994 resultados para SINGLE DISULFIDE BRIDGE
Les sites apuriniques/apyrimidiniques (AP) sont des sites de l’ADN hautement mutagène. Les dommages au niveau de ces sites peuvent survenir spontanément ou être induits par une variété d’agents. Chez l’humain, les sites AP sont réparés principalement par APE1, une enzyme de réparation de l’ADN qui fait partie de la voie de réparation par excision de base (BER). APE1 est une enzyme multifonctionnelle; c’est une AP endonucléase, 3’-diestérase et un facteur redox impliqué dans l’activation des facteurs de transcription. Récemment, il a été démontré qu’APE1 interagit avec l’enzyme glycolytique GAPDH. Cette interaction induit l’activation d’APE1 par réduction. En outre, la délétion du gène GAPDH sensibilise les cellules aux agents endommageant l’ADN, induit une augmentation de formation spontanée des sites AP et réduit la prolifération cellulaire. A partir de toutes ces données, il était donc intéressant d’étudier l’effet de la délétion de GAPDH sur la progression du cycle cellulaire, sur la distribution cellulaire d’APE1 et d’identifier la cystéine(s) d’APE1 cible(s) de la réduction par GAPDH. Nos travaux de recherche ont montré que la déficience en GAPDH cause un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase G1. Cet arrêt est probablement dû à l’accumulation des dommages engendrant un retard au cours duquel la cellule pourra réparer son ADN. De plus, nous avons observé des foci nucléaires dans les cellules déficientes en GAPDH qui peuvent représenter des agrégats d’APE1 sous sa forme oxydée ou bien des focis de la protéine inactive au niveau des lésions d’ADN. Nous avons utilisé la mutagénèse dirigée pour créer des mutants (Cys en Ala) des sept cystéines d’APE1 qui ont été cloné dans un vecteur d’expression dans les cellules de mammifères. Nous émettons l’hypothèse qu’au moins un mutant ou plus va être résistant à l’inactivation par oxydation puisque l’alanine ne peut pas s’engager dans la formation des ponts disulfures. Par conséquent, on anticipe que l’expression de ce mutant dans les cellules déficientes en GAPDH pourrait restaurer une distribution cellulaire normale de APE1, libérerait les cellules de l’arrêt en phase G1 et diminuerait la sensibilité aux agents endommageant l’ADN. En conclusion, il semble que GAPDH, en préservant l’activité d’APE1, joue un nouveau rôle pour maintenir l’intégrité génomique des cellules aussi bien dans les conditions normales qu’en réponse au stress oxydatif.
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la relation entre la structure et la fonction chez les cotransporteurs Na+/glucose (SGLTs). Les SGLTs sont des protéines membranaires qui se servent du gradient électrochimique transmembranaire du Na+ afin d’accumuler leurs substrats dans la cellule. Une mise en contexte présentera d’abord un bref résumé des connaissances actuelles dans le domaine, suivi par un survol des différentes techniques expérimentales utilisées dans le cadre de mes travaux. Ces travaux peuvent être divisés en trois projets. Un premier projet a porté sur les bases structurelles de la perméation de l’eau au travers des SGLTs. En utilisant à la fois des techniques de modélisation moléculaire, mais aussi la volumétrie en voltage imposé, nous avons identifié les bases structurelles de cette perméation. Ainsi, nous avons pu identifier in silico la présence d’une voie de perméation passive à l’eau traversant le cotransporteur, pour ensuite corroborer ces résultats à l’aide de mesures faites sur le cotransporteur Na/glucose humain (hSGLT1) exprimé dans les ovocytes. Un second projet a permis d’élucider certaines caractéristiques structurelles de hSGLT1 de par l’utilisation de la dipicrylamine (DPA), un accepteur de fluorescence dont la répartition dans la membrane lipidique dépend du potentiel membranaire. L’utilisation de la DPA, conjuguée aux techniques de fluorescence en voltage imposé et de FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer), a permis de démontrer la position extracellulaire d’une partie de la boucle 12-13 et le fait que hSGLT1 forme des dimères dont les sous-unités sont unies par un pont disulfure. Un dernier projet a eu pour but de caractériser les courants stationnaires et pré-stationaires d’un membre de la famille des SGLTs, soit le cotransporteur Na+/myo-inositol humain hSMIT2 afin de proposer un modèle cinétique qui décrit son fonctionnement. Nous avons démontré que la phlorizine inhibe mal les courants préstationnaires suite à une dépolarisation, et la présence de courants de fuite qui varient en fonction du temps, du potentiel membranaire et des substrats. Un algorithme de recuit simulé a été mis au point afin de permettre la détermination objective de la connectivité et des différents paramètres associés à la modélisation cinétique.
