991 resultados para Roman society


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Since the 1980s the concept of risk has produced a large and diverse volume of sociological research. Ulrich Beck’s groundbreaking risk society thesis provides a particularly engaging contribution, since it seems that nearly every sociological account of risk engages with this work. For Beck, we are living in second modernity – a new epoch that breaks with pre-modernity and industrial society due to the centrality, incalculability and reflexivity of globalised risk. While Beck’s theory is compelling, a reading of other theorists such as Foucault (2007[1978]) and Hacking (1975,1990) suggests that a difficulty with Beck’s work is that in attempting to explain what is novel about risk in contemporary times, he too quickly passes over the complexities and ruptures of historical change that impact on the history and contingency of risk. This paper begins by presenting a brief analysis of the present state of risk by introducing Beck’s historical narrative of risk from pre-modernity to the risk society; it then outlines the challenges with the “risk as epoch” argument by considering a range of literature, which suggests risk has a more complex history than proposed by Beck; and finally it highlights the value in examining strategies of statecraft in early modern Europe, specifically Machiavelli’s The Prince (2008[1513]) and Giovanni Botero’s political treatise, Della Ragion di Stato (1956[1589]) – as a means of more thoroughly understanding how our current concept of risk emerges. In doing so, this paper seeks to open up new trajectories in the historicisation of risk for other interested scholars.


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This study analyses the diction of Latin building inscriptions. Despite its importance, this topic has rarely been discussed before: the most substantial contribution on the subject is a short dissertation by Klaus Gast (1965) that focuses on 100 inscriptions dating mostly from the Republican period. Marietta Horster (2001) also touched upon this theme in her thesis on imperial building inscriptions. I have collected my source material in North Africa because more Latin building inscriptions dating from the Imperial period have survived there than in any other area of the Roman Empire. By means of a thorough and independent survey, I have assembled all relevant African Latin building inscriptions datable to the Roman period (between 146 BC and AD 425), 1002 texts, into a corpus. These inscriptions are all fully edited in Appendix 1; Appendix 2 contains references to earlier editions. To facilitate search operations, both are also available in electronic form. They are downloadable from the address http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/kla/htm/jatkoopinnot.htm. Chapter one is an introduction dealing with the nature of building inscriptions as source material. Chapter two offers a statistical overview of the material. The following main section of the work falls into five chapters, each of which analyses one main part of a building inscription. An average building inscription can be divided into five parts: the starting phrase opens the inscription (a dedication to gods, for example), the subject part identifies the builder, the object part describes the constructed or repaired building, the predicate part records the building activity and the supplement part offers additional information on the project (it can specify the funding, for instance). These chapters are systematic and chronological and their purpose is to register and interpret the phrases used, to analyse reasons for their use and for their popularity among the different groups of builders. Chapter eight, which follows the main section of the work, creates a typology of building inscriptions based on their structure. It also presents the most frequently attested types of building inscriptions. The conclusion describes, on a general level, how the diction of building inscriptions developed during the period of study and how this striking development resulted from socio-economic changes that took place in Romano-African society during Antiquity. This study shows that the phraseology of building inscriptions had a clear correlation both with the type of builder and with the date of carving. Private builders tended to accentuate their participation (especially its financial side) in the project; honouring the emperor received more emphasis in the building inscriptions set up by communities; the texts produced by the army were concise. The chronological development is so clear that it enables stylistic dating. At the beginning of the imperial period the phrases were clear, concrete, formal and stereotyped but by Late Antiquity they have become vague, subjective, flexible, varied and even rhetorically or poetically coloured.


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Sims-Williams, P. (2002). The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain: Phonology and Chronology, c. 400-1200. Publications of the Philological Society, 37. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. RAE2008


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This paper discusses the marine and terrestrial shell on Epipalaeolithic to Classical-period sites in the Cyrenaican coastlands, northeast Libya, with particular reference to the Haua Fteah, with parallel studies at a late-Roman farmstead and two small caves. Together they provide evidence for coastal and terrestrial environments and for the continued nutritional importance of gastropods to humans during the Holocene. Land snail evidence is consistent with regional vegetation in coastal Cyrenaica becoming increasingly open through the Holocene, as a result of some combination of climate change and human impact. Marine species suggest that the coastline near the Haua had been rocky throughout the Holocene. At Hagfet al-Gama, changing faunas provide evidence for sand encroachment onto a previously rocky shoreline in Hellenistic times. A biometric study of Osilinus turbinatus shows that in the archaeological sites these shells are systematically smaller than modern specimens, providing evidence for long-term dietary stress in the human populations around the Haua Fteah, with particularly severe stress in parts of the Epipalaeolithic. A biometric study of Patella spp. provided evidence for size selection, but also seems to show evidence for resource pressure. It is unlikely that variations in resource pressure seen in the mollusc biometrics are the result of climatic stress or natural ecological factors and explanations must be sought in society-environment dynamics.


