982 resultados para Rosenzweig, Franz
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Franz Rosenzweig
Se parte de las tesis de Parménides y de Franz Rosenzweig para mostrar sus concepciones disímiles de la realidad. Rosenzweig afirma que el pensamiento humano es diálogo, o sea, se constituye desde un yo a un tú, y su tesis se opone al pensamiento lógico occidental hegemónico, impuesto durante siglos. Sin embargo, se argumenta que el pensamiento dialógico no es un a priori, como afirma este filósofo, sino más bien un proyecto que se debe construir en una época en la que la palabra ha perdido credibilidad. El propósito es reflexionar sobre el acontecer histórico actual, a los fines de plantear si están dadas las condiciones a priori para el diálogo, o más bien la tarea como educadores desde la palabra es promover el diálogo que parte de la diversidad, y que busca alcanzar el consenso.
„Der Ewige“ als „Synthese“ des Stern. Der Gebrauch des Gottesnamens „der Ewige“ bei Franz Rosenzweig
In his famous final essay Franz Rosenzweig neglects to mention that he had referred to the expression “the Eternal” already in The Star of Redemption. Through a comprehensive analysis of his writings, and in particular of his masterpiece, the article seeks to research thoroughly Rosenzweig’s use of this expression. The revelation of God’s name is a core issue in The Star of Redemption. While elaborating on the structure of the Star, Rosenzweig seeks to capture the crucial meaning of God’s name by translating it as “the Eternal,” thereby enabling us to consider the thought of eternity as presenting the “synthesis” within the system of The Star of Redemption. Commonly perceived to convey an infinite progression of time, Rosenzweig’s understanding of the concept of eternity in The Star proves to be richer, including the idea of the everlasting as well as the notion of a constantly renewing presence. The article furthermore shows that the concept of the meaning of God’s name oriented at the present, as devised by Rosenzweig together with Martin Buber in their joint work of translation, had already been articulated in The Star.