974 resultados para SISTEMA MECÁNICO


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Multibody System Dynamics has been responsible for revolutionizing Mechanical Engineering Design by using mathematical models to simulate and optimize the dynamic behavior of a wide range of mechanical systems. These mathematical models not only can provide valuable informations about a system that could otherwise be obtained only by experiments with prototypes, but also have been responsible for the development of many model-based control systems. This work represents a contribution for dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems by developing a novel recursive modular methodology that unifies the main contributions of several Classical Mechanics formalisms. The reason for proposing such a methodology is to motivate the implementation of computational routines for modeling complex multibody mechanical systems without being dependent on closed source software and, consequently, to contribute for the teaching of Multibody System Dynamics in undergraduate and graduate levels. All the theoretical developments are based on and motivated by a critical literature review, leading to a general matrix form of the dynamic equations of motion of a multibody mechanical system (that can be expressed in terms of any set of variables adopted for the description of motions performed by the system, even if such a set includes redundant variables) and to a general recursive methodology for obtaining mathematical models of complex systems given a set of equations describing the dynamics of each of its uncoupled subsystems and another set describing the constraints among these subsystems in the assembled system. This work also includes some discussions on the description of motion (using any possible set of motion variables and admitting any kind of constraint that can be expressed by an invariant), and on the conditions for solving forward and inverse dynamics problems given a mathematical model of a multibody system. Finally, some examples of computational packages based on the novel methodology, along with some case studies, are presented, highlighting the contributions that can be achieved by using the proposed methodology.


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Esta dissertação relata o desenvolvimento de um produto para determinação do tipo san-guíneo de humanos. A necessidade de criar um produto eficiente e capaz de determinar o tipo sanguíneo em situações de emergências surge da possibilidade das análises serem realizadas em momentos críticos, onde se pretende eliminar o erro humano e minimizar os riscos de incompatibi-lidade nas transfusões sanguíneas. A proposta pretende resolver problemas dos procedimentos realizados na análise do tipo sanguíneo em situações de emergência, que são realizados pelos técnicos da saúde, em ambien-tes da saúde, fixos ou móveis. Atualmente, o processo de análise de grupo sanguíneo, nestas si-tuações, ocorre manualmente através do procedimento de teste em lâmina. Este consiste na reco-lha de sangue e respectiva mistura com os reagentes específicos, a fim de determinar a aglutina-ção do sangue. Os resultados são observados macroscopicamente. Com base na técnica da tipagem manual, desenvolveu-se um produto com os mesmos princípios, semiautomático e com um rápido tempo de resposta, sem interferência humana na in-terpretação dos resultados, eliminando possíveis erros. Para solucionar os aspetos técnicos e me-cânicos, incorporaram-se tecnologias inovadoras, sendo elas resultado do trabalho interdisciplinar com das áreas do Design Industrial e as Engenharias Eletrónica e Mecânica. O sistema eletrónico incorporado utiliza o sistema de controlo Lilliput. Este sistema processa a informação recorrendo a processamento de imagem (através do software LabVIEW) e deteta automaticamente a ocorrência de aglutinação. O tipo sanguíneo é assim determinado num curto intervalo de tempo (aproxima-damente, dois minutos), o que viabiliza a utilização da técnica em situações de emergências. O projeto mecânico do sistema foi desenvolvido com recurso ao software Solidworks. Fo-ram realizadas simulações e testes com um rotary motor para viabilizar o funcionamento do meca-nismo. O sistema mecânico de agitação das amostras é simples, inovador e possui um elevado valor acrescentado, sendo nesse caso uma mais-valia na segurança dos utilizadores. O produto desenvolvido consegue atingir o objetivo do trabalho, realizando a determinação do tipo sanguíneo dos humanos em 5 minutos, sendo eficaz e funcional. É um produto com aspec-to formal que atribui a sua ergonomia adaptada ao utilizador, sendo assim portátil, de fácil uso e manuseio.


