994 resultados para Rock phosphate


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of ruzigrass (Urochloaruziziensis) in enhancing soil-P availability in areas fertilized with soluble or reactive rock phosphates. The area had been cropped for five years under no-till, in a system involving soybean, triticale/black-oat, and pearl millet. Previously to the five-year cultivation period, corrective phosphorus fertilization was applied once on soil surface, at 0.0 and 80 kg ha-1 P2O5, as triple superphosphate or Arad rock phosphate. After this five-year period, plots received the same corrective P fertilization as before and ruzigrass was introduced to the cropping system in the stead of the other cover crops. Soil samples were taken (0-10 cm) after ruzigrass cultivation and subjected to soil-P fractionation. Soybean was grown thereafter without P application to seed furrow. Phosphorus availability in plots with ruzigrass was compared to the ones with spontaneous vegetation for two years. Ruzigrass cultivation increased inorganic (resin-extracted) and organic (NaHCO3) soil P, as well as P concentration in soybean leaves, regardless of the P source. However, soybean yield did not increase significantly due to ruzigrass introduction to the cropping system. Soil-P availability did not differ between soluble and reactive P sources. Ruzigrass increases soil-P availability, especially where corrective P fertilization is performed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito residual da adubação com composto de lodo de esgoto e fosfato natural de Gafsa sobre os teores de nutrientes no solo, na planta e na produtividade do milho. O trabalho foi realizado em Cambissolo Háplico. Os tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, corresponderam a 2 doses de fosfato de Gafsa (0 e 90 kg ha-1 de P2O5) e 4 doses de composto de lodo de esgoto (0; 25; 50 e 75 t ha-1, em base seca). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com 3 repetições. Em geral, a produtividade e os teores de nutrientes no solo e na planta no segundo cultivo sucessivo de milho não foram influenciados pela adubação com fosfato natural reativo. Entretanto, a produtividade de milho e os teores de nutrientes no solo e nas folhas de milho aumentaram com a dose de composto de lodo de esgoto ao solo, sendo a dose de 75 Mg ha-1, a de maior efeito residual. A produtividade do milho é menor no segundo cultivo sucessivo em razão do empobrecimento do solo em fósforo e potássio, recomendando-se novas adubações com lodo de esgoto, a cada cultivo realizado.


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A barrier to the domestication of the phosphorus (P) sensitive Australian species Caustis blakei (Cyperaceae) is the standard production systems used commercially which invariably result in problems associated either with P deficiency or P toxicity. This paper reports on the growth responses of Caustis blakei cv. M63 to applications of fertiliser P as either monocalcium phosphate (MCP) or granulated Guano Gold (R) rock phosphate (RP) in two soils with different capacities to adsorb P. The Caustis M63 plants grown in the two soils did not show P toxicity symptoms when fertilised with RP, but shoot dry weight was 30-60% lower than the control in both soils at the highest rate of MCP-P application (156 kg ha(-1), 184 g m(-3)) and this was associated with visible symptoms of drying of the tips of the ultimate branchlets, in the Mt Cotton soil only. The greatest shoot and root dry weights were achieved by plants grown in the higher P adsorbing Palmwoods soil fertilised with RP at P rates of 30-184 g m(-3). Caustis plants grown in the Palmwoods soil had 2.3 times greater root dry weights than plants grown in the Mt Cotton soil irrespective of the P fertiliser type used. Caustis plants growing in Mt Cotton soil which did not receive P showed significantly lower shoot and root dry weight when compared to plants in the Palmwoods soil, probably due to the low initial bicarbonate-extractable P and the high buffering capacity of the Mt Cotton soil. The P concentration in shoots of Caustis fertilised with MCP at 184 g m(-3) was higher when grown in Mt Cotton soil (0.22%) than in the Palmwoods soil (0.15%). The P concentration was lower in the terminal ultimate branchlets (TUB); 0.15% for the Mt Cotton soil and 0.10% for the Palmwoods soil, suggesting that shoots would provide a more useful indicator of P toxicity than the TUB. It is interesting to speculate as to why plants in the Palmwoods soil showed greater root growth and fewer symptoms of P toxicity. This could be because the Palmwoods soil had the greater P adsorption capacity. These results indicate in ground production of Caustis cut foliage will require careful management of P nutrition and understanding of the complex soil/plant interactions associated with the acquisition of P. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The vineyard culture, in the Southwest of Paraná, has faced an evolution in recently years. However, some technical barriers has contained the expression of its full potential. Among which, the lack of scientific and technical support about the fertilization management and the fertility maintenance of production fields, is the most worrying. This fact, allied with the raising on the consumers demand for ecological correct products, are the motivations for the present study, whose main objective was to evaluate the effects of different fertilizer formulations, based on alternative nutrient sources, on grapevine yield and grape fruit quality, aiming at the improvement of those parameters and the maintenance of soil fertility. To achieve this goal, an experiment has been evaluated since 2008, at the experimental area of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus Pato Branco, where ten treatments were being tested, combining or isolating shale derivates from other alternative nutrient sources. Those are the treatments: T1: Gafsa Rock Phosphate (GRP) + K2SO4; T2: GRP + RPB (Rock Powder Bioland®); T3: GRP + K2SO4 + LH (Laying Hen Litter); T4: GRP+ RPB + LH; T5: GRP + K2SO4 + MBR (Matrix Shale 3); T6: GRP + RPB + MBR; T7: GRP + K2SO4 + MBR + LH; T8: GRP + RPB + LH + MBR; T9: TSP (Triple Superphosphate) + Urea + KCl and T10: absolute control. The usage of fertilization, specially the alternative fertilization, improved soil fertility characteristics and also the yield on the last two evaluated harvests. The potassium sulfate improved the potassium availability on soil, while improved yield on the last three harvests. The MBR improved the phosphorus availability, improved post-harvest conservation and improved the yield on the last evaluated harvest.


