39 resultados para SEMIQUINONE


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Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit beschreibt Untersuchungen über die zellulären Mechanismen, die zur Bildung dieser DNA-Schäden führen, sowie über die biologischen Auswirkungen dieser Schäden. Die Untersuchungen zu Uracil in der DNA wurden in ung-knockout-MEFs und Mäusen durchgeführt, die es erlauben, die Konsequenzen eines Ausfalls der wichtigsten Reparaturglykosylase für Uracil zu beleuchten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine deutliche Akkumulation von Uracil in den ung-/--Mausfibroblasten im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. In frisch isolierten Leber- und Milzzellen der Mäuse konnte dieser genotypspezifische Unterschied, wenn auch weniger ausgeprägt, ebenso beobachtet werden, nicht jedoch in reifen Spermien. Dieser gewebespezifische Unterschied und die quantitativ stärker ausgeprägte Akkumulation in ung-/--Mausfibroblasten im Vergleich zu den Mäusegeweben gab Anlass zur Vermutung, dass die Proliferation der Zellen für den Haupteintrag an Uracil in die DNA verantwortlich ist. Erstmals konnte in Versuche mit konfluenten (nicht mehr proliferierenden) ung-/--Mausfibroblasten gezeigt werden, dass nicht die spontane hydrolytische Desaminierung von Cytosin, sondern der Fehleinbau von dUMP während der DNA-Replikation die Hauptquelle für Uracil in der DNA von Säugerzellen darstellt. Da der Uracilmetabolismus ein wichtiges Target in der Chemotherapie ist, lag es nahe, das zur Verfügung stehende ung-knockout-Modell der MEFs zur Untersuchung mit Fluorpyrimidinen, die als Zytostatika verwendet werden, einzusetzen. Da bisher die Ursachen der beobachteten Apoptose der Tumorzellen und aller anderen metabolisch hochaktiven Zellen eines behandelten Organismus noch nicht vollständig verstanden ist, wurden diese Zellen mit verschiedenen Fluorpyrimidinen behandelt, die als Thymidylatsynthasehemmer die de novo Synthese von Thymidin unterbinden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ung-/- Mausfibroblasten, im Gegensatz zu ung+/+ Mausfibroblasten, verstärkt Uracil in der DNA akkumulieren. Obwohl die ung+/+ Mausfibroblasten keine erhöhten Uracil-Spiegel in der DNA aufwiesen, zeigten sie bei Inkubation mit einem der beiden Thymidylatsynthasehemmern, 5-Fluoruracil (5-FU), die gleiche Sensitivität in einem nachfolgenden Proliferationsversuch wie die ung-/- Mausfibroblasten. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass weder Reparatur noch Einbau von Uracil in die DNA für die beobachtete Toxizität dieser Zytostatika notwendig sind. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung des DNA-schädigenden Potenzials endogener ROS, die aus dem Fremdstoffmetabolismus stammen. Dazu wurden V79-Zellen verwendet, die mit dem humanen Enzym Cytochrom 2E1 (CYP2E1) transfiziert wurden (V79 CYP2E1) sowie Zellen, die ebenfalls durch Transfektion das humane Enzym Cytochromreduktase (auch Oxidoreduktase genannt) überexprimieren (V79 hOR). Beide Enzyme sind zusammen an der Hydroxylierung von Fremdstoffen beteiligt, bei der die Reduktion von molekularem Sauerstoff durch Übertragung von zwei Elektronen notwendig ist. Wird anstatt zweier Elektronen in Folge nur eines auf den Sauerstoff übertragen, so führt dieser von der Substratoxygenierung enkoppelte Vorgang zur Bildung von Superoxid. Daher galt es zu klären, ob das so erzeugte Superoxid und daraus gebildete ROS in der Lage sind, die DNA zu schädigen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Überexpression von CYP2E1 nicht zu einem erhöhten basalen Gleichgewichtsspiegel oxidativer DNA-Schäden führt und die Metabolisierung von Ethanol durch dieses Enzym ebenfalls keine DNA-Modifikationen verursacht. Die Überexpression der Cytochromreduktase hingegen führte gegenüber dem Wildtyp zu einem erhöhten basalen Gleichgewichtsspiegel oxidativer Basenmodifikationen nach Depletion von Glutathion, einem wichtigen zellulären Antioxidans. Im Mikrokerntest, der gentoxische Ereignisse wie Chromosomenbrüche in Zellen aufzeigt, zeigte sich schon ohne Glutathion-Depletion eine doppelt so hohe Mikrokernrate im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. In weiteren Versuchen wurden die V79-hOR-Zellen mit dem chinoiden Redoxcycler Durochinon inkubiert, um zu untersuchen, ob das vermutlich durch die Reduktase vermittelte Redoxcycling über Generierung von ROS in der Lage ist, einen oxidativen DNA-Schaden und Toxizität zu verursachen. Hier zeigte sich, dass die Überexpression der Reduktase Voraussetzung für Toxizität und den beobachteten DNA-Schaden ist. Die Wildtyp-Zellen zeigten weder einen DNA-Schaden noch Zytotoxizität, auch eine zusätzliche Glutathion-Depletion änderte nichts an dem Befund. Die V79-hOR-Zellen hingegen reagierten auf die Inkubation mit Durochinon mit einer konzentrationsabhängigen Zunahme der Einzelstrangbrüche und oxidativen Basenmodifikationen, wobei sich der DNA-Schaden durch vorherige Glutathion-Depletion verdoppeln ließ.


