889 resultados para SEVERE ASTHMA


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Background: Asthma prevalence is high (>10%) in developed countries and although data is still missing for most of Africa, rates are increasing in developing regions as they become more westernized. We investigated the prevalence of asthma in school children in Gaborone, Botswana. Methods: This was a cross sectional descriptive study. ISAAC methodology was used. A representative proportionate size random sample of two age groups of children (13-14 year olds and 6-7 year olds) was consecutively enrolled from 10 schools. The schools were selected using a table of random numbers. A minimum sample size of 924 individuals (462 from each group) was adequate to achieve a precision of 3 % around our estimated prevalence of asthma of 10% with 95% confidence assuming a non-response rate of 20%. Data was collected using the validated International study of Asthma and Allergies in children (ISAAC) questionnaire. In accordance with the ISAAC criteria, Asthma was defined as wheezing in the previous 12 months. Data was captured in microsoft excel and analysed using SPSS version 23. Results: The prevalence of asthma (wheezing in the previous 12 months) was 16.5% (194/1175). Among the 6-7 year olds, the prevalence of asthma (wheezing in the previous 12 months) was 15.9%, while among the 13-14 years olds it was 16.8 %. The prevalence school type was 22.3 % in private schools versus 14.5 % in public schools. More severe asthma was associated with older children, 13 -14 years. The older children reported more limited speech due to wheezing (OR= 2.0, 95% CI =1.034, 3.9, p-value=0.043), ever had asthma (OR= 1.5, 95% CI=1.031, 2.3, p-value=0.034) and wheezing during exercise (OR=3.4, 95% CI= 2.5, 4.9, p-value= <0.001) compared to the younger children 6-7 years. Children from private schools had more wheezing symptoms. They were more likely to have ever wheezed (OR=2.2, .95% CI=1.7,2.9, p-value < 0.0001), wheezed in the previous twelve months (have asthma) (OR=1.7,95%CI=1.2,2.4, p-value = 0.001), ever had asthma (OR=2.4, 95% CI=1.7,3.5, pvalue< 0.0001), and wheezed during exercise (OR=1.8, 95% CI=1.4,2.4, p-value < 0.0001). Conclusion: The prevalence of asthma amongst school children in Gaborone, Botswana is high with older children experiencing more severe symptoms of asthma.


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Background Bahia grass pollen (BaGP) is a major cause of allergic rhinitis. Subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy is effective for grass pollen allergy, but is unsuitable for patients with moderate to severe asthma due to the risk of anaphylaxis. T cell-reactive but IgE nonreactive peptides provide a safer treatment option. This study aimed to identify and characterize dominant CD4+ T cell epitope peptides of the major BaGP allergen, Pas n 1. Methods Pas n 1-specific T cell lines generated from the peripheral blood of BaGP-allergic subjects were tested for proliferative and cytokine response to overlapping 20-mer Pas n 1 peptides. Cross-reactivity to homologous peptides from Lol p 1 and Cyn d 1 of Ryegrass and Bermuda grass pollen, respectively, was assessed using Pas n 1 peptide-specific T cell clones. MHC class II restriction of Pas n 1 peptide T cell recognition was determined by HLA blocking assays and peptide IgE reactivity tested by dot blotting. Results Three Pas n 1 peptides showed dominant T cell reactivity; 15 of 18 (83%) patients responded to one or more of these peptides. T cell clones specific for dominant Pas n 1 peptides showed evidence of species-specific T cell reactivity as well as cross-reactivity with other group 1 grass pollen allergens. The dominant Pas n 1 T cell epitope peptides showed HLA binding diversity and were non-IgE reactive. Conclusions The immunodominant T cell-reactive Pas n 1 peptides are candidates for safe immunotherapy for individuals, including those with asthma, who are allergic to Bahia and possibly other grass pollens.


