105 resultados para SEF


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Corrían los años sesenta, época de grandes inquietudes y espíritu de cambio. En una de las cálidas y agradables tardes de la ciudad de Cali, un grupo de dirigentes universitarios y empresariales, deseosos de ofrecer a la comunidad posibilidades económicaspara mejorar sus niveles de educación, dan origen a una nueva empresa, la SEF, y es así como nace en el Valle del Cauca una empresa con filosofía solidaria. La idea se cristalizó al crear una organización que sirviera como agencia de promoción deesfuerzos a favor de la educación superior, a través de la universidad de la región. Jurídicamente la SEF nace el 29 dediciembre de 1964, como institución de servicio social de carácter privado, sin ánimo de lucro y regulada por el derecho privado. De conformidad con los estatutos iniciales la Fundación dedicaría sus esfuerzos a buscar el apoyo de los sectores comunitarios en favor de la universidad regional.


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This dissertation examines the compliance and performance of a large sample of faith based (religious) ethical funds - the Shari'ah-compliant equity funds (SEFs), which may be viewed as a form of ethical investing. SEFs screen their investment for compliance with Islamic law, where riba (conventional interest expense), maysir (gambling), gharar (excessive uncertainty), and non-halal (non-ethical) products are prohibited. Using a set of stringent Shari'ah screens similar to those of MSCI Islamic, we first examine the extent to which SEFs comply with the Shari'ah law. Results show that only about 27% of the equities held by SEFs are Shari'ah-compliant. While most of the fund holdings pass the business screens, only about 42% pass the total debt to total assets ratio screen. This finding suggests that, in order to overcome a significant reduction in the investment opportunity, Shari'ah principles are compromised, with SEFs adopting lax screening rules so as to achieve a financial performance. While younger funds and funds that charge higher fees and are domiciled in more Muslim countries are more Shari'ah-compliant, we find little evidence of a positive relationship between fund disclosure of the Shari'ah compliance framework and Shari'ah-compliance. Clearly, Shari'ah compliance remains a major challenge for fund managers and SEF investors should be aware of Shari'ah-compliance risk since the fund managers do not always fulfill their fiduciary obligation, as promised in their prospectus. Employing a matched firm approach for a survivorship free sample of 387 SEFs, we then examine an issue that has been heavily debated in the literature: Does ethical screening reduce investment performance? Results show that it does but only by an average of 0.04% per month if benchmarked against matched conventional funds - this is a relatively small price to pay for religious faith. Cross-sectional regressions show an inverse relationship between Shari'ah compliance and fund performance: every one percentage increase in total compliance decreases fund performance by 0.01% per month. However, compliance fails to explain differences in the performance between SEFs and matched funds. Although SEFs do not generally perform better during crisis periods, further analysis shows evidence of better performance relative to conventional funds only during the recent Global Financial Crisis; the latter is consistent with popular media claims.


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A new Bachelor of Science (BSc) course was introduced at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2013 and focused on inquiry-based, collaborative and active learning. Two of the first year units required that students carry out a group poster assessment task. This poster provides a preliminary evaluation from an academic staff perspective of the assessment approach used, whereby students created digital posters to utilise the affordances of new learning spaces. The digital posters approach was first introduced to a group of academic staff from the Science and Engineering Faculty (SEF) in 2012 during a professional development program to explicitly develop skills and shared understandings of teaching in collaborative learning spaces (Steel & Andrews, 2012). Considerations were given to the pedagogical requirements of a poster assessment task, the affordances of the learning space and an identification of possible benefits of using Google Sites to create digital posters. Positive feedback from this group (as highlighted in the quotes shown) and subsequent approval from unit coordinators for two of the new first year BSc units meant that the approach was adopted for Semester 1, 2013 with approximately 360 students in each unit.


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Classic identity negative priming (NP) refers to the finding that when an object is ignored, subsequent naming responses to it are slower than when it has not been previously ignored (Tipper, S.P., 1985. The negative priming effect: inhibitory priming by ignored objects. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 37A, 571-590). It is unclear whether this phenomenon arises due to the involvement of abstract semantic representations that the ignored object accesses automatically. Contemporary connectionist models propose a key role for the anterior temporal cortex in the representation of abstract semantic knowledge (e.g., McClelland, J.L., Rogers, T.T., 2003. The parallel distributed processing approach to semantic cognition. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 4, 310-322), suggesting that this region should be involved during performance of the classic identity NP task if it involves semantic access. Using high-field (4 T) event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, we observed increased BOLD responses in the left anterolateral temporal cortex including the temporal pole that was directly related to the magnitude of each individual's NP effect, supporting a semantic locus. Additional signal increases were observed in the supplementary eye fields (SEF) and left inferior parietal lobule (IPL).