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In the last years the need to develop more environmentally friendly and efficient cars as led to the development of several technologies to improve the performance of internal combustion engines, a large part of the innovations are focused in the auxiliary systems of the engine, including, the oil pump, this is an element of great importance in the dynamics of the engine as well a considerable energy consumer. Most solutions for oil pumps to this day are fixed displacement, for medium and high speeds, the pump flow rate is higher than the needs of the engine, this excess flow leads to the need for recirculation of the fluid which represents a waste of energy. Recently, technological advances in this area have led to the creation of variable displacement oil pumps, these have become a 'must have' due to the numerous advantages they bring, although the working principle of vane or piston pumps is relatively well known, the application of this technology for the automotive industry is new and brings new challenges. The focus of this dissertation is to develop a new concept of variable displacement system for automotive oil pumps. The main objective is to obtain a concept that is totally adaptable to existing solutions on the market (engines), both dimensionally as in performance specifications, having at the same time an innovative mechanical system for obtaining variable displacement. The developed design is a vane pump with variable displacement going in line with existing commercial solutions, however, the variation of the eccentricity commonly used to provide an variable displacement delivery is not used, the variable displacement is achieved without varying the eccentricity of the system but with a variation of the length of the pumping chamber. The principle of operation of the pump is different to existing solutions while maintaining the ability to integrate standard parts such as control valves and mechanical safety valves, the pump is compatible with commercial solutions in terms of interfaces for connection between engine systems and pump. A concept prototype of the product was obtained in order to better evaluate the validity of the concept. The developed concept represents an innovation in oil pumps design, being unique in its mechanical system for variable displacement delivery.


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141 p.


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Com objetivo de contribuir para a defesa do meio ambiente, este trabalho trata do estudo de caso de uma empresa metal-mecânica, situada em Caxias do Sul, que implementou um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA). Tal sistema visa a melhoria contínua do desempenho ambiental da empresa na prevenção da poluição, em cumprimento à legislação ambiental aplicável à atividade desenvolvida. O SGA é um processo cíclico, pois o sistema é revisto e avaliado periodicamente; desta maneira é possível identificar as oportunidades de melhoria. O trabalho que mostra os passos, os métodos e as estratégias adotadas pela empresa com fim de certificação na norma ISO 14000, evidencia também os benefícios conquistados através da redução do consumo de matérias-primas, energia e água, alcançados através da melhoria da eficiência dos processos.


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The artificial lifting of oil is needed when the pressure of the reservoir is not high enough so that the fluid contained in it can reach the surface spontaneously. Thus the increase in energy supplies artificial or additional fluid integral to the well to come to the surface. The rod pump is the artificial lift method most used in the world and the dynamometer card (surface and down-hole) is the best tool for the analysis of a well equipped with such method. A computational method using Artificial Neural Networks MLP was and developed using pre-established patterns, based on its geometry, the downhole card are used for training the network and then the network provides the knowledge for classification of new cards, allows the fails diagnose in the system and operation conditions of the lifting system. These routines could be integrated to a supervisory system that collects the cards to be analyzed


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This work aims presenting the development of a model and computer simulation of a sucker rod pumping system. This system take into account the well geometry, the flow through the tubing, the dynamic behavior of the rod string and the use of a induction motor model. The rod string were modeled using concentrated parameters, allowing the use of ordinary differential equations systems to simulate it s behavior


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Despite the emergence of other forms of artificial lift, sucker rod pumping systems remains hegemonic because of its flexibility of operation and lower investment cost compared to other lifting techniques developed. A successful rod pumping sizing necessarily passes through the supply of estimated flow and the controlled wear of pumping equipment used in the mounted configuration. However, the mediation of these elements is particularly challenging, especially for most designers dealing with this work, which still lack the experience needed to get good projects pumping in time. Even with the existence of various computer applications on the market in order to facilitate this task, they must face a grueling process of trial and error until you get the most appropriate combination of equipment for installation in the well. This thesis proposes the creation of an expert system in the design of sucker rod pumping systems. Its mission is to guide a petroleum engineer in the task of selecting a range of equipment appropriate to the context provided by the characteristics of the oil that will be raised to the surface. Features such as the level of gas separation, presence of corrosive elements, possibility of production of sand and waxing are taken into account in selecting the pumping unit, sucker-rod strings and subsurface pump and their operation mode. It is able to approximate the inferente process in the way of human reasoning, which leads to results closer to those obtained by a specialist. For this, their production rules were based on the theory of fuzzy sets, able to model vague concepts typically present in human reasoning. The calculations of operating parameters of the pumping system are made by the API RP 11L method. Based on information input, the system is able to return to the user a set of pumping configurations that meet a given design flow, but without subjecting the selected equipment to an effort beyond that which can bear


