected from 1,810 women with diverse sociocultural backgrounds, who attended to their cervical screening program in different geographical regions of Colombia, were examined for the presence of cervical lesions and HPV by Papanicolau testing and DNA PCR detection, respectively. Principal Findings: The negative binomial distribution model used in this study showed differences between the observed and expected values within some risk factor categories analyzed. Particularly in the case of single infection and coinfection with more than 4 HPV types, observed frequencies were smaller than expected, while the number of women infected with 2 to 4 viral types were higher than expected. Data analysis according to a negative binomial regression showed an increase in the risk of acquiring more HPV types in women who were of indigenous ethnicity (+37.8%), while this risk decreased in women who had given birth more than 4 times (-31.1%), or were of mestizo (-24.6%) or black (-40.9%) ethnicity. Conclusions: According to a theoretical probability distribution, the observed number of women having either a single infection or more than 4 viral types was smaller than expected, while for those infected with 2-4 HPV types it was larger than expected. Taking into account that this study showed a higher HPV coinfection rate in the indigenous ethnicity, the role of underlying factors should be assessed in detail in future studies.
En este estudio se evalúa la adecuación de un protocolo para la enseñanza del concepto de poliedro regular, destinado a alumnos de 14 y 15 años. Este protocolo se ha diseñado desde una perspectiva sociocultural y su evaluación se basa en la aplicación de los criterios de idoneidad didáctica que ofrece el enfoque ontosemiótico. La idoneidad se estudia con la revisión de sus diferentes dimensiones: matemática, cognitiva, interaccional, mediacional, emocional y ecológica. El análisis ha permitido detectar algunos factores que favorecen la validez del protocolo y la adecuación para su empleo en el aula, como el tipo de discurso, el uso de material manipulable o el trabajo cooperativo
This study aims at understanding how sociocultural adjustment occurs in the case of managers, and their spouses, expatriated to Brazil by private and public Spanish organizations. To do so, it adopts as main theoretical frame the expatriate adaptation model proponed by Parker & McEvoy (1993), based on Black, Mendenhall & Oddou s model (1991), which establishes three dimensions of adaptation: adjustment to work; adjustment to general environment and adjustment to interaction with host country nationals. This work, of exploratory and descriptive nature, used field research to gather primary data subsequently analyzed with a qualitative approach. Data collection came from individual in-depth interviews with three Spanish managers expatriated in Brazil and two of their spouses. Resulting data were analyzed through one of content analysis procedures, thematic analysis. This research shows that adjustment is obstructed by cultural distance or cultural novelty rather than by work role characteristics, being more successful in expatriates that carry previous solid sociocultural knowledge about host country. It also verifies that the degree of expatriate adjustment is enhanced by the comprehension of cultural differences that originate values and behaviors different from those of the expatriate. It points out that individual factors such as perception and relation skills, flexibility, empathy and self-efficacy are positively linked to the three dimensions of adjustment: work, general adjustment and interaction adjustment. It finds expatriate adjustment to be lowered by spouse unsuccessful adjustment and shows that location in an environment perceived as short in key infrastructures is negatively linked to adjustment in expatriates coming from strongly urban environments. It concludes that expatriate adjustment occurs through progressive understanding of host country environment and through comprehension of the sociocultural context that explains differences between host country behaviors and values and those from the country of origin, a process which is favored by expatriate individual characteristics not directly linked to his/her technical qualification, such as perception and relation skills, flexibility and empathy, together with solid sociocultural knowledge about the host country. This research propones, therefore, that organizations involved in expatriation processes should include in their selection criteria the degree to which candidates possess personal characteristics and sociocultural knowledge that may facilitate adaptation
O envolvimento parental refere-se a todas as actividades realizadas pelos pais na educação dos filhos. Os pais desempenham um papel fundamental no processo de escolaridade dos filhos. Um dos aspectos que mais influencia a qualidade do envolvimento parental na escolarização dos filhos é o nível sociocultural dos pais. Entende-se por nível sociocultural todo o tipo de experiências sociais e culturais que a criança tem acesso na família. O objectivo principal deste estudo é avaliar a relação entre o nível sociocultural das famílias e o envolvimento parental na escolaridade dos filhos. São objectivos complementares desta investigação, verificar quais os factores socioculturais que estão mais significativamente associados ao envolvimento parental na escolarização dos filhos e quais as dimensões comportamentais deste envolvimento que mais contribuem para adaptação escolar dos filhos. Para concretizar estes objectivos, foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, em corte transversal, a fim de avaliar uma amostra de 92 pais de alunos do 1º Ciclo do ensino básico pertencentes ao agrupamento de escolas do concelho de Coimbra. O protocolo de investigação é constituído pelo questionário de envolvimento parental na escola, versão para pais (QEPE, Pereira, 2002), e a escala de Graffar adaptada à população portuguesa, para avaliar o nível sociocultural das famílias dos alunos. Os resultados obtidos revelam que as famílias com um nível sociocultural mais elevado apresentam um maior envolvimento na escolaridade dos filhos. Verificamos que os factores socioculturais mais significativamente associados à qualidade do envolvimento dos pais são a profissão e o nível de instrução do chefe de família. Verificámos, ainda, que as dimensões comportamentais mais privilegiadas pelos pais na escolaridade dos filhos são as actividades de aprendizagem em casa, comunicação escola-família e actividades na escola e reuniões de pais. Concluímos que o nível sociocultural influencia a qualidade do envolvimento parental. O nível de escolaridade e a profissão dos pais são factores determinantes para a qualidade desse envolvimento. /
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
The objectives of this study were to develop a questionnaire that evaluates the perception of nursing workers to job factors that may contribute to musculoskeletal symptoms, and to evaluate its psychometric properties. Internationally recommended methodology was followed: construction of domains, items and the instrument as a whole, content validity, and pre-test. Psychometric properties were evaluated among 370 nursing workers. Construct validity was analyzed by the factorial analysis, known-groups technique, and convergent validity. Reliability was assessed through internal consistency and stability. Results indicated satisfactory fit indices during confirmatory factor analysis, significant difference (p < 0.01) between the responses of nursing and office workers, and moderate correlations between the new questionnaire and Numeric Pain Scale, SF-36 and WRFQ. Cronbach's alpha was close to 0.90 and ICC values ranged from 0.64 to 0.76. Therefore, results indicated that the new questionnaire had good psychometric properties for use in studies involving nursing workers.