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A key step in the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy by photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) occurs at the level of the two quinones, QA and QB, where electron transfer couples to proton transfer. A great deal of our understanding of the mechanisms of these coupled reactions relies on the seminal work of Okamura et al. [Okamura, M. Y., Isaacson, R. A., & Feher, G. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 3491–3495], who were able to extract with detergents the firmly bound ubiquinone QA from the RC of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and reconstitute the site with extraneous quinones. Up to now a comparable protocol was lacking for the RC of Rhodopseudomonas viridis despite the fact that its QA site, which contains 2-methyl-3-nonaprenyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (menaquinone-9), has provided the best x-ray structure available. Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy, together with the use of isotopically labeled quinones, can probe the interaction of QA with the RC protein. We establish that a simple incubation procedure of isolated RCs of Rp. viridis with an excess of extraneous quinone allows the menaquinone-9 in the QA site to be almost quantitatively replaced either by vitamin K1, a close analogue of menaquinone-9, or by ubiquinone. To our knowledge, this is the first report of quinone exchange in bacterial photosynthesis. The Fourier transform infrared data on the quinone and semiquinone vibrations show a close similarity in the bonding interactions of vitamin K1 with the protein at the QA site of Rp. viridis and Rb. sphaeroides, whereas for ubiquinone these interactions are significantly different. The results are interpreted in terms of slightly inequivalent quinone–protein interactions by comparison with the crystallographic data available for the QA site of the two RCs.


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The ab initio structures of 2,7,9-tricarboxypyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), semiquinone (PQQH), and dihydroquinone (PQQH2) have been determined and compared with ab initio structures of the (PQQ)Ca2+, (PQQH)Ca2+, and (PQQH2)Ca2+ complexes as well as the x-ray structure of (PQQ)Ca2+ bound at the active site of the methanol dehydrogenase (MDH) of methyltropic bacteria. Plausible mechanisms for the MDH oxidation of methanol involving the (PQQ)Ca2+ complex are explored via ab initio computations and discussed. Considering the reaction of methanol with PQQ in the absence of Ca2+, nucleophilic addition of methanol to the PQQ C-5 carbonyl followed by a retro-ene elimination is deemed unlikely due to large energy barrier. A much more favorable disposition of the methanol C-5 adduct to provide formaldehyde involves proton ionization of the intermediate followed by elimination of methoxide concerted with hydride transfer to the oxygen of the C-4 carbonyl. Much the same transition state is reached if one searches for the transition state beginning with Asp-303–CO2−general-base removal of the methanol proton of the (PQQ)Ca2+O(H)CH3 complex concerted with hydride transfer to the oxygen at C-4. For such a mechanism the role of the Ca2+ moiety would be to (i) contribute to the formation of the ES complex (ii) provide a modest decrease in the pKa of methanol substrate,; and (iii) polarize the oxygen at C-5.


