994 resultados para SF-1
We have investigated the ability of Sf-caspase-1 and two mammalian caspases, caspase-1 and caspase-3, to induce apoptosis in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-21 insect cells. While the transient expression of the pro-Sf-caspase-1 did not induce apoptosis, expression of the pro-domain deleted form, p31, or coexpression of the two subunits of mature Sf-caspase-1, p19 and p12, induced apoptosis in Sf-21 cells. The behavior of Sf-caspase-1 resembled that of the closely related mammalian caspase, caspase-3, and contrasted with that of the mammalian caspase-1, the pro-form of which was active in inducing apoptosis in Sf-21 cells. The baculovirus caspase inhibitor P35 blocked apoptosis induced by active forms of all three caspases. In contrast, members of the baculovirus inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family failed to block active caspase-induced apoptosis. However, during viral infection, expression of OpIAP or CpIAP blocked the activation of pro-Sf-caspase-1 and the associated induction of apoptosis. Thus, the mechanism by which baculovirus IAPs inhibit apoptosis is distinct from the mechanism by which P35 blocks apoptosis and involves inhibition of the activation of pro-caspases like Sf-caspase-1.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Febrile seizures affect approximately 3% of all children under six years of age and are by far the most common seizure disorder(1). A small proportion of children with febrile seizures later develop ongoing epilepsy with afebrile seizures(2). Segregation analysis suggests the majority of cases have complex inheritance(3) but rare families show apparent autosomal dominant: inheritance. Two putative loci have been mapped (FEB1 and FEB2), but specific genes have not yet been identified(4,5). We recently described a clinical subset, termed generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)), in which many family members have seizures with fever that may persist beyond six years of age or be associated with afebrile generalized seizures(6). We now report linkage, in another large GEFS(+) family, to chromosome region 19q13.1 and identification of a mutation in the voltage-gated sodium (Na+)-channel beta 1 subunit gene (SCN1B). The mutation changes a conserved cysteine residue disrupting a putative disulfide bridge which normally maintains an extracellular immunoglobulin-like fold. Go-expression of the mutant pr subunit with a brain Na+-channel alpha subunit in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrates that the mutation interferes with the ability of the subunit to modulate channel-gating kinetics consistent with a loss-of-function allele. This observation develops the theme that idiopathic epilepsies are a family of channelopathies and raises the possibility of involvement of other Na+-channel subunit genes in febrile seizures and generalized epilepsies with complex inheritance patterns.
Neuronal sodium-channel alpha 1-subunit mutations in generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) is a familial epilepsy syndrome characterized by the presence of febrile and afebrile seizures. The first gene, GEFS1, was mapped to chromosome 19q and was identified as the sodium-channel beta1-subunit, SCN1B. A second locus on chromosome 2q, GEFS2, was recently identified as the sodium-channel alpha1-subunit, SCN1A. Single-stranded conformation analysis (SSCA) of SCN1A was performed in 53 unrelated index cases to estimate the frequency of mutations in patients with GEFS+. No mutations were found in 17 isolated cases of GEFS+. Three novel SCN1A mutations-D188V, V1353L, and I1656M-were found in 36 familial cases; of the remaining 33 families, 3 had mutations in SCN1B. On the basis of SSCA, the combined frequency of SCN1A and SCN1B mutations in familial cases of GEFS+ was found to be 17%.
