940 resultados para Rural population.
Background: The objective was to investigate the association between BMI and single nucleotide polymorphisms previously identified of obesity-related genes in two Spanish populations. Forty SNPs in 23 obesity-related genes were evaluated in a rural population characterized by a high prevalence of obesity (869 subjects, mean age 46 yr, 62% women, 36% obese) and in an urban population (1425 subjects, mean age 54 yr, 50% women, 19% obese). Genotyping was assessed by using SNPlex and PLINK for the association analysis. Results: Polymorphisms of the FTO were significantly associated with BMI, in the rural population (beta 0.87, p-value <0.001). None of the other SNPs showed significant association after Bonferroni correction in the two populations or in the pooled analysis. A weighted genetic risk score (wGRS) was constructed using the risk alleles of the Tag-SNPs with a positive Beta parameter in both populations. From the first to the fifth quintile of the score, the BMI increased 0.45 kg/m2 in Hortega and 2.0 kg/m2 in Pizarra. Overall, the obesity predictive value was low (less than 1%). Conclusion: The risk associated with polymorphisms is low and the overall effect on BMI or obesity prediction is minimal. A weighted genetic risk score based on genes mainly acting through central nervous system mechanisms was associated with BMI but it yields minimal clinical prediction for the obesity risk in the general population.
OBJECTIVE: To assess total free-living energy expenditure (EE) in Gambian farmers with two independent methods, and to determine the most realistic free-living EE and physical activity in order to establish energy requirements for rural populations in developing countries. DESIGN: In this cross-sectional study two methods were applied at the same time. SETTING: Three rural villages and Dunn Nutrition Centre Keneba, MRC, The Gambia. SUBJECTS: Eight healthy, male subjects were recruited from three rural Gambian villages in the sub-Sahelian area (age: 25 +/- 4y; weight: 61.2 +/- 10.1 kg; height: 169.5 +/- 6.5 cm, body mass index: 21.2 +/- 2.5 kg/m2). INTERVENTION: We assessed free-living EE with two inconspicuous and independent methods: the first one used doubly labeled water (DLW) (2H2 18O) over a period of 12 days, whereas the second one was based on continuous heart rate (HR) measurements on two to three days using individual regression lines (HR vs EE) established by indirect calorimetry in a respiration chamber. Isotopic dilution of deuterium (2H2O) was also used to assess total body water and hence fat-free mass (FFM). RESULTS: EE assessed by DLW was found to be 3880 +/- 994 kcal/day (16.2 +/- 4.2 MJ/day). Expressed per unit body weight the EE averaged 64.2 +/- 9.3 kcal/kg/d (269 +/- 38 kJ/kg/d). These results were consistent with the EE results assessed by HR: 3847 +/- 605 kcal/d (16.1 +/- 2.5 MJ/d) or 63.4 +/- 8.2 kcal/kg/d (265 +/- 34kJ/kg/d). Physical activity index, expressed as a multiple of basal metabolic rate (BMR), averaged 2.40 +/- 0.41 (DLW) or 2.40 +/- 0.28 (HR). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest an extremely high level of physical activity in Gambian men during intense agricultural work (wet season). This contrasts with the relative food shortage, previously reported during the harvesting period. We conclude that the assessment of EE during the agricultural season in non-industrialized countries needs further investigations in order to obtain information on the energy requirement of these populations. For this purpose the use of the DLW and HR methods have been shown to be useful and complementary.
We analyze the social representations of violence against women from the perspective of city managers, professionals and health workers in rural settings of the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul. The study has a qualitative approach and adds a theoretical/methodological perspective of social representations. The data were generated by means of the associative method, question-stimulus of words and expressions emergence. The analysis of word association was performed with EVOC software, considering frequency and order of association with inducing terms. Participants recognize violence against women as gender destination that induces consent, resignation, guilt and fear, and results in naturalization and trivialization of this social phenomenon. We highlight the need to produce ruptures in established and traditional forms of health care, in the conservative and stereotypical views of violence, favoring access to friendly service and avoiding the reproduction of gender inequalities.
