934 resultados para Romanticism in art - Influence - England


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This is the Acid waters in North West England: The effect of liming agricultural land on the chemistry and biology of the River Esk, North West England report produced by National Rivers Authority in 1992. This report focuses on the study of Acid Waters in the North West Region of England, UK, which began in 1982 and sampling was completed in October 1990. This work was initiated because of the observation of the simultaneous mortality of adult and juvenile salmon and sea-trout in both the River Esk and adjacent River Duddon in June 1980. Investigations at that time indicated that an "acid episode" was the most likely cause of this mortality. A land use study indicated that a reduction in agricultural liming may have been a major factor in the development of acid episodes and consequent fish kills in the River Esk and River Duddon. However there was no evidence that the mortalities of salmonids in the early 1980's were due to a reduction in agricultural liming. They were due to some other phenomenon such as a period of intense acid deposition.


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This is the episodic variations in stream water chemistry associated with acid rainfall and run-off and the effect on aquatic ecosystems, with particular reference to fish populations in North West England produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report looks at the biological, physical and chemical information collected over a five year period from over 100 sites on upland streams in the North West Region of which drained rocks of low buffering capacity. In both Lake District and South Pennine sites striking differences were found between the composition of invertebrate communities inhabiting acid-stressed and less acid-stressed streams. Electric fishing surveys showed that acidic streams (geometric mean pH <5.5) generally had abnormally low densities of salmonids ( < 0 .2m2) and that 0+ fish were very few or absent. The latter indicates recruitment failure. Salmon were more sensitive than trout to low pH.


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The transition process to film pool boiling in microgravity is studied experimentally aboard the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-8. A quasi-steady heating method is adopted, in which the heating voltage is controlled to increase exponentially with time. Small, primary bubbles are formed and slid on the surface, which coalesce with each other to form a large coalesced bubble. Two ways are observed for the transition from nucleate to film boiling at different subcoolings. At high subcooling, the coalesced bubble with a smooth surface grows slowly. It is then difficult for the coalesced bubble to cover the whole heater surface, resulting in a special region of transition boiling in which nucleate boiling and local dry areas can coexist. In contrast, strong oscillation of the coalesced bubble surface at low subcooling may cause rewetting of local dry areas and activation of more nucleate sites, resulting in an abrupt transition to film boiling.


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New, Elizabeth, 'Signs of community or marks of the exclusive? Parish and guild seals in later medieval England', In: The Parish in Late Medieval England, (Lincs: Shaun Tyas) pp.112-128, 2006 RAE2008


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New, E. (2002). Christological personal seals and Christocentric devotion in later medieval England and Wales. Antiquaries Journal. 82, pp.47-68. RAE2008


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Background: This epidemiological study was carried out to establish the magnitude of the changing incidence of gastric and oesophageal cancer. Methods: Time-trend analyses of subsite-specific cancers of the oesophagus and stomach were performed using data from the Thames Cancer Registry database (1960-1996) for the South Thames Region. The changes in sex ratio and peak age of incidence are reported. Results: In the upper two-thirds of the oesophagus there was no significant change in the incidence rate, but the lower third of the oesophagus showed a marked rise for both sexes (average annual change + 0.05 for men, + 0.009 for women). For the gastric cardia, the incidence in males increased (average annual change + 0.025), while in females it remained unchanged. Cancers of the oesophagogastric junction showed a clear increase for both sexes (average annual change + 0.07 for men, + 0.009 for women). There were changes in the sex ratio and peak age of incidence for all subsite cancers for both sexes. Conclusion: Over a 37-year period the incidence of cancer of the oesophagogastric junction increased threefold, while the incidence of cancers of the other subsites of the stomach decreased. Further studies are needed to investigate the aetiology of these changes.


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As Larson (1990) states, professions are historically specific and ‘there is no pattern of social closure around an occupation that is not inflected by the latter’s past, its specific activity and typical context of performance or…the political context in which closure is obtained.’ Larson’s work focuses particularly on the differences between the establishment of professions in France, where there was considerable state intervention, with that in the US and UK, both of which were more market-oriented. This paper is based on data from an evaluation of a large European exchange programme of staff between Kent and Lille, from 2005 to 2008 and discusses the division of labour in healthcare between two occupational groups, medicine and nursing, in England and in France. This division of labour has been extensively discussed in the UK, particularly since from the mid 1990s the nursing role has been extended and innovations such as nurse prescribing have been introduced, whereas such extended roles have not been introduced in France. The paper draws particularly on interview data from mental health practitioners, in which it is argued that whilst the English nurses may on the surface seem to have a wider range of competences and autonomy, in reality they are more constrained, as they operate under protocols and therefore do not exercise professional judgement. Not only do these data illustrate the centrality of professional judgement in discussions about practice, they also demonstrate the circularity of many debates on extended roles.


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The population dynamics of Mytilicola intestinalis Steuer in mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) from the River Lynher, Cornwall, England, have been studied over 3 years. By transplanting uninfested mussels from the River Erme, South Devon, into the Lynher mussel bed, the study was extended to the growth and development of new infestations under natural conditions. Female Mytilicola intestinalis are shown to breed twice, and two generations of parasites coexist for most of the year, with recruitment taking place in summer and autumn. One generation contributes its first brood to the autumn recruits before overwintering and contributing its second brood to the following summer's recruits. The other generation overwinters as juvenile and immature stages to contribute its two broods successively to the summer and autumn recruits. Environmental temperatures are believed to control the rates of development at all stages rather than acting as triggers in the onset or cessation of breeding at specific times. There is no evidence to support the contention that heavily infested mussels are killed, and parasite mortality is shown to be density-independent.


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In September 2007, observations were made of a siphonophore in surface waters and near to the seabed by sea users off south Devon and south-east Cornwall. The same siphonophore was also recorded from regular samples collected offshore of Plymouth. The species is identified as Apolemia uvaria, which had not previously been recorded off Plymouth. It was sampled until March 2008 and re-appeared, in smaller numbers, in autumn 2008 until February 2009 but was not reliably reported in autumn 2009 (to end of October). The occurrence is unlikely to be due to sea warming, but more likely some variation in oceanic currents, possibly influxes of Atlantic water