988 resultados para Rising sea levesl


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Climate change, global warming, rising sea levels, ice cap melting, carbon taxes and trading schemes etc. are all major environmental issues that confront the modern world. Universities are now trying to ensure that their students graduate with an understanding of environmental sustainability regardless of their field of expertise. 

This study investigates 181 undergraduate and 155 post graduate business and law units from five schools within an Australian University to see how they embed environmental sustainability into their existing curriculums. It also examines how environmental sustainability fits into the scaffolding of the main Bachelor of Commerce degree and how each school plays its part into the overall development of graduates’ understanding of environmental sustainability. In July and December 2011 all unit chairs in the Faculty of Business and Law at Deakin University were asked if and how environmental sustainability was included in their units.

Of the 336 unit chairs that completed the survey, 37% of those unit chairs replied positively and of the remainder, the vast majority of these believed environmental sustainability was not applicable to their unit. However, measuring the effectiveness of the introduction of environmental sustainability into the curriculum is extremely difficult and this is often done by student assessment methods. Only 7% of the units actually carried out any assessment of the students’ knowledge of environmental sustainability.

The findings across the faculty were mixed, with Post Graduate units and Management and Marketing courses being very strong in embedding environmental sustainability into their curriculum. The Bachelor of Commerce Degree students, especially those with Management or Marketing majors received a good grounding in environmental sustainability. 

These findings have implications for course and curriculum designers who are trying to effectively embed environmental sustainability into the scaffolding of their existing educational courses.


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Climate change is predicted to impact countries, regions and localities differently. However, common to the predicted impacts is a global trend toward increased levels of carbon dioxide and rising sea levels. Governments and communities need to take into account the likely impacts of climate on the landscape, both built and natural. There is a growing and significant body of climate change research. Much of this information produced by domain experts for a range of disciplines is complex and difficult for planners, decision makers and communities to act upon. The need to communicate often complex scientific information which can be used to assist in the planning cycle is a key challenge. This paper draws from a range of international examples of the use of visualisation in the context of landscape planning to communicate climate change impact and adaptation options within the context of the planning cycle. Missing from the literature, however, is a multi-scalar approach which allows decision makers, planners and communities to seamlessly explore scenarios at their special level of interest, as well as to collectively understand what is driving these at a larger scale, and what the implications are at ever more local levels. Visualisation tools such as digital globes provide one way to bring together multi-scaled spatial–temporal datasets. We present an initial development with this goal in mind. Future research is required to determine the best tools for communicating particular complex scientific data and also to better understand how visualisation can be used to improve the landscape planning process.


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Shifts in ecosystem structure have been observed over recent decades as woody plants encroach upon grasslands and wetlands globally. The migration of mangrove forests into salt marsh ecosystems is one such shift which could have important implications for global 'blue carbon' stocks. To date, attempts to quantify changes in ecosystem function are essentially constrained to climate-mediated pulses (30 years or less) of encroachment occurring at the thermal limits of mangroves. In this study, we track the continuous, lateral encroachment of mangroves into two south-eastern Australian salt marshes over a period of 70 years and quantify corresponding changes in biomass and belowground C stores. Substantial increases in biomass and belowground C stores have resulted as mangroves replaced salt marsh at both marine and estuarine sites. After 30 years, aboveground biomass was significantly higher than salt marsh, with biomass continuing to increase with mangrove age. Biomass increased at the mesohaline river site by 130 ± 18 Mg biomass km-2 yr-1 (mean ± SE), a 2.5 times higher rate than the marine embayment site (52 ± 10 Mg biomass km-2 yr-1), suggesting local constraints on biomass production. At both sites, and across all vegetation categories, belowground C considerably outweighed aboveground biomass stocks, with belowground C stocks increasing at up to 230 ± 62 Mg C km-2 yr-1 (± SE) as mangrove forests developed. Over the past 70 years, we estimate mangrove encroachment may have already enhanced intertidal biomass by up to 283 097 Mg and belowground C stocks by over 500 000 Mg in the state of New South Wales alone. Under changing climatic conditions and rising sea levels, global blue carbon storage may be enhanced as mangrove encroachment becomes more widespread, thereby countering global warming.