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Nesta tese vamos investigar as associações entre: Artigo 1 - Avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) e sua associação com a gravidade da asma, presença de outras doenças crônicas e estilo de vida; Artigo 2 - O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar a associação entre TMC e qualidade de vida em adolescentes asmáticos. Artigo 1 - Trata-se de um estudo seccional de base ambulatorial em 210 adolescentes asmáticos entre 12 e 21 anos, de ambos os sexos atendidos em um serviço especializado em atenção ao adolescente em uma universidade pública no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para avaliação da QV utilizou-se um questionário autopreenchível, o Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire PAQLQ. As variáveis explicativas foram: as outras doenças alérgicas, uso de medicamentos, fumo passivo, trabalho, gravidade da asma e o estilo de vida. As análises foram conduzidas considerando o desfecho em estudo (QV) dicotômico (boa-ruim) a partir da média dos escores. Modelos lineares generalizados (log-binomial) foram utilizados para o cálculo de razões de prevalência brutas e ajustadas; Artigo 2 - Estudo seccional de base ambulatorial, entre 210 adolescentes asmáticos de 12 a 21 anos atendidos em um ambulatório especializado de um serviço universitário voltado à atenção ao adolescente, no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A qualidade de vida (QV) foi avaliada através do Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire PAQLQ e os TMC, pelo General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). A qualidade de vida total e suas diferentes dimensões foram tratadas como variável dicotômica e utilizou-se o modelo log-binomial para o cálculo das razões de prevalência brutas e ajustadas. Artigo 1 - Quarenta e seis por cento das adolescentes apresentavam uma qualidade de vida ruim, assim como 57% dos meninos. Não houve correlação entre outras doenças crônicas e QV ruim. Escolaridade baixa, uso de medicamentos, fumo passivo e trabalho tiveram relação estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) com QV ruim. A análise ajustada mostrou que asma grave (RP=1,53; IC 95% 1,12-2,11), uso de medicação (RP=1,58; IC 95% 1,09-2,28), ter menos de 5 anos de diagnóstico de asma (RP= 1,30.; IC 95% 0,97-1,86), fumo passivo (RP= 1,38; IC 95%; 1,35-2,00) e estar trabalhando (RP=1,30 IC 95% 0,96 1,74) associavam-se à qualidade de vida ruim; Artigo 2 - A prevalência total de asmáticos com TMC foi de 32,4%. A prevalência de QV ruim entre adolescentes com TMC foi de 36,6%. O modelo final ajustado mostrou uma associação entre TMC e QV total ruim (RP= 1,84 IC 95% 1,19-2,86), assim como para os domínios referentes à emoção (RP=1,77 IC 95% 1,16-2,62) e sintomas (RP=1,75 IC 95% 1,14-2,70). Para o domínio atividade física, a associação com TMC foi de apenas borderline (RP=1,43 IC 95% 0,97-2,72). Artigo 1 - O impacto negativo na qualidade de vida está diretamente relacionado a ter asma grave, ser fumante passivo e um diagnóstico mais recente de asma. A equipe multidisciplinar necessita enfrentar esse desafio que é a busca e manutenção de uma boa qualidade de vida, visando uma melhor adequação desse paciente com a sociedade e com ele próprio; Artigo 2 - Os resultados desse estudo tornam visíveis as necessidades de atenção aos aspectos emocionais dos adolescentes portadores de doenças crônicas, de forma a subsidiar ações mais efetivas na área de saúde mental, visando à melhor qualidade de vida e ao tratamento global do paciente asmático.