Male kids (110) from six goat genotypes, i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (1317), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (FF), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups, i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared for growth, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Due to their better growth rate, kids from BS and SF genotypes reached the required liveweight for slaughter earlier than kids from other Genotypes used in the study. Chevon kids had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower average daily gain (119 g per day) compared to Capretto kids (171 g per day). SA, SF and FF kids deposited more internal fat in comparison to kids from other genotypes. The dressing percentage of kids ranged from 51 to 54%, with significant differences between genotypes. BS and SF kids had longer carcasses. while BF kids had larger eye muscle area compared to other genotypes. Goat carcasses had a thin subcutaneous fat cover (1.6-2.2 mm). Genotype had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on cooking loss, pigment concentration and muscle colour parameters (CIE L*, a* and b* values). As denoted by the higher V and fibre optic probe values and lower subjective muscle score, the longissimus muscle colour was lighter for BS kids than other genotypes. Cooked meat from the BF kids had lower shear force values and better sensory scores compared to other genotypes. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in muscle tenderness was observed from Capretto to Chevon carcasses, whereas cooked meat from these two slaughter weight groups was equally accepted (P > 0.05) by the panellists. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
During the last two decades screen-film (SF) systems have been replaced by digital X-ray systems. The advent of digital technologies brought a number of digital solutions based on different detector and readout technologies. Improvements in technology allowed the development of new digital technologies for projection radiography such as computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR). The large number of scientific papers concerning digital X-ray systems that have been published over the last 25 years indicates the relevance of these technologies in healthcare. There are important differences among different detector technologies that may affect system performance and image quality for diagnostic purposes. Radiographers are expected to have an effective understanding of digital X-ray technologies and a high level of knowledge and awareness concerning the capabilities of these systems. Patient safety and reliable diagnostic information are intrinsically linked to these factors. In this review article - which is the first of two parts - a global overview of the digital radiography systems (both CR and DR) currently available for clinical practice is provided.
OBJECTIVE : To compare the reliability and convergent validity of instruments assessing quality of life in Brazilian older adults. METHODS : Cross-sectional study of 278 literate, community-dwelling older adults attending a municipal university for the elderly in Sao Carlos, SP, Southeastern Brazil between 2006 and 2008. The Brazilian versions of the SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF instruments to assess quality of life were compared. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to estimate reliability and Pearson’s correlation for comparison between the two scales. RESULTS : Most of participants were women (87.8%) with a mean age of 63.83±7.22 years. Both scales showed an acceptable internal consistency – WHOQOL-BREF Cronbach’s alpha was 0.832 and SF-36 was 0.868. There was a weak (r ≤ 0.6) correlation between the related fields in the two questionnaires. CONCLUSIONS : The SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF are reliable instruments for clinical and research uses in Brazilian older women. To select one, researchers should consider which aspects of quality of life they aim to capture because of weak convergent validity signs. This study’s results indicate that WHOQOL-BREF may be more relevant to evaluate changes in the quality of life of older women because it prioritizes responses to the aging process and avoids focusing on impairment.
Las fibras pertenecientes a los Camélidos y a los Caprinos reciben entre otros nombres el de fibras lujosas. Los atributos y caracteres que le confieren valor a estas fibras son: suavidad, brillo, escasez o rareza, precio alto, carácter de misterioso, romántico, elegante y exclusivo. Siendo suavidad y brillo o lustrosidad los únicos atributos que solo depende de la fibra cruda en sí. La expresión ´suave´ textilmente hablando se reconoce cómo suavidad al tacto o ´mano´ y reúne en sí mismo varios atributos: confort sobre la piel (picazón), rigidez, lisura, suavidad. El término ´prickle´ o picazón (prurito) se aplica solo para las prendas que se usan en contacto con la piel (directa o indirectamente) y cada vez resulta más importante. Diversos estudios han demostrado que la sensación de picazón o prurito proviene de las fibras gruesas de la cola derecha de la distribución del diámetro de la fibra (´borde grueso´), de ahí la importancia de estudiar esta distribución en el contexto físico primero y en el genético luego. Se hipotetiza que: La distribución del diámetro de la fibra puede ser evaluada correctamente con el desvío estándar y el coeficiente de variación del diámetro, desde el punto de vista cuantitativo y por la morfología (tipo de rizo), desde el punto de vista cualitativo y esta determinación permite predecir la suavidad al tacto del hilo y/o tejido a confeccionar. Para testar esta hipótesis se han formulado los siguientes objetivos generales: Determinar la relación entre la variación o dispersión del diámetro de la fibra y parámetros estadísticos cuantitativos en fibra de Camélidos y Caprinos. Determinar la relación entre la variación o dispersión del diámetro de la fibra y la morfología de la fibra de Camélidos y Caprinos. Determinar la relación entre la variación del diámetro y la morfología de la fibra y la suavidad al tacto del hilo y/o tejido producido Camélidos y Caprinos. El proyecto se desarrollará en el contexto del programa SUPPRAD y se utilizará la información capturada en los trabajos de campo con caprinos criollos, ovinos Merino y Camélidos Sudamericanos, tratando de obtener una respuesta formal a la disyuntiva de homogeneizar la distribución de tipos de fibras y diámetros por vía mecánica (´descerdado´), selección genética, o una combinación de ambas.