OBJECTIVE To describe the stages of the empowerment process of a group of seniors in a rural community. METHOD Convergent care research whose foundation is to use the scope of practice. Conducted with the proposal to change the practice of 21 seniors and nine health professionals, with the aim of health promotion empowerment. Data were collected during 22 meetings, and group interviews at the end of the intervention. RESULTS Showed that despite the initial impact of the change, the group was able to welcome the new change, taking advantage of the space to express anxieties, share joys, and build new knowledge, which led to the incorporation of changes that reflected in the development of healthy habits and improvements in interpersonal relationships. CONCLUSION The convergent care research consisted of strategy that changed the group's lives, empowering them with health promoting actions.
Adaptation of 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) to seasonal variations in food availability was studied, by using a respiration chamber, in 18 rural Gambian men on three occasions: period 1--at the end of the rainy season, which is characterized by low food availability; period 2--during the nutritionally favorable dry season; and period 3--at the onset of the following rainy season. From periods 1 to 2 body weight increased by 2.8 +/- 0.4 kg, and a rise in 24-h EE was observed (from 8556 +/- 212 kJ/d to 9166 +/- 224 kJ/d), which was correlated to weight change (r = 0.73, P less than 0.001). During period 3, 24-h EE averaged 8740 +/- 194 kJ/d. Diet-induced thermogenesis increased significantly from periods 1 to 2 (5.9 +/- 0.5% to 8.2 +/- 0.8%) and subsequently decreased to 3.6 +/- 0.6% during period 3. In rural Gambian men, metabolic adaptations in response to seasonal changes in food availability are reflected by a decrease in body weight, mainly manifested by a loss of fat-free mass accompanied by a decreased 24-h EE and a lowered diet-induced thermogenesis.
Ageing is a heterogeneous subject being been able to distinguish profiles in function of sex, age, economic situation, cultural levels, habitat, family structure, health, etc. The objectives of this article are to identify forms of life to age in the rural environment and to concretize intervention proposals to increase active and participatory ways of life. 7 in-depth interviews to experts, 21 to older people, 5 to professionals and two focal groups of professionals and significant social agents were performed to collect data. Results identify 4 styles of aging: an opportunity for the change; a natural phase of the life; a moment to compensate and; a moment of abandonment. Conclusions summarize intervention proposals to increase active and participatory ways of ageing in different contexts to help professionals responsible for the services of older people care
We describe a community intervention program performed in three rural villages in the Alt Empordà region (Girona province). The study provides data on the services available to the elderly in a specific context, based on an initiative proposed by the villages, the local councils, and the elderly themselves. The program is a research-action plan which applies the participative and qualitative methodology characteristic of strategic planning. The study analyses how the initiative arose, the description of the process, and the different parts of the intervention program
Este artículo parte de dos ideas ampliamenteaceptadas en la literatura gerontológica actual, envejecer es un proceso heterogéneo íntimamente relacionado con el entorno y, el envejecimiento activo y satisfactorio esta vinculado con la participación social. Ahora bien, sigue existiendo un gran desconocimiento de los procesos de envejecimiento característicos de las zonas rurales y una falta de características de losprofesionales rurales y de las estrategias innovadoras para promover el envejecimiento activo y el fortalecimiento de estas comunidades. El artículo estábasado en los resultados obtenidos en unainvestigación cualitativa, realizada en la comarca del Alt Empordà, Catalunya. Con un total de 53 participantes. Los resultados muestran el significado que tiene lacomunidad para las personas mayores del entorno rural, confirman la necesidad de un perfil profesional rural y elaboran propuestas de acción contextualizadasque permiten reforzar a la comunidad, sin urbanizarla, a través del fortalecimiento de sistemas de participación social
OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of ragweed allergy is increasing worldwide. Ragweed distribution and abundance is spreading in Europe in a wide area ranging from the Rhone valley in France to Hungary and Ukraine, where the rate of the prevalence can peak at as high as 12%. Low-grade ragweed colonisation was seen in Geneva and Ticino, less than two decades ago. There were fears that allergies to ragweed would increase Switzerland. The intent of this study was to assess the rate of prevalence of sensitisation and allergy to ragweed in the population living in the first rural Swiss setting where ragweed had been identified in 1996, and to evaluate indirectly the efficacy of elimination and containment strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 2009, 35 adults in a rural village in the Canton of Geneva were recruited. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and skin-prick tests were done on each participant. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee. RESULTS: Based on questionnaires, 48.6% had rhinitis (95% confidence interval [CI] 32.9-64.4; n = 17/35) and 17.1% asthma (95% CI 8.1-32.6; n = 6/35). Atopy was diagnosed in 26.4% (95% CI 12.9-44.4) of the sample (n = 9/34). Ragweed sensitisation was found in 2.9% (95% CI 0.7-19.7; n = 1/34), mugwort sensitisation in 2.9% (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35), alder sensitisation in 17.1% (95% CI 6.6-33.6; n = 6/35), ash sensitisation in 12.5% (95% CI 3.5-29.0; n = 4/32) and grass sensitisation in 22.9% (95% CI 10.4-40.1; n = 8/35). Ragweed (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/34) and mugwort allergies (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35) were both found in 2.9% of the population. CONCLUSION: This study showed a surprisingly low incidence of ragweed sensitisation and allergy, of 2.9% and 2.9%, respectively, 20 years after the first ragweed detection in Geneva. The feared rise in ragweed allergy seems not to have happened in Switzerland, compared with other ragweed colonised countries. These results strongly support early field strategies against ragweed.
