996 resultados para Rural Geography
Recurso para la enseñanza de la geografía en las escuelas de secundaria. Se divide en diez capítulos que se centran en los aspectos humanos del currículum de geografía: geografías del consumo, geografías del turismo, geografía de la población, geografía urbana, geografía rural, geografía industrial, geografía del desarrollo, geografías de la desigualdad, geografía de la salud y del medio ambiente y geografías de la globalización. Al final de cada capítulo se incluyen un resumen, notas, direcciones web de utilidad y lecturas adicionales.
Este libro ha sido escrito específicamente para el Cambridge IGCSE en la asignatura de enseñanza secundaria de geografía, con un cd-rom, proporciona a los profesores curriculum, experiencia y guía en la preparación de exámenes. Los temas del libro son: población y asentamiento ( el crecimiento de la población, superpoblación en Nigeria, estructura de la población, densidad de la población, migración, asentamientos rurales, urbanización, problemas urbanos), el entorno natural (ríos, costas, los arrecifes de coral, tiempo y clima, selvas tropicales, desiertos, la sequía en Australia, inundaciones en Mozambique), desarrollo económico y el uso de recursos (agricultura, empleo y trabajo, el turismo, dañando el medio ambiente, política de conservación, el reciclaje).
Guía del profesor diseñada para acompañar al libro de texto 'Edexcel A2 Geography'. Cubre las unidades 3 y 4 de la especificación Edexcel. La unidad 3 se compone de seis temas obligatorios: seguridad energética, conflictos por el agua, diversidad biológica amenazada, superpotencias geográficas, reducción de la brecha de desarrollo, y la solución tecnológica. La unidad 4 contiene seis temas opcionales: actividad tectónica y riesgos, entornos fríos, la vida en los márgenes, el mundo de la diversidad cultural, contaminación y la salud de las personas en riesgo, y consumo del paisaje rural.
O presente trabalho de investigação incide na análise e interpretação de uma experiência educativa, desenvolvida em contexto de sala de aula, que teve como referência e critérios de abordagem a teoria construtivista da aprendizagem, mais concretamente a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e partiu da análise das conceções prévias de alunos de uma turma de 9º Ano, do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, sobre o conceito de qualidade de vida, numa escola inserida num dado contexto psicossocial, o meio rural. Trata-se de uma experiência educativa desenvolvida no domínio da cognição histórica e geográfica, relativamente à construção científica do conceito de qualidade de vida, inserido nas disciplinas de História e de Geografia. De modo a concretizar a experiência educativa foram utilizados três instrumentos diferentes, em três momentos distintos da aprendizagem dos alunos, para que no final fosse possível verificar e identificar as principais dificuldades de aprendizagem do conceito de qualidade de vida. A análise e interpretação dos dados recolhidos e as conclusões retiradas remetem para a necessidade de compreensão das conceções prévias dos alunos, em História e em Geografia, no que diz respeito ao conceito de qualidade de vida para que os professores possam melhorar a sua a prática pedagógica e para que a aprendizagem tenha mais significado para os alunos.
This paper explores the migration and cultural consumption practices of lesbian households within processes of rural change. Taking forward Phillips' (2004. Progress in Human Geography 28, 5-30) discussion of neglected geographies of rural gentrification, and building upon Halfacree's (2001. International Journal of Population Geography 7, 395-411) critique of dominant conceptualisations of rural in-migrants, the paper presents empirical findings from a qualitative study of lesbian households in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire. This follows up an earlier study of rural gentrification (Smith and Phillips, 2001. Journal of Rural Studies 19, 457-469). Lesbian households are shown to be a significant group that socially and culturally (re)produce distinct constructions of rurality, and act as gentrifiers via their migration, residential, and consumption practices. Many parallels to the migration processes of non-lesbian gentrifiers in Hebden Bridge are revealed, with the alternative cultural structures of Hebden Bridge being a key factor. We therefore argue that lesbian households should not be 'othered' within discourses of rural gentrification. The discussion emphasises the value of focussing upon neglected socio-cultural groups in robust ways, in order to shed light on the wider lifestyles and experiences of diverse rural populations, and to deepen understandings of other geographies of rural gentrification. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article uses census data for Berkshire to argue that large-scale counterurbanization began much earlier than is generally recognized in some parts of southern England. This was not just movement down the urban hierarchy, which as Pooley and Turnbull have demonstrated was a long-term feature of England’s settlement system, but in some cases at least amenity-driven migration to rural areas of the kind increasingly recognized as a core component of recent counterurbanization. Despite a reduction of acreage Berkshire’s rural districts saw a 54% rise in population between 1901 and 1951. The sub-regional pattern of growth is assessed to gauge whether ‘clean break’ migration to the remote west of the county (which remained effectively out of commuting range from London throughout the period) was taking place, or whether counterurbanization was confined to the more accessible eastern districts. However, whilst population did increase in both west and east, it was in fact the central districts that grew most impressively. Three case study parishes are investigated in order to gauge the nature and consequences of counterurbanization at a local level. Professional and business migrants figure prominently, seeking to preserve and promote the rural attributes of their new communities, without however cutting their ties to urban centres. It is argued that migration to rural Berkshire in the first half of the twentieth century cannot adequately be described either as a form of extended suburbanization or an anti-metropolitan ‘clean break’. Rather, early counterurbanization marks the first stage on the long road to a post-productivist countryside, in which countryside becomes detached from agriculture, there is socio-economic convergence between town and country, and the ‘rural’ increasingly becomes defined by landscape and identity rather than economic function.
Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia accounts for a disproportionate global scale fraction of both carbon emissions from biomass burning and biodiversity erosion through habitat loss. Here we use field- and remote-sensing data to examine the effects of private landholding size on the amount and type of forest cover retained within economically active rural properties in an aging southern Amazonian deforestation frontier. Data on both upland and riparian forest cover from a survey of 300 rural properties indicated that 49.4% (SD = 29.0%) of the total forest cover was maintained as of 2007. and that property size is a key regional-scale determinant of patterns of deforestation and land-use change. Small properties (<= 150 ha) retained a lower proportion of forest (20.7%, SD = 17.6) than did large properties (>150 ha; 55.6%, SD = 27.2). Generalized linear models showed that property size had a positive effect on remaining areas of both upland and total forest cover. Using a Landsat time-series, the age of first clear-cutting that could be mapped within the boundaries of each property had a negative effect on the proportion of upland, riparian, and total forest cover retained. Based on these data, we show contrasts in land-use strategies between smallholders and largeholders, as well as differences in compliance with legal requirements in relation to minimum forest cover set-asides within private landholdings. This suggests that property size structure must be explicitly considered in landscape-scale conservation planning initiatives guiding agro-pastoral frontier expansion into remaining areas of tropical forest. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The p-median problem is often used to locate P service facilities in a geographically distributed population. Important for the performance of such a model is the distance measure. Distance measure can vary if the accuracy of the road network varies. The rst aim in this study is to analyze how the optimal location solutions vary, using the p-median model, when the road network is alternated. It is hard to nd an exact optimal solution for p-median problems. Therefore, in this study two heuristic solutions are applied, simulating annealing and a classic heuristic. The secondary aim is to compare the optimal location solutions using dierent algorithms for large p-median problem. The investigation is conducted by the means of a case study in a rural region with an asymmetrically distributed population, Dalecarlia. The study shows that the use of more accurate road networks gives better solutions for optimal location, regardless what algorithm that is used and regardless how many service facilities that is optimized for. It is also shown that the simulated annealing algorithm not just is much faster than the classic heuristic used here, but also in most cases gives better location solutions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)