Cellular inhibitor of apoptosis (cIAP) proteins, cIAP1 and cIAP2, are important regulators of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily (SF) signaling and are amplified in a number of tumor types. They are targeted by IAP antagonist compounds that are undergoing clinical trials. IAP antagonist compounds trigger cIAP autoubiquitylation and degradation. The TNFSF member TWEAK induces lysosomal degradation of TRAF2 and cIAPs, leading to elevated NIK levels and activation of non-canonical NF-kappaB. To investigate the role of the ubiquitin ligase RING domain of cIAP1 in these pathways, we used cIAP-deleted cells reconstituted with cIAP1 point mutants designed to interfere with the ability of the RING to dimerize or to interact with E2 enzymes. We show that RING dimerization and E2 binding are required for IAP antagonists to induce cIAP1 degradation and protect cells from TNF-induced cell death. The RING functions of cIAP1 are required for full TNF-induced activation of NF-kappaB, however, delayed activation of NF-kappaB still occurs in cIAP1 and -2 double knock-out cells. The RING functions of cIAP1 are also required to prevent constitutive activation of non-canonical NF-kappaB by targeting NIK for proteasomal degradation. However, in cIAP double knock-out cells TWEAK was still able to increase NIK levels demonstrating that NIK can be regulated by cIAP-independent pathways. Finally we show that, unlike IAP antagonists, TWEAK was able to induce degradation of cIAP1 RING mutants. These results emphasize the critical importance of the RING of cIAP1 in many signaling scenarios, but also demonstrate that in some pathways RING functions are not required.
O mapeamento digital de solos permite prever padrões de ocorrência de solos com base em áreas de referência e no uso de técnicas de mineração de dados para modelar associações solo-paisagem. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram produzir um mapa pedológico digital por meio de técnicas de mineração de dados aplicadas a variáveis geomorfométricas e de geologia, com base em áreas de referência; e testar a confiabilidade desse mapa por meio de validação em campo com diferentes sistemas de amostragem. O mapeamento foi realizado na folha Botucatu (SF-22-Z-B-VI-3), utilizando-se as folhas 1:50.000, Dois Córregos e São Pedro, como áreas de referência. Variáveis descritoras do relevo e de geologia associadas às unidades de mapeamento pedológico das áreas de referência compuseram a matriz de dados de treinamento. A matriz foi analisada pelo algoritmo PART de árvore de decisão, do aplicativo Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis), que cria regras de classificação. Essas regras foram aplicadas aos dados geomorfométricos e geológicos da folha Botucatu, para predição de unidades de mapeamento pedológico. A validação de campo dos mapas digitais deu-se por meio de amostragem por transectos em uma unidade de mapeamento da folha São Pedro e de forma aleatório-estratificada na folha Botucatu. A avaliação da unidade de mapeamento na folha São Pedro verificou confiabilidade, respectivamente, de 83 e 66 %, para os mapas pedológicos digital e tradicional com legenda simplificada. Apesar de terem sido geradas regras para todas as unidades de mapeamento pedológico das áreas de treinamento, nem todas as unidades de mapeamento foram preditas na folha Botucatu, o que resultou das diferenças de relevo e geologia entre as áreas de treinamento e de mapeamento. A validação de campo do mapa digital da folha Botucatu verificou exatidão global de 52 %, compatível com levantamentos em nível de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade, e kappa de 0,41, indicando qualidade Boa. Unidades de mapeamento mais extensas geraram mais regras, resultando melhor reprodução dos padrões solo-relevo na área a ser mapeada. A validação por transectos na folha São Pedro indicou compatibilidade do mapa digital com o nível de reconhecimento de alta intensidade e compatibilidade do mapa tradicional, após simplificação de sua legenda, com o nível de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade. O treinamento do algoritmo em mapas e não em observações pontuais reduziu em 14 % a exatidão do mapa pedológico digital da folha Botucatu. A amostragem aleatório-estratificada pelo hipercubo latino é apropriada a mapeamentos com extensa base de dados, o que permite avaliar o mapa como um todo, tornando os trabalhos de campo mais eficientes. A amostragem em transectos é compatível com a avaliação da pureza de unidades de mapeamento individualmente, não necessitando de base de dados detalhada e permitindo estudos de associações solo-paisagem em pedossequências.