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MEG directly measures the neuronal events and has greater temporal resolution than fMRI, which has limited temporal resolution mainly due to the larger timescale of the hemodynamic response. On the other hand fMRI has advantages in spatial resolution, while the localization results with MEG can be ambiguous due to the non-uniqueness of the electromagnetic inverse problem. Thus, these methods could provide complementary information and could be used to create both spatially and temporally accurate models of brain function. We investigated the degree of overlap, revealed by the two imaging methods, in areas involved in sensory or motor processing in healthy subjects and neurosurgical patients. Furthermore, we used the spatial information from fMRI to construct a spatiotemporal model of the MEG data in order to investigate the sensorimotor system and to create a spatiotemporal model of its function. We compared the localization results from the MEG and fMRI with invasive electrophysiological cortical mapping. We used a recently introduced method, contextual clustering, for hypothesis testing of fMRI data and assessed the the effect of neighbourhood information use on the reproducibility of fMRI results. Using MEG, we identified the ipsilateral primary sensorimotor cortex (SMI) as a novel source area contributing to the somatosensory evoked fields (SEF) to median nerve stimulation. Using combined MEG and fMRI measurements we found that two separate areas in the lateral fissure may be the generators for the SEF responses from the secondary somatosensory cortex region. The two imaging methods indicated activation in corresponding locations. By using complementary information from MEG and fMRI we established a spatiotemporal model of somatosensory cortical processing. This spatiotemporal model of cerebral activity was in good agreement with results from several studies using invasive electrophysiological measurements and with anatomical studies in monkey and man concerning the connections between somatosensory areas. In neurosurgical patients, the MEG dipole model turned out to be more reliable than fMRI in the identification of the central sulcus. This was due to prominent activation in non-primary areas in fMRI, which in some cases led to erroneous or ambiguous localization of the central sulcus.


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Our ability to regulate behavior based on past experience has thus far been examined using single movements. However, natural behavior typically involves a sequence of movements. Here, we examined the effect of previous trial type on the concurrent planning of sequential saccades using a unique paradigm. The task consisted of two trial types: no-shift trials, which implicitly encouraged the concurrent preparation of the second saccade in a subsequent trial; and target-shift trials, which implicitly discouraged the same in the next trial. Using the intersaccadic interval as an index of concurrent planning, we found evidence for context-based preparation of sequential saccades. We also used functional MRI-guided, single-pulse, transcranial magnetic stimulation on human subjects to test the role of the supplementary eye field (SEF) in the proactive control of sequential eye movements. Results showed that (i) stimulating the SEF in the previous trial disrupted the previous trial type-based preparation of the second saccade in the nonstimulated current trial, (ii) stimulating the SEF in the current trial rectified the disruptive effect caused by stimulation in the previous trial, and (iii) stimulating the SEF facilitated the preparation of second saccades based on previous trial type even when the previous trial was not stimulated. Taken together, we show how the human SEF is causally involved in proactive preparation of sequential saccades.


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We describe a novel constitutive model of lung parenchyma, which can be used for continuum mechanics based predictive simulations. To develop this model, we experimentally determined the nonlinear material behavior of rat lung parenchyma. This was achieved via uni-axial tension tests on living precision-cut rat lung slices. The resulting force-displacement curves were then used as inputs for an inverse analysis. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was utilized to optimize the material parameters of combinations and recombinations of established strain-energy density functions (SEFs). Comparing the best-fits of the tested SEFs we found Wpar = 4.1 kPa(I1-3)2 + 20.7 kPa(I1 - 3)3 + 4.1 kPa(-2 ln J + J2 - 1) to be the optimal constitutive model. This SEF consists of three summands: the first can be interpreted as the contribution of the elastin fibers and the ground substance, the second as the contribution of the collagen fibers while the third controls the volumetric change. The presented approach will help to model the behavior of the pulmonary parenchyma and to quantify the strains and stresses during ventilation.