In the mid-20th century, the southern parts of the Madres and Mont Coronat massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France) were characterized by a Mediterranean landscape shaped by human activity. Long-term use of these mountains for crops, livestock, and forestry led to an increase in grassland areas at the expense of forest. However, socioeconomic transformation (abandonment of agriculture and a decrease in the rural population) in recent decades has caused profound changes in this massif. Interpretation of aerial photographs (1953, 1969, 1988, and 2000) made it possible to detect and analyze the changes produced in the study area (6787 ha) during this period. In 1953 most of the massif landscape consisted of grasslands (38%) and open forests (18%), with some areas of dense forest (15%). By 2000, dense forest cover had doubled in size (31%), and grassland had decreased considerably (by 73% of the initial area). Since 1953, the study area has become more homogeneous, with a few local exceptions. The results of this study suggest that socioeconomic factors might be the main cause of landscape transformations in this period of approximately 50 years.
This study is an attempt to present an integrated picture of the economic changes that have taken place in the rural economy of Kerala. Its limited purpose is to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers to an important but neglected dimension in rural analysis and planning.The thesis aims to identify changes in income, employment-and population. and analyses the structural change in land ownership and other assets of the rural population. The thesis also studies the changes in agriculture, especially with reference to land use and cropping pattern and examines the extend of rural indebtedness. These aspects are studied with reference to three Panchayats - Thazhava, Pananchery, Muttil – which are taken as case studies.
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Von der „Chaosgruppe“ zur lernenden Organisation. Fallstudien zur Induzierung und Verbreitung von Innovation in ländlichen Kleinorganisationen im Buruli (Zentral-Uganda). Die oft fehlende Nachhaltigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Projekte in Afrika allgemein und in Buruli (Zentral-Uganda) insbesondere gab den Anstoß zu der Forschung, die der vorliegenden Dissertation zugrunde liegt. Ein häufiger Grund für das Scheitern von Projekten ist, dass die lokale Bevölkerung die landwirtschaftliche Innovation als Risiko für die Ernährungssicherheit der Familie betrachtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist daher ein Beitrag zur Suche nach einem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, der dieser Tatsache Rechnung trägt. Als Forschungsmethode wurden die Gruppendiskussion und die Beobachtung mit den beiden Varianten „teilnehmender Beobachter“ und „beobachtender Teilnehmer“ gemäß Lamnek(1995b) angewendet. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die ablehnende Haltung der Zielbevölkerung landwirtschaftlicher Innovation gegenüber durch finanzielle Anreize, Seminare oder die Überzeugungskunst von Mitarbeitern der Entwicklungsorganisationen kaum behoben werden kann, sondern nur durch den Einbezug der Menschen in einen von ihnen selbst gesteuerten Risikomanagementprozess. Die Prozessberatung von Schein (2000) und die nichtdirektive Beratung von Rogers (2010) haben sich im Rahmen unserer Untersuchung für die Motivierung der Bevölkerung für eine risikobewusste Entwicklungsinitiative von großem Nutzen erwiesen ebenso wie für die Beschreibung dieses Prozesses in der vorliegenden Studie. Die untersuchten Gruppen wurden durch diesen innovativen Ansatz der Entwicklungsberatung in die Lage versetzt, das Risiko von Innovation zu analysieren, zu bewerten und zu minimieren, ihre Zukunft selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und in einem sozialen, ökonomischen und physischen Umfeld zu gestalten sowie auf Veränderungen im Laufe der Umsetzung angemessen zu reagieren. Der Erwerb dieser Fähigkeit setzte eine Umwandlung einfacher Bauerngruppen ohne