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The interaction between land and water, resulting from dynamic agents, such as wind, waves and tides, characterizes the coastal zone as a dynamic environment that is constantly disturbed and that may alter the balance of natural and man-made environment. Such modifications may be intensified when considering the climate change. This environment is highly attractive for the development of economic activities and urbanization, current scenario of the city of Natal. Weighing the economic importance for the state and the physical environment in which the capital of Rio Grande do Norte is inserted, this study aims to identify and analyze vulnerabilities and impacts caused by the rising sea level in the municipality. To that end, we defined a coastline, delimited areas susceptible to flooding and presented some flood scenarios. This way we could identify and analyze the impacts of each flood scenario in its respective section. Finally, it appears that the coastal zone in which Natal is inserted is a fragile area that requires actions aimed at mitigating vulnerabilities and facing the problem that caused the rise in the mean sea level (MSL), and mitigating the presented vulnerability framework; it is necessary to implement actions that effectively contribute to the protection and adaptation of the most fragile areas


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Includes bibliography


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Spanish version available at the Library


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Sedimentological and benthic foraminifera analyses carried out on a core (length 4.15 in, collected at 22 degrees 56`31 `` S and 41 degrees 58`48 `` W, at a water depth of 43 in) sampled from the inner shelf of Cabo Frio, southeastern Brazilian continental margin, allowed identification of different hydrodynamic and productivity regimes related to sea-level fluctuations and/or climatic changes, during the last 9.4 ka cal BP. Prior to 7.0 ka cal BP, a less intense hydrodynamic and lower productivity regime occurred at lower sea levels and under drier climatic conditions. Between 7.0 and 5.0 ka cal BP, relatively stronger local oceanic circulation and relatively high productivity were observed, in a scenario of rising sea levels and more humid conditions. From 5.0 to 3.0 ka cal BP, bottom currents weakened and input of nutrients increased, with productivity levels similar to the previous phase at lower sea level and in a drier climate. From 3.0 ka cal BP up to the present, stronger hydrodynamic conditions and a higher productivity regime are linked to the establishment of the upwelling process in Cabo Frio. From 2.5 ka cal BP to the present, upwelling enhancement has been recognized, resulting from the combined action of NE winds and the intensification of the meandering pattern of the Brazil Current (BC). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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Máster Oficial en Gestión Costera


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Drilling at Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin recovered 268 m of Lower Cretaceous, Berriasian to Hauterivian, pelagic carbonates, together with volumetrically minor intercalations of claystone, black shales, and terrigenous and calcareous elastics. Radiolarian nannofossil pelagic carbonates accumulated in water depths of about 3300 to 3650 m, below the ACD (aragonite compensation depth) but close to the CCD (calcite compensation depth). Radiolarian abundance points to a relatively fertile ocean. In the Hauterivian and Barremian, during times of warm, humid climate and rising sea level, turbiditic influxes of both terrigenous and calcareous sediments, and minor debris flows were derived from the adjacent Blake Plateau. The claystones and black shales accumulated on the continental rise, then were redeposited onto the abyssal plain by turbidity currents. Dark organic-rich and pale organic-poor couplets are attributed to climatic variations on land, which controlled the input of terrigenous organic matter. Highly persistent, fine, parallel lamination in the pelagic chalks is explained by repeated algal "blooms." During early diagenesis, organic-poor carbonates remained oxygenated and were cemented early, whereas organic-rich intervals, devoid of burrowing organisms, continued to compact later in diagenesis. Interstitial dissolved-oxygen levels fluctuated repeatedly, but bottom waters were never static nor anoxic. The central western Atlantic in the Lower Cretaceous was thus a relatively fertile and wellmixed ocean basin.


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Visual kerogen and total organic carbon determinations indicate that there are two periods of organic enrichment events in the Mesozoic sediments of the South Atlantic. The first period, from the Late Jurassic through the late Aptian, is recorded in sediments from the Falkland Plateau, the Cape Basin, and the Angola Basin. Apparently, salinity stratification in the restricted basin, coupled with rising sea level, led to bottom water anoxia and organic enrichment. The second event, from the late Albian to the Santonian period, is recorded in sediments from the Angola Basin and the Sao Paulo Plateau. It appears to have been caused by development of an anoxic oxygen minimum zone at midwater depths. Organic matter sedimentation in the Mesozoic South Atlantic is controlled by geologic, climatic, eustatic, and Oceanographic factors.