Combined picosecond transient absorption and time-resolved infrared studies were performed, aimed at characterising low-lying excited states of the cluster [Os-3(CO)(10)(s-cis-L)] (L= cyclohexa-1,3-diene, 1) and monitoring the formation of its photoproducts. Theoretical (DFT and TD-DFT) calculations on the closely related cluster with L=buta-1,3-diene (2') have revealed that the low-lying electronic transitions of these [Os-3(CO)(10)(s-cis-1,3-diene)] clusters have a predominant sigma(core)pi*(CO) character. From the lowest sigmapi* excited state, cluster 1 undergoes fast Os-Os(1,3-diene) bond cleavage (tau=3.3 ps) resulting in the formation of a coordinatively unsaturated primary photoproduct (1a) with a single CO bridge. A new insight into the structure of the transient has been obtained by DFT calculations. The cleaved Os-Os(1,3-diene) bond is bridged by the donor 1,3-diene ligand, compensating for the electron deficiency at the neighbouring Os centre. Because of the unequal distribution of the electron density in transient la, a second CO bridge is formed in 20 ps in the photoproduct [Os-3(CO)(8)(mu-CO)(2)- (cyclohexa-1,3-diene)] (1b). The latter compound, absorbing strongly around 630 nm, mainly regenerates the parent cluster with a lifetime of about 100 ns in hexane. Its structure, as suggested by the DFT calculations, again contains the 1,3-diene ligand coordinated in a bridging fashion. Photoproduct 1b can therefore be assigned as a high-energy coordination isomer of the parent cluster with all Os-Os bonds bridged.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The synthesis, biological testing, and NMR studies of several analogues of H-c[Cys (3)-Phe (6)-Phe (7)-DTrp (8)-Lys (9)-Thr (10)-Phe (11)-Cys (14)]-OH (ODT-8, a pan-somatostatin analogue, 1) have been performed to assess the effect of changing the stereochemistry and the number of atoms in the disulfide bridge on binding affinity. Cysteine at positions 3 and/or 14 (somatostatin numbering) were/was substituted with d-cysteine, norcysteine, D-norcysteine, homocysteine, and/or D-homocysteine. The 3D structure analysis of selected partially selective, bioactive analogues (3, 18, 19, and 21) was carried out in dimethylsulfoxide. Interestingly and not unexpectedly, the 3D structures of these analogues comprised the pharmacophore for which the analogues had the highest binding affinities (i.e., sst 4 in all cases).
We describe synthesis, conformational studies, and binding to the five somatostatin receptors (sst 1-5) of a few analogues of the cyclic octapeptide octreotide (1), where the disulfide bridge was replaced by a dicarba group. These analogues were prepared by on-resin RCM of linear hepta-peptides containing two allylglycine residues; first- and second-generation Grubbs catalyst efficiencies were compared. The C=C bridge was hydrogenated via two different methods. Binding experiments showed that two analogues had good affinity and high selectivity for the sst5 receptor. Three-dimensional structures of the active analogues were determined by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Conformation-affinity relationships confirmed the importance of D-Phe(2) orientation for sst2 affinity. Moreover, helical propensities well correlates with the peptide sst5 affinity. The presence of the bulky aromatic side chain of Tyr(Bzl)(10) favored the formation of a 3(10)-helix and enhanced the sst5 selectivity suppressing the sst2 affinity. Finally, a new pharmacophore model for the sst5 was developed.