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A asma é considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial. É necessário expandir o conhecimento sobre seus custos associados em diferentes regiões. O principal objetivo foi estimar os custos do tratamento da asma em uma população de asmáticos com diferentes níveis de gravidade, sob tratamento ambulatorial especializado. Os objetivos secundários foram analisar as características clínicas e sócio-econômicas da população e o custo incremental da associação com a rinite e infecções respiratórias (IR). Asmáticos ≥ 6 anos de idade com asma persistente foram incluídos consecutivamente de março de 2011 a setembro de 2012. Todos realizaram visitas clínicas de rotina com intervalos de 3-4 meses e 2 entrevistas com intervalos de 6 meses para coleta dados. Variáveis clínicas e dados primários sobre os custos da asma, rinite e infecções respiratórias (IR) foram coletados diretamente dos pacientes ou responsáveis (< 18 anos), sob uma perspectiva da sociedade. Os custos em reais foram convertidos em dólares usando a paridade do poder de compra em 2012 (US$ 1,00 = R$ 1,71). Cento e oito pacientes completaram o estudo, sendo 73,8% mulheres. A maioria (75,0%) reside no município do RJ, sendo que 60,1% destes moram longe da unidade de saúde. Rinite crônica estava presente em 83,3%, e mais da metade tinha sobrepeso ou obesidade, nos quais a prevalência de asma grave foi maior (p = 0,001). Metade ou mais dos trabalhadores e estudantes faltaram as suas atividades em decorrência da asma. A renda familiar mensal (RFM) média foi de US$ 915,90 (DP=879,12). O custo médio estimado da asma/rinite/IR foi de US$ 1.276,72 por paciente-ano (DP=764,14) e o custo médio específico da asma foi de US$ 1.140,94 (DP=760,87). Asmáticos obesos, graves ou não controlados tiveram maiores custos em comparação aos não obesos, moderados/leves e controlados (p <0,05 em todas as comparações). A população estudada tem nível sócio-econômico médio/baixo, alta prevalência de rinite crônica e de sobrepeso/obesidade. Maior peso e menor RFM foram mais frequentes entre os graves e não controlados, respectivamente. Asmáticos obesos, graves ou não controlados tiveram maiores custos. O custo incremental da rinite e IR foi de 12%. O custo médio da asma foi equivalente à metade do relatado na União Européia e nos Estados Unidos da América, e foi maior do que a média na região Ásia-Pacífico. Num cenário ideal, onde todos os asmáticos brasileiros recebessem tratamento no Sistema Único de Saúde de acordo com a Iniciativa Global para Asma, o custo total da asma seria equivalente a 3,4-4,5% e 0,4-0,6% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) da saúde e do PIB brasileiro, respectivamente. Estratégias de saúde pública com programas estruturados que facilitem o melhor controle da asma e estimulem a redução de peso poderão contribuir para reduzir os custos da doença, o que poderia tornar a oferta de tratamento medicamentoso gratuito para todos os asmáticos persistentes no SUS uma meta alcançável. Recomendamos estender este estudo de custo da asma para diferentes regiões do país.


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Our objective was to estimate the burden of fungal disease on the island of Ireland, as part of a coordinated project estimating the global burden. Published epidemiology data describing fungal infection in Ireland were identified. Population and underlying disease data were collected for 2010 and a structured set of assumptions were applied to estimate burden of fungal disease based on immunosuppression, chronic disease, and other demographic information indicating predisposition to fungal infection. From Ireland’s population of 6.4 million, we estimate 117 000 patients develop significant fungal disease each year. By far the most common fungal disease is recurrent Candida vaginitis, with an estimated 95 000 episodes annually (3000 per 100 000 women). Other fungal diseases which may be less well recognized are severe asthma with fungal sensitization and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, with estimated episodes per year of 11 700 and 9000, respectively (182 and 140 per 100 000 population, respectively). The model also estimates 450 episodes of invasive aspergillosis, 200 of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, 600 of oesophageal candidiasis and 450 of candidaemia per year (7, 3, 9 and 6 episodes per 100 000 population, respectively). This is, we believe, the first attempt to estimate the burden of fungal disease in our population and provides a basis for estimating its impact on human health and resource use.


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BACKGROUND: Asthma management guidelines advocate a stepwise approach to asthma therapy, including the addition of a long-acting bronchodilator to inhaled steroid therapy at step 3. This is almost exclusively prescribed as inhaled combination therapy.

AIMS: To examine whether asthma prescribing practice for inhaled combination therapy (inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2-agonist (ICS/LABA)) in primary care in Northern Ireland is in line with national asthma management guidelines.

METHODS: Using data from the Northern Ireland Enhanced Prescribing Database, we examined initiation of ICS/LABA in subjects aged 5-35 years in 2010.

RESULTS: A total of 2,640 subjects (67%) had no inhaled corticosteroid monotherapy (ICS) in the study year or six months of the preceding year (lead-in period) and, extending this to a 12-month lead-in period, 52% had no prior ICS. 41% of first prescriptions for ICS/LABA were dispensed in January to March. Prior to ICS/LABA prescription, in the previous six months only 17% had a short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) dispensed, 5% received oral steroids, and 17% received an antibiotic.

CONCLUSIONS: ICS/LABA therapy was initiated in the majority of young subjects with asthma without prior inhaled steroid therapy. Most prescriptions were initiated in the January to March period. However, the prescribing of ICS/LABA did not appear to be driven by asthma symptoms (17% received SABA in the previous 6 months) or severe asthma exacerbation (only 5% received oral steroids). Significant reductions in ICS/LABA, with associated cost savings, would occur if the asthma prescribing guidelines were followed in primary care.