erkennbare Strukturen in strukturierte und organisierte Gruppen voraus, die einer lernenden Organisation im ländlichen Raum entsprechen. Diese Transformation bedarf als erstes eines Zugangs zur Information und einer zielorientierten Kommunikation. Die Umwandlung der Arbeitsgruppe zu einer lernenden Bauernorganisation förderte die Nachhaltigkeit des Gemüseanbauprojekts und das Risikomanagement und wurde so zu einem konkreten, von der Umwelt wahrgenommenen Beispiel für die Zweckmäßigkeit des oben beschriebenen Forschungsansatzes. Die Herausbildung einer lernenden Organisation ist dabei nicht Mittel zum Zweck, sondern ist selbst das zu erreichende Ziel. Die Beobachtung, Begleitung und Analyse dieses Umwandlungsprozesses erfordert einen multidisziplinären Ansatz. In diesem Fall flossen agrarwissenschaftliche, soziologische, linguistische und anthropologische Perspektiven in die partnerschaftlich ausgerichtete Forschung ein. Von der Entwicklungspolitik erfordert dieser Ansatz einen neuen Weg, der auf der Partnerschaft mit den Betroffenen und auf einer Entemotionalisierung des Entwicklungsvorhabens basiert und eine gegenseitige Wertschätzung zwischen den Akteuren voraussetzt. In diesem Prozess entwickelt sich im Laufe der Zeit die „lernende“ Bauernorganisation auch zu einer „lehrenden“ Organisation und wird dadurch eine Quelle der Inspiration für die Gesamtgesellschaft. Die Nachhaltigkeit von ländlichen Entwicklungsprojekten wird damit maßgeblich verbessert.
Este artículo parte de dos ideas ampliamente aceptadas en la literatura gerontológica actual, envejecer es un proceso heterogéneo íntimamente relacionado con el entorno y, el envejecimiento activo y satisfactorio esta vinculado con la participación social. Ahora bien, sigue existiendo un gran desconocimiento de los procesos de envejecimiento característicos de las zonas rurales y una falta de características de los profesionales rurales y de las estrategias innovadoras para promover el envejecimiento activo y el fortalecimiento de estas comunidades. El artículo está basado en los resultados obtenidos en una investigación cualitativa, realizada en la comarca del Alt Empordà, Catalunya. Con un total de 53 participantes. Los resultados muestran el significado que tiene la comunidad para las personas mayores del entorno rural, confirman la necesidad de un perfil profesional rural y elaboran propuestas de acción contextualizadas que permiten reforzar a la comunidad, sin urbanizarla, a través del fortalecimiento de sistemas de participación social
Objectives. To describe the prevalence of dental caries in children with deciduous teeth in urban and rural areas in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to identify associated factors. Methods. The study included 24 744 children ( 5 - 7 years of age) examined as part of an epidemiological survey on oral health carried out in the state of Sao Paulo ( Levan-tamento Epidemiologico de Sa de Bucal do Estado de Sao Paulo). Multilevel analysis was used to investigate whether the prevalence of untreated caries was associated with the sociodemographic characteristics of the children examined or with the socioeconomic aspects of the participating cities. Results. Being black or brown ( adjusted odds ratio ( OR) = 1.27), attending school in rural areas ( adjusted OR = 1.88), and attending public school ( adjusted OR = 3.41) were identified as determinants for an increased probability of presenting deciduous teeth with untreated caries. Being a female ( adjusted OR = 0.83) was identified as a protective factor. The negative coefficients obtained for second- level independent variables indicate that the oral health profile of the cities included in the study were positively impacted by a higher municipal human development index ( beta = - 0.47) and fluoridated drinking water ( beta = - 0.32). Conclusions. The prevalence of untreated caries is influenced by individual and sociodemographic factors. The present study provides epidemiological information concerning the rural areas in the state of Sao Paulo. This information is useful for strategic planning and for establishing guidelines for oral health actions in local health systems, thereby contributing to oral health equity.