Amino acids are necessary for all living cells and organisms. Specialized transporters mediate the transfer of amino acids across plasma membranes. Malfunction of these proteins can affect whole-body homoeostasis giving raise to diverse human diseases. Here, we review the main features of the SLC3 and SLC7 families of amino acid transporters. The SLC7 family is divided into two subfamilies, the cationic amino acid transporters (CATs), and the L-type amino acid transporters (LATs). The latter are the light or catalytic subunits of the heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs), which are associated by a disulfide bridge with the heavy subunits 4F2hc or rBAT. These two subunits are glycoproteins and form the SLC3 family. Most CAT subfamily members were functionally characterized and shown to function as facilitated diffusers mediating the entry and efflux of cationic amino acids. In certain cells, CATs play an important role in the delivery of L-arginine for the synthesis of nitric oxide. HATs are mostly exchangers with a broad spectrum of substrates and are crucial in renal and intestinal re-absorption and cell redox balance. Furthermore, the role of the HAT 4F2hc/LAT1 in tumor growth and the application of LAT1 inhibitors and PET tracers for reduction of tumor progression and imaging of tumors are discussed. Finally, we describe the link between specific mutations in HATs and the primary inherited aminoacidurias, cystinuria and lysinuric protein intolerance.
Human GH has two disulfide bridges linking Cys-53 to Cys-165 and Cys-182 to Cys-189. Although absence of the first disulfide bridge has been shown to affect the bioactivity of GH in transgenic mice, little is known of the importance of this bridge in mediating the GH/GH-receptor (GHR) interaction in humans. However, we have identified a missense mutation (G705C) in the GH1 gene of a Serbian patient. This mutation was found in the homozygous state and leads to the absence of the disulfide bridge Cys-53 to Cys-165. To study the impact of this mutation in vitro, GHR binding and Janus kinase (Jak)2/signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat)5 activation experiments were performed, in which it was observed that at physiological concentrations (3-50 ng/ml) both GHR binding and Jak2/Stat5 signaling pathway activation were significantly reduced in the mutant GH-C53S, compared with wild-type (wt)-GH. Higher concentrations (400 ng/ml) were required for this mutant to elicit responses similar to wt-GH. These results demonstrate that the absence of the disulfide bridge Cys-53 to Cys-165 affects the binding affinity of GH for the GHR and subsequently the potency of GH to activate the Jak2/Stat5 signaling pathway. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that GH-C53S is a bioinactive GH at the physiological range and that the disulfide bridge Cys-53 to Cys-163 is required for mediating the biological effects of GH.
Immune challenge to the insect Podisus maculiventris induces synthesis of a 21-residue peptide with sequence homology to frog skin antimicrobial peptides of the brevinin family. The insect and frog peptides have in common a C-terminally located disulfide bridge delineating a cationic loop. The peptide is bactericidal and fungicidal, exhibiting the largest antimicrobial spectrum observed so far for an insect defense peptide. An all-D-enantiomer is nearly inactive against Gram-negative bacteria and some Gram-positive strains but is fully active against fungi and other Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that more than one mechanism accounts for the antimicrobial activity of this peptide. Studies with truncated synthetic isoforms underline the role of the C-terminal loop and flanking residues for the activity of this molecule for which we propose the name thanatin.
A Monte Carlo simulation method for globular proteins, called extended-scaled-collective-variable (ESCV) Monte Carlo, is proposed. This method combines two Monte Carlo algorithms known as entropy-sampling and scaled-collective-variable algorithms. Entropy-sampling Monte Carlo is able to sample a large configurational space even in a disordered system that has a large number of potential barriers. In contrast, scaled-collective-variable Monte Carlo provides an efficient sampling for a system whose dynamics is highly cooperative. Because a globular protein is a disordered system whose dynamics is characterized by collective motions, a combination of these two algorithms could provide an optimal Monte Carlo simulation for a globular protein. As a test case, we have carried out an ESCV Monte Carlo simulation for a cell adhesive Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide, Lys-Arg-Cys-Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys-Met-Asp, and determined the conformational distribution at 300 K. The peptide contains a disulfide bridge between the two cysteine residues. This bond mimics the strong geometrical constraints that result from a protein's globular nature and give rise to highly cooperative dynamics. Computation results show that the ESCV Monte Carlo was not trapped at any local minimum and that the canonical distribution was correctly determined.