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L’asthme est une maladie multifactorielle hétérogène qui engendre une inflammation pulmonaire associée à une variété de manifestations cliniques, dont des difficultés respiratoires graves. Globalement, l’asthme touche environ une personne sur 6 et présente actuellement un sérieux problème de santé publique. Bien que de nombreux traitements soient disponibles pour soulager les symptômes de la maladie, aucun traitement curatif n’est actuellement disponible. La compréhension des mécanismes qui régissent l’état inflammatoire au cours de la maladie est primordiale à la découverte de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques efficaces. Les cellules dendritiques captent les allergènes dans les poumons et migrent vers les ganglions drainants pour les présenter aux cellules T et engendrer la réponse inflammatoire pathogénique chez les asthmatiques. Nous avons contribué à l’avancement des connaissances mécanistiques de l’asthme en identifiant chez la souris la sous-population de cellules dendritiques responsable de l’initiation et du maintien de la réponse inflammatoire locale et systémique associée à l’asthme. En effet, nous avons démontré que le SIRPα, récepteur extracellulaire impliqué dans la régulation de la réponse immune, est sélectivement exprimé à la surface des cellules dendritiques immunogéniques. L’interruption de la liaison entre le SIRPα et son ligand, le CD47, interfère avec la migration des cellules dendritiques SIRPα+ et renverse la réponse inflammatoire allergique. Ce mécanisme constitue une avenue thérapeutique prometteuse. D’ailleurs, les molécules de fusion CD47-Fc et SIRPα-Fc se sont avérées efficaces pour inhiber l’asthme allergique dans le modèle murin. Nous avons également démontré l’implication des cellules dendritiques SIRPα dans un modèle d’inflammation pulmonaire sévère. L’administration répétée de ces cellules, localement par la voie intra-trachéale et systémiquement par la voie intra-veineuse, mène au développement d’une réponse inflammatoire mixte, de type Th2-Th17, similaire à celle observée chez les patients atteints d’asthme sévère. La présence de cellules T exprimant à la fois l’IL-17, l’IL-4, l’IL-13 et le GATA3 a été mise en évidence pour la première fois in vitro et in vivo dans les poumons et les ganglions médiastinaux grâce à ce modèle. Nos expériences suggèrent que ces cellules Th2-Th17 exploitent la plasticité des cellules T et sont générées à partir de la conversion de cellules Th17 qui acquièrent un phénotype Th2, et non l’inverse. Ces résultats approfondissent la compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans l’initiation et le maintien de l’asthme allergique et non allergique, en plus d’ouvrir la voie à l’élaboration d’un traitement spécifique pour les patients asthmatiques, particulièrement ceux pour qui aucun traitement efficace n’est actuellement disponible.


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Les neutrophiles sont généralement considérés résistants aux glucocorticoïdes. Cependant, peu d’études comparant l’effet de ces drogues sur les neutrophiles et les autres leucocytes sanguins (monocytes, lymphocytes et éosinophiles) ont été rapportées. Dans notre étude, nous avons évalué la réponse aux glucocorticoïdes de ces deux populations cellulaires chez le cheval et l’homme. Les cellules, préalablement isolées du sang de 6 chevaux et 4 sujets humains sains, ont été incubées pendant 5 h en présence de lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 ng/mL) seul ou combiné avec de l’hydrocortisone, de la prednisolone ou de la dexaméthasone (10-8M et 10-6M). L’expression d’ARNm pour l’IL-1β, le TNF-α, l’IL-8, la glutamine synthétase et le récepteur α des glucocorticoïdes (GR-α) a été quantifiée par qPCR. Les neutrophiles équins ont également été incubés pendant 20 h en présence de ces 3 glucocorticoïdes et la survie cellulaire a été évaluée par cytométrie de flux et microscopie optique. Nous avons démontré que les glucocorticoïdes inhibaient l’expression des gènes pro-inflammatoires induite par le LPS pour les deux populations cellulaires chez les deux espèces étudiées. L’expression de la glutamine synthétase était également significativement augmentée par les glucocorticoïdes chez les neutrophiles et les autres leucocytes sanguins équins. De manière générale, l’intensité de la réponse aux glucocorticoïdes s’est avérée similaire dans les 2 populations leucocytaires et chez les deux espèces. Les glucocorticoïdes augmentaient également la survie des neutrophiles équins, phénomène également rapporté dans d’autres espèces. Ainsi, les glucococorticoïdes exercent des effets d’intensité comparable sur les neutrophiles et les autres leucocytes sanguins. Nous spéculons que la faible réponse à la corticothérapie observée lors de maladies inflammatoires chroniques neutrophiliques comme l’asthme sévère ou la Maladie Pulmonaire Obstructive Chronique (MPOC) ne s’explique pas par une corticorésistance intrinsèque des neutrophiles.