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a sintomatologia climatérica e fatores relacionados entre mulheres dos meios urbano e rural do Rio Grande do Norte. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, descritivo, envolvendo casuística de 261 mulheres climatéricas residentes em Natal e Mossoró (grupo urbano; n=130) e Uruaçu, em São Gonçalo do Amarante (grupo rural; n=131). A sintomatologia climatérica foi avaliada pelo Índice Menopausal de Blatt-Kupperman (IMBK) e Escala Climatérica de Greene (ECG). A análise estatística constou de comparações das medianas dos escores entre os grupos e regressão logística. Defi niram-se como “muito sintomáticas” as pacientes com escores ≥20, para ambos instrumentos (variável dependente). As variáveis independentes foram: idade, procedência, alfabetização, obesidade e prática de atividade física. RESULTADOS: o grupo urbano apresentou escores signifi cativamente superiores ao grupo rural, tanto para o IMBK (medianas de 26,0 e 17,0, respectivamente; p<0,0001), quanto para a ECG (medianas de 27,0 e 16,0, respectivamente; p<0,0001). Na amostra total, evidenciou-se que 56,3% (n=147) das mulheres foram classifi cadas como “muito sintomáticas”. Na comparação intergrupos, essa prevalência foi signifi cativamente mais elevada nas mulheres urbanas em relação às rurais (79,2 e 33,6%, respectivamente; p<0,05). Pela análise de regressão logística, evidenciou-se que a chance de pertencer ao grupo defi nido como “muito sintomáticas” foi maior para mulheres do meio urbano [odds ratio ajustado (OR)=7,1; 95% intervalo de confi ança a 95% (IC95%)=3,69-13,66] e alfabetizadas (OR=2,19; IC95%=1,16-4,13). A idade superior a 60 anos associou-se com menor chance de ocorrência de sintomas signifi cativos (OR=0,38; IC95%=0,17-0,87). CONCLUSÕES: a prevalência de sintomas climatéricos signifi cativos é menor em mulheres do meio rural, demonstrando que fatores socioculturais e ambientais estão fortemente relacionados ao surgimento dos sintomas climatéricos em nossa população.___________________________________ABSTRACT PURPOSE: to evaluate climacteric symptoms and related factors in women living in rural and urban areas of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. METHODS: a cross-sectional study involving 261 women in the climacteric was performed. A total of 130 women from Natal and Mossoró (urban group) and 131 from Uruaçu, in São Gonçalo do Amarante (rural group), were studied. Climacteric symptoms were assessed by the Blatt-Kupperman Menopausal Index (BKMI) and Greene Climacteric Scale (GCE). Statistical analysis involved comparison of median between groups and logistic regression analysis. Patients were defi ned as “very symptomatic” when the climacteric score was ≥20 for both questionnaires (dependent variable). Independent variables were: age, living area, schooling, obesity and physical activity. RESULTS: the urban group had signifi cantly higher scores than those of the rural group, both for BKMI (median of 26.0 and 17.0, respectively; p<0.0001) and for GCE (median of 27.0 and 16.0, respectively; p<0.0001). For the entire sample, a total of 56.3% (n=147) of the women were classifi ed as “very symptomatic”. This prevalence was signifi cantly higher in urban than in rural women (79.2 and 33.6%, respectively; p<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that the likelihood of belonging to the group defi ned as “very symptomatic” was greater for urban women [adjusted odds ratio (OR)=7.1; confi dence interval at 95% (95%CI)=3.69-13.66] who were literate (OR=2.19; 95%CI=1.16- 4.13). Individuals over the age of 60 years had less chance of having signifi cant symptoms (OR=0.38; 95%CI=0.17-0.87). CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence of signifi cant climacteric symptoms is less in women from a rural environment, showing that sociocultural and environmental factors are strongly related to the appearance of climacteric symptoms in our population