This project identified a novel family of six 66-68 residue peptides from the venom of two Australian funnel-web spiders, Hadronyche sp. 20 and H. infensa: Orchid Beach (Hexathelidae: Atracinae), that appear to undergo N- and/or C-terminal post-translational modifications and conform to an ancestral protein fold. These peptides all show significant amino acid sequence homology to atracotoxin-Hvf17 (ACTX-Hvf17), a non-toxic peptide isolated from the venom of H. versuta, and a variety of AVIT family proteins including mamba intestinal toxin 1 (MIT1) and its mammalian and piscine orthologs prokineticin 1 (PK1) and prokineticin 2 PK2). These AVIT family proteins target prokineticin receptors involved in the sensitization of nociceptors and gastrointestinal smooth muscle activation. Given their sequence homology to MITI, we have named these spider venom peptides the MIT-like atracotoxin (ACTX) family. Using isolated rat stomach fundus or guinea-pia ileum organ bath preparations we have shown that the prototypical ACTX-Hvf17, at concentrations up to 1 mu M, did not stimulate smooth muscle contractility, nor did it inhibit contractions induced by human PK1 (hPK1). The peptide also lacked activity on other isolated smooth muscle preparations including rat aorta. Furthermore, a FLIPR Ca2+ flux assay using HEK293 cells expressing prokineticin receptors showed that ACTX-Hvf17 fails to activate or block hPK1 or hPK2 receptors. Therefore, while the MIT-like ACTX family appears to adopt the ancestral disulfide-directed beta-hairpin protein fold of MIT1, a motif believed to be shared by other AVIT family peptides, variations in the amino acid sequence and surface charge result in a loss of activity on prokineticin receptors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives are one competitive technology for traction motor drives. This paper proposes a novel and flexible SRM fault-tolerant topology with fault diagnosis, fault tolerance, and advanced control functions. The converter is composed of a single-phase bridge and a relay network, based on the traditional asymmetrical half-bridge driving topology. When the SRM-driving system is subjected to fault conditions including open-circuit and short-circuit faults, the proposed converter starts its fault-diagnosis procedure to locate the fault. Based on the relay network, the faulty part can be bypassed by the single-phase bridge arm, while the single-phase bridge arm and the healthy part of the converter can form a fault-tolerant topology to sustain the driving operation. A fault-tolerant control strategy is developed to decrease the influence of the fault. Furthermore, the proposed fault-tolerant strategy can be applied to three-phase 12/8 SRM and four-phase 8/6 SRM. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a three-phase 12/8 SRM and a four-phase 8/6 SRM validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, which may have significant economic implications in traction drive systems.
Neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb) are two new additions to the globin family, exhibiting heme iron hexa-coordination, a disulfide bond and large internal cavities. These proteins are implicated in cytoprotection under hypoxic-ischemic conditions, but the molecular basis of their cytoprotective function is unclear. Herein, a photothermal and spectroscopic study of the interactions of diatomic ligands with Ngb, Cygb, myoglobin and hemoglobin is presented. The impact of the disulfide bond in Ngb and Cygb and role of conserved residues in Ngb His64, Val68, Cys55, Cys120 and Tyr44 on conformational dynamics associated with ligand binding/dissociation were investigated. Transient absorption and photoacoustic calorimetry studies indicate that CO photo-dissociation from Ngb leads to a volume expansion (13.4±0.9 mL mol-1), whereas a smaller volume change was determined for Ngb with reduced Cys (ΔV=4.6±0.3 mL mol-1). Furthermore, Val68 side chain regulates ligand migration between the distal pocket and internal hydrophobic cavities since Val68Phe geminate quantum yield is ∼2.7 times larger than that of WT Ngb. His64Gln and Tyr44Phe mutations alter the thermodynamic parameters associated with CO photo-release indicating that electrostatic/hydrogen binding network that includes heme propionate groups, Lys 67, His64, and Tyr 44 in Ngb modulates the energetics of CO photo-dissociation. In Cygb, CO escape from the protein matrix is fast (< 40 ns) with a ΔH of 18±2 kcal mol-1 in Cygbred, whereas disulfide bridge formation promotes a biphasic ligand escape associated with an overall enthalpy change of 9±4 kcal mol-1. Therefore, the disulfide bond modulates conformational dynamics in Ngb and Cygb. I propose that in Cygb with reduced Cys the photo-dissociated ligand escapes through the hydrophobic tunnel as occurs in Ngb, whereas the CO preferentially migrates through the His64 gate in Cygbox. To characterize Cygb surface 1,8-ANS interactions with Cygb were investigated employing fluorescence spectroscopy, ITC and docking simulations. Two 1,8-ANS binding sites were identified. One binding site is located close to the extended N-terminus of Cygb and was also identified as a binding site for oleate. Furthermore, guanidinium hydrochloride-induced unfolding studies of Cygb reveal that the disulfide bond does not impact Cygb stability, whereas binding of cyanide slightly increases the protein stability.