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Evaluar si el Heliox reduce la resistencia en la vía aérea en niños y adolescentes con patología bronquial obstructiva que requieren ventilación mecánica. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo observacional descriptivo en niños y adolescentes con patología bronquial obstructiva y ventilación mecánica con Fi02 ≤ 0,5. Medición de variables: resistencia, presión pico, presión media de la vía aérea, presión meseta, volumen corriente, autoPEEP, distensibilidad, PetCO2, ventilación de espacio muerto antes de inicio de heliox y a los 30 minutos, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 y 24 horas y diariamente hasta suspenderlo por extubación o FiO2 > 0,5. Resultados: Resultados parciales, incluyó 9 pacientes encontrando descenso significativo de resistencia espiratoria a los 30 minutos (51,2 vs 32,3; p=0,0008 ), 2 horas ( 51,2 vs 33,4; p=0,0019) y 4 horas (51,2 vs 30,7; p=0,0012) así como de la resistencia inspiratoria a la hora 2 (48,6 vs 36,2; p = 0,013) y hora 4 (48,6 vs 30 ; p=0,004). Se observó tendencia al descenso de la PetCO2 que no fue significativa (52,3 vs 34,3: p=0,06). No se evidenció cambios en las variables; autoPEEP, presión pico, presión media de la vía aérea, distensibilidad, ventilación de espacio muerto, presión meseta y volumen corriente antes y después del inicio del Heliox. Conclusión: La ventilación mecánica con Heliox en niños con patología bronquial obstructiva parece ser que reduce de manera significativa la resistencia de la vía aérea, con tendencia al descenso de la PetC02. Se necesitan estudios prospectivos al menos observacionales analíticos que corroboren estos hallazgos.


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In asthmatic, the lung hyperinflation leaves the inspiratory muscle at a suboptimal position in length-tension relationship, reducing the capacity of to generate tension. The increase in transversal section area of the inspiratory muscles could reverse or delay the deterioration of inspiratory muscle function. Objective: To evaluate the evidence for the efficacy of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) with an external resistive device in patients with asthma. Methods: A systematic review with meta-analysis was carried out. The sources researched were the Cochrane Airways Group Specialised Register of trials, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library Issue 11 of 12, 2012), MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, AMED, ClinicalTrials.gov and reference lists of articles. All databases were searched from their inception up to November 2012 and there was no restriction on the language of publication. Randomised controlled trials that involved the use of an external inspiratory muscle training device versus a control (sham or no inspiratory training device) were considered for inclusion. Two reviewers independently selected articles for inclusion, evaluated risk of bias in studies and extracted data. Results: A total of five studies involving 113 asthmatic patients were included. Three clinical trials were produced by the same group. The included studies showed a significant increase in maximal inspiratory pressure (MD 13.34 cmH2O, 95% CI 4.70 to 21.98), although the confidence intervals were wide. There was no statistically significant difference between the IMT group and the control group for maximal expiratory pressure, peak expiratory flow rate, forced expiratory volume in one second, forced vital capacity, sensation of dyspnea and use of beta2-agonist. There were no studies describing exacerbation events that required a course of oral and inhaled corticosteroids or emergency department visits, inspiratory muscle endurance, hospital admissions and days of work or school. Conclusions: There is no conclusive evidence in this review to support or refute inspiratory muscle training for asthma, once the evidence was limited by the small number of studies included, number of participants in them together with the risk of bias. More well conducted randomized controlled trials are needed, such trials should investigate respiratory muscle strength, exacerbation rate, lung function, symptoms, hospital admissions, use of medications and days off work or school. IMT should also be assessed in the context of more severe asthma