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本论文以显花植物水稻和拟南芥为对象,研究植物器官形成激素调控的分子机理。发现拟南芥干细胞决定基因WUS和ABA信号关键调节因子ABI3间存在相互调节关系,它们对质体和根毛发育等具有调控作用;运用细胞学手段对OsAGAP和OsRMC调控根发育的机理进行了研究。这些结果为了解ABA、生长素和JA等激素对分生组织或根等器官的形成的调控机理提供了新资料。 拟南芥WUS基因是一个重要的干细胞决定基因。在茎尖分生组织和花分生组织的动态平衡调节中各存在一个反馈调节环:WUS促进CLV3的表达,而CLV3 反馈抑制WUS表达,它们共同决定干细胞的数目;在WUS+LFY 和AG之间也存在一个类似的反馈环,负责花器官的正常启动和终止。本工作发现在外源ABA 存在下,拟南芥WUS功能获得突变体sef (stem ectopic flowers)子叶黄化过程受到抑制,即sef突变体对ABA 的敏感性降低,而且在sef突变体中ABI3转录水平下调,说明WUS 抑制ABI3的表达。另一方面,在abi3突变体中WUS转录水平下降,启动子分析发现WUS是ABI3所在的B3结构域家族基因的靶基因,酵母单杂交实验表明B3家族蛋白FUS3可以与WUS调控区结合;外源ABA 处理pWUS::GUS植株发现ABA可使WUS异位表达,暗示受ABA信号诱导的B3类转录因子可与WUS调控区结合,从而促进WUS的表达。这些结果支持ABI3/WUS间的反馈调节机理,该调节环可能参与调控拟南芥质体和根毛发育等过程。 双子叶和单子叶植物的发育和器官形成高度依赖生长素极性运输(PAT), 生长素输入和输出载体的准确定位对于极性运输的正常进行是必要的。在双子叶模式植物拟南芥中,生长素输出载体PIN1的转运和定位受小G蛋白ARF鸟苷酸转换因子GNOM介导。本实验室克隆到一个水稻ARF GAPase激活蛋白OsAGAP, 其超表达引起PAT改变且干扰主根和侧根的发生及发育。前期生理实验显示超表达植株侧根的表型可被膜渗透性生长素NAA恢复,但不能被载体依赖型生长素IAA和2, 4-D恢复。为了解释OsAGAP过表达引起根系发育受到抑制的表型,本工作主要从细胞学角度继续深入分析OsAGAP介导生长素运输的机理。实验发现,OsAGAP超表达植株中AUX1在细胞中分布改变;生长素输出载体PIN1和PIN2的定位不受影响;该基因的超表达使囊泡聚集,形成类似囊泡运输抑制剂BFA处理后的结构;OsAGAP与细胞转运系统中的高尔基体存在部分共定位。以上结果表明OsAGAP调节小G蛋白Arf的活性,参与调控生长素极性运输过程,进而调控根系发育。通过对JA诱导的OsRMC蛋白的膜定位分析及转基因植株根中JA合成水平的测定,为研究此蛋白参与JA信号、调控根系发育提供了直接证据。 此外,论文还对拟南芥STAR2基因的功能进行了一定的初探。


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Haycock, Marged. 'Defnydd hyd Ddydd Brawd: rhai agweddau ar y ferch ym marddoniaeth yr oesoedd canol', In: 'Cymru a'r Cymry 2000-Wales and the Welsh 2000', Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), (Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru), pp.41-70, 2002


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Bryant-Quinn, M. (2004). Apocryffa Si?n Cent. Cyfres Beirdd yr Uchelwyr, 26. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru.


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Humans are metacognitive: they monitor and control their cognition. Our hypothesis was that neuronal correlates of metacognition reside in the same brain areas responsible for cognition, including frontal cortex. Recent work demonstrated that nonhuman primates are capable of metacognition, so we recorded from single neurons in the frontal eye field, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and supplementary eye field of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) that performed a metacognitive visual-oculomotor task. The animals made a decision and reported it with a saccade, but received no immediate reward or feedback. Instead, they had to monitor their decision and bet whether it was correct. Activity was correlated with decisions and bets in all three brain areas, but putative metacognitive activity that linked decisions to appropriate bets occurred exclusively in the SEF. Our results offer a survey of neuronal correlates of metacognition and implicate the SEF in linking cognitive functions over short periods of time.


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In this paper, we probed surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF) from probe molecule Rhodamine 6G (R6G) on self-standing Au nanorod array substrates made using a combination of anodization and potentiostatic electrodeposition. The initial substrates were embedded within a porous alumina template (AAO). By controlling the thickness of the AAO matrix, SEF and SERS were observed exhibiting an inverse relationship. SERS and SEF showed a non-linear response to the removal of AAO matrix due to an inhomogeneous plasmon activity across the nanorod which was supported by FDTD calculations. We showed that by optimizing the level of AAO thickness, we could obtain either maximized SERS, SEF or simultaneously observe both SERS and SEF together.


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Here, we demonstrate that quasi self-standing Au nanorod arrays prepared with plasma polymerisation deposited SiO2 dielectric spacers support surface enhanced fluorescence (SEF) while maintaining high signal reproducibility. We show that it is possible to find a balance between enhanced radiative and non-radiative decay rates at which the fluorescent intensity is maximized. The SEF signal optimised with a 30 nm spacer layer thickness showed a 3.5-fold enhancement with a signal variance of <15% thereby keeping the integrity of the nanorod array. We also demonstrate the decreased importance of obtaining resonance conditions when localized surface plasmon resonance is positioned within the spectral region of Au interband transitions. Procedures for further increasing the SEF enhancement factor are also discussed.