As an expansion of SF2088, the Department of Administrative Services-Information Technology Enterprise (DAS-ITE) was asked to further analyze the potential costs and savings if the current practice of charging credit card and overhead fees (“value-added fees”) were to be eliminated. Value-added fees reflect the costs an agency incurs while providing online services, and those costs will always exist.. DAS-ITE researched these costs and identified ways of making the associated fees less burdensome to the citizens of Iowa. The three alternatives provide different ways in which agencies can recover those costs; they could be borne by either an annual appropriation or adjustment of the online service “price” to include the fees within the cost of the online transaction. An additional alternative is presented to leave the current value-added fee practices in place. Recognition must also be made of the fact that traditional forms of conducting business with the State of Iowa, face-to-face and paper-based transactions, are inherently more costly. These delivery channels are effectively subsidized by the agency as a “cost of doing business” and the associated expense of the transactions is not passed on to the customer.
The department shall develop recommendations for an implementation schedule, including funding projections, for the substitute decision maker program created pursuant to chapter 231E, and shall submit the recommendations to the individuals identified in this Act for submission of reports by December 15, 2012.
[Table des matières] 1. Patients et méthodes. 1.1. Enquête dans la population générale : population, modalités d'envoi, taux de réponse. 1.2. Questionnaire SF-36 et questionnaire Medical Outcome Study (MOS) : PF physical functioning = activité physique (fonctionnement) ; RP role physical = limitations (du rôle) liées à la santé physique ; BP bodily pain = douleur physique ; GH General Health = santé générale ; VT vitality = vitalité (énergie/fatigue) ; SF social functioning = fonctionnement ou bien-être social ; RE role éemotional = limitations (du rôle) liées à la santé mentale ; MH mental health = santé mentale ; CF cognitive functioning = fonctionnement cognitif (dimension absente du SF-36 classique) ; HT eported health transition = modification perçue de l'état de santé ("dimension" annexe, = item 2 ou Q2). 1.3. Analyse : calcul des scores du SF-36 et du SF-36 + CF, cohérence des réponses, fiabilité de l'instrument, validité. 1.4. Analyse statistique. 2. Résultats commentés de l'enquête dans la population générale. 2.1. Fréquence des non-réponses par item et par question. 2.2. Cohérence des réponses. 2.3. Scores d'état de santé par dimension : description et comparaison avec une population américaine, comparaison des scores vaudois et genevois. 2.4. Existe-t-il une concentration des bons et des mauvais scores chez les mêmes répondants ? 2.5. Fiabilité. 2.6. Validité : validité convergente et discriminante, analyse factorielle, validation en fonction de variables externes. 3. Discussion. 3.1. Evaluation du questionnaire. 3.2. Mesure de la qualité de vie liée à l'état de santé perçu dans la population générale. 3.3. Adjonction de la dimension "fonctionnement cognitif". 3.4. Conclusions et recommandations.