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The organic facies of Early and middle Cretaceous sediments drilled at DSDP Site 534 is dominated by terrestrially derived plant remains and charcoal. Marine organic matter is mixed with the terrestrial components, but through much of this period was diluted by the terrestrial material. The supply of terrestrial organic matter was high here because of the nearness of the shore and high runoff promoted by a humid temperate coastal climate. Reducing conditions favored preservation of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, the terrestrial materials having reached the site mostly in turbidity currents or in the slow-moving, near-bottom nepheloid layer. An increase in the abundance of terrestrial organic matter occurred when the sea level dropped in the Valanginian and again in the Aptian-Albian, because rivers dumped more terrigenous elastics into the Basin and marine productivity was lower at these times than when sea level was high. A model is proposed to explain the predominance of reducing conditions in the Valanginian-Aptian, of oxidizing conditions in the late Aptian, and of reducing conditions in the Albian-Cenomanian. The model involves influx of oxygen-poor subsurface waters from the Pacific at times of high or rising sea level (Valanginian-Aptian, and Albian- Cenomanian) and restriction of that influx at times of low sea level (late Aptian). In the absence of a supply of oxygenpoor deep water, the bottom waters of the North Atlantic became oxidizing in the late Aptian, probably in response to development of a Mediterranean type of circulation. The influx of nutrients from the Pacific led to an increase in productivity through time, accounting for an increase in the proportion of marine organic matter from the Valanginian into the Aptian and from the Albian to the Cenomanian. Conditions were dominantly oxidizing through the Middle Jurassic into the Berriasian, with temporary exceptions when bottom waters became reducing, as in the Callovian. Mostly terrestrial and some marine organic matter accumulated during the Callovian reducing episode. When Jurassic bottom waters were oxidizing, only terrestrial organic matter was buried in the sediments, in very small amounts.


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This study is based on Cenomanian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1258 and 1260 from Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Suriname, ~1000 and ~500 m paleo-water depth, respectively). Studied sediments consist of laminated black shales with TOC values between 3 and 18% and include the Mid Cenomanian Event (MCE), a positive carbon isotope excursion predating the well-known Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages of the continuously eutrophic environment at Demerara Rise are characterized by low diversities (<= 9 species per sample) and large fluctuations in abundances, indicating oxygen depletion and varying organic matter fluxes. Dominant species at both sites are Bolivina anambra, Gabonita levis, Gavelinella dakotensis, Neobulimina albertensis, Praebulimina prolixa, and Tappanina cf. laciniosa. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages across the MCE show a threefold pattern: (1) stable ecological conditions below the MCE interval indicated by relatively high oxygenation and fluctuating organic matter flux, (2) decreasing oxygenation and/or higher organic matter flux during the MCE with decreasing benthic foraminiferal numbers and diversities (Site 1258) and a dominance of opportunistic species (Site 1260), and (3) anoxic to slightly dysoxic bottom-water conditions above the MCE as indicated by very low diversities and abundances or even the absence of benthic foraminifera. Slightly dysoxic conditions prevailed until OAE 2 at Demerara Rise. A comparison with other Atlantic Ocean and Tethyan sections indicates that the MCE reflects a paleoceanographic turning point towards lower bottom-water oxygenation, at least in the proto-North Atlantic Ocean and in the Tethyan and Boreal Realms. This general trend towards lower oxygenation of bottom waters across the MCE is accompanied by ongoing climate warming in combination with rising sea-level and the development of vast shallow epicontinental seas during the Middle and Late Cenomanian. These changes are proposed to have favoured the formation of warm and saline waters that may have contributed to intermediate- and deep-water masses at least in the restricted proto-North Atlantic and Tethyan Ocean basins, poor oxygenation of the Late Cenomanian sediments, and the changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages across the MCE.


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To date, understanding of ice sheet retreat within Pine Island Bay (PIB) following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was based on seven radiocarbon dates and only fragmentary seafloor geomorphic evidence. During the austral summer 2009-2010, restricted sea ice cover allowed for the collection of 27 sediment cores from the outer PIB trough region. Combining these cores with data from prior cruises, over 133 cores have been used to conduct a detailed sedimentological facies analysis. These results, augmented by 23 new radiocarbon dates, are used to reconstruct the post-LGM deglacial history of PIB. Our results record a clear retreat stratigraphy in PIB composed of, from top to base; terrigenous sandy silt (distal glacimarine), pebbly sandy mud (ice-proximal glacimarine), and till. Initial retreat from the outer-continental shelf began shortly after the LGM and before 16.4 k cal yr BP, as a likely response to rising sea level. Bedforms in outer PIB document episodic retreat in the form of back-stepping grounding zone wedges and are associated with proximal glacimarine sediments. A sub-ice shelf facies is observed in central PIB and spans ~12.3-10.6 k cal yr BP. It is possible that widespread impingement of warm water onto the continental shelf caused an abrupt and widespread change from sub-ice shelf sedimentation to distal glacimarine sedimentation dominated by widespread dispersal of terrigenous silt between 7.8 and 7.0 k cal yr BP. The final phase of retreat ended before ~1.3 k cal yr BP, when the grounding line migrated to a location near the current ice margin.