To analyze associations between mammographic arterial mammary calcifications in menopausal women and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This was a cross-sectional retrospective study, in which we analyzed the mammograms and medical records of 197 patients treated between 2004 and 2005. Study variables were: breast arterial calcifications, stroke, acute coronary syndrome, age, obesity, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and hypertension. For statistical analysis, we used the Mann-Whitney, χ2 and Cochran-Armitage tests, and also evaluated the prevalence ratios between these variables and mammary artery calcifications. Data were analyzed with the SAS version 9.1 software. In the group of 197 women, there was a prevalence of 36.6% of arterial calcifications on mammograms. Among the risk factors analyzed, the most frequent were hypertension (56.4%), obesity (31.9%), smoking (15.2%), and diabetes (14.7%). Acute coronary syndrome and stroke presented 5.6 and 2.0% of prevalence, respectively. Among the mammograms of women with diabetes, the odds ratio of mammary artery calcifications was 2.1 (95%CI 1.0-4.1), with p-value of 0.02. On the other hand, the mammograms of smokers showed the low occurrence of breast arterial calcification, with an odds ratio of 0.3 (95%CI 0.1-0.8). Hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, stroke and acute coronary syndrome were not significantly associated with breast arterial calcification. The occurrence of breast arterial calcification was associated with diabetes mellitus and was negatively associated with smoking. The presence of calcification was independent of the other risk factors for cardiovascular disease analyzed.
To identify the adherence rate of a statin treatment and possible related factors in female users from the Unified Health System. Seventy-one women were evaluated (64.2 ± 11.0 years) regarding the socio-economic level, comorbidities, current medications, level of physical activity, self-report of muscular pain, adherence to the medical prescription, body composition and biochemical profile. The data were analyzed as frequencies, Chi-Squared test, and Mann Whitney test (p<0.05). 15.5% of women did not adhere to the medical prescription for the statin treatment, whose had less comorbidities (p=0.01), consumed less quantities of medications (p=0.00), and tended to be younger (p=0.06). Those patients also presented higher values of lipid profile (CT: p=0.01; LDL-c: p=0.02). Musculoskeletal complains were not associated to the adherence rate to the medication. The associated factors to adherence of dyslipidemic women to statin medical prescription were age, quantity of comorbidities and quantity of current medication.
Frailty is a syndrome that leads to practical harm in the lives of elders, since it is related to increased risk of dependency, falls, hospitalization, institutionalization, and death. The objective of this systematic review was to identify the socio-demographic, psycho-behavioral, health-related, nutritional, and lifestyle factors associated with frailty in the elderly. A total of 4,183 studies published from 2001 to 2013 were detected in the databases, and 182 complete articles were selected. After a comprehensive reading and application of selection criteria, 35 eligible articles remained for analysis. The main factors associated with frailty were: age, female gender, black race/color, schooling, income, cardiovascular diseases, number of comorbidities/diseases, functional incapacity, poor self-rated health, depressive symptoms, cognitive function, body mass index, smoking, and alcohol use. Knowledge of the complexity of determinants of frailty can assist the formulation of measures for prevention and early intervention, thereby contributing to better quality of life for the elderly.