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This paper explores the characteristics associated with marriages between Roman Catholics and members of other religious denominations in Ireland before the Great War. Using the entire digitized returns of the 1911 population census, we find that such marriages were relatively rare, occurring in less than one percent of total marriages. Some of this infrequency can be attributed to ethno-religious hostility-especially in the north of the country. However, we also show that the rarity of intermarriage reflects local marriage markets, as non-Roman Catholics living in communities with fewer coreligionists were more likely to intermarry. We examine the individual characteristics of partners in these marriages, looking at the religious denomination of their children, their decision to marry out, and their fertility behavior. Our findings illustrate how the frequency of intermarriage reflects historical levels of intolerance, but only after local marriage market conditions have been accounted for.


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During the early medieval period, Ireland was politically organised into a large number of very small kingdoms. Unlike much of Western Europe, it had not been incorporated into the Roman Empire, and as a consequence, settlement remained exclusively rural in character until the Viking period. Extensive documentary, archaeological, zooarchaeological and macro-plant evidence provides a detailed reconstruction of the livestock and arable economy of the period. Cattle ownership formed the basis of wealth as well as being an indicator of status in society, and this is reflected in its clear dominance of the livestock economy during this period. From the eighth century onwards, however, cereal production appears to grow in importance as subsistence farming gave way to the production of agricultural surplus. This is reflected in cereal diversification and in the construction of watermills and more efficient grain-drying kilns. At the same time, settlement underwent significant changes and the relative importance of cattle in some areas began to decline.


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À l'aide des tout derniers modèles narratologiques développés entre autres par Ansgar Nünning, nous nous penchons sur l'oeuvre d'Eveline Hasler, une voix phare de la littérature alémanique contemporaine. À partir d’un corpus de six romans, nous examinons de façon systématique sa poétique du roman historique au regard 1) des techniques narratives, 2) de la marginalité de ses personnages en société, 3) de la conception de l’Histoire, 4) de l'image critique qu'elle présente de la Suisse. Il en ressort un portrait très nuancé de l'oeuvre de Hasler, puisqu’elle allie un récit principalement réaliste, plutôt traditionnel, mais aussi inspiré du langage cinématographique, à des passages métahistoriographiques postmodernes, où une narratrice assimilable à l’auteure fait part au « je » de ses réflexions sur l'Histoire. Même si ces brefs passages relativement rares rappellent sans contredit la posture de l’historien, ils s’inscrivent toutefois dans la fiction, laquelle actualise le passé dans la perspective historique d’un lecteur contemporain. De fait, l’œuvre de Hasler se présente comme un jeu habile avec la liberté poétique et le souci de véracité historique, ce à quoi concourt l’imbrication de documents originaux en italique dans le roman. Par ailleurs, la question de la marginalité en société joue un rôle prépondérant chez Hasler, car tous ses personnages principaux sont autant de marginaux, de Außenseiter. Cette problématique montre entre autres les limites de l’Aufklärung, étant donné que ses tenants, les adversaires des marginaux, se targuent le plus souvent d’être motivés par la pensée éclairante pour mieux la pervertir. Il en résulte la mise à l’écart des individus dérangeants — la prétendue sorcière, le géant et les femmes qui remettent en cause l’organisation patriarcale. Or, certains marginaux de Hasler parviennent à s’arracher un espace de liberté dans la marge, au prix de leurs racines helvétiques. Ainsi, ces marginaux peinent à s’inscrire dans l’Histoire dite officielle, ce que Hasler tente de rectifier en leur redonnant une voix. Sur le plan individuel, la plupart d’entre eux expérimentent une évolution circulaire, puisqu’ils ne parviennent pas à sortir de la marge (sauf peut-être Henry Dunant). Cette impression de tourner en rond s’oppose à une conception de l’Histoire humaine qui se déroule en continuum, puisque les exclusions d’hier préfigurent celles d’aujourd’hui. Au-delà de cette mesure humaine du temps, l’horizon temporel de la nature s’inscrit pour sa part dans la permanence. Ainsi, Hasler développe une conception historique qui varie selon des points de vue coexistants. Cet amalgame est le plus souvent marqué par un certain pessimisme, comme le dénote la vie d’Emily Kempin associée au mythe d’Icare. Finalement, tous les acteurs historiques de Hasler appartiennent au contexte helvétique et en présentent une image assez rétrograde, laquelle se dévoile non seulement à travers la fictionnalisation des lieux, mais aussi par des références à trois symboles nationaux : les Alpes, le réduit helvétique et la légende de Guillaume Tell. Hasler fait le procès de ces mythes, associés à la liberté et à la sauvegarde de ce « peuple de bergers », en montrant que la Suisse n’apporte pas de solution originale aux défis de l’Occident.