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A asma brônquica é uma desordem inflamatória crônica, complexa, na qual estão envolvidos fatores genéticos e ambientais. A inflamação das vias aéreas na asma é regulada, predominantemente, por células do sistema imunológico e por uma vasta rede de citocinas que interagem mutuamente e com as vias aéreas. O exato desempenho funcional de cada citocina na fisiopatologia da asma ainda necessita ser completamente estabelecido. A presente investigação teve como objetivo comparar a distribuição dos alelos S e Z do gene da A1AT e do polimorfismo do gene do TNF-α (-308 G/A) em uma população de 110 asmáticos, divididos em dois níveis de severidade da asma (com 54 pacientes no nível da doença moderada persistente e 56 pacientes no nível da doença severa persistente). Os genótipos da A1AT e do TNF-α (-308 G/A) foram determinados pela técnica de digestão enzimática (polimorfismo no comprimento dos fragmentos de restrição). O polimorfismo no promotor do gene do fator de necrose tumoral TNF-α (-308G/A), citocina pro-inflamatória que participa da reação inflamatória em pacientes com asma, contribuindo para a hiperreatividade brônquica, não foi na presente investigação, associado com a doença ou com o aumento da hiperreatividade brônquica, nos níveis de severidade sintomática mais graves da doença.


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Das allergische Asthma ist eine weit verbreitete, immunologische Erkrankung, deren Prävalenz in den vergangenen 20 Jahren vor allem in industrialisierten Regionen drastisch zugenommen hat. Trotz intensiver Forschung und Entwicklung medikamentöser Therapien steigt die Zahl der Patienten stetig an. Charakteristisch für diese Erkrankung sind entzündliche Veränderungen in der Lunge, erhöhte Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit (AHR), Mukusproduktion und in chronischen Fällen auch Atemwegsobstruktion. Bei der Entstehung des allergischen Asthmas wird ein anfälliges Individuum durch die Inhalation eines normalerweise unschädlichen, in der Umwelt vorkommenden Antigens (Allergen) sensibilisiert, wodurch im Körper eine eigentlich unangebrachte Immunreaktion in Gang gesetzt wird. CD4+ T-Lymphozyten und ganz besonders die Subpopulationen der T-Helfer 1 (Th1) und Th2 Zellen spielen in dem Prozess eine zentrale Rolle. Obwohl ein Großteil der Asthmatiker mit einer Atemwegseosinophilie und erhöhter Expression der Th2-typischen Zytokine IL-4 und IL-13 ein Th2-typisches Krankheitsbild aufweisen, wurden weitere Asthmaphänotypen identifiziert. Vornehmlich in Patienten, die an schwerem Asthma leiden, sind dominierende Neutrophilie und erhöhte Mengen IFN-γ in den Atemwegen nachweisbar, was auf eine Th1-gesteuerte Immunreaktion hindeutet. Eine effektive, heilende Therapie des Asthmas wurde bislang nicht entwickelt. Die Inhibition der T-Zellantwort etwa durch Applikation allergenspezifischer, regulatorischer T-Zellen (Tregs) gilt als ein vielversprechender, aber nicht vollständig erforschter Ansatz zur Kontrolle der Krankheitssymptome. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Mechanismen und Effekte natürlich vorkommender CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatorischer T-Zellen (nTregs) auf eine Th1 bzw. Th2-induzierte allergische Atemwegserkrankung untersucht. Anhand eines adoptiven Zelltransfermodells unter Einsatz lymphozytendefizienter Rag2-/- Mäuse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl Th1 als auch Th2 Zellen, kombiniert mit mehrfacher, inhalativer Allergenprovokation, eine erhöhte AHR induzieren. Während der Transfer allergenspezifischer Th2 Zellen eine Eosinophilie in der bronchoalveolären Lavage (BAL) und vermehrte Mukusproduktion in den Atemwegen hervorrief, war in Th1-transferierten Tieren zwar eine massive Infiltration neutrophiler Granulozyten zu beobachten, eine Becherzellmetaplasie mit vermehrten, mukusproduzierenden Atemwegsepithelzellen blieb allerdings aus. In vitro und in vivo waren voraktivierte nTregs (preTregs) nur eingeschränkt in der Lage, die Th2-gesteuerte Atemwegserkrankung zu inhibieren. Im Gegensatz dazu konnten die Th1-Effektorfunktionen in vitro und die Th1-induzierte AHR und Atemwegsentzündung in vivo durch preTregs effektiv gehemmt werden, was auf eine unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit der Th-Subpopulationen weist. Innerhalb der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression wird der sekundäre Botenstoff cAMP auf die zu supprimierende Zelle übertragen und führt zur Hemmung von Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion. Dass dieser Mechanismus nicht nur in vitro, sondern auch in der Suppression der Th2-gesteuerten allergischen Atemwegserkrankung eine Rolle spielt, konnte durch die Störung des intrazellulären cAMP-Abbaus mittels PDE4-Inhibitoren verdeutlicht werden. Sowohl die prophylaktische, als auch die therapeutische Applikation der PDE4-Inhibitoren verstärkte den regulativen Effekt der nTregs auf AHR und Entzündung, korrelierend mit erhöhten, zytosolischen cAMP-Konzentrationen in den Th2 Zellen der Lunge. Trotz des Fortschritts in der Isolation und In vitro-Expansion humaner nTregs ist die Ausbeute an Zellen äußerst limitiert und die Übertragbarkeit größerer Zellmengen nicht zuletzt aufgrund von hohem Kontaminationsrisiko während mehrtägiger In vitro-Expansion fragwürdig. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Behandlung mit dem PDE4-Inhibitor die suppressive Kapazität der allergenspezifischen nTregs deutlich erhöhte. Den nTreg-vermittelten Suppressionsmechanismus durch den Einsatz von Pharmazeutika zu unterstützen bietet einen viel versprechenden und realistischen Ansatz zur Therapie des allergischen Asthmas.