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In bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, the protonation events associated with the different reduction states of the two quinone molecules constitute intrinsic probes of both the electrostatic interactions and the different kinetic events occurring within the protein in response to the light-generated introduction of a charge. The kinetics and stoichiometries of proton uptake on formation of the primary semiquinone QA− and the secondary acceptor QB− after the first and second flashes have been measured, at pH 7.5, in reaction centers from genetically modified strains and from the wild type. The modified strains are mutated at the L212Glu and/or at the L213Asp sites near QB; some of them carry additional mutations distant from the quinone sites (M231Arg → Leu, M43Asn → Asp, M5Asn → Asp) that compensate for the loss of L213Asp. Our data show that the mutations perturb the response of the protein system to the formation of a semiquinone, how distant compensatory mutations can restore the normal response, and the activity of a tyrosine residue (M247Ala → Tyr) in increasing and accelerating proton uptake. The data demonstrate a direct correlation between the kinetic events of proton uptake that are observed with the formation of either QA− or QB−, suggesting that the same residues respond to the generation of either semiquinone species. Therefore, the efficiency of transferring the first proton to QB is evident from examination of the pattern of H+/QA− proton uptake. This delocalized response of the protein complex to the introduction of a charge is coordinated by an interactive network that links the Q− species, polarizable residues, and numerous water molecules that are located in this region of the reaction center structure. This could be a general property of transmembrane redox proteins that couple electron transfer to proton uptake/release reactions.


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Mammalian electron transfer flavoproteins (ETF) are heterodimers containing a single equivalent of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). They function as electron shuttles between primary flavoprotein dehydrogenases involved in mitochondrial fatty acid and amino acid catabolism and the membrane-bound electron transfer flavoprotein ubiquinone oxidoreductase. The structure of human ETF solved to 2.1-Å resolution reveals that the ETF molecule is comprised of three distinct domains: two domains are contributed by the α subunit and the third domain is made up entirely by the β subunit. The N-terminal portion of the α subunit and the majority of the β subunit have identical polypeptide folds, in the absence of any sequence homology. FAD lies in a cleft between the two subunits, with most of the FAD molecule residing in the C-terminal portion of the α subunit. Alignment of all the known sequences for the ETF α subunits together with the putative FixB gene product shows that the residues directly involved in FAD binding are conserved. A hydrogen bond is formed between the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine ring and the hydroxyl side chain of αT266, suggesting why the pathogenic mutation, αT266M, affects ETF activity in patients with glutaric acidemia type II. Hydrogen bonds between the 4′-hydroxyl of the ribityl chain of FAD and N1 of the isoalloxazine ring, and between αH286 and the C2-carbonyl oxygen of the isoalloxazine ring, may play a role in the stabilization of the anionic semiquinone. With the known structure of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, we hypothesize a possible structure for docking the two proteins.


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Parasitic strategies are widely distributed in the plant kingdom and frequently involve coupling parasite organogenesis with cues from the host. In Striga asiatica, for example, the cues that initiate the development of the host attachment organ, the haustorium, originate in the host and trigger the transition from vegetative to parasitic mode in the root meristem. This system therefore offers a unique opportunity to study the signals and mechanisms that control plant cell morphogenesis. Here we establish that the biological activity of structural analogs of the natural inducer displays a marked dependence on redox potential and suggest the existence of a semiquinone intermediate. Building on chemistry that exploits the energetics of such an intermediate, cyclopropyl-p-benzoquinone (CPBQ) is shown to be a specific inhibitor of haustorial development. These data are consistent with a model where haustorial development is initiated by the completion of a redox circuit.