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Ce mémoire est consacré à la construction des personnages féminins juifs dans trois romans modernes et contemporains de la littérature québécoise de langue française. Il se penche sur les romans L’avalée des avalés (1967) de Réjean Ducharme, La Québécoite (1983) de Régine Robin et Hadassa (2006) de Myriam Beaudoin. Les fonctions, les valeurs et les discours entourant la présence des figures féminines juives sont analysés par le biais des dialogues entre les lieux et l’espace de manière à cerner les marqueurs identitaires, culturels, sociaux, linguistiques et religieux. Nous avons cherché à inscrire ce mémoire dans le prolongement du chapitre portant sur la figure féminine juive de l’ouvrage pionnier Mythes et images du Juif au Québec (1977) de Victor Teboul. Teboul considère la figure féminine juive comme un personnage principalement secondaire et sexuel. Cette analyse, très ancrée dans les discours sociaux de la période de publication, mérite d’être revisitée avec un corpus plus élargi et plus contemporain. Pour ce faire, nous avons cerné les principaux vecteurs identitaires féminins juifs en analysant les discours entourant leur présence, les dialogues entre identité, culture, Histoire et société et les dynamiques entre espaces et lieux. Nous avons constaté que, en plus de sortir des stéréotypes, l’identité des figures féminines juives des trois romans est modelée en fonction de son rapport aux lieux et à l’espace. D’une judéité littéraire foncièrement iconoclaste, en passant par une judéité culturelle et mémorielle jusqu’à une judéité qui se veut le plus réaliste, les trois romans du corpus diffèrent largement par leur rapport à la judéité.


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« Derniers instants », première partie de ce mémoire, est un roman dont la protagoniste, une octogénaire issue d’une famille aux valeurs traditionnelles, refuse de se conformer aux idéologies d’une société patriarcale, comme sa mère, sa grand-mère et toutes les femmes qui les ont précédées l’ont fait avant elle. C’est une démarche créative inspirée par la restitution de la part des femmes dans l’histoire, depuis l’avènement des études féministes. Un regard a posteriori, une relecture de l’expérience féminine. Dans la deuxième partie, « Modèle familial et filiations dans Fugueuses de Suzanne Jacob », je m’intéresse à la fonction que Jacob attribue à l’écrivain. En effet, pour l’auteure, chaque individu est un lecteur du monde. Le rapport dialogique qu’elle établit entre le texte littéraire et les « fictions dominantes » rend compte de sa démarche créative, c’est-à-dire l’écriture comme l’aboutissement d’une lecture singulière des évidences, de l’entendu, du ce-qui-va-de-soi.


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This paper examines the landscape context of the Bartlow Hills, a group of large Romano-British barrows that were excavated in the 1840s but have been largely neglected since. GIS is employed to test whether it was possible to view the mounds from nearby roads, barrows and villas. Existing research on provincial barrows, and especially their landscape context, and some recent relevant applications of GIS are reviewed. We argue that barrows are active and symbolically charged statements about power and identity. The most striking pattern to emerge from the GIS analysis is a focus on display to a local rather than a transient audience.


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The analysis of organic residues from pottery sherds using Gas-Chromatography with mass-spectroscopy (GC-MS) has revealed information about the variety of foods eaten and domestic routine at Silchester between the second and fourth–sixth centuries A.D. Two results are discussed in detail: those of a second-century Gauloise-type amphora and a fourth-century SE Dorset black-burnished ware (BB1) cooking pot, which reveal the use of pine pitch on the inner surface of the amphora and the use of animal fats (ruminant adipose fats) and leafy vegetables in cooking at the Roman town of Silchester, Hants.