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Neste trabalho, materiais compósitos de matriz poliéster reforçados por fibras curtas de sisal, por resíduo de madeira e por sistema híbrido sisal/resíduo de madeira, dispostos aleatoriamente foram produzidos, utilizando-se o menor nível possível de processamento tecnológico nas etapas produtivas, com vistas a se produzir um compósito tecnicamente viável a pequenos produtores. A matriz de poliéster utilizada foi a tereftálica pré-acelerada com naftenato de cobalto e curada a temperatura ambiente com peróxido de metil-etil-cetona (MEK) em diferentes proporções em relação à resina, 0,33%, 1,66%, 3,33% e 5,00% em volume, de forma a se avaliar a influência deste nas propriedades mecânicas. As fibras de sisal foram cortadas manualmente nos comprimentos de 5, 10 e 15mm e utilizadas da maneira como adquiridas, sem tratamento superficial. O resíduo de madeira utilizado foi o pó de lixadeira da madeira maçaranduba. Os compósitos foram fabricados por moldagem manual, sem pressão e a temperatura ambiente. Foram fabricados corpos de prova de matriz pura, compósitos reforçados por sisal, variando-se o comprimento das fibras, compósitos reforçados por pó de maçaranduba e compósitos de reforço híbrido, sisal/pó de madeira, em diferentes proporções entre os constituintes. As propriedades mecânicas foram avaliadas por ensaios de tração e impacto charpy e as superfícies de fratura geradas foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura de modo a se correlacionar os aspectos de fratura com as propriedades mecânicas. Foi determinada a massa específica de cada série de corpos de prova fabricada, bem como a fração volumétrica dos reforços nos compósitos. Os resultados demonstraram que com o aumento do comprimento da fibra de sisal a resistência à tração e ao impacto dos compósitos foi incrementada, alcançando, o compósito com fibras de sisal de 15 mm, o melhor desempenho mecânico dentre as séries testadas. Por outro lado, a heterogeneidade granulométrica do pó de maçaranduba teve efeito negativo sobre as propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos. Os compósitos híbridos sisal/pó de madeira com maior teor de fibras, alcançaram 80% do desempenho obtido para os compósitos de fibras de sisal.


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This study aims to determine the best configuration for the new gearbox of the new Baja´s vehicle from Piratas do Vale team, focusing on the gear train, in order to achieve high performance of it. To this end, first some information about the vehicle is gathered to determine the best pair of gears configuration, then calculations about maximum bending stress, fatigue and surface thereof are performed; ; thereafter static simulations are performed using an a appropriated software. Thus this paper shows a satisfactory design of the addressed, besides providing the Baja SAE team consultation material for future use in the project


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The artificial lifting of oil is needed when the pressure of the reservoir is not high enough so that the fluid contained in it can reach the surface spontaneously. Thus the increase in energy supplies artificial or additional fluid integral to the well to come to the surface. The rod pump is the artificial lift method most used in the world and the dynamometer card (surface and down-hole) is the best tool for the analysis of a well equipped with such method. A computational method using Artificial Neural Networks MLP was and developed using pre-established patterns, based on its geometry, the downhole card are used for training the network and then the network provides the knowledge for classification of new cards, allows the fails diagnose in the system and operation conditions of the lifting system. These routines could be integrated to a supervisory system that collects the cards to be analyzed


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This work aims presenting the development of a model and computer simulation of a sucker rod pumping system. This system take into account the well geometry, the flow through the tubing, the dynamic behavior of the rod string and the use of a induction motor model. The rod string were modeled using concentrated parameters, allowing the use of ordinary differential equations systems to simulate it s behavior