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he present model of agriculture is based on intensive use of industrial inputs, due to its rapid response, but it brings harmful consequences to the environment, and it is necessary the use of modern inputs. And an alternative is the use of rock biofertilizers in agriculture, a product easy to use, with higher residual effect and does not harm the environment. The objective of study was to evaluate the inoculation and co-inoculation of different microorganisms in the solubilization of rock phosphate and potash ground microbial evaluating the best performance in the production of biofertilizers comparing with rocks pure in soil chemical properties and, verify effect of inoculation of the bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa in the absorption of minerals dissolved in the development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The first bioassay was conducted in Laboratory (UFRN) for 72 days in Petri dishes, where the rock powder was increased by 10% and sulfur co-inoculated and inoculated with bacterial suspension of Paenibacillus polymyxa grown in medium tryptone soy broth, Ralstonia solanacearum in medium Kelman, Cromobacterium violaceum in medium Luria-Bertani and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in medium Tuovinen and Kelly,and fungi Trichoderma humatum and Penicillium fellutanum in malt extract. Every 12 days, samples were removed in order to build up the release curve of minerals. The second bioassay was conducted in a greenhouse of the Agricultural Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte in experimental delineation in randomized block designs, was used 10 kg of an Yellow Argissolo Dystrophic per pot with the addition of treatments super phosphate simple (SS), potassium chloride (KCl), pure rock, biofertilizers in doses 40, 70, 100 and 200% of the recommendation for SS and KCl, and a control, or not inoculated with bacteria P. polymyxa. Were used seeds of cowpea BRS Potiguar and co-inoculated with the bacterial suspension of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and P. polymyxa. The first crop was harvested 45 days after planting, were evaluated in the dry matter (ADM), macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn) in ADM. And the second at 75 days assessing levels of macro end micronutrients in plants and soil, and the maximum adsorption capacity of P in soil. The results showed synergism in co-inoculations with P. polymyxa+R. solanacearum and, P. polymyxa+C. violaceum solubilizations providing higher P and K, respectively, and better solubilization time at 36 days. The pH was lower in biofertilizers higher doses, but there was better with their addition to P at the highest dose. Significant reduction of maximum adsorption capacity of phosphorus with increasing dose of biofertilizer. For K and Ca was better with SS+KCl, and Mg to pure rock. There was an effect of fertilization on the absorption, with better results for P, K and ADM with SS+KCL, and N, Ca and Mg for biofertilizers. Generally, the P. polymyxa not influence the absorption of the elements in the plant. In treatments with the uninoculated P. polymyxa chemical fertilizer had an average significantly higher for weight and number of grains. And in the presence of the bacteria, biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers had positive values in relation to rock and control. The data show that the rocks and biofertilizers could meet the need of nutrients the plants revealed as potential for sustainable agriculture


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Christmas Island has been mined for rock phosphate for over 100 years, and as mining will finish in the next few decades there is a need to develop alternative economies on the island, such as high value crop production. However, to conserve the unique flora and fauna on the island, only land previously mined will be considered for this purpose. As these soils have been severely perturbed by mining, strategies to improve soil quality parameters need to be undertaken before plant based industries can be considered. For instance, legumes and beneficial microbes have demonstrated a positive role in the remediation of degraded soils. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the scientific basis upon which agriculture can effectively be developed on s oils post phosphate mining. Six legume species (Glycine max (Soybean), Vigna radiata (Mungbean), V. unguiculata (Cowpea), Phaseolus vulgaris (Navybean), Cajanus cajan (Pigeon pea), and Lablab purpureus (Lablab)) were sown onto a two ha rehabilitated site t hat had previously been mined for rock phosphate. The soil had a pH of 7.0, and was high in P but low in Bo, Cu, K, Mg, N and S and had low organic C. The legumes were inoculated with their respective rhizobial inoculant or co-inoculated with the rhizobia and a plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) at three different fertilizer rates (nil, a low rate, and five times the low rate). With the exception of P. vulgaris, all the legume species survived. The application of fertilizer was essential for maximum biomass yields 18 weeks after sowing, however the lower fertilizer rate was sufficient to obtain maximum yields for some cultivars. The PGPB increased yields and nodulation of some of the legumes at different fertilizer levels. Although the legumes (except P. vulgaris) grew in the Christmas Island environment, selection of appropriate legume cultivars and inoculants plus optimization of the fertilizer regime is required for reliable agricultural productivity on the island.


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An experimental study was made of the interaction of phosphate rock and aqueous inorganic orthophosphate, calcium, and hydroxyl ions. A model of the reaction was developed by observing electron diffraction patterns in conjunction with concentration changes of chemical components. The model was applied in explaining the performance of batch suspensions of powdered phosphate rock and packed columns of granular phosphate rock. In both cases the reaction consisted initially of a rapid nucleation phase that occurred in a time period of minutes. In the batch system the calcium phosphate nuclei then ripened into larger micro-crystals of hydroxyapatite, which eventually became indistinguishable from the original phosphate rock surface. During column operation the high supersaturation ratio that existed after the rapid nucleation phase resulted in a layer of small nuclei that covered a slowly growing hydroxyapatite crystal.

The column steady-state rate constant was found to increase with increasing temperature, pH, and fluoride concentration, and to decrease with increasing concentrations of magnesium sulfate, ammonium chloride, and bicarbonate ion.

An engineering feasibility study indicated that, based on economic considerations, nucleation of apatite on phosphate rock ore has a potential use as a wastewater phosphate removal treatment process.