This article seeks to investigate associations between satisfaction with life and sociodemographic variables, health conditions, functionality, social involvement and social support among elderly caregivers and non-caregivers, as well as between satisfaction and the intensity of stress in the caregiver group. A sample of 338 caregivers was selected according to two items of the Brazilian version of the Elders Life Stress Inventory. A comparison-group of elderly non-caregivers was selected at random, with a similar gender, age and income profile. Data were derived from self-reported questionnaires and scales. Elderly caregivers with low levels of satisfaction and high levels of stress revealed more symptoms of insomnia, fatigue, diseases and worse IADL performance. Those with greater satisfaction and less stress revealed a good level of social support. Insomnia, depression and fatigue were associated with low satisfaction among caregivers, and with fatigue, depression and low social support among non-caregivers. It was considered relevant that instrumental, psychological and informative support can improve the quality of life and the quality of care provided by elderly caregivers, especially if they are affected by unfavorable health and psychosocial conditions and low satisfaction with life.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection posttransplant. However, the risk factors for and the impact of UTIs remain controversial. The aim of this study was to identify the incidence of posttransplant UTIs in a series of renal transplant recipients from deceased donors. Secondary objectives were to identify: (1) the most frequent infectious agents; (2) risk factors related to donor; (3) risk factors related to recipients; and (4) impact of UTI on graft function. This was a retrospective analysis of medical records from renal transplant patients from January to December 2010. Local ethics committee approved the protocol. The incidence of UTI in this series was 34.2%. Risk factors for UTI were older age, (independent of gender), biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes, and kidneys from deceased donors (United Network for Organ Sharing criteria). For female patients, the number of pretransplant pregnancies was an additional risk factor. Recurrent UTI was observed in 44% of patients from the UTI group. The most common infectious agents were Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, for both isolated and recurrent UTI. No difference in renal graft function or immunosuppressive therapy was observed between groups after the 1-year follow-up. In this series, older age, previous pregnancy, kidneys from expanded criteria donors, and biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes were risk factors for posttransplant UTI. Recurrence of UTI was observed in 44%, with no negative impact on graft function or survival.
The aim of this study was to assess the quality of diet among the elderly and associations with socio-demographic variables, health-related behaviors, and diseases. A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in a representative sample of 1,509 elderly participants in a health survey in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. Food quality was assessed using the Revised Diet Quality Index (DQI-R). Mean index scores were estimated and a multiple regression model was employed for the adjusted analyses. The highest diet quality scores were associated with age 80 years or older, Evangelical religion, diabetes mellitus, and physical activity, while the lowest scores were associated with home environments shared with three or more people, smoking, and consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. The findings emphasize a general need for diet quality improvements in the elderly, specifically in subgroups with unhealthy behaviors, who should be targeted with comprehensive strategies.
The aim of the present study was to identify factors associated with the occurrence of falls among elderly adults in a population-based study (ISACamp 2008). A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out with two-stage cluster sampling. The sample was composed of 1,520 elderly adults living in the urban area of the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. The occurrence of falls was analyzed based on reports of the main accident occurred in the previous 12 months. Data on socioeconomic/demographic factors and adverse health conditions were tested for possible associations with the outcome. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated and adjusted for gender and age using the Poisson multiple regression analysis. Falls were more frequent, after adjustment for gender and age, among female elderly participants (PR = 2.39; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.47 - 3.87), elderly adults (80 years old and older) (PR = 2.50; 95% CI 1.61 - 3.88), widowed (PR = 1.74; 95% CI 1.04 - 2.89) and among elderly adults who had rheumatism/arthritis/arthrosis (PR = 1.58; 95% CI 1.00 - 2.48), osteoporosis (PR = 1.71; 95% CI 1.18 - 2.49), asthma/bronchitis/emphysema (PR = 1,73; 95% CI 1.09 - 2.74), headache (PR = 1.59; 95% CI 1.07 - 2.38), mental common disorder (PR = 1.72; 95% CI 1.12 - 2.64), dizziness (PR = 2.82; 95% CI 1.98 - 4.02), insomnia (PR = 1.75; 95% CI 1.16 - 2.65), use of multiple medications (five or more) (PR = 2.50; 95% CI 1.12 - 5.56) and use of cane/walker (PR = 2.16; 95% CI 1.19 - 3,93). The present study shows segments of the elderly population who are more prone to falls through the identification of factors associated with this outcome. The findings can contribute to the planning of public health policies and programs addressed to the prevention of falls.
The treatment of subglottic stenosis in children remains a challenge for the otorhinolaryngologist, and may involve both endoscopic and open surgery. To report the experience of two tertiary facilities in the treatment of acquired subglottic stenosis in children with balloon laryngoplasty, and to identify predictive factors for success of the technique and its complications. Descriptive, prospective study of children diagnosed with acquired subglottic stenosis and submitted to balloon laryngoplasty as primary treatment. Balloon laryngoplasty was performed in 37 children with an average age of 22.5 months; 24 presented chronic subglottic stenosis and 13 acute subglottic stenosis. Success rates were 100% for acute subglottic stenosis and 32% for chronic subglottic stenosis. Success was significantly associated with acute stenosis, initial grade of stenosis, children of a smaller age, and the absence of tracheostomy. Transitory dysphagia was the only complication observed in three children. Balloon laryngoplasty may be considered the first line of treatment for acquired subglottic stenosis. In acute cases, the success rate is 100%, and although the results are less promising in chronic cases, complications are not significant and the possibility of open surgery remains without prejudice.