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The x-ray crystallographic structure of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) has proven critical in understanding biological electron transfer processes. By contrast, understanding of intraprotein proton transfer is easily lost in the immense richness of the details. In the RC of Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, the secondary quinone (QB) is surrounded by amino acid residues of the L subunit and some buried water molecules, with M- and H-subunit residues also close by. The effects of site-directed mutagenesis upon RC turnover and quinone function have implicated several L-subunit residues in proton delivery to QB, although some species differences exist. In wild-type Rb. sphaeroides, Glu L212 and Asp L213 represent an inner shell of residues of particular importance in proton transfer to QB. Asp L213 is crucial for delivery of the first proton, coupled to transfer of the second electron, while Glu L212, possibly together with Asp L213, is necessary for delivery of the second proton, after the second electron transfer. We report here the first study, by site-directed mutagenesis, of the role of the H subunit in QB function. Glu H173, one of a cluster of strongly interacting residues near QB, including Asp L213, was altered to Gln. In isolated mutant RCs, the kinetics of the first electron transfer, leading to formation of the semiquinone, QB-, and the proton-linked second electron transfer, leading to the formation of fully reduced quinol, were both greatly retarded, as observed previously in the Asp L213 --> Asn mutant. However, the first electron transfer equilibrium, QA-QB <==> QAQB-, was decreased, which is opposite to the effect of the Asp L213 --> Asn mutation. These major disruptions of events coupled to proton delivery to QB were largely reversed by the addition of azide (N3-). The results support a major role for electrostatic interactions between charged groups in determining the protonation state of certain entities, thereby controlling the rate of the second electron transfer. It is suggested that the essential electrostatic effect may be to "potentiate" proton transfer activity by raising the pK of functional entities that actually transfer protons in a coupled fashion with the second electron transfer. Candidates include buried water (H3O+) and Ser L223 (serine-OH2+), which is very close to the O5 carbonyl of the quinone.


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Density functional theory calculations were used to investigate the mechanisms of NO-carbon and N2O-carbon reactions. It was the first time that the importance of surface nitrogen groups was addressed in the kinetic behaviors of the NO-carbon reaction. It was found that the off-plane nitrogen groups that are adjacent to the zigzag edge sites and in-plane nitrogen groups that are located on the armchair sites make the bond energy of oxygen desorption even ca. 20% lower than that of the off-plane epoxy group adjacent to zigzag edge sites and in-plane o-quinone oxygen atoms on armchair sites; this may explain the reason why the experimentally obtained activation energy of the NO-carbon reaction is ca. 20% lower than that of the O-2-carbon reaction over 923 K. A higher ratio of oxygen atoms can be formed in the N2O-carbon reaction, because of the lower dissociation energy of N2O, which results in a higher ratio of off-plane epoxy oxygen atoms. The desorption energy of semiquinone with double adjacent off-plane oxygen groups is ca. 20% less than that of semiquinone with only one adjacent off-plane oxygen group. This may be the reason why the activation energy of N2O is also ca. 20% less than that of the O-2-carbon reaction. The new mechanism can also provide a good qualitative comparison for the relative reaction rates of NO-, N2O-, and O-2-carbon reactions. The anisotropic characters of these gas-carbon reactions can also be well explained.


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The catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene) is a privileged structural motif among natural antioxidants like flavonoids, owing to its reactivity with alkylperoxyl radicals due to the stability of the semiquinone radical. The exploration of the relevance and mechanism of this non-conventional antioxidant chemistry in heterogenous biomimetic systems (aqueous micelles and unilamellar liposomes) is explored for the first time in Chapter 1. Results show antioxidant behaviour that surpasses that of nature’s premiere antioxidant α-tocopherol and relies on the cross-dismutation of alkylperoxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals at the water-lipid interface with regeneration of the catechol function from the oxidized quinone. The design and synthesis of new biomimetic catechol-type antioxidants by conjugation of thiols (e.g. cysteine) with quinones highlighted an unusual 1,6-type regioselectivity, which had been previously reported but never fully rationalized. Owing to its importance both in nature and in the development of new antioxidants, we investigated it in detail in Chapter 2. We could prove the onsetting of a radical-chain mechanism intermediated by thiyl and thiosemiquinone radicals at the basis of the “anomalous nucleophilic addition” of thiols to ortho-quinones, which paves the way to better understanding of the chemistry of such systems. The oxidation of catechols to the corresponding quinones is also a key reaction in the biosynthesis of melanins, mediated by enzyme Tyrosinase.