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The chitinase-like protein YKL-40 was found to be increased in patients with severe asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), two disease conditions featuring neutrophilic infiltrates. Based on these studies and a previous report indicating that neutrophils secrete YKL-40, we hypothesized that YKL-40 plays a key role in cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease, a prototypic neutrophilic disease. The aim of this study was (i) to analyze YKL-40 levels in human and murine CF lung disease and (ii) to investigate whether YKL-40 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) modulate CF lung disease severity. YKL-40 protein levels were quantified in serum and sputum supernatants from CF patients and control individuals. Levels of the murine homologue BRP-39 were analyzed in airway fluids from CF-like βENaC-Tg mice. YKL-40SNPs were analyzed in CF patients. YKL-40 levels were increased in sputum supernatants and in serum from CF patients compared to healthy control individuals. Within CF patients, YKL-40 levels were higher in sputum than in serum. BRP-39 levels were increased in airways fluids from βENaC-Tg mice compared to wild-type littermates. In both CF patients and βENaC-Tg mice, YKL-40/BRP-39 airway levels correlated with the severity of pulmonary obstruction. Two YKL-40 SNPs (rs871799 and rs880633) were found to modulate age-adjusted lung function in CF patients. YKL-40/BRP-39 levelsare increased in human and murine CF airway fluids, correlate with pulmonary function and modulate CF lung disease severity genetically. These findings suggest YKL-40 as a potential biomarker in CF lung disease.


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A asma é a doença crônica mais freqüente na infância e o stress é considerado um dos agentes desencadeantes e agravantes do broncoespasmo nesses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência do stress na expressão clínica da asma e sua associação com as crises em crianças. Para verificar a presença de stress, utilizou-se a Escala de Stress Infantil (LIPP E LUCARELLI, 1998) e por meio de um questionário aplicado aos pais, observou-se freqüência de sintomas e crises de asma, as alterações do sono, o absenteísmo escolar, as limitações à prática de atividade física, a freqüência de uso de broncodilatador, as condutas dos pais durante as crises de asma, os fatores associados ao desencadeamento das crises, o poder aquisitivo e o grau de instrução do chefe da família. Observou-se que as crianças com asma estavam mais estressadas que as crianças do grupo controle, principalmente aquelas com maior gravidade da doença. Os resultados indicam que a presença de stress pode intensificar a freqüência de sintomas da asma, a limitação à atividade física, o absenteísmo escolar e as interrupções do sono. O maior tempo de diagnóstico de asma implicou em menor ocorrência de stress, sugerindo a existência de um fator de adaptação à doença. Conclui-se que o stress é um fator importante no desencadeamento e agravamento das crises de asma nas crianças e observa-se a necessidade de maiores pesquisas na aérea para aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre esse assunto.